Questions tagged [json]

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is an open standard for encoding data in both human-readable and machine-readable form, usually for transmission to or from a web API. Use this tag for security issues relating to the format itself, or where the fact that the data is json-formatted is core to the question. For questions about web APIs where the security issue does not depend on the data format, please use [api]

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is an open standard for encoding data in both human-readable and machine-readable form, usually for transmission to or from a web API.

Use this tag for security issues relating to the format itself, or where the fact that the data is json-formatted is core to the question. For questions about web APIs where the security issue does not depend on the data format, please use


122 questions
6 answers

Why would I ever use AES-256-CBC if AES-256-GCM is more secure?

I guess the gist of my question is: Are there cases in which CBC is better than GCM? The reason I'm asking is that from reading this post by Matthew Green, and this question on cryptography stack exchange, and this explanation of an attack on XML…
3 answers

How should web app developers defend against JSON hijacking?

What is the best defense against JSON hijacking? Can anyone enumerate the standard defenses, and explain their strengths and weaknesses? Here are some defenses that I've seen suggested: If the JSON response contains any confidential/non-public…
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Can I prevent a replay attack of my signed JWTs?

I have implemented a stateless auth over HTTP in Laravel, using JWTs. I send my username/password from the frontend. Server authenticates user, sends back a signed JWT with an expiry time. I'm using the HS512 algorithm to sign with a private key…
Aditya M P
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How does JTI prevent a JWT from being replayed?

According to the JWT RFC a JWT can optionally have a JTI which I interpret to be a unique ID for a JWT. It seems like a UUID is a good value for a JTI. The RFC claims that the JTI can be used to prevent the JWT from being replayed. Two…
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I am playing around with a test application which accepts JSON requests and response is also JSON. I am trying to do a CSRF for a transaction which accepts only JSON data with POST method in request. Application throws an error if URL is requested…
Sachin Kumar
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1 answer

JSON Web Tokens - How to securely store the key?

I was building a RESTful Web Service when I came across JSON Web Tokens as an alternative to traditional cookies for authentication. The conceptual core of this method is that the server is the only agent that knows the secret key used to digest…
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Important data can be modified from the developer console. What should I do?

Scenario: I have a to-do list that is generated with JavaScript using JSON that was encoded on the server side. I put the todo item id in the HTML id attribute. So the process goes like this: Server side code creates a todo array. Serialize array…
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3 answers

Security risks with JSONP?

What are the security risks with JSONP? Is using JSONP in a new web application reasonable, from a security perspective, or is it better to use a different method for cross-origin web mashups? If using JSONP is reasonable, what steps should I take…
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4 answers

What is the difference between JWT and encrypting some json manually with AES?

What is the difference between using a JSON Web Token (JWT) and simply having an AES key and sending and receiving encrypted JSON from the client? For example, this could be sent to the client: AES256.encrypt(JSON.stringify({id: 5552, admin:…
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1 answer

How does a CSRF token prevent an attack, and how can I safely use/avoid it for my JSON API?

I'm trying to make an iOS app communicate with a Ruby on Rails website using JSON. While trying to post a login to create a user session, I discovered I was missing a CSRF token. I had no idea what that is at all, so I started looking into it, and…
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5 answers

Compromised JSON Web Token (JWT) Bearer Token

We are implementing a REST service that requires authentication and authorization. Because of the stateless nature of REST API's, we want to use JWT to make authenticated calls to the API through a token, without the need to hit a database for each…
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1 answer

How does including a magic prefix to a JSON response work to prevent XSSI attacks?

While working on a project that used the REST API for Gerrit Code Review I noticed that they do something that I thought was strange Source: To prevent against Cross Site Script Inclusion (XSSI) attacks, the JSON response body starts with a magic…
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Securing a multi-tenant, multi-database REST API

I am looking to improve the security of an existing REST API accessed over SSL. The web service is multi-tenant, such that each tenant has an assigned TenantId. The problem I facing can be summarized as: How can I determine the tenant? How can I…
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1 answer

Why JSON Hijacking attack doesn't work in modern browsers? How was it fixed?

I understand JSON Hijacking vulnerabilities have been fixed in all modern browsers, but how exactly? There are many articles that talk about techniques to prevent JSON Hijacking attacks (i.e. prepending while(1); like Google does), but no one has…
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3 answers

CSRF with JSON POST when Content-Type must be application/json

I am testing web application for which business actions are done by sending JSON requests like for example: POST /dataRequest HTTP/1.1 Host: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:55.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/55.0 Accept:…
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