Urganto (Existence Supplement)

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The Basics

Urganto is a coastal nation; the Western Ocean runs along the entire western border. The entire eastern border is blocked off by the Piked Mountains. The tall mountains only break in one place: the Dire Valley, which is patrolled continually by bands of orcs from the mountains. To the north lies Swizeland, and to the south, Bissel. Mira, the capital, is located at the head of the Miran River, near the base of the Piked Mountains. Norgata and Aballa are both coastal cities, while Tora is in the northern reaches near the mountains. Bana is located near the Bissel border, at the very southern edge of the Piked Mountains.

Urganto is constantly at war - typically with the orcs that raid from the Piked Mountains - but throughout history they have waged war with Bissel as well; that nation was at one time the very center of Urganto trade, until they rebelled. As Aryan decedents, the Urganto people believe that the entire northern continent belongs to them, and that the entire known world would have fallen before them had the great betrayal never occurred.

Slavery is very common in Urganto - with the slaves mostly being non-humans; without it, the nation's economy would collapse. The most prized slave race is the Aasimar - their beauty is legend, and no noble lord can claim true power without at least one of these females in his home.


The people of Urganto are not very open to different religions, though at times they allow a foreign church to form - so long as it does not preach or act against any of the laws of Urganto or their Gods. As the Urganto people believe themselves to be the true descendents of the Aryan people, and are constantly plagued by raids from the orcs and from Bissel, their gods take on the aspects of war, honor and protection.

Race & Gender

Men are believed to be far superior to women, and humans are the only true race - though those of Aryan blood are even better than other humans. Men rule the land and run the army; women have few jobs - most stay at home, in conditions almost as bad as slavery. Non-Urganto humans are seen as inferior, but still close to perfection, and make acceptable wives and soldiers - though no Urganto woman would ever think of marrying a non-Urganto man. Half-orcs, surprisingly, are well accepted. Though seen as a second class citizens, they are valued due to their strength and power, and the perceived victory evinced by their mothers having survived an orcish raid. Half-elves and other half-human breeds have little value, and are seen as no better than their parents' races.

All other races are seen as little better than slaves and, whenever possible, that's what they become.

Current Affairs

King Markus was crowned over thirty six years ago, and seems to be doing extremely well. The orcish raids have increased over the past few years, and the dead are starting to wander in from the Dire Valley with far greater a frequency than ever before. Bissel has also started to make more daring raids, actually burning a small village within the last few months, killing all who lived there and dared to own slaves. Hard times from the lack of trade is compounded by the invasion from the Elemental Isle. Aballa is captured, and no survivors have been heard from. No further incursions have been made, though the army within seems to be mobilizing at last. The first Prophet of the One recently arrived in Mira.


Common Classes

Fighter: With war ever on the horizon, and the constant battles against the orcs, the once-mighty nation of Urganto may have lost a lot of land - but their army remains professional, and among the best trained in the world. Fighters are often from the lower and middle classes, and though they might become non-commissioned officers, they rarely rise to the commissioned ranks.

Inquisitor: Few individual Urganto gods have Inquisitors, though the pantheon as a whole has many. These men, and occasionally women, take it upon themselves to go out and purge any who would defile their gods, and though they always favor one deity above the rest, this favoritism is just a hair above the fanaticism they already have.

Oracle: The blessings of the gods, or the curses as some may see it, only further the belief of righteousness in the eyes of the Urganto people. When an oracle is born, they are often blessed by all the gods of the pantheon, and are required to show devotion to the religion as a whole, rather than to a single aspect of it, as clerics and paladins may.

Paladin: More devoted to their gods than nearly any other nation, the paladins take the best of the Urganto people and combine it with utter devotion to the divine, in order to create the greatest warrior possible. Paladins often come from the upper class, and are the officers of the army.

Rare Classes

Barbarian: With a number of large cities, and multitudes of towns, the tribal peoples have all but vanished, with only a few remaining. Order and discipline are a must within the army, and a barbarian has no place among such.

Summoner: Though often seen as divine companions, Eidolons are in sharp contrast to the faith of the Urganto people. The devotion between summoner and eidolon is such that many see it as heresy and idolatry, and actively hunt down and kill these arcane users. After all, such a profound bond should only be shared with the gods, and not with some simple outsider.

Witch: Seen as forsakers of the Urganto gods at best, and clerics of demons at worst, few witches survive long in this nation. Most are hung by their legs until dead.

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