In a few days, we are going to be many friends that will gather together and play all night long using 6-7 APs.

How can I DeAuth/Disconnect everyone's connection, without being connected to their network?

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3 Answers3


Use mdk3 by typing mdk3 --help.

Then look for the selection for deauthing. I think the command is mdk3 wlan0mon -d. I'm not on Kali right now so I'm not sure, but this command should deauth every device within a range regardless of APs. Mdk3 deauths devices by channel.

Soufiane Tahiri
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Using airodump-ng you can create a csv file containing all clients and APs detected. Feed this csv to aireplay-ng and deauthenticate them.

But if the APs in the question supports the 802.11w specification, your deauthentication packets will be ignored.

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Using NetAttack2 you can de-auth ALL networks around you or you can select what you want to de-auth. This is how you set it up.

  • In terminal type git clone https://github.com/chrizator/netattack2
  • CD into the folder and run chmod +777 netattack2.py
  • Run the python file with python netattack2.py
  • A menu will popup saying what you want to do. Type in 6 or 7 depending what you want to do.
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