Witch Hunter (5e Class)

Witch Hunter

Magic is a powerful, and dangerous thing. Where there are those who wield magic to aid their fellow man and make the world - or multiverse - a better place, there are even more who seek to abuse that power. This is the reason for the Witch Hunter Orders. Where the wicked would stand to gain from the suffering of others, the Witch Hunters will stand vigilant. Corrupt practitioners of the arcane, divine and eldritch arts must remain leery of the Witch Hunters, as they are only so far behind them at any time...

Hatred, Love, Passion, and Purpose

The lot of the Witch Hunter is to let that which they hate most control their life. For some, that might be magic, for others, it might be monsters or outsiders. The Witch Hunter is to take on that which they hate most, and let it permeate their being until it changes them beyond recognition. This unique bond to the source of their rage is most commonly tied to their undying love for one thing or another. Perhaps the Witch Hunter only became what they hated to attain its power. Just as likely, however, is that the Witch Hunter is a simple man or woman. A son or daughter, a brother or sister, a father or mother, a friend. It is these things, most commonly, that inspire Witch Hunters to become the aberrations that they are. No Witch Hunter's power is natural, and this unnatural power often causes the Witch Hunter to resent themselves. Only the most devoted and tempered of Witch Hunters know that their debased state is not only acceptable, but if applied for the sake of their loved ones, a righteous force for good. The one word that best describes these warriors is devoted. There are few who can compare their dedication and hardship to that of a Witch Hunter.

Creating a Witch Hunter

A Witch Hunter is a warrior devoted to quelling dangerous magic. That could mean any variety of things based on the ideals of the individual Witch Hunter. A good, well meaning Witch Hunter might be a sort of investigator, rooting out wicked spellcasters and wielding the virtues of justice and law to bring them to heel and often using their gifts to help those harmed by dangerous magic. Conversely, some Witch Hunters are only interested in ending the lives of those deemed a threat by their Order. Such a Witch Hunter might learn of a Warlock living in a farming village that has been convening with devils and simply turn to destroying the village and killing its residents to cleanse the area of foul humors. The question remains: what sort of Witch Hunter are you? Why did you join your Order? Perhaps your home was destroyed by a warlord wielding the "blessing" of a god? Did you suffer a personal attack by a wizard? Or maybe you wish to gain magical power yourself, and simply see the Order as a means to do so with the public's favor? These are all things that one might consider when making a Witch Hunter character.

Quick Build

You can make a Witch Hunter quickly by following these suggestions. First, Wisdom should be your highest ability score, followed by Strength or Dexterity, followed shortly by Constitution. Second, choose the Acolyte, Haunted or Sage background. As for spells, "Blade Ward" and "Chill Touch" (Or "Sacred Flame") are very effective in a Witch Hunter's hands and the 1st level spells "Armor of Agathys" and "Find Familiar" are both incredibly useful with this build.

Class Features

As a Witch Hunter you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per Witch Hunter level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Witch Hunter level after 1st


Armor: Light, Medium, Shields
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons
Tools: Alchemist's Supplies or Thieves' Tools (Choose one)
Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma
Skills: Choose two from Arcana, Athletics, History, Insight, Investigation, Medicine, Perception, Religion, Stealth and Survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) Leather Armor, and melee weapon with which you are proficient or (b) Scale Mail, and melee weapon with which you are proficient
  • (a) A Longbow and a quiver of 20 arrows or (b) A Shield and 3 Handaxes
  • (a) An Alchemy Kit or (b) A set of Thieves' Tools
  • (a) An Explorer's Pack and a Holy Symbol (Or Arcane Focus) or (b) A Dungeoneer's Pack and a Holy Symbol (Or Arcane Focus) or (c) A Burglar's Pack and a Holy Symbol (Or Arcane Focus)
  • If you are using starting wealth, you have 5d4*10 in funds.

Table: The Witch Hunter

Cantrips KnownChannel PointsDark Channel LevelSpells KnownFeatures
1st+22213Dark Channeling (Spellcasting), Sworn Quarry
2nd+22414Hunters' Order (Archetype)
4th+23626Ability Score Improvement
5th+33837Extra Attack, Hunter's Rites (1)
6th+33938Hunters' Order Feature
8th+3314410Ability Score Improvement
9th+4316511Hunter's Rites (2)
10th+4416512Hunters' Order Feature
11th+4418513Dark Overflow (6th Level)
12th+4418514Ability Score Improvement
13th+5418515Hunter's Rites (3), Dark Overflow (7th Level)
14th+5419516Sworn Quarry Improvement
15th+5421517Dark Overflow (8th Level)
16th+5421518Ability Score Improvement
17th+6421519Hunter's Rites (4), Dark Overflow (9th Level)
18th+6421520Hunters' Order Feature
19th+6421521Ability Score Improvement
20th+6421522Hunter's Ascension

Dark Channelling

As hunters of arcane and powerful beings, Witch Hunters find themselves in a peculiar predicament. Those of the hunters' orders have studied the arcane arts, learning to manipulate the anger and malice they feel towards abuser's of magic to create magical effects, similar in scope and power to spells.


At 1st level, you know 2 cantrips of your choice from the Witch Hunter spell list, detailed at the end of the class description. You learn additional cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Witch Hunter table.

Channel Points

At 1st level, you gain 2 Channel Points. You use these points to cast your Dark Channel spells and to fuel the power of several Hunter's Rites options. These points may also be used to cast spells from other spellcasting classes, and your Dark Channel spells may be cast using spell slots or pact magic spell slots from other classes. You gain additional Channel Points as you gain levels in this class as is shown in the Witch Hunter table. You regain all expended Channel Points when you finish a Long rest or short rest.

Spells cast using your Dark Channel feature cost points to cast. The point cost for specific spell levels is detailed below.

  • 1st Level: 2 Points
  • 2nd Level: 3 Points
  • 3rd Level: 5 Points
  • 4th Level: 6 Points
  • 5th Level: 7 Points
Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher

The Witch Hunter learns spells as they gain levels, as shown on the Witch Hunter table.

When casting a spell using your Channel Points, you may only cast spells of a level allowed as is shown under "Dark Channel Level" on the Witch Hunter table. For any spell that may be cast at a higher level, you must expend the Channel Points appropriate to that spell level. For example, if you are a 3rd level Witch Hunter, you may use your Dark Channel feature to cast either 1st or 2nd level spells. For example, if you have at least 3 Channel Points, you could cast armor of agathys as either a 1st or 2nd level spell.

As an additional note, none of the known spells attained from this class may be of 6th level or higher, as those spells are learned from the "Dark Overflow" class feature.

Spellcasting Ability

Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for your Witch Hunter spells, as it is through dedication and mental fortitude through which you manipulate arcane forces. You use your Wisdom whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Wisdom modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a Witch Hunter spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.

Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier

Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier

Spellcasting Focus

You may use either an arcane focus or holy symbol as your spellcasting focus.

Sworn Quarry

At 1st level, you learn to brand your quarry with a curse of death. As a bonus action, you may select a creature within 60 feet of you, that creature then becomes your Sworn Quarry and remains so until they die or 1 hour passes, whichever occurs sooner. When you declare a creature as your Sworn Quarry, you may select one of the following effects regarding that creature that remain in effect until they cease to be your Sworn Quarry. Note that you may only have 1 Sworn Quarry that lives at any time, meaning that you may not use this feature again if you already have a living Sworn Quarry.

Shield Biter

You may increase your attack rolls by 2 against your Sworn Quarry.

Spirit Crusher

Your Sworn Quarry must reduce their saving throws against your Witch Hunter spells by 2.

Guard Breaker

When you deal Bludgeoning, Piercing, or Slashing damage to your Sworn Quarry with a nonmagical weapon, you may ignore their resistance to nonmagical Bludgeoning, Piercing, or Slashing damage if they have it. This does not affect immunity, however.

While you have a Sworn Quarry that is alive, you suffer disadvantage on attack rolls against any creature that is not your Sworn Quarry. Additionally, saving throws against your spells are made at advantage by any creature other than your Sworn Quarry while your Sworn Quarry still lives.

Beginning at 14th level, you no longer suffer disadvantage on attack rolls against creatures other than your Sworn Quarry, and saving throws against your spells are no longer made at advantage by creatures other than your Sworn Quarry.

Hunters' Order

Upon reaching 2nd level, you join the ranks of a Hunters' Order. You may choose to join The Order of The Beast, The Order of The Grave, The Order of The Morningstar, The Order of The Purge, The Order of The Spirits, or The Order of Whispers. Your choice grants you features at 2nd level, and again at levels 6, 10 and 18.

Order Spells

Each Hunters' Order has a list of associated spells that Witch Hunters learn at the appropriate levels. Order spells are always prepared and do not count against the known spells of the Witch Hunter. And if an Order spell is not found within the Witch Hunter spell list, it is considered a Witch Hunter spell for them.

Oathbound Overflow

Each Hunters' Order has an expanded list of Dark Overflow spells that are also learned by the Witch Hunter at appropriate levels. These additional Dark Overflow spells do not count against your single allowance of Dark Overflow spell per spell slot level.

Ability Score Increase

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack

Beginning at 5th level, when you use your action to make a weapon or unarmed attack, you may attack twice rather than once.

Hunter's Rites

At 5th level, you may select a boon known as a Hunter's Rite. Your Hunter's Rite options are detailed at the end of the class description. You gain additional Rites at levels 9, 13 and 17. Whenever you gain a level in this class, you may replace one of your known Hunter's Rites

As an additional mechanical note, the features of your Hunter's Rites can not be removed or prevented via the antimagic field, counterspell, or dispel magic spells.

Dark Overflow

Beginning at 11th level, you learn to wield your own magical power to create stronger effects. These surges of power are known as Dark Overflow and may be used to cast spells of 6th level and greater. You may use your Dark Overflow to cast a 6th level spell once before requiring a long rest to do so again. You gain additional uses of Dark Overflow at levels 13, 15, and 17. Each use of Dark Overflow must be used for different leveled spells. For example, by 15th level, you would have 3 uses of Dark Overflow, once for a 6th level spell, once for a 7th level spell, and another for an 8th level spell.

Spells Granted By Dark Overflow

Each time you gain an additional use of Dark Overflow, you also learn a spell of the allotted level, not counting against your known spells. For example, by 13th level, you should only know one 6th level spell, and one 7th level spell. When you gain levels in this class, you may exchange any Dark Overflow spells you know for a new one.

Despite the fact that you may only know one spell of levels 6, 7, 8, and 9, you may still cast other spells at those levels if they scale to that point. For example, if you know the spell counterspell, you may cast it as a 7th level spell if you have your 7th level use of Dark Overflow.

Hunter's Ascension

When you reach 20th level, your special brand of magical power permanently changes you, both on a physical and spiritual level. When you are subjected to any sort of damage as a direct result of a spell, even if you are immune to that damage type, you regain Dark Channel Points equal to that spell's level. For example, if you were to be struck with a Scorching Ray at 2nd level, you would regain 2 Dark Channel Points. This feature can only be triggered once per round.

Additionally, if you are reduced to or below half of your Hit Point Maximum, you instantly regain 10 Dark Channel Points, not exceeding your maximum of 21 Dark Channel Points. You may use this part of this feature once, regaining the ability to do so upon completion of a long rest.

Order of the Beast

Those who subscribe to the tenets of the Order of the Beast are warriors sworn to protect the masses from lycanthropes. In fact, these Witch Hunters often protect lycanthropes as well. Conclaves under the protection of the Order of the Beast are not unheard of, and these "Were-Beast Villages" are typically a source of more Witch Hunters. If a Witch Hunter is not already cursed with lycanthropy when they join the Order, a forebear will grant the beast's blood to them. Because of the rites performed to enter the order, lycanthropes from the Order of the Beast have an uncanny level of control over their bestial form. As a consequence of this, however, this type of lycanthropy is often weaker than other lycanthropes.

Order of the Beast Spells
Witch Hunter LevelSpells
2ndanimal friendship
3rdbeast sense
7thdominate beast
Order of the Beast Oathbound Overflow
Witch Hunter LevelSpells
11thconjure fey
15thanimal shapes

Bestial Form

Beginning at 2nd level when you join this Order, you gain the ability to tap into your bestial power. You may take on the form of your lycanthropic aspect. As an action, you transform into a lycanthropic beast, gaining the following benefits for 10 minutes. You become resistant to Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing damage from nonmagical weapons that are not silvered, and you add an additional 1d4 points of damage of the same type as your weapon to your melee weapon damage rolls. While in this form, your armor and clothing adjust slightly to fit your changed form. While in your Bestial Form, you gain advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks, but you also gain disadvantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks. You may only use your Bestial Form twice before requiring a long rest to do so again.

Cut the Leash

When you reach 6th level, you learn to draw on your Bestial Form with more control and regularity. As an action, you may cause your bestial traits to flair, gaining one of the following benefits for 1 minute.

  • Bestial Instinct: Your wild blood surges, sharpening your senses. You gain proficiency in Wisdom (Perception) checks and if you don't have it already, you gain darkvision with a range of 60 feet. (Or an additional 30 feet if you already have darkvision.)
  • Beast's Stride: Your movement speed increases by 10 feet as your predatory urges take hold. You are also unaffected by nonmagical difficult terrain while under this effect.
  • Weapons of the Wilds: Your unarmed attacks deal 1d6 + Strength modifier Slashing damage as you sprout claws and fangs. While under this effect, you also gain advantage on all Strength (Athletics) checks made to grapple a creature or resist grapples.

You may use this feature once before requiring a long or short rest to do so again.

Primal Attunement

When you reach 10th level, you are always under the effects of the speak with animals spell. Additionally, while outdoors, you gain advantage on Wisdom (Survival) and Wisdom (Perception) checks made to track creatures that are not constructs. Finally, you may now call upon your Bestial Form as a bonus action rather than a full action.

Additionally, while at or below half of your hit point maximum, provided you are in your bestial form, your movement speed increases by 10 feet and you may add 1d4 to your melee weapon attack rolls.

Bestial Champion

When you reach 18th level, you have become one with your lycanthropic form. You now regain use of your Bestial Form upon completion of a long or short rest.

Additionally, while in your bestial form, you regain hit points equal to 1 + your Constitution modifier (Minimum 1) at the start of each of your turns provided you are below half of your hit point maximum.

Order of the Grave

The Order of the Grave is devoted to rooting out and destroying the undead and those who create them. As a part of their rites, a Witch Hunter of the Order of the Grave must ingest the blood of a vampire followed by a burning chip of Golden Oak wood. In this process, the Witch Hunter dies, being revived by the dark marriage of holy power and profane magic. These revenants are forever branded as abominations, often being hated and feared by the masses. When a high lich is on the rise, however, few will deny their appreciation for these debased purifiers.

As a unique role-playing note, it might be worthwhile to consider whether or not your Witch Hunter character intends on ending their own life one day, as the tenets of their order does demand the destruction of the undead. Perhaps your chapter of the Order of the Grave is more tolerant towards non-evil undead and necromancy, or perhaps you've abandoned the tenets of the order. All of these are potential options to explain your character's disposition towards their own condition.

(As a mechanical note: Though this archetype technically turns the player character undead, they are not considered to have the undead creature tag. This means that they remain unaffected by spells or similar effects that turn or destroy undead.)

Order of the Grave Spells
Witch Hunter LevelSpells
2ndfalse life
3rdray of enfeeblement
5thvampiric touch
9thcone of cold
Order of the Grave Oathbound Overflow
Witch Hunter LevelSpells
11thglobe of invulnerability
13thdivine word
17thpower word kill

Dawn of Undeath

Beginning at 2nd level when you join this Order, you become a revenant, though you are not considered undead for the purposes of spells and similar effects that destroy or turn the undead. The nature of your resurrection brands you with a modicum of holy power, increasing the strength of your magic. When you cast a Witch Hunter cantrip, you may add your proficiency bonus to one of the damage dice of that spell.

Additionally, you are aware of the presence of any undead creature within 20 feet of you. This sense reveals the presence of undead creatures and how many there are within the area of effect, but not their exact location.

(Note to players and DMs: This does NOT let you "see" invisible undead in the area of effect, and this does NOT tell you if a creature is undead unless they are the only one within this aura. This simply allows you to know that their is, in fact, an undead creature within 20 feet of you, and any conclusions that come from this knowledge are entirely determined through gameplay.)

Thanotic Presence

When you reach 6th level, your "condition" begins to manifest in new ways. As an action, you may flair the dark power that preserves you to create one of the following effects.

  • Daybreak: You radiate holy light in a 10 foot radius sphere centered on yourself that remains in effect for 1 minute. This is bright light that cuts through magical darkness. Any undead creature (Other than yourself or another Order of the Grave Witch Hunter) that enters this area of bright light for the first time, or starts their turn there, takes 1d6 points of radiant damage. If you are knocked unconscious or killed, this effect ends early.
  • Call of the Grave: You force a single undead creature that you can see within 30 feet of you to make a Wisdom saving throw against your Spell Save DC. On a failure, the creature becomes Stunned until the end of their next turn.
  • Revenant Fortitude: You gain temporary hit points equal to 3 * your Witch Hunter level. These temporary hit points are lost at the beginning of your next turn.

You may use this feature once before requiring a long or short rest to do so again.

Power of the Grave

When you reach 10th level, your undead nature grows more prevalent, allowing you to shrug off deadly wounds and fatal blows. If you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you are instead reduced to 1 hit point, and gain the benefits of your "Revenant Fortitude". In addition, you become resistant to necrotic damage. This feature may be used once, and you regain the ability to do so upon completion of a long rest.

Master of the Grave

When you reach 18th level, your undead power has reached its apex. Your "Thanotic Presence" powers have grown more powerful.

  • Daybreak+: You radiate holy light in a 15 foot radius sphere centered on yourself that remains in effect for 1 minute. This is bright light that cuts through magical darkness. Any undead creature (Other than yourself or another Order of the Grave Witch Hunter) that enters this area of bright light for the first time, or starts their turn there, takes 2d6 points of radiant damage. If you are knocked unconscious or killed, this effect ends early.
  • Call of the Grave+: You force a single undead creature that you can see within 30 feet of you to make a Wisdom saving throw against your Spell Save DC. On a failure, the creature becomes Stunned until the end of their next turn. The target of this feature has disadvantage on the saving throw.
  • Revenant Fortitude+: You gain temporary hit points equal to 5 * your Witch Hunter level. These temporary hit points are lost at the end of your next turn.

Additionally, whenever you use any of your "Thanotic Presence" powers, roll a d6. On a roll of 5 or 6, you do not expend your use of "Thanotic Presence".

Order of the Morningstar

"Rest soundly, children of the light! For my blood shall sustain you and my body will shield you!" This motto carries great weight among the ranks of Order of the Morningstar Witch Hunters. These warriors do not stand against one particular danger, no, they stand for those assailed by the wretches of the world. As a part of their rites, these Witch hunters swear their loyalty to the masses and must make a grand sacrifice to their people. This ritual includes the removal of the Witch Hunter's heart, spilling their blood into the crop fields, wells, and game trails surrounding their home. After this ritual, the Witch Hunter is cremated and their ashes are buried with their heart. The gods will see this sacrifice, this absolute devotion to their people, and smile upon the Witch Hunter, granting them new life. Being risen as an agent of the gods, these Witch Hunters are similar to war priests and paladin knights. Among all of the Witch Hunter orders, those among the ranks of the Morningstar are the most respected.

(As a worldbuilding note, the rites that create an Order of the Morningstar Witch Hunter also cleanse the land in which they are performed of foul humors. To equate this to an in-game effect, it is similar to the effects of the plant growth spell as if it were cast as an 8 hour ritual. This effect can cover a 2 mile radius rather than a 1/2 mile radius, however.

Order of the Morningstar Spells
Witch Hunter LevelSpells
2ndhealing word
7thaura of purity
9thraise dead
Order of the Morningstar Oathbound Overflow
Witch Hunter LevelSpells
15thholy aura
17thmass heal
Sentinel of the Light

Beginning at 2nd level when you join this Order, you become a beacon of hope and safety. You gain the ability to heal wounds with a special healing pool. This healing pool consists of a number of d6s equal to your Witch Hunter level. As a bonus action, you may select a creature within 20 feet of you and expend a number of d6s of equal or lesser value to your Wisdom modifier (Minimum 1) rolling them, adding your Wisdom modifier (Minimum 0) and restoring hit points equal to the total roll. For example, a 7th level Witch Hunter with a Wisdom modifier of +3 may expend up to 3d6 from their healing pool adding +3 to the healing value of the roll. All dice expended from this healing pool are restored after completion of a long rest.

In addition, you gain proficiency with Heavy Armor.

Emissary of Hope

When you reach 6th level, your radiance grows more powerful, and you may flair your holy light as an action to create one of the following effects:

  • Rise My Brethren!: You exude an aura of power and bravery. Until the end of your next turn, you and every friendly creature within 15 feet of you that can hear and/or see you adds radiant damage equal to your Wisdom modifier (Minimum +1) to the damage of their weapon and unarmed attacks and spells.
  • Stand Against the Darkness: You exude an aura of enduring belief. This aura also dispels magical darkness created by any spell slot of 3rd level or lower. Until the beginning of your next turn, you and every friendly creature within 15 feet of you gains resistance to all but radiant damage.
  • No Mercy for the Wicked: You exude an aura of righteous retribution. Until the beginning of your next turn, whenever you or a friendly creature within 15 feet of you takes damage as a direct result of a weapon or unarmed attack or damaging spell, the attacker (or spellcaster) that targeted them takes radiant damage equal to your Wisdom modifier. (Minimum 1)

You may use this feature once before requiring a long or short rest to do so again.

Bastion of Righteousness

When you reach 10th level, you become immune to the frightened and charmed conditions. In addition, you add your Wisdom modifier to all saving throws while you are at or below half of your hit point maximum.

Champion of the Dawn

When you reach 18th level, you have become an emissary of the gods. You sprout a pair of incorporeal wings that grant you a flying speed equal to your walk speed. If you are wearing heavy armor, this fly speed is reduced to half of your walk speed. (Rounded down to the nearest interval of 5) As a bonus action, you may conjure or dispel these wings. In addition, this flight speed can not be denied by an antimagic field.

Order of the Purge

"Fear the Light, dwellers of shadow, for we will bring you to it, and you will be cleansed..." The glorious hunt. This is why the Witch Hunters exist. To root out and destroy children of shadow and cleanse the world of imperfection. These Witch Hunters are greatly feared by all as their obsession with purity is indiscriminate. Those who harbor even well meaning witches, warlocks, hags and pact-keepers are the sworn foes of these Witch Hunters. Where they tread, there will be purity, there will be perfection, and there will be fire.

As a part of their rites, these Witch Hunters immolate their bodies to cleanse themselves of impurity. Like the legends of the Phoenix, they rise from their ashes anew, with a new understanding of what it truly means to be pure...

Order of the Purge Spells
Witch Hunter LevelSpells
2nddivine favor
7thfire shield
9thflame strike
Order of the Purge Oathbound Overflow
Witch Hunter LevelSpells
13thfire storm
15thincendiary cloud
17thmeteor swarm
The Sword of Purity

Beginning at 2nd level when you join this Order, you gain the ability to conjure a blade of fire to purge the wicked. As a bonus action, you may conjure or dispel your Blazing Sword, a magical melee weapon with which you are proficient. The Blazing Sword is a finesse weapon that deals 2d6 fire damage on a successful attack. While your Blazing sword is in effect, you shed bright light for 10 feet and dim light for an additional 10 feet. You may not be unwillingly disarmed of your Blazing Sword, and should it leave your grip for any reason, it is automatically dispelled. When you reach 10th level, the damage of your Blazing Sword increases to 3d6 fire damage.

Aspect of Perfection

When you reach 6th level, your obsessive purity shines through, and you learn to release small and precise bursts of your cleansing power. As an action, you may create one of the following effects as your power flares.

  • Cleansing Blaze: You release a surge of burning power, forcing every creature of your choice within 15 feet of you to make a Dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failure, they take 4d6 fire damage and half damage on a successful save.
  • Witch Biter: You select a creature within 10 feet of yourself that is concentrating on a spell and force them to make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failure, they lose concentration on the spell and take 2d6 fire damage.
  • Zealous Resurgence: You end the effects of a single spell that is affecting you, and only you. As a result, however, you are incapable of casting any spells until the end of your next turn.

You may use this feature once before requiring a long or short rest to do so again.

From The Ashes

When you reach 10th level, when you are reduced to zero hit points but not killed outright, you are instead reduced to 1 hit point and your "Cleansing Blaze" feature activates without expending your use of Aspect of Perfection. This feature may be used once, and you regain the ability to do so upon completion of a long rest.

Avatar of the Purge

When you reach 18th level, you have become a monolith of perfection, and your zealous hatred of witchcraft lays heavy on the world around you. Whenever a hostile creature within 20 feet of you casts any spell, they take fire damage equal to 1/2 your Witch Hunter level. In addition, you gain resistance to fire damage.

Order of the Spirits

"Do not fear death, brothers. Death is not the end, nay, it is simply the next chapter of our lives, and it is beautiful." These warriors straddle the line between the world of the living and the afterlife, protecting the sanctity of that transition and wielding the wisdom and knowledge of those past. As a part of their rites, they are buried alive in a cemetery or crypt with a quartz marble in their possession. When the Witch Hunter finally succumbs to their lack of air, the spirits of the dead come to them, preserving them until dawn. By the break of dawn, the quartz marble that was buried with the Witch Hunter is infused with the deathly power of the spirits. Later, the Witch Hunter is to return to their brethren and have one of their eyes removed, and subsequently replaced with the marble. This magical bond to the world of the dead grants the Witch Hunter a great deal of power which they use to protect the righteous and punish the wicked.

(As a note to players who wish to create an evil character using this archetype, this transaction of power between the spirits of the dead and the Witch Hunter doesn't have to be consensual. The Witch Hunter might be a student of necromancy and know how to bind souls to physical objects, thus the quartz marble. In the case of an evil Order of the Spirits Witch Hunter, you should re-flavor the descriptions of your powers as a forceful theft of the power you have.)

As an added source of inspiration, these Witch Hunters might be servants of the Raven Queen if she is present within the setting of your campaign.

Order of the Spirits Spells
Witch Hunter LevelSpells
2ndunseen servant
3rdgentle repose
5thspeak with dead
Order of the Spirits Oathbound Overflow
Witch Hunter LevelSpells
11thcircle of death
Wisdom of the Dead

Beginning at 2nd level when you join this Order, you gain the ability to commune with those who came before you. When you complete a long rest, you may choose a single skill of your choice and gain proficiency in it until your next long rest.

Additionally, you may draw on the power of your quartz eye, seeing beyond the surface of what surrounds you. As an action, you invoke the power in your eye, gaining the benefits of the detect magic and detect poison and disease spells for 10 minutes. You regain use of this ability when you complete a long rest.

Acolyte of the Necropolis

When you reach 6th level, your connection to the land of the dead is strengthened. As an action, you may flair your deathly power to create one of the following effects:

  • The Reaper Descends: You momentarily embody the visage of oblivion. You select a creature within 30 feet of you, forcing them to make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failure, the creature becomes frightened of you until the end of your next turn, and your attacks are made at advantage against this creature until the end of your next turn.
  • The Reaper's Mercy: There are those whose time has not yet come, and it is your power to deny their untimely death. You touch a creature suffering from one of the following conditions: Blinded, Paralyzed, Poisoned, or Stunned. You free the creature of their condition, but you take it on yourself. You remain under the effect of this condition for the remainder of its duration, making Wisdom saving throws against a Spell Save DC, Condition DC or Saving Throw DC associated with the condition at the end of each of your turns, ending the condition early if your saving throw succeeds.
  • Walk With The Spirits: You release your bonds to the world of the living momentarily. You become a spectral shadow of yourself, gaining the ability to pass through objects and creatures as if they were difficult terrain until the end of your next turn. Additionally, you do not provoke attacks of opportunity while under this effect. If you end your next turn inside of an object or creature's space, you are shunted to the nearest unoccupied space and are knocked prone, taking 3d6 force damage as a result. (Note: This does not harm the creature whose space you are in.)

You may use this feature once before requiring a long or short rest to do so again.

Necropolis Champion

When you reach 10th level, you have become a trusted warden between the world of the living and the world of the dead. The spirits of ancient warriors sometimes come to your aid in your quest to protect the living and the dead. When you are reduced to or below half of your hit point maximum, a Spectral Warrior appears in an unoccupied space of your choice within 10 feet of you. The statistics of the Spectral Warrior are detailed at the end of this feature's description. The Spectral Warrior remains to fight with you for 1 minute and acts on your initiative, following verbal commands given by you, at no action cost on your part.

Once this feature has been used, you must complete a long rest to use it again.

Spectral Warrior

Medium Undead, Any lawful alignment

Armor Class: 17 (Chain Shirt, Shield)

Hit Points: 28 (5d8+5)

Speed: 30 ft.

STR: 14 (+2)

DEX: 14 (+2)

CON: 13 (+1)

INT: 10 (+0)

WIS: 14 (+2)

CHA: 10 (+0)

Senses: passive Perception 12

Languages: Celestial (Or Sylvan), Common

Challenge 2 (450 XP)

Phantasmal Ward: The Spectral Warrior is resistant to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical weapons. Additionally, the Spectral Warrior is immune to poison damage, the poisoned condition, and disease.


Spectral Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d8 + 2) force damage.

Spectral Javelin. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: (1d6 + 2) force damage.

Agent of the Reaper

When you reach 18th level, you have become an agent of death itself, and the Reaper is willing to bend the rules for you. When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you are instead reduced to 1 hit point, and you become immune to all damage until the beginning of your next turn.

You may use this feature once before requiring a long rest to do so again.

Order of Whispers

"Darkness is not my foe, nor are those who dwell within it. Rather, their presence is integral to the balance of the world at large." These Witch Hunters straddle the line between the world of man and the underbelly in which monsters reside. Rather than witches, monsters and fiends, these Witch Hunters root out any and all who threaten to destroy the balance between these two worlds. Due to their militant neutrality, there are historical accounts of these Witch Hunters fighting alongside man to beat back orc hoards, dragon armies and the like, but they have also been known to aid fey, goblinkin and the like in defending their lands from encroaching human empires.

As a part of their rites, these Witch Hunters must undergo solitary meditation within the Shadowfell. They are to remain there for no less than a week, and it is only when they have lost their identity as one of mankind's own that they may complete their rites.

Order of Whisper Spells
Witch Hunter LevelSpells
2nddissonant whispers
5thmajor image
7thprivate sanctum
Order of Whispers Oathbound Overflow
Witch Hunter LevelSpells
11thtrue seeing
13thmirage arcane
Fringe Walker

Beginning at 2nd level when you join this Order, you gain the ability to blend into the shadows as if you were never there. While in an area of dim light or darkness, you may use your action to create a cloak of dark magic around yourself, increasing your Dexterity (Stealth) checks by 5 for the next hour. This effect ends early if you enter an area of bright light. You may only use this feature once before requiring a long rest to do so again.

In addition, you learn to cast a limited form of the spell alter self. This version of the spell only allows you to use the "Change Appearance" feature of the spell and does not require that you maintain concentration. You may only use this feature once before requiring a long rest to do so again.

Of Man and Monster

When you reach 6th level, your monstrous nature grows more profound, and you learn to draw upon it in more subtle ways. As an action, you may create one of the following effects.

  • Aura of Whispers: You exude a mystical darkness, creating intangible and ghostly duplicates of yourself that hang in the air around you. Until the beginning of your next turn, ranged attacks made against you are made at disadvantage.
  • Ghostwalk: You step through a rift into the Shadowfell, and teleport into an unoccupied space of your choice within 60 feet of yourself.
  • Shadowcloak: You become immune to nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage from weapons that are not silvered or gilded until the end of your next turn as you fade between your current plane of residence and the Shadowfell.

You may use this feature once before requiring a long or short rest to do so again.

Misty Escape

When you reach 10th level, your connections to the Shadowfell grow even stronger. When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you are instead reduced to 1 hit point and you become invisible until the beginning of your next turn and teleport to an unoccupied space that you can see within 30 feet of yourself. You may use this feature once before requiring a long rest to do so again.

Master of the Fringe

When you reach 18th level, you regain use of both of your "Fringe Walker" features upon completion of a long or short rest.

Additionally, you know the true form of any creature under a shapechange, polymorph, or illusory effect provided you can see that creature and that they are within 15 feet of you.

List of Hunter's Rites

  • Rite of Battletide:

As an action, you let loose a bloodthirsty cry and expend 4 Dark Channel Points. Every creature of your choice within 15 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failure, any attack made by that creature that does not target you is made at disadvantage for 1 minute. This effect ends early if you are knocked unconscious or are killed.

  • Rite of Blackness:

When you make a weapon attack, you may expend 3 Dark Channel Points to force the target of your attack to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, this creature suffers disadvantage on all attack rolls until the beginning of your next turn.

  • Rite of Excellency:

As an action, you may touch a creature and expend 5 Dark Channel Points to grant them advantage on Ability checks associated with a single Ability of your your choice for the next 10 minutes. This does not apply to saving throws.

  • Rite of Fury:

When you make a weapon attack, you may expend 1 Dark Channel Point to add an additional 1d6 points of Cold, Fire, Lightning, Necrotic or Radiant damage to the attack. If you have multiple attacks, you may choose to expend a single Dark Channel Point per each attack you make to apply this bonus to each attack, provided you have the required Dark Channel Points needed to do so.

  • Rite of Protection:

When a creature within 15 feet of you (Including yourself) is the target of a weapon or spell attack, you may expend 3 Dark Channel Points and your reaction to impose disadvantage on that attack roll. You must use this feature before knowing if the attacker successfully hit their target.

  • Rite of Redirection:

When a harmful spell would target a creature other than yourself within 15 feet of you, (and only them, not being an area of effect spell) you may use your reaction and expend 2 Dark Channel Points to force the spell to target you instead.

  • Rite of Retribution:

When you are targeted by a melee attack, regardless of a hit or a miss, you may expend 2 Dark Channel Points to make a single weapon attack against your attacker as a reaction.

  • Rite of the Brand:

When you make a weapon attack, regardless of if your attack hits or misses, you may expend 1 Dark Channel Point to grant advantage on the next attack roll made by any creature against the target of your attack.

  • Rite of the Bulwark:

As an action, you may touch a creature and expend 3 Dark Channel Points to grant that creature resistance to all damage until the beginning of your next turn.

  • Rite of the Commander:

As an action, you may touch a creature and expend 3 Dark Channel Points to grant that creature advantage on attack rolls until the end of your next turn.

  • Rite of the Harvest:

When you make a weapon attack, you may expend 2 Dark Channel Points to gain temporary hit points equal to the damage of that weapon attack. For example, if you make an attack with a longsword and deal 7 points of damage with it, you gain 7 temporary hit points.

  • Rite of the Houndmaster:

When you make a weapon attack, you may expend 3 Dark Channel Points and use your bonus action to conjure the spirit of a Dire Wolf. (PHB 305) The spirit appears in an unoccupied space within 10 feet of you and will act on your bonus action on your current turn and subsequent turns, taking verbal commands from you, and remaining for one minute or until its hit points are reduced to zero. You may only use this Hunters' Rite once before requiring a long or short rest to do so again.

  • Rite of the Magus:

When you use your action to cast a Witch Hunter cantrip, you may expend 1 Dark Channel Point to make a single weapon attack as a bonus action.

  • Rite of the Scholar:

You learn 2 cantrips of your choice from any spellcasting class. These cantrips don't have to come from the same spellcasting class. You may cast either one of these cantrips at the cost of 1 Dark Channel Point, following all guidelines that apply to the spell, including casting time and components. These cantrips scale with your level as normal. Unlike any other Hunters' Rite option, these may be denied via the antimagic field, counterspell, and dispel magic spells.

  • Rite of the Shadow:

When you make a Dexterity (Stealth) check, you may expend 3 Dark Channel Points to impose disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks made to notice you for the next minute.

  • Rite of the Strider:

You may expend 1 Dark Channel Point to Dash or Disengage as a bonus action.

  • Rite of the Warmonger:

When you use your action to make a weapon attack, you may expend 1 Dark Channel Point to make an additional attack as a bonus action. If you also know the Rite of Fury, you may choose to apply that bonus to this additional attack at the cost of an additional Dark Channel Point.

Note that if a Hunters' Rite option is triggered by a weapon attack you may only apply a single Hunters' Rite option to a single weapon attack unless otherwise stated.

Spell List

Cantrips: blade ward, chill touch, mage hand, prestidigitation, produce flame, ray of frost, resistance, sacred flame

1st: armor of agathys, bane, burning hands, command, cure wounds, detect evil and good, detect magic, disguise self, ensnaring strike, find familiar, hellish rebuke, hex, inflict wounds, longstrider, mage armor, protection from evil and good, shield of faith
2nd: alter self, blindness/deafness, cloud of daggers, darkvision, detect thoughts, find steed, invisibility, knock, lesser restoration, magic aura, moonbeam, pass without trace, prayer of healing, see invisibility, spiritual weapon, zone of truth
3rd: bestow curse, counterspell, dispel magic, fireball, gaseous form, glyph of warding, haste, life transference, magic circle, nondetection, protection from energy, remove curse, speak with dead, spirit guardians, tiny hut
4th: arcane eye, banishment, black tentacles, death ward, dimension door, faithful hound, find greater steed, freedom of movement, locate creature, private sanctum, wall of fire
5th: bigby's hand, circle of power, commune, conjure elemental, contagion, dispel evil and good, dominate person, Find Omega, geas, greater restoration, hallow, legend lore, modify memory, planar binding, scrying, teleportation circle, wall of force
6th: blade barrier, eyebite, forbiddance, true seeing, word of recall
7th: divine word, fire storm, forcecage, mordenkainen's sword, plane shift, regenerate, simulacrum
8th: antimagic field, feeblemind, holy aura, mind blank, power word stun
9th: Army of One, foresight, gate, imprisonment, power word kill


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Witch Hunter class, you must meet these prerequisites: 13 Wisdom

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Witch Hunter class, you gain the following proficiencies: Light Armor, Shields, Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons

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gollark: (subject to conservation laws)
gollark: Weird. Someone else said red. Also, it is not in any way pizza. Those who claim it is pizza MAY be converted into arbitrary quantities of muon neutrinos if deemed necessary.
gollark: I haven't updated yet. By which I mean refreshed the page on my browser, as I use web discord.
gollark: It brands me as red.
gollark: Yes, I dislike it.
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