Questions tagged [tampering]

Tampering refers to the unauthorized access or modification of a good or device. Use this tag for question regarding the process of tampering, the protection against tampering, or the detection thereof.

Tampering is the process of accessing or modifying goods or devices without authorization to do so. An example of tampering is opening a container to modify its contents, or a consumer electronic device in order to introduce aftermarket modifications.

Tamper Evident Devices

Certain devices or measures can be used to detect tampering. While these do not prevent the attacker from tampering with the device, they indicate to the person inspecting the Tamper Evident Device that tampering has occurred.

How this inspection is performed depends on the device being used, and the time and effort being put into the inspection. A casual inspection may only check if a seal is present or not, while an in-depth forensic inspection will go to great lengths to detect any signs of possible tampering

Examples of Tamper Evident Devices

  • Stickers
  • Zip-Ties
  • Crimps
  • Wraps
  • Seals (Plastic, Metal, etc.)
  • Electrical Sensors

Tamper Resistant Devices

Tamper Resistant Devices are devices that actively deter an attacker from tampering with a device. Tamper Resistant Devices do not necessarily need to be Tamper Evident Devices at the same time. An example for such a situation is a tamper-resistant slotted screw, which is a specific kind of screw that is easy to tighten with a regular slotted screwdriver, but hard to unscrew. The reason why this screw is not considered Tamper Evident is because the screw can be drilled into and removed, then replaced by an identical screw.

Examples of Tamper Resistant Devices

  • Unusual Screws
  • Locks
  • Electronic Modules

Tamper-Proof Devices

A device claiming to be tamper proof claims that it is impossible to tamper with. This belief is generally considered marketing speak. Every device sold as "tamper proof" is either Tamper Evident and/or Tamper Resistant at best. At worst, it is trivially bypassable.

53 questions
7 answers

Can we tamper-proof a game that's sold along with the Windows machine it runs on?

We want to protect a game that is basically sold with the computer containing it. The security is done this way: The HDD is encrypted using hardware TPM 1.2, which holds a unique key to decrypt the OS only in that specific computer. So Windows will…
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5 answers

Risk of tampering when hardware shipment is delayed

I am currently receiving an order of computer parts in the mail including an SSD. Tracking showed that the package arrived in my town on day X, and was originally scheduled for delivery on day X as well. Tracking now says it is going to be delivered…
Eric Johnson
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8 answers

How to know whether a textfile has been edited or tampered with?

Is it possible to know whether a textfile, e.g. in XML format, has been edited or tampered with over time? The context to my question follows: I am a scientist in industry using a technology called 'mass spectrometry (MS)'. MS is an analytical…
Drew Gibson
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4 answers

Verifying android application integrity from server side

I have android applications (Mobile banking) that connect to my server and do online transactions (via Internet/USSD/SMS), I want to make sure those clients are not tampered with and are the original ones distributed by me. Keep in mind that not all…
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8 answers

Protect API from being tampered?

I'm building an API with websocket that serializes data through JSON. The App itself is a chat application. I came up with the following structure to send my data: {date: '2020-05-31', time: '14:28:05', text: "Hey!", to: '', from:…
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4 answers

What's the point of providing file checksums for verifying downloads?

Many projects offering binaries, also offer hashes (e.g. SHA256) of those binaries, wither as .ASC files, or directly on the web page near the binary. This isn't to protect against network-caused corruption, as that's ensured by the TCP…
Dan Dascalescu
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1 answer

How can I check whether Notepad++ is using a version of the SciLexer.dll library that was modified by the CIA?

I've just read the release notes of Notepad++ 7.3.3 and I've discovered that in the recent Wikileaks revelations about the CIA hacking tools there's something affecting Notepad++. The program itself is fine, but it relies on an external DLL, called…
4 answers

Does client-side data tampering allow more than just evading validation? Dictionary attacks? Brute-force login attempts?

I am trying to better understand and determine the impact and implications of a web app where data tamping is possible. When discussing data tampering, I am referring to when you are able to use a tool such as BurpSuite or Tamper Data to intercept a…
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0 answers

Security of TPM 1.2 for providing tamper-evidence against firmware modification

I would like to use a TPM for providing tamper-evidence to my workstation, using SRTM (Static Root-of-Trust for Measurement). Currently, I plan to have the TPM seal a one-time value which only I know, similar to Qubes' Anti-Evil Maid implementation.…
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2 answers

Can a faked iPhone SMS log be detected

SMS messages received by an iPhone is stored unencrypted in an SQLite database, which may be extracted by backing up the phone. You can manipulate (tamper with, e.g: replace the text of a message with a different text) the contents of this database…
Free Radical
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3 answers

Tamper proof hardware - not resistant

Can you make a TPM (or any piece of hardware) Completely tamper-proof? The “regular” tamper resistant hardware has various physical attacks I have been told that conducting-, air-tight-, pressurised-…
2 answers

How could malware disable third party security software?

I'm asking this question with the assumption that anything the user can do, so can malware. I'm using a third party firewall on my system to control which programs are able to access the internet. However I notice that I - as a limited user - am…
1 answer

Injected malicious code in temporary files

It just came to my mind that few years ago many iOS applications where infected by XcodeGhost (notably WeChat). This made me think about few possible scenarios: Malicious code injected in object files Compilers produce many temporary files and those…
Adriano Repetti
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2 answers

What is actually the purpose of encrypting the values in a cookie?

I was researching on internet security. When I reached at section Cookies, I happened to read that the values inside a cookie are generally stored only after encrypting them. But an encryption can be easily decrypted by someone who can tamper the…
Anandu M Das
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0 answers

Can the glue of glitter-hot-glue sticks be used to provide evidence of electronics-hardware tampering?

I've been researching low-cost, yet strong, tamper-evident mechanisms, and purchased some low-cost glitter-hot-glue sticks as part of this research. The Amazon page advertising the sticks, seems to indicate (in the product photos) that they can be…
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