Questions tagged [infection]

6 questions
5 answers

Can my mouse have virus and infect other machines?

This is my mouse. I used it with my old computer which was full of viruses. If I use this mouse for my new PC, can my new computer be infected from my mouse?
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2 answers

Is it possible to infect an e-mail by accident?

Sometimes, my friends send me e-mails. I know that they don't care that much about computer security (while I care). I know that they don't know how to create an infected e-mail (no reason for doing this), but I would like to know: Can they create…
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4 answers

Can Chrome sync be infected?

Can Chrome sync be infected by malware? I cannot imagine how, but a particular unproven example that comes in mind is to change the "preferences", so that a malicious proxy server is added. Another one might be to add some malicious web page…
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1 answer

Is it possible for a virus to be redistributed through RAM?

I have a new, formatted, and up-to-date laptop. It's clean of any infections and I'm sure of it. The only change I've made is that I added a new 4G DDR3 RAM stick from my old laptop, and my new one has become infected with many viruses. I know…
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1 answer

Malicious .scr file partially executed: sohanad?

I executed a .scr file, (without prior checking of the file ending, because the filename was longer than what the explorer showed) and there was a popup saying something. Instant realization that I probably f***ed up. I didn't click anything on the…
1 answer

checking if malware altered system files in windows

a friend called me today because he opened an attachment of an email. It was a double zipped exe file - and malware: I started to analyze the file: first with virustotal - then with radare2 and the free version of IDA-Pro. I tried to disassemble &…
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