Questions tagged [tunneling]

tunneling refers to a mechanism in which one network protocol encapsulates a different payload protocol.

120 questions
1 answer

How to ensure if an SSH tunnling failed (if I haven't really tunneled)

I tunneled data transition as 22-22 and 2222-80, between my PC and VPS: ssh user@ -L 22:localhost:22 -L 2222:localhost:80 -i ~/.ssh/key To make sure both tunnels were created, I executed lsof -i -n -P | grep ^ssh after logging in to the…
2 answers

Why can hackers get in network using tunneling?

I can't hack but I like to read about it. From my readings (securityfocus, exploit-db, owasp, etc...) it appears that hackers can actually get in a network using tunneling ; I'm not from a network background but tunnelling is mostly for VPN right ?…
Jason Krs
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2 answers

How to build a secure socks tunnel?

I was using a socks proxy to access websites blocked by my ISP, now it don't work any more in an strange way. Using the proxy is same as not using it! (i.e. I can access open sites but filtered sites are filtered even through proxy.) I want to know…
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3 answers

Webserver port tunneling security - security options

I'm developing system that allows access to client devices behind firewall, using port tunneling via SSH. Every client has dedicated linux based server, with port 80 being tunneled to public server. That way client's can have dynamic IP address and…
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3 answers

rdp connection with netcat pivoting

I want to connection from local computer to another local computer. I have 3 machine. for example A: -> in local windows machine B: -> linux server C: -> in another local windows machine (Machines A and B are…
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Transfer of packets in a VPN connection

I am trying to figure out how a computer communicates with a website when using a VPN connection (specifically, how packets are transferred) as compared to a computer that's not using a VPN connection. If my computer is not using a VPN then I know…
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SSL tunneling and how it is used to attack targets

How can SSL tunneling be used to attack a target, and how can I prevent such thing from happening? Does modern network/appliction firewalls have the capability to detect SSL tunneling? thanks Update: I have read how SSL tunnel work. But for an…
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Open ports and SSH Tunneling to shared hosting

I know your time is valuable so I'm not waiting for specific answers to my situation. I don't mind reading documentation, so pointers to something that converges would be greatly appreciated. I don't plan to waste anyone's time.. This is not an…
Jugurtha Hadjar
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1 answer

How can you attack or redirect the client from the server over an RDP or SSH conneciton?

I have a penetration testing scenario where I am on the network with two machines, Machine A and Machine B. I have complete control over Machine B and am trying to leverage that to get access to Machine A. Machine A appears to be some variant of…
2 answers

Is HTTPS over LAN effective?

From my understanding, while HTTPS does not stop a mitm, it makes it so the mitm cannot read the plaintext requests. But, the mitm could still tamper with the public/private keys anyways, so in came the use of encryption certificate companies.…
2 answers

VPN tunneling, routing and sniffing

I did not understand some things regarding the VPN. How is the VPN tunnel established? My computer and the end VPN server need to exchange some info to establish a tunnel? (some kind of handshake or do I miss something?) How VPN packet finds a way…
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2 answers

Are VPN tunnels really completely private?

I've been considering a VPN tunnel, specifically PIA. These types of companies make bold claims of complete anonymity and privacy, with no one in the world (ISP's, governments, school or corporate network monitors, no one) being able to know the…
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when router get's ipsec packet does it look into crypto map acl

So I have a question about IPSec. For example, we have an extended ACL with one line on one side (R1) and on the other (R2). When we see traffic coming from an encrypted channel what does the…
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1 answer

In DNS Tunneling, What's the DNS Response packet size?

In DNS Tunneling server use RR (CNAME, TXT, NULL) to send back data to the client. My question is what's the size of response packet and how much data can be sent using DNS response in DNS Tunnel ?
1 answer

How could an attacker have gained remote access to my laptop?

I have a 15 yr old daughter who's become not only a certified Microsoft Expert, but by pure accident, it came to my attention she'd long ago created a SPLIT network connection on our internet, HIDDEN from my view. I've had numerous problems such as…
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