I tried googling for this info but it's not easily available because FIPS 140-1 is now really old.
Does FIPS 140-2 automatically cover FIPS 140-1 - i.e. if a device (in my case an HSM - Hardware security Module) is FIPS 140-2 Level 1 Compliant - does that mean it's automatically FIPS 140-1 Level 4 compliant? In other words does the lowest of level of FIPS 140-2 automatically cover the highest level of FIPS 140-1.
Can FIPS 140-1 and 140-2 together be considered a 8 step process from 140-1 Lev 1 to 140-2 Lev 4 - i.e. if you have covered step X, does that automatically mean covering all steps between 1 to X?