Questions tagged [hard-drive]

18 questions
3 answers

Is LUKS still an effective option for consumer FDE considering Elcomsoft can break it?

I use Fedora Linux and was recently looking into doing Full Disk Encryption on data drives such as /home on some of my / my family's PCs. I understand that LUKS security will be partially dependent on having strong passwords and not doing very…
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Isn't "BIOS reset password" a security flaw?

According to this article Dell Support can help a user to gain access to data after forgetting the HDD password: Once Dell Support has provided the reset password, you enter this when prompted and then press Ctrl + Enter to complete the…
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Should I trust that the Android factory reset actually erases my data?

I bought a Galaxy S20 Fe, logged my LastPass in it and all of my accounts (google, twitter, etc). Now it has a malfunction and I'm going to have to send it back to get my money back. When I factory reset an Android, I presume that it zeroes the…
Guerlando OCs
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Do external harddrives keep track of the computers they're plugged in to?

I know that it's possible for a computer to set up logging or auditing, and keep track of what devices are plugged into IT. But do external harddrives keep track of what computers THEY are ever plugged in to? Intentionally, or unintentionally?…
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4 answers

Encrypting Drive before Online Proctor Exam

I'm undergoing postgrad studying and will be asked to do an online exam monitored by ProctorU. I didn't worry much about it before signing up but now that I read the detailed instructions about how the plugins work during the exam it looks deeply…
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Google Chrome folder protection during HDD forensics

Is there any protection provided by Chrome browser against HDD dump and further forensics (with volatility-like tools)? For example, is it possible to extract google profile from Chrome folder and use it (with simple substitution) on other PC? P.S…
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Erasing hard drives (HDD & SSD) for donation

I'm planning to donate a laptop to a school, for kids to use from home during the pandemic. It's my previous work/development laptop, so I want to erase the drives as securely as possible (within reason, I'm not exactly expecting a state sponsored…
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Best practice to secure hard-drive in case of theft or loss or unauthorized access?

Scenario: a person owns and used only a laptop (or PC) and on its hard drive is stored sensitive information, in addition, in browsers the logged-in sessions to gmail, facebook, server, etc...etc.. Existing secutiry: Hard-drive is password…
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Breaking SAM windows password file offline

Is it possible to break a Windows encrypted SAM file where passwords are stored if you have the physical drive offline? Thanks
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How to prevent the recovery of deleted files without a full format of external HDD?

How can I securely delete selected files so they can’t be recovered, but without the full format of the external HDD? Is this even possible? I’m using Mac OS.
0 answers

Is data stored on laptop when I copy files directly from mobile phone to an external HDD

The idea is that I used a friend's laptop via which I copied data from my mobile phone to an external HDD. I didn't know how else I could achieve this, to copy data (for backup) from my mobile phone to the external HDD. Is it possible that the…
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Isolate Dual-Boot Windows OS's - Encryption Programs

My machine has Name Model Disk No. Capacity SDD LITEON L8H 0 240 GB HDD HGST 1 1 TB ( 932 Gb ) SDD contains: Windows 10 (for work) HDD contains: Partition 1 / ├─ Files ( text , imgs , video , other ) ├─ System Backups Partition 2/ ├─…
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How to best prevent data recovery on a disk drive without physically destroying it?

The recommended way of ensuring that data on a hard disk cannot be recovered is to destroy it physically, for example using a hammer, drill or even thermite. Question When physical disk destruction is not an available option, what is the next best…
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Password protect an internal hard drive in a shared Windows PC where all users are administrators

It is a laptop shared by my lab. Today I use it, another day one of my student takes it on a field trip. I have 3 hard drives. I wanna leave 2 hard drives for my students and 1 for myself. On my hard drive, I have all my stuff. Students have admin…
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Cloning external harddrive encrypted by bitlocker using dd

Hi I want to know if I use dd to clone an external hard drive encrypted by bitlocker to another external drive, can the clone always be opened using the same password or there are exceptions?
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