Questions tagged [boot]

"Booting" is the process of starting up a computer from the OFF state. This tag is for attacks and security measures relating to the startup routine of computer hardware, firmware, or operating systems.

96 questions
2 answers

Can malware migrate between OSes on the same machine?

Someone here at work just made an interesting claim; they stated that it's possible for malware, launched in e.g. Windows, to remain in RAM through a reboot and continue working in Linux on the machine when it boots. Are they right? I'm almost…
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using secure boot in embedded systems

The whole idea about using Secure Boot in Embedded Systems to boot an operating system is new to me. I've never paid much attention to it previously. I just know that it prevents the loading at start-up of code which has bad credentials which could…
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Can malware have its own GRUB/boot-loader and use it to be active?

I use Ubuntu 16.04. After I mounted an ISO which may or may not have had malware in it, my system sometimes ends up showing a blank screen after logging into Ubuntu or reboots a minute or two after I log into Ubuntu or like today, when it reached…
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1 answer

System encryption on a uefi system?

I was thinking about encrypting my ssd(just out of curiosity, mostly) and was wondering the possible security threats an unencrypted /boot partition can pose(if any). I know that I can encrypt the root and home partition without any problem. Also, I…
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4 answers

Is there such thing as a password enforced write protected flash drive?

We would like to provide a flash drive to a client, that they can boot to, which includes a read-only operating system of our own customization, probably Linux. Every boot, it starts from clean slate. With the current setup, a person with physical…
700 Software
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0 answers

How is hardware based chain of trust implemented in practice for secure boot?

To do secure boot we need an immutable public key baked into the ROM. This key is used to sign the boot loader or the key used to sign the boot loader. I have these questions - Which code does this signature check? Is this code in the ROM? How is…
1 answer

Could a computer turn itself on if the BIOS was modified even if it was turned off by holding the power button down?

My Thinkpad might have been hacked and I know this sounds a little far-fetched, but I suspect the BIOS might have also been hacked. Would turning it off by holding the power button for a few seconds ensure that it could not turn itself back on…
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4 answers

Is a computer more vulnerable if wireless is left on when booting?

Normally I switch off wireless on my laptop before I shut it down but I forgot to do this last night. So this morning, after I booted up the laptop, I saw the wireless notification on the bottom right was active long before the antivirus and…
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1 answer

How to find out if my MBR has Evil Maid code?

If Truecrypt Bootloader will remain visually the same, how can I find out if it was infected?
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1 answer

Android Rooting and Evil Maid Attacks

I'm trying to learn more about full disk encryption (in the context of a Linux based server) and what schemes offer true security and which only offer the illusion of security. As I understand it, most (all?) software based full disk encryption…
Dominic P
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1 answer

tpm sealing and secure boot

I have worked with TPM for a while, and I'm interested in some of its features. Especially sealing and the use of TPM's PCRs in the secure boot process. My question is: What is stopping an attacker from disabling the TPM until after boot? Then…
2 answers

Laptop tampering and boot loader

I try to find out how far I can secure my laptop from physical access and tampering attempts. Setup: ThinkPad with Linux installation What I have done so far: disk encryption using cryptsetup for everything except /boot entering UEFI setup menu is…
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2 answers

Moving /boot to USB and Preventing booting from other USB devices (Allow boot from only one USB)

I'm going to move my /boot/ folder to a USB to as a security measure to protect against Full Disk Encryption exploits. My question is, is it possible to only allow boot from USB from a single USB device and not any USB that is plugged in? Thanks…
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2 answers

Booting into Live USB Linux

If I have a Live USB Linux stick and I plug it into a computer which is not connected to the internet and boot the computer using the Live USB stick. How secure is this interms of not leaving any traces of work I do via the Live USB stick? i.e.…
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1 answer

Single user mode for Windows

I am familiar with single user mode on OSX. By holding down Command-S, you can boot into a terminal as root. Resetting the PRAM with Command-Option-P-R will disable any firmware protection that would otherwise prevent you from booting into single…
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