I am looking to create a small first project to further my self education into infosec. I will be putting this on my Github.
My idea is to create a script that automates the process of deauthing all users on my wireless network except myself ( the machine running the script ).
- Host discovery with nmap
- Find mac addresses of associated clients
- airodump to get mac address of AP (or I could just plug the mac in because I know it)
- Deauth all users except the machine running the script
- Back into managed mode and surfing the web
I understand that:
- all deauthed users would most likely immediately reconnect if the password is saved in their system
- during the process of the deauth my wireless card would be in monitor mode
My overall question: Is deauthentication plausible to where I could hog my own network?
Here are some links to other question I have asked on this site related to this project:
In replies, specific aircrack / nmap commands are not needed I just want to see if the idea concept is plausible?
Here is some documentation for users who are not yet aware of:
Host Discovery with NMAP
Simple Deauthentication with the aircrack-ng suite