Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press is the world's oldest publishing house (since 1534) and the second-largest university press in the world. In recent years, it has also published pseudoscientific material. Although it is ostensibly a respectable academic publisher, it routinely publishes material espousing racialism and hereditarianism, some of it written by known white nationalists and pseudoscientists, with extensive citations to "research" bankrolled by the white supremacist[1][2] Pioneer Fund. Notable publications by Cambridge University Press include the following:
- The Handbook of Intelligence (2000) edited by Robert J. Sternberg — Beats around the bush about race and IQ, but openly advocates the discredited link between human brain size and intelligence, complete with a citation to white nationalist J. Philippe Rushton.
- Making Sense of Heritability (2005) by Nevan Sesardic - Unabashed advocacy of hereditarianism, including a defense of Arthur Jensen.
- Human Intelligence (2011) by Earl Hunt — Advocacy of hereditarianism, racialism, and brain size / IQ correlation; cites The Bell Curve for some of its data.
- The Neuroscience of Intelligence (2016) by Richard Haier — More or less what you'd expect from Haier (see his article).
- Cognitive Capitalism (2018) by Heiner Rindermann — Naked racialism, citations to Rushton, Jensen and Richard Lynn, etc.
- Cambridge University Press is the publisher of the Journal of Biosocial Science, a racialist pseudojournal that has published papers by Michael A. Woodley of Menie,[3] Jan te Nijenhuis,[4][5][6] Gerhard Meisenberg,[7][8][9] Edward Dutton,[10] Heiner Rindermann,[11][12][13] Gregory Cochran,[14] and Richard Lynn.[15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23]
The colorful pseudoscience Racialism |
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Hating thy neighbour |
Divide and conquer |
Dog-whistlers |
v - t - e |
The publication of this material by Cambridge University Press, as well as similar material published by Oxford University Press,
See also
- Elsevier — another venerable publishing outfit that has published a pseudojournal
External links
- Cambridge University Press
- See the Wikipedia article on Cambridge University Press.
- Miller, Adam. "The Pioneer Fund: Bankrolling the Professors of Hate." Journal of Blacks in Higher Education 6 (1994): 58-61.
- Pioneer Fund - Southern Poverty Law Center
- Woodley, Michael A. "Reptiles with a Conscience: The Coevolution of Religious and Moral Doctrine. By Cofnas Nathan. Pp. 523. (Ulster Institute for Social Research Press, London, 2012.) £ 30.00, ISBN 978-0-9568811-5-1, paperback." Journal of Biosocial Science 45.1 (2013): 141-143.
- Te Nijenhuis, Jan, and Henk van der Flier. "Group differences in mean intelligence for the Dutch and third world immigrants." Journal of Biosocial Science 33.3 (2001): 469-475.
- Te Nijenhuis, Jan, Adel A. Batterjee, Michael Van Den Hoek, Jüri Allik, and Vladimir Sukhanovskiy. "Spearman’s hypothesis tested comparing Saudi Arabian children and adolescents with various other groups of children and adolescents on the items of the Standard Progressive Matrices." Journal of Biosocial Science 49.5 (2017): 634-647.
- Te Nijenhuis, Jan, and Michael van den Hoek. "Analysing group differences in intelligence using the psychometric meta-analytic method of correlated vectors hybrid model: a reply to Wicherts (2018) attacking a strawman." Journal of Biosocial Science 50.6 (2018): 1-2.
- Meisenberg, Gerhard. "A Farewell to Alms: A Brief Economic History of the World. By Clark Gregory. Pp. 440. (Princeton University Press, Princeton, 2007.) £ 17.95, ISBN 978-0-691-12135-2, hardback." Journal of Biosocial Science 40.4 (2008): 639-640.
- Meisenberg, Gerhard, and Richard Lynn. "Not all aggregate-level correlations approach unity: a reply to William Lichten." Journal of Biosocial Science 40.5 (2008): 795-796.
- Meisenberg, Gerhard. "Wealth, intelligence, politics and global fertility differentials." Journal of Biosocial Science 41.4 (2009): 519-535.
- Dutton, Edward, Salaheldin Farah Bakhiet, Khaled Elsayed Ziada, Yossry Ahmed Sayed Essa, Hamada Ali Abdelmuti Ali, and Shehana Mohammed Alqafari. "Regional differences in intelligence in Egypt: A country where upper is lower." Journal of Biosocial Science (2018): 1-9.
- Rindermann, Heiner, Antonia E. E. Baumeister, and Anne Groeper. "Cognitive abilities of Emirati and German engineering university students." Journal of Biosocial Science 46.2 (2014): 199-213.
- Rindermann, Heiner, Eva-Maria Stiegmaier, and Gerhard Meisenberg. "Cognitive ability of preschool, primary and secondary school children in Costa Rica." Journal of Biosocial Science 47.3 (2015): 281-310.
- Rindermann, Heiner, and James Thompson. "The cognitive competences of immigrant and native students across the world: An analysis of gaps, possible causes and impact." Journal of Biosocial Science 48.1 (2016): 66-93.
- Cochran, Gregory, Jason Hardy, and Henry Harpending. "Natural history of Ashkenazi intelligence." Journal of Biosocial Science 38.5 (2006): 659-693.
- Lynn, Richard, and T. Shigehisa. "Reaction times and intelligence: A comparison of Japanese and British children." Journal of Biosocial Science 23.4 (1991): 409-416.
- Lynn, Richard, and Claudia Pagliari. "The intelligence of American children is still rising." Journal of Biosocial Science 26.1 (1994): 65-67.
- Lynn, Richard. "Dysgenic fertility for criminal behaviour." Journal of Biosocial Science 27.4 (1995): 405-408.
- Lynn, Richard. "Sex differences in intelligence: A rejoinder to Mackintosh." Journal of Biosocial Science 30.4 (1998): 529-532.
- Lynn, Richard. "Sex differences in intelligence: some comments on Mackintosh and Flynn." Journal of Biosocial Science 30.4 (1998): 555-559.
- Lynn, Richard, and Po Wah Tse-Chan. "Sex differences on the progressive matrices: some data from Hong Kong." Journal of Biosocial Science 35.1 (2003): 145-150.
- Lynn, Richard, Eduardo Backhoff, and L. A. Contreras. "Ethnic and racial differences on the Standard Progressive Matrices in Mexico." Journal of Biosocial Science 37.1 (2005): 107-113.
- Lynn, Richard, Gerhard Meisenberg, Jaan Mikk, and Amandy Williams. "National IQs predict differences in scholastic achievement in 67 countries." Journal of Biosocial Science 39.6 (2007): 861-874.
- Lynn, Richard, Hsin-Yi Chen, and Yung-Hua Chen. "Intelligence in Taiwan: Progressive Matrices means and sex differences in means and variances for 6- to 17-year-olds." Journal of Biosocial Science 43.4 (2011): 469-474.
- Open letter by Garett Jones, 28 March 2017.