I am sniffing a client side application traffic and I found some encrypted data. I am not able to decrypt it. Information which I have is

Public Key:


Private Key:


Encrypted string:


I am able to retrieve all the keys, But I am not able to view encrypted content. Help me to decrypt with procedures.

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2 Answers2


Start with saving the three parts respectively to pub.b64, priv.b64 and blob.b64:

$ base64 -d < pub.b64 | openssl asn1parse -inform DER -i

    0:d=0  hl=3 l= 158 cons: SEQUENCE
    3:d=1  hl=2 l=  13 cons:  SEQUENCE
    5:d=2  hl=2 l=   9 prim:   OBJECT            :rsaEncryption
   16:d=2  hl=2 l=   0 prim:   NULL
   18:d=1  hl=3 l= 140 prim:  BIT STRING

Clearly not an X.509v3 certificate. No matter, we don't need that to decrypt. openssl dumpasn1 isn't up to the heavy lifting here, try Peter Gutmann's dumpasn1 to peek inside the bit string:

$ base64 -d < pub.b64 > pub.der
$ dumpasn1 -al pub.der

   0  158: SEQUENCE {
   3   13:   SEQUENCE {
   5    9:     OBJECT IDENTIFIER rsaEncryption (1 2 840 113549 1 1 1)
         :       (PKCS #1)
  16    0:     NULL
         :     }
  18  140:   BIT STRING, encapsulates {
  22  136:     SEQUENCE {
  25  128:       INTEGER
         :         77 C8 9B 9A 58 AC 43 14 B8 95 1E BE 61 03 E9 B5
         :         05 C7 CA 7D 1B FE 6F 17 E8 9A F9 09 EB 9F C3 9E
         :         32 92 09 FC A4 B6 9E A0 CB C5 7C 7F 7B 33 4A 94
         :         50 2B 58 AD 56 7A BE 1D 8B 04 09 D9 C7 62 0A A3
         :         68 AE E6 C0 82 73 97 31 5F BF 16 C8 80 4D 08 CC
         :         4F 61 36 94 8F 71 51 6A AA 36 AF 8F 7E 0C 82 3C
         :         82 D1 96 23 47 4F F8 F6 A8 EB C0 38 79 9F DD AD
         :         5D 3F C9 5C A6 FC 37 C7 71 41 04 AA 6A B7 3A 89
 156    3:       INTEGER 65537
         :       }
         :     }
         :   }

That's more like it, we have what appears to be a 1024-bit modulus, and a likely public exponent of 65537.

The key is a base64 encoded normal RSA key in DER (binary) format:

$ base64 -d priv.b64 | openssl rsa -inform DER > out.key
writing RSA key
$ cat out.key

If you decode that key:

$ openssl asn1parse  < out.key
    0:d=0  hl=4 l= 600 cons: SEQUENCE          
    4:d=1  hl=2 l=   1 prim: INTEGER           :00
    7:d=1  hl=3 l= 128 prim: INTEGER           
  138:d=1  hl=2 l=   3 prim: INTEGER           :010001

and compare with the dumpasn1 decoding of the public key, you can see that they share a 1024 bit modulus and exponent, so it looks like the public and private key match. Good.

So, decode your encrypted data:

$ base64 -d blob.b64 > blob

and decrypt it:

$ openssl rsautl -decrypt -inkey out.key < blob > decrypted
$ hexdump decrypted
0000000 0355 1739 575b 5434 ccc5 bec7 e70a 0d44
0000010 a4a9 11d4 166c 3423 4e36 e657 2fea ef53

That's 32 bytes (256 bits), quite likely a key used in a symmetric cipher to encrypt more data, since you can only encrypt relatively small amounts of data with RSA

Good luck with the next part ;-)

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    Fantastic answer! – Adi May 23 '13 at 11:02
  • Thanks spuratic. As far as i understood that key.b64 contains public key, crt.b64 contains private key and blob.b64 contains ciphertext. Correct me if i am wrong. – javad_shareef May 23 '13 at 11:36
  • `crt.b64` is the public key, since it turns out it's not an actual cert, I'll rename it to be more obvious. In general the "public key" is wrapped up in a cert, hence the name I used. – mr.spuratic May 23 '13 at 12:06
  • For a key whose algorithm-specific data is ASN.1 (RSA DSA DH but not EC) you can use `openssl asn1parse [-inform d/p] -strparse N` where N is the location of the BITSTRING wrapper, in this example 18. Also now you often don't need a separate base64-d; for `asn1parse` (only) `-inform pem` doesn't check the dash-BEGIN/END lines and accepts any base64, but below 1.1.0 the line length must not exceed 76 (which this example does); 1.1.0 as of 2016 allows about 1000. – dave_thompson_085 Sep 21 '17 at 04:21
  • You are a master! – Rodney Salcedo Jan 31 '19 at 15:19

After decoding the strings from base64 to binary, you should try the following, depending on the algorithm used.

This encodes from base64 to binary. You probably would have to do it with the keys, too (or just decode them manually)

$ openssl enc -in ciphertext -out binarytext -d -a

And to perform the decryption:

$ openssl rsautl -decrypt -in binarytext -out plaintext -inkey private.pem