Questions tagged [boot]

"Booting" is the process of starting up a computer from the OFF state. This tag is for attacks and security measures relating to the startup routine of computer hardware, firmware, or operating systems.

96 questions
1 answer

Does periodically rebooting secure-boot-enabled devices improve security by preventing persistent compromise?

Many devices now enforce verified/trusted/secure boot, which according to Wikipedia "will only allow signed software to run on the device." Platforms that support this feature include Android, iOS, Windows, and Chrome OS. From what I understand,…
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How to launch kali Linux installer inside live version

i need to know how I can launch the kali Linux installer through terminal pleas. Running latest version of kali Linux on LIVE USB. Trouble booting with uefi and so forth so I need to know how to launch the installer so I can install on my hard…
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Boot-sector virus - can it spread only through floppy disks?

Do boot-sector viruses spread only through floppy discs, and so are the thing of the past, or can they spread through USB, removable hard drives etc? Techopedia states: The propagation of boot sector viruses has become very rare since the decline…
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PXE TFTP Vulnerabilities

I am planning to implement diskless clients for booting Windows 7 clients. I am trying to determine whether to use PXE with TFTP or iPXE with HTTPS or iSCSI. Are there any vulnerabilities with using PXE and TFTP that may justify using iPXE instead?…
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Boot virus on GPT?

I remember that some rare viruses can hide in MBR(it's 512bytes space). It's difficult to be detected and even if I reinstall operating system, the virus won't disappear. But how about it on the new format "GPT"? Does this problem still exist on GPT…
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OS on external drive -- is it safe?

So I'm installing macOS to my external hard drive partition, so I can have a 100% clean environment where I can engage with cryptocurrencies. (Exchanges, stable coins, protocols, putting actual money into various stuff) Google says if I encrypt the…
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Microsoft site iso download flagged by Defender as hacktool while creating bootable USB through rufus

Iso of 32 bit Windows 10 professional english version downloaded from Microsoft's website by using chrome's developer tools to spoof a chromeOS signature, so as to avoid using Microsoft's download tool, resulted in a Microsoft defender alert for…
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How to execute Android verified boot during first boot after updating OS in Android?

I need to execute AVB (Android verified boot) during first boot after updating Android OS. BOARD_AVB_ENABLE = true is already present in the mk file device/hikey/common/ in the external/AVB folder. I want to know how to check if…
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What is difference running Linux by live USB vs. by VirtualBox?

Can an expert please explain me which of following three methods working with an OS is technically considered more "secure" - and why (pros/cons)? Security I mean aspects like: -preventing any malware to "swap" over to the other drives of the…
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3 answers

Why after dd'ing ISO file to entire USB flash device, only the first partition match the ISO checksum?

I use dd to "burn" an ISO file to USB stick: dd bs=4M if=/mnt/media/ISO/Fedora-Workstation-Live-x86_64-31-1.9.iso of=/dev/sdd conv=fdatasync status=progress Now I can see several partitions has been created: sdd 8:48 1 1.9G 0 disk…
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1 answer

TrueCrypt "silently" updated bootloader

I have just updated TrueCrypt from version 7.1a to 7.2. Upon next system restart I have noticed that bootloader was updated as well, because it now shows message about TrueCrypt being not safe. There was no information in version 7.2 installer about…
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Security/Privacy OS With Boot On Thumbdrive

I am looking for a security-centered Linux OS that allows you to take the /boot partition on a thumb-drive to alleviate concerns of an Evil Maid Attacks! What OS is it easy to remove the /boot partition and carry on a thumb-drive? How would you go…
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Exploiting a Linux startup script that is world writable

What are startup scripts in Linux and what are the steps to exploit startup scripts if they are world writable? I would appreciate if one can explain based on the following two files as example in Ubuntu 16: /etc/init.d/README /etc/init.d/sudo
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Should a secure boot process be aware of the peripherals/hardware?

I know the question is rather broad because I am not specifying which hardware and which OS, but that is intentional. I know there should be a root of trust verification in hardware (ROM) before the image is trusted and installed. But are there are…
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Best way to make a Linux install tamper proof

Good day, I am currently planning an environment where it comes down to the biggest security risk being to boot to another environment and tamper with the install on the disk (Older PCs with physical access to the box that are accessible to the…
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