Orb of Safety
This orb has both an instant effect (teleporting to a new part of the world) and a continuous effect (allowing the player to save for 7 turns afterwards).
Generally, the Orb of Safety teleports you to a new instance of a land of the same type as the one you were in. In sublands, you are generally teleported to the surrounding land, in most gravity lands, you are teleported to the Crossroads, in Crossroads V, you are teleported to a Crossroads with instances of Crossroads V bordering it, and in the Whirlpool, you are teleported to the Ocean. It does not function at all in the Haunted Woods or Dungeon (except in cheat mode).
In your sight radius immediately after using the Orb, there will normally be no treasures or monsters present (although there are a few exceptions). There are also no mines in radius 3 (and Minefield (Tile) cells in that radius will automatically be marked as not having mines).