
Follow this guide to replace the display assembly, including the display frame. This requires the battery as well as many other components to be removed from the old frame and transferred to the new frame.

Your replacement part should look like this. If your replacement part consists only of the display assembly, you must complete additional steps, which are not covered by this guide.

For your safety, discharge your battery below 25% before disassembling your phone. This reduces the risk of a dangerous thermal event if the battery is accidentally damaged during the repair.

  1. DOH6pPioTXXOVEq6
    • Power off your phone before you begin working.

    • Insert a SIM eject tool, SIM eject bit, or a straightened paperclip into the small hole in the SIM card tray.

    • Press to eject the tray.

    • Remove the SIM card tray assembly from the phone.

  2. fUqgjxTNDxqum3Pc
    • Heat an iOpener and apply it to the top edge of the phone for a minute.

    • A hair dryer, heat gun, or hot plate may also be used, but be careful not to overheat the phone—the display and internal battery are both susceptible to heat damage.

    After you heat the Iopener, lay the shiny side on the phone. With all the warnings of how hot it could get, I handled it with oven mitts. It wasn’t until I struggled for some time trying to get the back of that I grabbed the Iopener with my bare hand and found the the shiny side was still hot, but the textured side was quite cool. Apparently it has some insulating properties.

    Gary Holstein -

  3. vpZcil4hrSWQBQiR
    • Angle an opening pick and firmly press so that it slips under the back cover.

    • Depending on the age of the phone, this can be difficult. Additional heating with the iOpener may help. You can pry carefully with a metal spudger to create a gap for the opening pick.

    Use a heat gun to loosen adhesive prior top using spudger

    chris.reinert -

    If the Phone has the nylon back, there is a plastic layer that the material is attached. be sure to get the plastic layer beneath the nylon.

    bludyone -

    Don’t be fixated on the top edge. On my phone there was more space at the bottom edge to get the picks in, which allowed an easier start than the top.

    Kyle -

  4. iUN1TRGoovo2iJEV
    • Slide the opening pick along the top edge of the phone to break up the adhesive.

    • Use the pick to release the deeper areas but avoid slicing through the camera bezel area.

    It took me over an hour to pry the back cover off the phone.   Don't give up – it can be done!  It takes some time, heat, and persistence to wedge the blue picks under the back.  And not knowing what is under there can cause stress!  Bottom line - don't be afraid to apply pressure to the pick to break the seal between the back and the metal edge, and then you can slide the pick in under the back cover without breaking any electronics.  I did not notice the blue plastic prying tool until after I wrestled the back off – I think that would have helped with the final peeling off stage.

    Thomas Johnson -

  5. r5QPlJ5vBuFD5wH4
    • Repeat the iOpener heating and slicing procedures for the remaining three sides.

    • Make sure to cut into the deeper areas as the back cover is held on by a large adhesive surface.

  6. LC26jvxP4BAOKOpY
    • Once you have cut through the adhesive, slowly peel the back cover away from the frame.

    • Remove the back cover.

    • During reassembly, follow this rear cover adhesive guide to properly apply the pre-cut adhesive strip.

    Getting this back cover off with 4 little picks is nothing less than Fake News. The picks (and a halberd spudger) were good for cutting through adhesive on the outer edges, but a fair amount of heat and several plastic “playing cards” were needed to get to the adhesive holding down the cover on the middle of the device. Be VERY CAREFUL as you near the charging coil…2 little connectors near the bottom right could be easily severed. Take your time, use heat and patience.

    Jeana Morales -

    • Insert an opening pick under the flash connector rubber cover and pry forward to remove it.

    • To reinstall the cover, align the cover and use your finger to push it forward into place.

    The two plastic covers do not fit snugly in place, so after putting them back in place, use small bits of electrical tape to secure them before installing a new adhesive back cover. I tested my phone thoroughly before the last step, so that I would not have to buy a new cover if something didn't work.

    Bill Koonce -

  8. eGjkLOJh6CKZRv6O
    • Use the point of a spudger to pry up and remove the coil connector rubber cover.

    • To reinstall the cover, align the cover and use your finger to push it forward into place.

    Careful! The cover popped off and flew 8 feet! (Over 2 meters!)

    Kenneth Lacewell -

    Absolutely true. Mine popped off and shot across the room. I was lucky to be able to find it.

    Gary Holstein -

  9. X2VUv2JcotMcLOrZ
    • Use the point of a spudger to pry up and disconnect the flash connector.

    • To re-attach press connectors like this one, carefully align and press down on one side until it clicks into place, then repeat on the other side. Do not press down on the middle. If the connector is misaligned, the pins can bend, causing permanent damage.

  10. XnyheDHEcDIk3UWg
    • Use the point of a spudger to pry up and disconnect the wireless charging coil connector.

  11. vey2pfLO2ct4dNxy
    • Remove the following T3 screws securing the midframe:

    • Thirteen 3.1 mm black screws

    • Four 4.3 mm silver screws

    • Due to screw and bit variance, you may have better luck with a T4 driver. The proper bit should seat fully in the screwhead and feel slightly loose. The bit should not feel like it's stuck in the screwhead.

    My phone (purchased 12/2015) has only 2 silver screws top and bottom (4 total), and they're also T3, not Philips.

    With a Torx screw this tiny, it pays to take time to make sure that the driver is well seated before turning it. This will eliminate stripped screws. Also, I loosened each screw first, and then removed them. Breaking them free before turning them also helps prevent stripping.

    Bill Koonce -

    eitherway its a T4 torx in my phone. Double checked my bit. T-4 same for all these screws

    Raymond Lewis -

    T4 in mine as well. Stripped out a T3 bit figuring this out.

    Shane Kennington -

    They were all T3’s in the one I am repairing. Must be different depending on where it is manufactured.

    James Blaine -

    I recommend placing your phone down on a flat surface and then you can put good pressure straight down to remove the screws.

    Leif Thorson -

    One of the small screws was stripped. I used a 1/8” drill to eliminate the head - very . The mid-plane came off, and I finished removing the screw with a small pair of needle-nose pliers.

    Larry Peterson -

    the phone I opened used a T4 bit as well

    Josef Bosnyak -

    The screws in my phone were both sizes. I had to use the T3 and T4. A few of the screws would not take either bit (I had to use a dremel tool to strip it slightly so the T4 would fit it). Luckily, I had some replacements.

    Beth -

    At first I thought my toolkit only came with a T5, which was too large. Then I found the T3 bit in a ziplock back with an alcohol swab. It worked, but it had some slack, so my screws may have been T4, but I didn’t have that option.

    Brian Martin -

    The device I’m fixing now is T4. Stripped 2 heads and had to drill them out. Wish this walkthrough had a note that some are different so I would have double checked before I stripped them out.

    Matt Peacock -

    Hi Matt,

    Thanks for your feedback! So many people are having an issue with this—I’ve added a note to the step as you suggested.

    Arthur Shi -

  12. VQjeixkgYEVHV1hu
    • Insert an opening pick along the frame seam and twist slightly to release the midframe from the phone.

  13. HHgJAoFNqIZVlJ6S
    • Remove the midframe from the phone.

    • You can tape over the side buttons to prevent them from falling out during your repair.

    • If the buttons fall out of the midframe, reinsert them in the orientation as shown before you reinstall the midframe.

    The buttons will NOT "fall in" when reassembling, so it's important to remember to put them back. I found that putting them in the frame before replacing it is the only way. Check to see how they fit on the phone first, then drop them into their slots outside-in. The power button will fit only one way; the volume buttons should go in oriented as they fit best on the phone. Be sure to test them to make sure they click freely often! It's easier to readjust them before all those screws are back in.

    Bill Koonce -

    Going to make a small etch on the very bottom (as the phone is held portrait) of each button before beginning the project. A fine tip Sharpie might also work for some people.

    Dan -

    I have not done this yet but, try using a small bit of electrical tape to secure them to the mid-frame before removal

    jerryj26 -

    Yes, a small strip of tape on the mid frame to hold the buttons in place works great. Thanks for the idea. I simply put a piece over the buttons and onto the whole frame, then cut it carefully along the edge between the glass an mid frame when I separated the two piece. This held the buttons nicely in place and ready for reinstalling.

    Rob Reynolds -

    Be careful putting the mid-plane back on. The volume control innards were bent and straightening it back out took a lot of time - on phone #2.

    Larry Peterson -

    My contact wires got bent the first time I took a phone apart. I am pretty sure I bent them when I was prying the phone open (not while I was putting back together). Now I'm extra careful prying the phone open on the volume button side and it hasn't happened again.

    Beth -

    It sounds like people like the tape idea and it’s a helpful step, so I’ve added it into the guide step. Thanks for the comments!

    Arthur Shi -

    I tried taping the side buttons on but they slipped out anyway.  Observe the photo to replace them in the proper orientation.  It’s actually quite easy, and I’m not certain how effective taping them would ultimately be as it’s important to seat the slots over the tabs inside the body.  You need to be an extraordinary taper to stick them in place such that they “presto!” drop in place when reinstalling the mainframe

    Thomas Johnson -

    I found that it helped a lot to put a screw in around the down volume button, when reassembling, to prevent the buttons from falling out. That is after you had popped the mid frame and the phone together. I also agree with using the electrical tape to prevent the buttons from falling out.

    Michelle Dailey -

    • Carefully peel the black graphite layer from the phone.

    • While it is unnecessary for normal operation, the graphite layer can be reused during reinstallation if it is in good condition.

    I found that the black tape was like a bag--as I pulled it off, it filled with air, and the air did not escape when I put it back. I used the knife to make a small hole to let the trapped air escape.

    Bill Koonce -

    I’m pretty OCD and wanted to reuse the plastic bag, but when I pulled if off it got all twisted up, so I just tossed it.  The instructions are correct that it is not necessary for normal operation - my phone worked just fine without it.

    Thomas Johnson -

    I found that pulling the bag off from the battery bottom corner worked best and didnt rip the bag

    Josef Bosnyak -

    Definitely pull it off from the bottom corner of the battery. That work so much better. It came off mostly intact and I stuck it to a piece of wax paper till I needed it.

    Beth -

    What exactly is the graphite for?

    Felix Robinson -

    Hi Felix,

    Graphite layers like these are excellent heat conductors and are often part of the phone’s cooling solution. Without it, your phone may run warmer, but should be OK.

    Arthur Shi -

    Pulling from the bottom corner worked perfectly. Layer came off intact and I was able to re-use.

    Lisa Hiler -

    I think a new graphite layer should have been included in the kit. Virtually impossible to remove intact.

    James Monk -

    If you go slow, and keep you fingers as close to the phone as possible, it comes off easily. Don’t just work a corner loose and keep pulling from there. If you do the more you get pulled loose, the more it can stretch. Pull up a quarter inch or so an slide your fingers down and do it again. When you done the plastic won’t be stretched and it still has enough sticky to reuse it.

    Gary Holstein -

  15. 6sTCXLKxMWbI1QDk
    • Remove the two 4.2 mm T3 screws securing the metal bracket adjacent to the battery.

    • Remove the metal bracket.

    Mine were T3’s on the metal bracket. It’s gotta be a manufacturing thing. So weird

    James Blaine -

    My phone had odd, terrible screws. Some of them were half way between a T3 and T4

    Beth -

  16. LmXsX2AMrYYAOiXj
    • Use the point of a spudger to pry up and disconnect the battery pack connector.

    If you're going to use metallic tweezers, make sure not to touch any part of the connector when removing. I momentarily shorted a connection (sparks).

    Michael Keyser -

    Also when installing new battery, note battery does not fill up entire space so there is some discretion on positioning.  In reference to above photo, make sure new battery is shifted slightly to right (towards top of phone) so as to not lay on top of circuit board below (left in photo).  After reassembling mine the phone speaker would not work, so I took it apart again and figured out the battery connector harness was partially on top of the circuit board and interfering with needed electrical contact between the mid-frame and the circuit board.  Easily fixed by adjusting battery position.  Fortunately I had tested phone operation BEFORE reattaching back cover so this was an easy fix.


  17. KJK1sptJxvZuXpWW
    • Angle and insert an opening pick under the long edge of the battery away from the motherboard side.

    • Insert a second opening pick along the same battery edge next to the first pick.

    This may seem silly, but I’d suggest inking an X on the old battery and setting it aside a good distance from your project when you remove it so you don’t get it mixed up with the new battery!

    Thomas Johnson -

    Good idea. I always do that.

    Beth -

  18. 4ilmbdTBSh4DSPbl
    • Apply firm, constant prying pressure to the picks to release the battery from the frame.

    • As the battery loosens from the frame, move the picks inward and continue to pry upwards.

    • The battery is secured to the frame with strong double-sided tape. To help release the battery, apply some high concentration (90% or higher) isopropyl alcohol under the battery to help loosen the adhesive.

    • Don't deform or puncture the battery, or it may leak dangerous chemicals or catch fire.

    My replacement battery came with the ribbon cable facing the wrong direction. I had to fold the black part over so the connector was oriented properly.

    Bill Koonce -

    They did that on purpose as reports of ripped battery ribbon cables were coming in, folding the "excess" solves that torsion!

    Dan Lo Fat -

    This step was one of the most difficult. The adhesive beneath the battery required extremely careful prying to slowly loosen it up. Lithium batteries are spooky enough as it is, without bending them for removal. Tread carefully on this step.

    surfdaworld -

    If its glued down like iphones are then use a length of dental floss or 2 to make it stronger. Loop it behind the battery then use it to saw through the glue.

    Anthony shackman -

    That's really smart.

    Michael Keyser -

    I don’t think I could have gotten dental floss behind my battery due to all of the tape. I just pried up on the side shown in the picture and worked the tool towards the center and up and down the side. I was afraid to break something trying to pry from the opposite side.

    Tim Borow -

    The poly bag will stretch out if you go too hard too fast, I actually punctured the outer bag and caught a whiff of super strong solvent, shat myself, and finished removing the bag over the concrete of my empty garage. No fire tho, thankfully. Use a credit cardto seperate the glue from the bag without having to pull it up so far.

    Jake B -

    I used Isopropyl Alcohol (99%) and small bottle with needle to get under the edges of battery. Once I did the battery came off without any problems.

    James Blaine -

    I was so scared of puncturing and bending the battery. I slid a guitar pick under one edge (long side) and then wiggled a grocery store loyalty card under the battery. I took my time and it came out intact with no bending.

    Beth -

    Thanks for the dental floss and loyalty card tips. I slid a pick under to slightly lift then battery then used the loyalty card for the majority of the adhesive separation. Dental floss was the final step to move around the corners closest to the circuit board and wires.

    Lisa Hiler -

  19. Ai3fuWHhPqT4uOal
    • Remove the battery.

    • Never reinstall a damaged or deformed battery. Replace the battery.

    • To reinstall the battery, orient it such that the wires exit near the bottom towards the motherboard side.

    • To help with alignment, connect the battery temporarily to the motherboard before adhering it in place. Disconnect the battery before you continue with re-assembly.

    • Clean off any adhesive residue which may prevent the battery from sitting flush against the frame. Use a few strips of adhesive included in the battery kit or some double-sided tape to secure the battery to the frame.

    question for all yours guys after replacing your battery, is your phone charging fast like suppose to be?

    Antoine Perez -

    After replacing the battery, I charged my phone to 100% on an original Motorola charger (powered off, slow charge, overnight). I ran the battery all the way down (it lasted all day with heavy use), then charged it overnight again (powered off, original charger). After that, I tried to charge it with my fast charger and it will not recognize it at all. I also noticed when plugging it into the original charger, while powered on, it says it's charging by USB - that's trickle charging. I'm going to try wiping the cache to see if that helps.

    I have a Droid Turbo that I fast-charged for years without compromising the battery (I'm using it as a backup now and the battery is still fine).

    Beth -

    @Antoine Perez: I have never fast-charged any of my lithium-powered devices, as it tends to shorten battery life. All I can tell you is that the genuine LG Chem battery that I used as a replacement seems to be behaving exactly like the original. Source:

    Vulcan Tourist -

    replaced battery, while doing initial recharge the phone buzzes and the battery icon comes on then goes back to the charge meter, Is this normal on a new battery?….

    67oechsner67 -

    I think this normally happens when your phone is charging but turned off.

    Arthur Shi -

  20. gRmv4h2NDePDhiVJ
    • Insert an opening pick underneath the flat flex cable and slide it to free the cable from the frame.

    What is this cable called and where can i find a replacement?

    Adrienne S -

  21. avSBKCjDrM55OGo3
    • Use the point of a spudger to pry up and disconnect the antenna cable.

    • De-route the antenna cable from the phone.

  22. NRepW3QaQn2cB2IU
    • Use the flat end of a spudger to pry up and disconnect the accessory module connector.

    • Peel away the yellow tape covering the display ZIF connector.

    • Use the flat end of a spudger to gently flip up the ZIF connector lock.

    • The ZIF lock is prone to breaking due to its width.

    I used a pick for this step, seemed much easier than the spudger.

    steven powell -

  24. QSaBLw2qdN5RxPVt
    • Use a spudger or tweezers to walk the flat cable out of the ZIF connector.

  25. qi2LPoqNlJrLaBdJ
    • Peel away the yellow tape covering the digitizer ZIF connector.

    • Use the point of a spudger to flip up the ZIF connector lock.

  26. PZCGZBpeqFaRcvfb
    • Use tweezers or a spudger to walk the ribbon cable out of the ZIF connector.

  27. FsdxNAEBtEKd1FFj
    • Slide an opening pick underneath the motherboard below the copper shield.

    • Twist the pick slightly to release the adhesive tape securing the motherboard to the frame.

  28. 6dJVCZvH2pGBMLYW
    • Lift the motherboard out, making sure it does not catch on any cables.

    • Remove the motherboard.

  29. xnWADSi5WXtRThJQ
    • Use the flat end of a spudger to pry up and disconnect the front facing camera connector.

    • Remove and transfer the front facing camera onto the new display frame.

  30. beLDHnU2FZGsyrZX
    • The earpiece speaker module is very delicate and prone to breaking. Be gentle when handling the module.

    • Insert a pointed end of a pair of tweezers into a corner as far down as possible.

    • Pry very slightly to help loosen the earpiece speaker module.

    • Repeat the process in the remaining corners.

  31. jgYfTRrEQJW1EApE
    • Continue to pry with the point of a pair of tweezers until the earpiece module feels loose.

    • Remove the earpiece module and transfer it to the new display frame.

  32. 5LoWcmYSW2UYOXmU
    • Use the point of a spudger to pry up and remove the speaker grille cover.

    • Remove and transfer the speaker grille cover onto the new display frame.

  33. 422HeuTuCnv65PoX
    • Only the LCD screen and digitizer assembly (with frame) should remain.

    • Compare your new replacement part to the original part. You may need to transfer remaining components or remove adhesive backings from the new part before installing.

    • When reassembling your phone replace old adhesive with double-sided tape or pre-cut adhesive strips.


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Take your e-waste to an R2 or e-Stewards certified recycler.

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Arthur Shi

Member since: 03/01/18

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