Questions tagged [encryption]

Encryption is the process of transforming plaintext using a cipher to make it unreadable to anyone except those possessing the key.

Encryption is the process of transforming information (referred to as plaintext) using an algorithm (called cipher) to make it unreadable to anyone except those possessing special knowledge, usually referred to as a key.

The result of the process is encrypted information (in cryptography, referred to as ciphertext). In many contexts, the word encryption also implicitly refers to the reverse process, decryption (e.g. “software for encryption” can typically also perform decryption), to make the encrypted information readable again (i.e. to make it unencrypted).

source Wikipedia:

5679 questions
12 answers

Do I need to encrypt connections inside a corporate network?

Provided that I have a decent level of physical security in the office, I monitor the physical addresses of devices connected to the network and only give VPN access to trusted parties, do I need to encrypt access to intranet resources over HTTP?…
Robert Cutajar
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14 answers

Is there any technical security reason not to buy the cheapest SSL certificate you can find?

While shopping for a basic SSL cert for my blog, I found that many of the more well-known Certificate Authorities have an entry-level certificate (with less stringent validation of the purchaser's identity) for approximately $120 and up. But then I…
Luke Sheppard
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9 answers

How secure is Chrome storing a password?

Whenever I enter a login into a new site, Chrome asks me if it should store the login details. I used to believe this was fairly secure. If someone found my computer unlocked, they could get past the login screen for some website using the stored…
Tony Ruth
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5 answers

Is it secure to store passwords with 2 way encryption?

I'm a parent who has a parent account with my local school district so that I can log in to their website to view my child's grades etc. I clicked the "forgot password' button, and my password was emailed to me in plain text. This concerned me, so…
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4 answers

How can RFID/NFC tags not be cloned when they are passive technology?

Everywhere a question like this is asked, I see people responding that (in a scenario where a card is used) the card does some processing with the data it receives/generates some data when it receives a signal. How is this possible without…
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6 answers

Why should one not use the same asymmetric key for encryption as they do for signing?

In an answer to a question about RSA and PGP, PulpSpy noted this: It is possible to generate an RSA key pair using GPG (for both encryption and signing -- you should not use the same key for both). What is the reasoning behind this? Perhaps my…
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9 answers

Why can we still crack snapchat photos in 12 lines of Ruby?

Just came across this bit of ruby that can be used to decrypt Snapchat photos taken out of the cache on a phone, apparently adapted from here. To my surprise, it worked without a problem, considering the problems around Snapchat's security which…
Dmitri DB
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5 answers

What kinds of encryption are _not_ breakable via Quantum Computers?

There's the recent article NSA seeks to build quantum computer that could crack most types of encryption. Now I'm not surprised by the NSA trying anything1, but what slightly baffles me is the word "most" - so, what encryption algorithms are known…
Tobias Kienzler
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5 answers

Is sending password to user email secure?

How secure is sending passwords through email to a user, since email isn't secured by HTTPS. What is the best way to secure it? Should i use encryption?
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5 answers

How can my employer be a man-in-the-middle when I connect to Gmail?

I'm trying to understand SSL/TLS. What follows are a description of a scenario and a few assumptions which I hope you can confirm or refute. Question How can my employer be a man-in-the-middle when I connect to Gmail? Can he at all? That is: is it…
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5 answers

What is the benefit of having FIPS hardware-level encryption on a drive when you can use Veracrypt instead?

The expensive one: The cheap one: Over 14,000 SEK difference in price. Same company (Kingston). Same USB standard (3).…
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3 answers

What's the advantage of using PBKDF2 vs SHA256 to generate an AES encryption key from a passphrase?

I'm looking at two comparable pieces of software which encrypt data on disk using a passphrase. One uses PBKDF2 to generate the encryption key from a passphrase, while the other uses two rounds of SHA256. What's the difference? Is one preferred over…
Andrey Fedorov
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10 answers

If a provider sees the last 4 characters of my password, can they see it in full?

I have some domains/websites as well as emails with Bluehost. Every time I need support, they need the last 4 characters of my main password for the account. They cannot tell me how they store the password, so I am intrigued in how they could…
15 answers

Why would someone "double encrypt"?

If I have a website or mobile app, that speaks to the server through a secured SSL/TLS connection (i.e. HTTPS), and also encrypt the messages sent and received in-between user and server on top of the already secure connection, will I be doing…
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9 answers

Is it possible make brute-force attacks ineffective by giving false positive answers to failed log-in attempts?

I don't have any experience or scientific knowledge in security, I just wanted to ask if this is possible because I am interested in it. What if I encrypt data and every password decrypts it, but only the right one does not create pointless data…
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