Voidwoken (5e Class)

This class is inspired by the CONCEPT of the Voidwoken in Divinity: Original Sin 2. However it is my personal take on the archetype.

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Your mind have been invaded by a strange entropic entity of the Void. This mysterious enity is Chaotic Evil.

Class Features

As a Voidwoken you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per Voidwoken level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Voidwoken level after 1st


Armor: Light armor
Weapons: Simple weapons
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma
Skills: Choose two from Arcana, Investigation, Religion, Insight, Perception, and Intimidation, Survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

Table: The Voidwoken

FeaturesCantrips KnownSpells KnownSpell SlotsSlot Level
1st+2Pact Magic, Conflict of Interest, Foreign Mind2211st
2nd+2Subclass,Dark Secret2321st
4th+2Ability Score Improvement3522nd
5th+3Dark Secret3623rd
6th+3Bringer of Darkness3723rd
7th+3Subclass feature3824th
8th+3Ability Score Improvement3924th
10th+4Dark Secret41025th
11th+4One With the Dark41135th
12th+4Ability Score Improvement41135th
13th+5Subclass feature41235th
16th+5Ability Score Improvement41335th
17th+6Dark Secret41445th
19th+6Ability Score Improvement, Subclass feature41545th
20th+6Avatar of the Void41545th

Pact Magic

Your fusion with the void have given you the ability to cast spells.


You know Voidblast and two cantrips of your choice from the warlock spell list. You learn additional voidwoken cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Voidwoken table.

Spell Slots

The Voidwoken table shows how many spell slots you have. The table also shows what the level of those slots is; all of your spell slots are the same level. To cast one of your voidwoken spells of 1st level or higher, you must expend a spell slot. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a short or long rest.

For example, when you are 5th level, you have two 3rd-level spell slots. To cast the 1st-level spell thunderwave, you must spend one of those slots, and you cast it as a 3rd-level spell.

Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher

At 1st level, you know cause fear[1] plus two 1st-level spells of your choice from the warlock spell list.

The Spells Known column of the Voidwoken table shows when you learn more voidwoken spells of your choice of 1st level and higher. A spell you choose must be of a level no higher than what's shown in the table's Slot Level column for your level. When you reach 6th level, for example, you learn a new voidwoken spell, which can be 1st, 2nd, or 3rd level.

Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the voidwoken spells you know and replace it with another spell from the voidwoken spell list, which also must be of a level for which you have spell slots.

Spellcasting Ability

Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your voidwoken spells, so you use your Charisma whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Charisma modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a voidwoken spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.

Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier

Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier

Spellcasting Focus

You can use an arcane focus as a spellcasting focus for your voidwoken spells.


Casting speed: 1 action

Range: 90ft

Components: V, S

Duration: Instant

You let lose a blast of entropic energy from your extended hand, make a spell attack roll. On a hit the target suffers 1d6 psychic damage. The damage is increased to 1d8 at voidwoken level 5, 1d10 at voidwoken level 11 and 1d12 at voidwoken level 17.

Void Awakening

At 1st level, your mind begin to suffer with the consequences of the corrupting presence of the void. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. In addition, you must choose one of the following features:

Conflict of Interest

You are in conflict with the entity in your mind. Once per day, when you are presented with a moral choice, you must make the choice towards the evil or chaotic alignment or be punished by the void entity: if punished you suffer (half your character level (rounded down) minus your Constitution modifier) of d8s psychic or necrotic (whichever you don't have resistance, or whichever you have vulnerability to) points of damage

Foreign Mind

As a result of the strange entity in your mind you emit a strange aura: you gain disadvantage on Persuasion, Performance and Animal Handling checks. You gain advantage on Intimidation checks. You can communicate telepathically with aberrations and elementals you can see(you don't need to know their language, but they must at least understand a language), in addition you gain advantage on Insight checks against aberrations and elementals.

Dark Secrets

The void whispers its secrets into your mind. At 2nd level you learn one dark secret from the Dark Secrets List down bellow. You learn more secrets at 5th, 10th and 17th levels.


At 2nd level, you must chose one of the following subclasses: Void Soul, Voidknight or Herald of the Void.

Bringer of Darkness

At 6th level, the void aura that surrounds you is growing stronger. You have advantage on Dexterity(Stealth) checks and can cast Darkness as a spell once without expending a spell slot or any components. You regain the use of this feature when you finish a short or a long rest.

One with the Dark

At 11th level, the shadows seem to embrace you. When in partial cover, you are considered fully covered. Also when in dim light or darkness, you can use a bonus action to become invisible. The invisibility ends if you attack, cast a spell or step into a well lit area.

Avatar of the Void

At 20th level, you have become one with the void entity inside you. You stop aging, you are immune to all poisons and diseases. You are immune to instant death magic and have resistance to psychic and necrotic damage. Also you can add your wisdom modifier to any save or attack roll. Your Bringer of Darkness area is doubled and cannot be magically dispelled.


Bonus Proficiencies

As a Voidknight you gain proficiency with Medium Armor and all Martial Weapons.

Void Weapon

Once you pick the Voidknight subclass at 2nd level you get the ability to transmute a weapon into pure shadow. During a long rest, you can perform a ritual to attune a weapon to the void. The chosen weapon will be annihilated and you will gain the ability to manifest a shadowy copy of the weapon. Once per turn you can use your action to manifest the void weapon or make it disappear. Once manifested it will keep existing while on your person. If you unwillingly drop it, it will immediately dissipate into nothingness. The void weapon has the statistics of the weapon used to create it and also gain the following traits: finesse, versatile, thrown. The void weapon is considered magic and it deals psychic damage. If you use your action to throw the weapon it will dissipate into nothingness at the end of your turn unless picked up by you. If the weapon dissipates you can use your bonus action on your next turn to remanifest it.

Shadow Fortitude

Starting at 7th level Voidknight you can use your action once to gain half your Voidwoken level, rounded up + your constitution modifier of d8s as temporary hit points and you get advantage to constitution saves for 1 minute. Also when you use this feature you are cured of any diseases and poison effects. You regain the use of this feature when you finish a long rest.


Starting at 13th level Voidknight whenever you kill a creature you get 1d12 + your constitution modifier as temporary hit points and you can attack a nearby creature as a free action, if you do, the target must make a strength save throw against your attack roll or be thrown prone.

Wrathful Knight

Starting at 19th level Voidknight you can use your bonus action to become enraged for 1 minute. While enraged you gain +20ft movement speed, you suffer only half the damage you normally would, you get advantage on your attack rolls and you add your strength and your constitution modifiers to your damage rolls with melee weapons. You have 3 uses of this feature, you regain all uses of this feature when you finish a long rest.

Void Soul

As a Void Soul you gain more spells, cantrips and spell slots (as shown in the spells table further) all your spells must be chosen from the warlock spell list (eldritch blast is unavailable, all spells that deal radiant damage deal psychic damage instead and all summoned creatures are considerred aberrations).You regain all your spell slots when you finish a short rest. All your spell slots are of the maximum spell level available untill slot level 5. You also get an upgraded version (+1) of the Voidblast cantrip:

Voidblast +1:

Casting speed: 1 action

Range: 120ft

Components: S

Duration: Instant

You let lose a blast of entropic energy from your extended hand, make a spell attack roll. On a hit the target suffers 1d10 psychic or necrotic (you have to the type before each casting) damage. The damage is increased to 2d8 at Void Soul level 5, 2d10 at Void Soul level 11, 3d10 at Void Soul level 17 and 2d12 at Void Soul level 20.

Void Servant

Once you chose the Void Soul subclass at 2nd level you get a void servant. During a long rest you can perform a ritual to summon a void familiar. The void familiar has the abilities and statistics of an imp (warlock's familiar), however it is considered an aberration and it is made of pure shadow. You cannot perceive through the void familiar's senses. The void familiar will stay until killed or unsummoned as a bonus action.

Shadow Mind

Starting at 7th level Void Soul you can concentrate to use your bonus action to send your shadow to a dark or dim lit area that you can see. You lose your won senses for the duration and cannot move, if you are moved by any means you lose concentration and the effect ends. When you send your shadow to an area it must make a stealth check with advantage to remain hidden. You perceive through it's senses as you would through yours. While in this state you can use an action to cast an instant spell through your shadow, without using any components but by expending a spell slot. Once a spell is cast this way the effect ends and your senses return immediately to your own body.

Distorting Presence

Starting at 13th level Void Soul you gain an aura of void and the area around you becomes distorted. The area of 15ft around you is considered difficult terrain for all hostile creatures. Also once per round if you are the target of an attack or spell (after the attack roll -the DM must tell you if the attack/spell hits or not-) you can use a reaction to try and avoid it. Make a wisdom save with advantage against the attacking creature's attack roll to avoid the attack/spell.

Dark Soul

Starting at 19th level Void Soul, if you kill a creature with one of your spells or cantrips, you can use you bonus action to capture the creature's soul, if it has one, if you do the creature is immediately dead and cannot make death saving throws. The souls are stored in a pocket dimension to which only you have access. You can keep up to -half your Voidwoken level rounded down + your wisdom modifier- souls. the souls are stored for 8 hours after which they dissipate into nothingness. You can consume those souls as a free action to empower yourself for one of the following effects per round:

-cast a cantrip as a free action --> 1 soul

-cast a spell as a bonus action and without expending a spell slot --> (spell level/2)+2 souls

-regain a spell slot --> 2 souls

-gain temporary hit points --> xd8 (x is the number of souls consumed)

-consume all souls to add that many d8s on a damage roll

Herald of The Void

Bonus Proficiencies

As a Herald of the Void you gain proficiency with Medium Armors and all Martial weapons. You also gain more spells, cantrips and spell slots (as shown in the spells table further) all your spells must be chosen from the cleric spell list (Light, Daylight and Dawn spells are unavailabe, all spells that deal radiant damage deal psychic damage instead and all summoned creatures are considerred aberrations). You regain all your spell slots when you finish a short rest. All your spell slots are of the maximum spell level available untill slot level 5.

Void Prophet

Once you chose the Herald of the Void subclass at 2nd level you gain an immaterial and invisible to all (it cannot be perceived by any means), except you, guiding void spirit. The spirit has no stats AC nor HP and cannot interact with other creatures except you. As long as the spirit is with you, you can cast arcane eye as a cantrip. You can use your action to consume the spirit to gain advantage on all rolls for 1 minute and regain all hit dice. The spirit if consumed will return after you finish a long rest.

Shadow Mender

Starting at 7th level Herald of the Void whenever you heal a creature, you heal them for an additional xd8s (x is half you wisdom modifier). Also, whenever you successfully heal a creature, all creatures affected by your bless spell are healed for half as much, or all creatures affected by you bane spell suffer half as much necrotic damage. Also, at the start of each of your turns, unless you are unconscious, you regain 1d8 + your wisdom modifier, hit points (this is increased by 1d8 at the levels 13 and 19) in addition You can use cure wounds at it's max level without expending a spell slot, a number of times equal to your wisdom modifier. You regain all uses of cure wounds when you finish a long rest.


Starting at 13th level Herald of the Void, you have become the embodiment of terror. You emit waves fear, each hostile creature that tries to attack you must make a wisdom save against your spell save DC before making any attack rolls . On a fail the creature ends it turn immediately and is frightened for 1 round. Also you can cast fear without expending a spell slot or any components once using this feature. you regain the use of fear when you finish a short rest.

Undying Herald

Starting at 19th level Herald of the Void, you are undying. You have advantage on death save throws in addition you whenever you succeed your 3rd death save you are stabilized and regain 1d8 + you wisdom modifier hit points on the start of your next turn. Also you gain the 'Not Today' feat.

Not Today

You have 3 uses of this feat. If you die you can expend 1 use of this feat to be instantly revived with 1/(times used)+1 of your maximum hit points and with exhaustion level equal of the times that you have used this feat. When you use this feat for the 3rd time, you must make a constitution save with disadvantage. On a success you are revived with 1 hit point, after 1 minute if you still have only 1 hit point you immediately die. On a fail you immediately die, your body is dissipated into nothingness and you cannot be resurrected by any means save divine intervention.

Dark Secrets List

Forgetable Face

none seems to be able to remember your face. Every NPC you come across will forget your face in 24 hours.

Hasty shadows

you can use the expeditious retreat spell once per short rest without expending a spell slot or any components.

Shadow step

Once per short rest you can use you bonus action to teleport (up to double your movement speed) behind a creature. If you do so and the creature is hostile towards you or your party it must make a wis save against your spell DC or be surprised for the remaining of your turn.

Forceful blast(must be Void Soul)

Add your wisdom modifier to the voidblast damage roll.

Mindblade(must be Voidknight)

You can use your wisdom ability for attacking with melee weapons.

Helper spirit(must be Herald of the void)

Your spirit can use the help action on you (it counts as your bonus action).

Blast echo
(must be Void Soul level 5)

Voidblast now deals an additional area of effect force damage to all creatures that fail a dexterity saving throw agains you spell attack roll in a 10ft radious around the primary target.

Hardened shadow
(must be Voidknight level 5)

Your shadow weapon now gets a +1 property to attack and damage rolls this increases to +2 at level 15 and +3 at level 20.

Blessed spirit
(must be Herald of the void level 5)

As long as your spirit is with you, you can cast Bless and Bane as cantrips.

Void armor
(must be level 10)

Once per short rest you can use your action to enclose yourself with shadows, giving you +2 AC for 10 minutes.

Insatiable hatred
(must be level 10)

You can use the attack action twice per round, or if you are Void Soul you can cast Voidblast twice per round.

Malevolent link
(must be level 17)

Once per short rest you can take an action to link two creatures with a sympathetic link for 1 minute. For the duration the linked creatures share their suffering. When one of them suffers damage, the other suffers half as much psychic damage.

Shadow puppeteer
(must be 17 level)

Once per long rest you can take an action to enthrall a creature (this doesn't work on constructs, undead or creatures with intelligence score less than 2). The creature must make a wisdom save with disadvantage against your spell DC. On a failed save it must obey every command you give it for 24 hours. When 24 hours pass the creature must make a constitution and a wisdom save against you DC. If it succeed both, the connection will be broken and it will become free and unable to be enthralled again by you. If it fails one of the saving throws it dies.


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Dragon Mage class, you must have a 13 Wisdom Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the dragon mage class, you gain the following proficiencies: light armor, simple weapons.

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  1. D&D 5e XGtE p.151
gollark: 1000% or so on LEN-236 oxide.
gollark: (And they're higher-efficiency than yours, MWAHAHAHAHA!)
gollark: I also make reactors, though.
gollark: Put a dispersive augment on and it does wireless charging or something.
gollark: Put a dominant augment on and it'll pull mana from nearby pools.
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