Data Encryption Standard (DES) is a symmetrical encryption algorithm.
Questions tagged [des]
49 questions
2 answers
Security comparsion of 3DES and AES
Which one is more secure and least possible to be broken through cryptanalysis AES or 3DES (no matter performance)?
I need to use encryption for my projects to store and secure sensitive information which includes bank accounts, sort codes, and…
DaGhostman Dimitrov
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2 answers
Why has the NSA had a hand in deciding on encryption standards?
The NSA has had a large hand in the design of at least two significant encryption standards: the Digital Encryption Standard, and its successor, the Advanced Encryption Standard.
Because of their involvement, there is much speculation of backdoors.…
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2 answers
Why was DES with 112 bit keys (IBM) reduced to 56?
On the French wikipedia page about DES it says that the original DES algorithm from IBM used 112 bit keys.
Why did they reduce this to 56 bits?
Edit: ok NSA convinced IBM but today it seems like a mistake. So did they have objective arguments or…
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2 answers
TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA reported as 112 bits
I am no expert in this area but after some searching I am not too sure about the solution.
An external vendor doing a pentration test on our server reported that we have TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA with 112 bits enabled and reported that as a…
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2 answers
What is the difference between double DES and 3-DES?
I'm not getting the exact main point of 2-DES and 3-DES. I would like to know the difference between the two; why 3-DES is chosen over 2-DES?
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2 answers
Why is there a "des-ede3-cbc" in my rsa private key?
I have created an OpenSSL RSA private key and certificate request with 4096 bit with the following command:
openssl req -newkey 4096
When I view the private key with
openssl asn1parse -in privkey
I get the following output:
0:d=0 hl=4 l=2446…
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3 answers
Is the 3DES algorithm secure?
Can we use the 3DES algorithm for exchanging confidential information? I am using it in my project. Security code reviewer has raised a bug saying that it is not secure but I see that it is mentioned as secured in CMMI.
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2 answers
The reason of using XOR operation in cryptographic algorithms
I notice that some cryptographic algorithms involve using XOR operation with the key (Even AES uses XOR to derive the round keys). My question is why specifically XOR? How about OR or NAND or some other logic operation. I believe there is a reason…
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2 answers
How do I decrypt an Adobe Triple DES ECB-mode encrypted password?
So as you may have heard, the Adobe user database with 130 million records was leaked recently. I want to find out what password I used for the Adobe account I created to make sure that I'm not using it anywhere else. But how do I decrypt the…
1 answer
Is the DES "mangler" function invertible?
The DES symmetric cipher is based on a Feistel network operating repeated on 32-bit halves of the 64-bit block. The usage of Feistel means that the "mangler" function used does not need to be invertible.
The "mangler" function operates by expanding…
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2 answers
How does the meet in the middle attack work on double DES?
I am having trouble understanding the meet in the middle attack and how it works on double DES.
I understand that on single DES the key length is 256 but why when using double DES is it 257? Can someone explain it in simple terms please?
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1 answer
32-bit Radio Voice Encryption, is it really that secure? If so, how?
I'm a student studying Electrical and Computer Engineering and a ham radio operator (i.e. my knowledge of encryption is basic). More and more, police and local government radio has become encrypted, this obviously prevents the average police scanner…
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2 answers
Is my SIM card vulnerable to DES cracking?
Srlabs have recently published article stating that many SIM cards can be exploited using vulnerability in DES:
[...] While the option exists to use state-of-the-art AES or the somewhat
outdated 3DES algorithm for OTA, many (if not most) SIM…
Alois Mahdal
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1 answer
cracking krb5 passwords (des3-hmac-sha1 and des-cbc-crc )
I'm trying to audit kerberos passwords. The available formats are des3-hmac-sha1 and des-cbc-crc but I cannot find a possibility/a tool to crack them. For other hash-types I used John the Ripper, but it seems to fail in this case. How should I…
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1 answer
Understanding Key Serial Numbers (KSN) in Derived Unique Key Per Transaction (DUKPT)
I have a number of questions regarding Key Serial Numbers (KSNs) in DUKPT:
KSNs are 8 - 10 bytes long. Older implementation are 8 bytes whereas newer ones are 10 bytes. Do I risk being incompatible with some old system if I create 10 bytes long…
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