Questions tagged [html-5]

HTML5 is a markup language used for structuring and presenting content on the World Wide Web.

55 questions
3 answers

For an end-user, is HTML5/JavaScript more secure than Flash?

I’m not talking about server-side security or even necessarily XSS vulnerabilities, as these are attacks on vulnerable services and do not use any pre-existing vulnerabilities on the client side to affect an end user. They will exist as long as web…
Jonathan Gray
  • 1,036
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4 answers

How can html5 geolocalisation bypass my vpn?

About two months ago I've decided to use a VPN all the time (it's launched at startup) for various reasons, privacy being the first one. But recently I realized that if you agree to share your location when an HTML5 geolocalization pops up in…
  • 451
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  • 3
7 answers

Security risks of user generated HTML?

I am creating a website that allows people to upload HTML content. Currently these are the tags that are banned: