Questions tagged [json]

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is an open standard for encoding data in both human-readable and machine-readable form, usually for transmission to or from a web API. Use this tag for security issues relating to the format itself, or where the fact that the data is json-formatted is core to the question. For questions about web APIs where the security issue does not depend on the data format, please use [api]

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is an open standard for encoding data in both human-readable and machine-readable form, usually for transmission to or from a web API.

Use this tag for security issues relating to the format itself, or where the fact that the data is json-formatted is core to the question. For questions about web APIs where the security issue does not depend on the data format, please use


122 questions
3 answers

XSS breaking out of JSON.parse and href attribute

I have a pretty complicated case where I try to perform a stored XSS attack when uploading a jpg file with malicious filename. Whitespace is being filtered but it seems single and double quotes along with < > are not filtered. Moreover slash / and…
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Is there a good way to store OAuth2 tokens for a native application?

Currently I have a native PC application that builds and uploads a configuration to an embedded Linux device (i.e. the client). This device connects to Google Calendar via their OAuth2 API. The configuration requires: A resource owner to login to…
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1 answer

Preventing replay attacks with JWT

I am currently building a RESTful API that will be used for a web and mobile app. Authentication to the API will be done using JSON Web Tokens. When using JWT, we can use the exp claim to expire the token after a specific time. This, combined with…
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Request signing for REST API

I am building a REST API that will receive requests like: GET /api/entities GET /api/entities?filter=X&sort=Y This seems straight forward: have the client HMAC(path + query, key), send me a key identifier and HMAC in a header or something, and then…
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Is there a benefit of using stateless JWT over SHA256 hash for API tokens?

Does it make sense to use stateless JWT (without persistent storage) over plain SHA256? Example scenario: User logs in User token generated as follows: a. JWT.encode(userId, 'secret') or b. SHA256(userId + 'secret') Client app sends request with…
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REST API stateless authentication using social login

I am implementing a REST API for our mobile applications in which user will login using the SDKs of various social media. Currently, the login strategy is as follows: The token(s) (access_token in case of Facebook, access_token and refresh_token in…
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How secure is HMAC

I'm a building a RESTful stateless API and I'm using a token for authentication. The problem I'm having is I'm not sure how secure HMAC is. I'm using a JSON Web Token library that let's me encrypt and decrypt the data I pass in. Basically, the way…
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Is JSON Hijacking different than JSONP injection?

I am quite confused while understanding these two vulnerabilities. How are JSONP-related vulnerabilities different from JSON Hijacking?
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Reflected XSS via JSON executed with Burp, but how to do it in realistic conditions?

I am testing a scenario with Burp proxy. I am located on a website There's an option there to delete an item, when you click it , a certain POST request is sent (XMLHttpRequest, no page refresh is happening) where I can…
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XSS not exploitable when POST data is sent in JSON?

There is a reflected XSS flaw in an application I am testing. Initially, the payload is sent in POST request as value of a JSON key and the response is also a JSON object. The returned value in the JSON object is directly used by client side…
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2 answers

Assuring Client is Authorized to use JSON Web Token

JSON Web Tokens ( JWT ) are server-signed objects that the issuing server uses to identify a user, track session data and authorize requests. The fact that JWT are server-signed gives assurance that the token was produced by someone with access to…
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Choosing token over session or vice versa?

I wanted to build a secure user interaction to the server, but I stumbled upon using either token or session. Here are couple of options that I thought about: I learned JWT, built a token, and sent it back and forth between server and client in my…
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token based authentication attacks

JSON Web Token seems to be a very good tool to authenticate users. But I wonder if an attacker can take the token used by another user and use it for his own attacks. And to be more precise what makes this method more secure.
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How is JWT implemented?

I'm using django-rest-framework-jwt in one of my APIs. As you might know, the concept is simple: you send username and password and you get a token back. The token is not stored anywhere on the server. By sending the token in the header of…
Sam R.
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Sending data from Android client to database

I have created an Android app which sends data to a web service. Right now the user sends his test results (test id, test name, test time, and user ID). The problem is that I send the data from the client to the web service in JSON; the web service…
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