Questions tagged [udp]

UDP (User Datagram Protocol) is a simple connectionless transmission model formally defined in RFC 768.

92 questions
1 answer

Security implications of setting the broadcast flag on a UDP socket

Are there any negative security effects of setting the SO_BROADCAST option in a C UDP socket? I'm writing a C program and if I just set the broadcast option to 1 then all IP addresses work as intended, but if I don't set it then only unicast or…
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3 answers

UDP vs ICMP flood

How can we measure the efficiency of the flood technique? Will it be by the number of bots required for flooding the link? In case of UDP and ICMP, which one would be more efficient and why?
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How to handle UDP abnormally disconnection in DTLS?

DTLS-UDP is used between client and server. If the client ends abnormally,how does the server know that the client is gone? i have read rfc6347 and find nothing about that. thanks in advance.
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Using IPsec through NAT

I have read that it is recommended to encapsulate IPsec packets into UDP (port 4500) packets in order to circumvent NAT. Could anyone please provide a detailed explanation of the reasons behind this solution?
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Authenticate a user thru a UDP socket

so let's say I had a basic socket, doesn't give you any information about the user other than the IP address, what would be my options If I wanted to authenticate a user in the most optimal way possible (as in performant), I thought of having a…
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Does the choice of protocol affect the efficiency of a DOS attack?

I was wondering, to make a DOS attack you need to send something to the target you are DOS-ing. And to send something you need to use some protocol. My question is, are all protocols the same speed? And what are the protocols that DOS programms…
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Client security using UDP

Introduction I am currently trying to build up a networking layer for Unity from scratch. Currently I am testing the communication via UDP using Node.js for the server and the client. However I guess the language of the implementation will not…
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What is UDP port 56183

We seen suspicious probing from source port 53 to destination port 56183. May I know what services use port 56183 (udp)?
Pang Ser Lark
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Is it possible to get All IP's that belongs to given zip code?

For this kind of things can use Country IP blocker , but it only gives whole country IP's, so what im asking is , Is there any way to get All IP's that belongs to given Zip code?
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How does DTLS use a CBC cipher if the application data is not reliable over UDP?

From what I understand, when using DTLS, the TLS handshake is made reliable, but the transport of application data is not. I'm looking at a PCAP from the DTLS section of the Wireshark site. The cipher TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA was chosen. Now…
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3 answers

Why does our network firewall drop netbios-ns packets?

In our local domain environment, we use Sophos UTM to protect our network. When I check the firewall logs, I can see that a huge number of packets dropped by the firewall are netbios-ns (UDP 137) broadcasts. Checking for more details reveals that…
R. Blueryan
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1 answer

Can data coming into my UDP server be sniffed?

I have made a small tracking device. I am trying to reduce the data overhead as much as possible to make the device very cheap to run. We are working on the basis that 1MB = £0.01 (the data price at Three UK). I wrote a simple UDP server in C++. The…
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Firewalled bots in UDP p2p botnets?

One thing that I don't understand about peer to peer botnets, is how a bot stays connected to the network considering the protocol used is UDP. Since the UDP is connectionless, and the bot is behind a firewall, the packets wouldn't reach it. What…
3 answers

TSource Engine Query DDoS attack

My gaming machine is under DDoS attack and when I used Wireshark I found the following string "TSource Engine Query" in all UDP packets coming from random IP's. I found using Google that some gaming studios use this function to connect to server. Is…
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1 answer

Using a Firewall to Trigger Truncation in DNS UDP Response

Assume I am a firewall between client and server. If the client sends a DNS query with UDP, I should response this query with set the truncated flag=1. As a result, the client will be forced to use TCP instead of UDP. Is it possible to generate such…