Brian Deer

Brian Deer is an investigative reporter for the Sunday Times best known for his work on investigating issues around the MMR/autism controversy, specifically related to the work of the now discredited doctor Andrew Wakefield. Deer's investigation into Wakefield was instrumental in getting the UK's General Medical Council to launch a formal inquiry into Wakefield, which led to Wakefield's being struck off the medical register.

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Deer's investigations revealed that Wakefield's research that led to the original paper in The Lancet was funded by the Legal Aid Board as part of a civil suit, and that a number of the children he studied were litigants in said suit.[1]

A 2004 television documentary led to Wakefield suing Deer for libel in the UK, a suit which was later dropped. A series of articles Deer wrote for the BMJ in 2011 led to Wakefield suing him for libel in Texas in 2012; this suit was dismissed by the judge for lack of jurisdiction.

Deer has also investigated other medical controversies including VioxxFile:Wikipedia's W.svg (rofecoxib).


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