Questions tagged [cia]

For questions about how to interpret the CIA triad of confidentiality, intregrity and availability. Not to be confused with the US intelligence agency.

7 questions
4 answers

Why define CIA in security like this?

As we know CIA of the demand for security means: Confidentiality Integrity Availability I don't understand why define the "Integrity" and "Availability`, If we make a plaintext Confidentiality, the Integrity is a whole plaintext, this is the…
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4 answers

Where does authenticity fit into the CIA Triad?

Consider a chat application where an attacker is able to send messages in any user's name. This obviously violates the message's authenticity. But what aspect of CIA would be violated? Integrity seems closest to me but that usually means that data…
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1 answer

Addressing availability element of CIA triad using technical controls

When looking at the availability element of the CIA triad, most definitions mention that availability is addressed through ensuring system up-time by using controls such as disaster recovery, business continuity, rate limiting to mitigate DOS(Denial…
0 answers

Security model for availability of information

I have read about different security models that ensure the confidentiality and integrity of information such as the Chinese wall (confidentiality), Biba (integrity) and Clark-Wilson (integrity). However, I have not come across any security models…
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1 answer

Is using full TLS suite in all communication scenarios a defacto standard?

Its usually recommended that 'don't use your own system of Crypto' rather use standard SSL/TLS! I understand that SSL/TLS is a complete protocol suite that addresses all three elements of CIA triad. What if I need to use a subset of CIA, say I just…
1 answer

Security element that relate to breaking protocol

I am working on evaluating an unsecure protocol. I am trying to categorize the vulnerabilites according to some commonly accepted security elements like the ones specified in the CIA triad or the Parkerian hexad. There are many vulnerabilites that…
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1 answer

Consider a Fraudulent bank website, would it violate all the aspects of the CIA triad or any one?

I believe it would violate all the three aspects due to following reasons: Confidentiality: Since the website is obviously a scam, in case any person/user registers it, the data of the user would not be confidential or would be up for sale or…