What is the difference between wpa, wpa2 and mixed mode, particulary how 4-way handshake packets look-like for every type? Is there any good lecture about it with packets examples?

Above question came to me because I'm working on college thesis, which involves some wireless network sniffing and I observed, that most routers send eapol packets which are marked as a wpa1, but encryption has value 2 (AES+CCMP) and in router configuration there is WPA2 standard set. So I'm really not sure if I can base on my own observation to correctly recognize standard of tested network.

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  • Since your question is "can I answer a thesis question with my opinion?" Im inclined to saying this isn't about information security – Purefan Jan 28 '16 at 12:21
  • @Purefan I don't know how you came to, that conclusion, but ok, trying to put it a little bit simplier - I'm looking for an explanation or lecture, books, maybe some documentation which introduces reader to differences between wireless network security standards to have proven reference I can base on, to be sure what type of security is really used, since data in packets doesn't match router configuration. – Tenso Jan 29 '16 at 07:50
  • from this `So I'm really not sure if I can base on my own observation`. Also, I suggest you google "differences between wireless network security standards", it gave me around 45 million hits – Purefan Jan 29 '16 at 09:15
  • @Purefan I googled it, I duckducked it, I binged it, articles which I found are too general, when I need strictly technical description and it would be perfect if there'll be 4-way handshake, eapol packets examples for every type, but some diagrams which would describe correct values for characteristical fileds in frame also would fit. – Tenso Jan 29 '16 at 09:53

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