Questions tagged [svg]

An XML-based vector image format for two-dimensional graphics with support for interactivity and animation.

21 questions
2 answers

Why does this XSS vector work in svg but not in HTML?

Why does this vector : works in and this one doesn't. How is making it work?
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2 answers

How to prevent XSS in SVG file upload?

Currently assessing an application, I found out that it is possible to submit an SVG file containing JavaScript (the app is also vulnerable to XXE). I wondered if there was a method to prevent those vulnerabilities and secure the SVG submission…
Nokosi Pow
  • 131
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2 answers

Is there a way to execute XSS in an HTML img tag with SVG?

Is there a working technique to execute XSS in modern browsers using a SVG file displayed on a web page with an tag? I know a way to execute without