
These are some common tools used to work on this device. You might not need every tool for every procedure.


The Toshiba Satellite L455D-S5976 came on the market in the later part of 2009. It has a 15.6 inch monitor, 250 GB drive, AMD CPU operating at 2.1 GHz and an AMD GPU. The price ranges from $200-$1000. On the product has received an average of 3.5/5 stars and has been repeatedly mentioned as a reliable and a great basic system.


To identify your device, locate the largest black and white text square on the bottom of your computer. There will be a label that says "Satellite L455D-S5976" written in black directly underneath a white label that says "Toshiba." If the numbers and letters do not directly match then you have a different computer than the one described in this page.

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