Questions tagged [amd]

3 questions
0 answers

AMD SEV equivalent of Intel SGX EGETKEY?

An application running under Intel SGX can invoke EGETKEY to obtain an encryption key from the CPU HW. The same key will be obtained each time the application is run. This allows the application to encrypt data with the key (a/k/a seal it to the SGX…
Stephen Warren
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1 answer

hashcat skipping gpu even if it's recognizing the device and the driver is installed

I'm trying to run hashcat on a MacBook Pro. Running hashcat -I to check the devices' informations yields: hashcat (v6.2.5-38-g8b61f60e8) starting in backend information mode OpenCL Info: ============ OpenCL Platform ID #1 Vendor..: Apple …
1 answer

Nmap loads on its own, scans addresses, with a different source address than my PC. How is this possible?

10 minutes after installing Nmap on a fresh install of windows, NMap loaded on its own and attempted to scan dozens of IP addresses around the globe. I never initiated the scan. Notice the source address is different than my own IP…
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