Questions tagged [bitcoin]

BitCoin is a distributed crypto-currency. General questions about bitcoin, other crypto-currencies and their environment not directly relating to security are better suited for

87 questions
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Emulating crypto currencies cold storage using Tails + disconnected computer?

Problem: I need cold storage protection for crypto currencies while traveling. I'll only have 1 computer. Does this solution work? Tails on an SD card that is only ever inserted into hardware when the computer is off & disconnected from the…
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1 answer

Why don't call center scammers accept bitcoins?

I've watching few YouTube channels which call scam call centers mostly based in India and waste their time basically Including a channel called Kitboga and another one called The Hoax Hotel. A common theme is that all want some prepaid card like…
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Is it safe to store user's secure pass-code in database with encrypted form while creating bitcoin wallet?

I would like to create a Bitcoin Wallet. Part of the process is to store public and private keys in encrypted form in server database. All keys I am storing is encrypted using user's passcode. 1) Is it safe to store user's passcode in encrypted form…
Sagar Shah
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Preventing fraud in bitcoin mining pools

So bitcoin mining pools are very common, almost no one mines alone, because of the great difficulty in mining a block. So mining in a pool has pretty much been the standard. However, how do people ensure that they are not getting cheated when mining…
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FooCoin, a BitCoin on an encrypted smartphone OS = flawed?

Please help me with a theoretical Bitcoin equivalent called FooCoins that are encrypted inside small phone electronics that are difficult to modify and hack, using a closed source OS. BitCoins use the fastest processors to mine coins and verify…
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Who owns this bit coin address?

If I have a bit coin address, how do I find out user info? I see there is a but I did not get any information back on my user. Here is what the address kind of looks like (some substitutions)…
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3 answers

How do I implement Multikey encryption?

I'm looking for an algorithm, by which I can encrypt a piece of data with n keys and that to decrypt I can use any of them. I think I remember bitcoin using something similar for blocks, but now I cannot find something to use.
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Unique human view count system without captcha on Pay Per click system, using cryptographic proof of work

I have a system that will be paying users per unique view on a page. I need to prevent 80% of fraudulent automated traffic from being counted. I need to avoid captcha.I would like to implement a client side proof of work system wherein I would send…
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3 answers

What stopping someone from offering distributed and encrypted email? Just like Bitcoins

Basically Email service that is ran over a network, so it's not owned by any one entity. Everyone can use it and send email to someone else. All messages travel through a web of interconnected users. All messages are encrypted and can only be…
Muhammad Umer
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What is the need of consensus by proof of work when digital signature is already being used in blockchain

I am learning about how Bitcoin works under the hood. I am unable to understand why consensus is needed if digital signature is already being used. By my understanding, consensus is used by nodes to achieve same state of the blockchain, where same…
1 answer

Trace the other end of a bitcoin transaction

What possible ways/methods that someone with a lot of resources can track the location of the person on the other side of a bitcoin transaction?
1 answer

Binary Numbers converted to Hexadecimal private key

Couldn't you use brute force to guess someone’s binary number because it's 1 or 0 - 256 times then just keep switching 1's and 0's around- which then can be converted hexadecimal to guess their bitcoin private key?
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