Questions tagged [tampering]

Tampering refers to the unauthorized access or modification of a good or device. Use this tag for question regarding the process of tampering, the protection against tampering, or the detection thereof.

Tampering is the process of accessing or modifying goods or devices without authorization to do so. An example of tampering is opening a container to modify its contents, or a consumer electronic device in order to introduce aftermarket modifications.

Tamper Evident Devices

Certain devices or measures can be used to detect tampering. While these do not prevent the attacker from tampering with the device, they indicate to the person inspecting the Tamper Evident Device that tampering has occurred.

How this inspection is performed depends on the device being used, and the time and effort being put into the inspection. A casual inspection may only check if a seal is present or not, while an in-depth forensic inspection will go to great lengths to detect any signs of possible tampering

Examples of Tamper Evident Devices

  • Stickers
  • Zip-Ties
  • Crimps
  • Wraps
  • Seals (Plastic, Metal, etc.)
  • Electrical Sensors

Tamper Resistant Devices

Tamper Resistant Devices are devices that actively deter an attacker from tampering with a device. Tamper Resistant Devices do not necessarily need to be Tamper Evident Devices at the same time. An example for such a situation is a tamper-resistant slotted screw, which is a specific kind of screw that is easy to tighten with a regular slotted screwdriver, but hard to unscrew. The reason why this screw is not considered Tamper Evident is because the screw can be drilled into and removed, then replaced by an identical screw.

Examples of Tamper Resistant Devices

  • Unusual Screws
  • Locks
  • Electronic Modules

Tamper-Proof Devices

A device claiming to be tamper proof claims that it is impossible to tamper with. This belief is generally considered marketing speak. Every device sold as "tamper proof" is either Tamper Evident and/or Tamper Resistant at best. At worst, it is trivially bypassable.

53 questions
1 answer

Sessions implemented through cookies over HTTPS

I have a question about sessions implemented through cookies. I have just started to learn about security and I apologise if this question comes across as something elementary. Let's say I'm using HTTPS, so all cookie data is encrypted and only the…
1 answer

How should I verify a backup has not been tampered with?

I have a NAS with some files that total up to 2TB in size. I suspect I could shrink this because there are possibly duplicate files. I plan on making a second backup by sending what I have to Google Drive. The concern is how I should be verifying my…
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1 answer

Runtime checksum of Mach-O differs from executable checksum

In our iOS application we are trying to make an anti-tamper check. What we would like to apply is a common procedure used in anti-tapering techniques. We are trying to get the __text section of a Mach-O file and obtain a checksum from it, this…
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2 answers

Burp suite - trying all parameters such as numbers|numbers

A website I'm looking at for my colleagues has a parameter which is number|number Where the likely values will be 1-99|1-999 (e.g. 14|234) How do I configure burp to try all possible values? (Would this be the intruder tool?) Burp Newb!
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3 answers

is there a way to indirectly uncharge rapidly a coin cell to defeat an anti tampering mechanism?

An anti tampering mechanism of a device relay on detect tampering mechanism when the device is powered down using the energy provided internally by a coin cell. Is there a way to uncharge rapidly a coin cell contained in a device without having…
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1 answer

Tamper Protected VS. Tamper Proof for write-protected memories

I read in the answer here by Marcus that ROM is Tamper-proof. What is the difference between tamper-proof, tamper protected and tamper-resistant? Now, there are some re-writable memory (eg. eNVM) that can be configured to have some of its pages as…
1 answer

Is the security seal on samsung phones proof that the phone has not been tampered with?

Samsung phones come with a security seal that says you should not buy the phone if it is broken. Is this proof that no one has tampered with the phone? Is there some way to take off the seal and paste a new one. Perhaps with special tools? Someone,…
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5 answers

Prove log files weren't tampered with?

Say I have some Apache logs that show brute force attempts on a login page. I've singled out the IP, and found out who the culprit was. How can I show to a third party that I didn't makeup the entries in those logs? Is there a way to systematically…
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1 answer

Are there ways in determining if devices such as router have been tampered with?

In working with a number of non-profit organizations, devices such as routers that may have been used by other businesses are often acquired. Equally, devices are often inherited through other channels e.g. donations What are the methods if any in…
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1 answer

Question about HTTPS & Client side tampering

Could someone explain something to me please: I am intercepting requests on my local proxy to a HTTPS server. The POST body has data such as "ID=4001" in plain text when I intercept it. Firstly, is this normal? Is the HTTPS in place on this…
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2 answers

Sqlmap: bypass website security filtering SQL reserved words

I'm using sqlmap to get a website's DB and found out that the site is time-based boolean vulnerable; but the target is showing SQL errors, which made me think that it would be an injection error. I was curious, so I turned on the --parse-errors …
Thiago Dias
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2 answers

How to protect against request intercepting and parameter-tampering?

My problem is that I made an app and I am making PHP Requests. I just realized that you can sniff everything on Android with "Packet Capture". How can I make my app more secure? I thought about working with checksums or add something like a secret…
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1 answer

Prevent Data Tampering

I have developed a login page using php and i have an firefox addon named "Tamper Data" . I entered the username and password and started tampering of that data using that addon. I am able to see the password in clear text in the…
2 answers

Laptop tampering and boot loader

I try to find out how far I can secure my laptop from physical access and tampering attempts. Setup: ThinkPad with Linux installation What I have done so far: disk encryption using cryptsetup for everything except /boot entering UEFI setup menu is…
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1 answer

How do I prevent tampering with form submission data, and changing the details for any account?

Although this is something that only employees can use, I'd like to prevent the tampering anyway. I don't like insecure code, and this is hideously insecure. Here's an example link:
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