Questions tagged [bluetooth]

Bluetooth is a technology that allows for wireless communication between hosts.

161 questions
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Can malware spread via bluetooth file transfer in Android?

I am aware of some malware that spreads when two devices are paired using Bluetooth; but can malware spread when sending a clean file to someone or receiving it via bluetooth ? If so, does it need some action from the user to start the malicious…
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BTLE pairing: Where does the code come from?

When trying to pair 2 bluetooth LE devices (e.g. 2 iPhones), a popup shows up that requires to input a code displayed on the other device. I am aware of the concept of out-of-band authentication, and why it is necessary. Device A generates a…
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What about AD2P vulnerability?

My goal is to create a simple one-way intercom using B Speech TX2 and B Speech RX2, an Audio2Bluetooth and Bluetooth2Audio converter. My question is, how secure is the audio(in my case voice) being transmitted via AD2P using this setup? Can other…
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How does the Apple/Google Exposure Notification system prevent infected users from being identified?

Under Apple and Google's contact tracing scheme, Alice's device generates a daily random value (termed a Temporary Exposure Key or TEK in the Cryptography Specification). Every 10 minutes, a Rolling Proximity Identifier (RPI) is generated from the…
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Is bluetooth keyboard more secure than USB keyboard for a malicious firmware?

There are some threads talking about Bluetooth keyboard security. But I have a different concern. I will only need 4 keys from an external keyboard, Home/End/PageUp/PageDn keys. Because I use them a lot and my laptop keyboard has a bad design (no…
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Freshness Protection in BL and BLE

I recently found this document: , Guide to Bluetooth Security from NIST. Unfortunately, there is nothing described w.r.t.actual protection of the communication other than…
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Can Apple and Google bypass the decentralised COVID-19 tracing approach (DP-3T)?

Many thoughts have been spent on creating the decentralised, minimum-knowledge contact tracing approach DP-3T. This has been implemented in contact tracing apps of several countries, e. g. the German Corona-Warn-App. Following this approach, there…
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Why are some Bluetooth devices susceptible to ping floods and some are not?

Just for fun, I've ping flooded my bluetooth speaker at home using l2ping on Linux and I was unable to connect to it as the pinging continued. I've tried flooding my phone and it seems to have received the packets as I got a response (just like the…
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Security risk of leaving bluetooth on all the time on an Android 10 phone

What are the security risks associated with leaving bluetooth on all the time on a Pixel phone updated to Android 10? In this question, I am NOT focusing on the risks associated with someone intercepting my conversation using a bluetooth headset as…
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Should I encrypt Blutooth communication?

I'm making an Android app which needs to safely communicate with PC app over Bluetooth. I'm going to use RFCOMM for that purpose. Since apps will exchange user authentication details, there should be no possibility to get unauthorized access to…
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What could MitM'ed U2F do?

Google has now released their "Titan" keys to the general store (albeit via a waitlist). When they first announced their product, Yubico, their chief competitor, decried the use of Bluetooth: Google’s offering includes a Bluetooth (BLE) capable…
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Can I know that my bluetooth speaker has been hacked?

I have a JBL Go bluetooth speaker paired with a Dell laptop running Ubuntu 17.10. I suspect malicious intermittent activity on that speaker, but I am not sure and I am looking for proof or evidence it has been or not hacked. For example, some months…
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BLE 5.0 security vs. 4.2

Is there any material improvement/difference in BLE security controls/requirements in BLE 5.0 spec as compared to BLE 4.2 spec? I skimmed through the BLE bits in the huge Bluetooth 5.0 core spec but that didn't help. I am aware that there are…
ricky pan
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Bluetooth Low Energy - Relationship between PINs and man-in-the-middle attacks

In the Bluetooth core document, there are various Association Models, I'm trying to understand Numeric Comparison, where both devices are capable of showing a six-digit number (which I will call the PIN, although apparently they don't like that…
Betty Crokker
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3 answers

Is it possible to find the manufacturer of a BLE device from it's mac address?

Tools like nmap are able to identify the make of a device based on it's mac address. Is there a tool or a reference to identify the make of a Bluetooth Low Energy device based on its mac address?
Tabish Imran
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