Cosmology (Existence Supplement)

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About the Planes

Existence is different than the typical Pathfinder cosmology in some major ways, most importantly with how the outer planes are subdivided. Though this information could be of use to some players, unless the DM has given prior approval, this information should be considered “beyond” what any player character would know at the lower levels, and only through experience and learning will they come to understand this complex structure. First off, the easiest way to think of Existence, as it is referred to by the gods, is as a peach. The peach itself is existence, with everything outside of it considered the Great Beyond.

The Great Beyond

The Great Beyond is a place that not even the gods can venture, considered a vast, open emptiness that consumes everything that enters. This though, is not the truth of the Great Beyond. For the truth, the Great Beyond is simply a vast emptiness that drains the very essence of creatures that venture into it, twisting them and devouring them, separating other existences. Many “peaches” can be found in the Great Beyond, but nothing can survive the journey between them, yet. What does survive though, are demons. The Great Beyond is where demons exist, with entire planes of existences made up of nothing but demonic creatures. The Four Horsemen, once five, arrived to Existence and caused havoc in it as they are wont to do anywhere that is not overrun with demons. It is the Four Horsemen that are even now sending demons to the Material Plane through the Lost North in an attempt to destroy everything.

Outer Planes

Next in line comes the Outer Planes. The Outer Planes can be considered the skin of the peach. What makes the Outer Planes unique in this setting is that there are only three planes, an Evil Plane, a Neutral Plane, and a Good Plane, found in that order starting next to the Great Beyond. All evil creatures at one point went to the Evil Plane, while good went to the Good Plane, and they could freely mingle with any located on the entire plane. Now though, with the pantheons of the gods, this is no longer true. Each pantheon has a portion of the planes, one atop of the other, in which they exist and have control. Souls that go to these pantheons are locked into the planes of their gods, and are unable to cross over to the planes of other gods. Though the borders of the planes are fixed, their sizes are not. Existence only has a fixed amount of infinitely sized Outer Planes, and each pantheon has a portion of it. The more powerful the gods in the pantheon are, the more of the Outer Planes fall under their jurisdiction. When a pantheon or single god even, loses power, their domain shrinks while those that gained power grow. If, by some feat such as the demonic incursion, no on grows stronger when another grows weaker, the Outer Planes wrinkle slightly. In effect, the Outer Planes shrink, though with time, they can grow back to their natural size when a pantheon is able to gain power without another losing any, a feat not easily done. Independent gods, or pantheons without gods of all three major alignments, exist only on their planes, and do not affect any other Outer Plane. Here, stacks will occur of different independent gods, with a Good god on top, a Neutral in the middle, and an Evil one on the outside, acting like a pantheon though without any interaction between them.

Good Outer Planes

Physical Traits
Normal Gravity Gravity on this plane functions as normal, something that weighs 5 pounds on the material plane weighs 5 pounds on this plane. Use the normal rules for encumbrance, ability scores, carrying capacity, and skill checks.
Flowing Time flows differently on this plane, extended time spent on this plane usually results in much less time passing on the material plane. While on this plane, 1 month is 1 round on the material plane.
Finite Slice This plane is a slice and has a distinct edge.
Divinely Morphic This plane is much like a normal one, objects stay where they are put unless moved through physical or magical forces. Although, a specific deity has control over this plane and may change any of its physical properties instantaneously. Such as creating a mountain where there once was an ocean.
Element, Alignment, and Magical Traits
No Elemental or Energy Trait This plane has no specific energy or element that dominates it.
Strongly Good-Aligned Any evil-aligned individual on this plane suffers a -2 penalty to all Int-based, Wis-based, and Cha-based ability and skill checks.
Normal Magic Magic on this plane functions normally, it is not any harder to cast a certain spell, and spells don't run the risk of randomly changing into something unintended.
Planar Links, Boundaries & Natives
Firm Borders The borders of this plane are distinct, magic does not cross over from this plane to another bordering plane. A traveler can easily tell the end of a plane with a firm border.
Spell-Created Links Magic on this plane functions like normal. Spells, spell-like abilities, and other magical abilities that draw power from other planes or allow creatures to shift between them function properly.
Natives Good aligned creatures are born here, or come here from the material plane after dying
A Good Outer Plane is one in which is controlled by one or more good gods in a pantheon, or on their own. Most creatures who worship a pantheon in life will come here after death, though if they were cruel in life they likely will be sent to the Evil Outer Planes.

Neutral Outer Planes

Physical Traits
Normal Gravity Gravity on this plane functions as normal, something that weighs 5 pounds on the material plane weighs 5 pounds on this plane. Use the normal rules for encumbrance, ability scores, carrying capacity, and skill checks.
Flowing Time flows differently on this plane, extended time spent on this plane usually results in much less time passing on the material plane. While on this plane, 1 month is 1 round on the material plane.
Finite Slice This plane is a slice and has a distinct edge.
Divinely Morphic This plane is much like a normal one, objects stay where they are put unless moved through physical or magical forces. Although, a specific deity has control over this plane and may change any of its physical properties instantaneously. Such as creating a mountain where there once was an ocean.
Element, Alignment, and Magical Traits
No Elemental or Energy Trait This plane has no specific energy or element that dominates it.
Strongly Neutral-Aligned Any non-neutral creature on this plane suffers a -2 penalty to all Int-based, Wis-based, and Cha-based ability and skill checks.
Normal Magic Magic on this plane functions normally, it is not any harder to cast a certain spell, and spells don't run the risk of randomly changing into something unintended.
Planar Links, Boundaries & Natives
Firm Borders The borders of this plane are distinct, magic does not cross over from this plane to another bordering plane. A traveler can easily tell the end of a plane with a firm border.
Spell-Created Links Magic on this plane functions like normal. Spells, spell-like abilities, and other magical abilities that draw power from other planes or allow creatures to shift between them function properly.
Natives Neutral aligned creatures are born here, or come here from the material plane after dying
A Neutral Outer Plane is one in which is controlled by one or more neutral gods in a pantheon, or on their own. When a creature worships a pantheon in name only, or doing just a few deeds, but does nothing inherently evil, they will often end up here. These planes are often quite a peaceful place, and one in which some creatures actually strive to get to instead of one of the Good Aligned Planes.

Evil Outer Planes

Physical Traits
Normal Gravity Gravity on this plane functions as normal, something that weighs 5 pounds on the material plane weighs 5 pounds on this plane. Use the normal rules for encumbrance, ability scores, carrying capacity, and skill checks.
Flowing Time flows differently on this plane, extended time spent on this plane usually results in much less time passing on the material plane. While on this plane, 1 month is 1 round on the material plane.
Finite Slice This plane is a slice and has a distinct edge.
Divinely Morphic This plane is much like a normal one, objects stay where they are put unless moved through physical or magical forces. Although, a specific deity has control over this plane and may change any of its physical properties instantaneously. Such as creating a mountain where there once was an ocean.
Element, Alignment, and Magical Traits
No Elemental or Energy Trait This plane has no specific energy or element that dominates it.
Strongly Evil-Aligned Any good-aligned creature on this plane suffers a -2 penalty to all Int-based, Wis-based, and Cha-based ability and skill checks.
Normal Magic Magic on this plane functions normally, it is not any harder to cast a certain spell, and spells don't run the risk of randomly changing into something unintended.
Planar Links, Boundaries & Natives
Firm Borders The borders of this plane are distinct, magic does not cross over from this plane to another bordering plane. A traveler can easily tell the end of a plane with a firm border.
Spell-Created Links Magic on this plane functions like normal. Spells, spell-like abilities, and other magical abilities that draw power from other planes or allow creatures to shift between them function properly.
Natives Evil aligned creatures are born here, or come here from the material plane after dying
An Evil Outer Plane is one in which is controlled by one or more evil gods in a pantheon, or on their own. When a creature commits horrible acts in the name of their faith, or are true heretics they will come to these planes to be punished. Sometimes, the gods simply are not happy with a follower and will punish them by sending them to this plane anyways, and in the days of old, when the gods stole the souls of another pantheon's followers, those followers almost always ended up here, regardless of their alignment.

Astral Plane

Next in Existence comes the meat of the peach. This meat is the Astral Plane, separating the Inner Planes from the Outer Planes. The Astral Plane functions as it typically does in Pathfinders.

Astral Plane

Physical Traits
Timeless The effects of time on this plane are dimished. You can not heal naturally, and any spells cast do not take effect while you remain on this plane. If you leave this plane, time "catches up to you" and you age rapidly for the time spent on the plane, depending on how much time you spent on this plane you may also be extremely hungry and exhausted.
Finite Orb This plane is a orb and has a distinct edge.
Alterably Morphic Like normal, objects on this plane do not move unless interacted with either by physical forces or magical. You can dig a hole, or build a wall and unless another force destroys it, it will still be there when you return.
Element, Alignment, and Magical Traits
No Elemental or Energy Trait This plane has no specific energy or element that dominates it.
Mildly Neutral-Aligned This plane has a balance, since no alignments are opposed to neutral, all creatures can exist comfortably on this plane.
Enhanced Magic All spells and spell-like abilities used within the Astral Plane may be employed as if they were improved by the Quicken Spell or Quicken Spell-Like Ability feats. Already quickened spells and spell-like abilities are unaffected, as are spells from magic items. Spells so quickened are still prepared and cast at their unmodified level. As with the Quicken Spell feat, only one quickened spell or spell-like ability can be cast per round.
Planar Links, Boundaries & Natives
Soft Borders The borders of this plane seem to phase into other planes. A traveler may pass through an area where traits from both bordering planes are in effect. Magic crosses through a soft border.
Spell-Created Links Magic on this plane functions like normal. Spells, spell-like abilities, and other magical abilities that draw power from other planes or allow creatures to shift between them function properly.
Natives See Bestiary
The Astral Plane is the space between the Inner and Outer Planes, and coterminous with all of the planes. When a character moves through a portal or projects her spirit to a different plane of existence, she travels through the Astral Plane. Even spells that allow instantaneous movement across a plane briefly touch the Astral Plane. The Astral Plane is a great, endless expanse of clear silvery sky, both above and below. Occasional bits of solid matter can be found here, but most of the Astral Plane is an endless, open domain.

Inner Planes

The core of the peach, or its seed, is both the Inner Planes and the Material Plane. The Inner Planes function in a way very similar to a water fall. The “heavy” planes of Darkness, Water, and Earth are found above the Material Plane, with the three forming almost a pool like shell around the upper half of the Material Plane. Where these three planes meet one another, the sub elemental planes form, and from this “pool”, three great waterfalls flow, each waterfall actually an portion of one of the planes, with the sub elemental planes still forming where two planes touch. The “light” planes of Light, Air, and Fire act exactly the same as the heavy planes, only they are found below the Material Plane and flow upwards into it. Where all the planes collide, there forms the Material Plane.

Plane of Air

Physical Traits
Subjective Directional Gravity Gravity on this plane carries the same force as the material plane, though it is wherever an individual desires it to be, because of this unattended objects and non-sentient creatures have no gravity and simply float. If an individual wills gravity to pull his feet toward a wall, then he may walk up a wall as if gravity was holding him to it. An individual may take use a free action to set a new direction of gravity on this plane. Setting a new direction requires a DC 16 Wisdom check, an individual gets cumulative +6 to this check in successive rounds after a failure, until he or she success.
Normal Time Time flows normally on this plane, for each round you spend on this plane, one round passes on the material plane.
Finite Water fall This plane is a water fall and has a distinct edge.
Highly Morphic This plane is often changing, this do not stay where creatures left them, and the matter in the plane often moves at random. This plane is considered quite unstable making mapping through natural means quite difficult
Element, Alignment, and Magical Traits
Air-Dominant This plane is comprised mostly of air, and while generally not harmful, there may be pockets of poisonous gasses, or acidic vapor. Creatures of the earth subtype are quite uncomfortable on this plane, though they do not suffer any damage. It is generally hard to find solid ground on an air-dominant plane. Though sheets of ice, and even clouds can often act as "ground" on this plane.
Mildly Neutral-Aligned This plane has a balance, since no alignments are opposed to neutral, all creatures can exist comfortably on this plane.
Enhanced Magic Spells and spell-like abilities with the air descriptor or that use, manipulate, or create air (including those of the Air domain and the elemental [air] bloodline) are enhanced.
Impeded Magic Spells and spell-like abilities with the earth descriptor or that use or create earth (including those of the Earth domain, spell-like abilities of the elemental [earth] bloodline, and spells that summon earth elementals or outsiders with the earth subtype) are impeded.
Planar Links, Boundaries & Natives
Firm Borders The borders of this plane are distinct, magic does not cross over from this plane to another bordering plane. A traveler can easily tell the end of a plane with a firm border.
Natives See Bestiary
The Plane of Air is an empty plane, consisting of sky above and sky below. It is the most comfortable and survivable of the Inner Planes and is the home of all manner of airborne creatures. Indeed, flying creatures find themselves at a great advantage on this plane. While travelers without flight can survive easily here, they are at a disadvantage.

Plane of Darkness

Physical Traits
Subjective Directional Gravity Gravity on this plane carries the same force as the material plane, though it is wherever an individual desires it to be, because of this unattended objects and non-sentient creatures have no gravity and simply float. If an individual wills gravity to pull his feet toward a wall, then he may walk up a wall as if gravity was holding him to it. An individual may take use a free action to set a new direction of gravity on this plane. Setting a new direction requires a DC 16 Wisdom check, an individual gets cumulative +6 to this check in successive rounds after a failure, until he or she success.
Normal Time Time flows normally on this plane, for each round you spend on this plane, one round passes on the material plane.
Finite Water fall This plane is a water fall and has a distinct edge.
Element, Alignment, and Magical Traits
Negative-Dominant This plane is charged with negative energy, all living creatures on this plane take 1d6 damage a round
Enhanced Magic Spells and spell-like abilities with the evil or darkness descriptor or that use, manipulate, or create darkness(including those of the Darkness, Death, Evil, and Madness domains) are enhanced.
Impeded Magic Spells and spell-like abilities with the good or light descriptor or that use or create light (including those of the Glory, Good, Healing, and Sun,and spells that summon good outsiders with the good subtype) are impeded.
Planar Links, Boundaries & Natives
Firm Borders The borders of this plane are distinct, magic does not cross over from this plane to another bordering plane. A traveler can easily tell the end of a plane with a firm border.
Natives See Bestiary
To an observer, there's little to see on the Darkness Plane. It is a dark, empty place, an eternal pit where a traveler can fall until the plane itself steals away all light and life. The Darkness Plane is the most hostile of the Inner Planes, the most uncaring and intolerant of life. Only creatures immune to its life-draining energies can survive there.

Plane of Earth

Physical Traits
Normal Gravity Gravity on this plane functions as normal, something that weighs 5 pounds on the material plane weighs 5 pounds on this plane. Use the normal rules for encumbrance, ability scores, carrying capacity, and skill checks.
Normal Time Time flows normally on this plane, for each round you spend on this plane, one round passes on the material plane.
Finite Water fall This plane is a water fall and has a distinct edge.
Alterably Morphic Like normal, objects on this plane do not move unless interacted with either by physical forces or magical. You can dig a hole, or build a wall and unless another force destroys it, it will still be there when you return.
Element, Alignment, and Magical Traits
Earth-Dominant This plane is made almost entirely of solid earth. A traveler teleporting in often runs the risk of being trapped inside earth, and suffocating to death. A traveler without a burrow speed may dig 5 feet per turn. Creatures of the air subtype are uncomfortable on this plane, though they suffer no ill effects.
Mildly Neutral-Aligned This plane has a balance, since no alignments are opposed to neutral, all creatures can exist comfortably on this plane.
Enhanced Magic Spells and spell-like abilities with the earth descriptor or that use, manipulate, or create earth or stone (including those of the Earth domain and the elemental [earth] bloodline) are enhanced.
Impeded Magic Spells and spell-like abilities with the air descriptor or that use or create air (including those of the Air domain, spell-like abilities of the elemental [air] bloodline, and spells that summon air elementals or outsiders with the air subtype) are impeded.
Planar Links, Boundaries & Natives
Firm Borders The borders of this plane are distinct, magic does not cross over from this plane to another bordering plane. A traveler can easily tell the end of a plane with a firm border.
Natives See Bestiary
The Plane of Earth is a solid place made of soil and stone. An unwary traveler might find himself entombed within this vast solidity of material and crushed into nothingness, with his powdered remains left as a warning to any foolish enough to follow. Despite its solid, unyielding nature, the Plane of Earth is varied in its consistency, ranging from soft soil to veins of heavier and more valuable metal.

Plane of Fire

Physical Traits
Subjective Directional Gravity Gravity on this plane carries the same force as the material plane, though it is wherever an individual desires it to be, because of this unattended objects and non-sentient creatures have no gravity and simply float. If an individual wills gravity to pull his feet toward a wall, then he may walk up a wall as if gravity was holding him to it. An individual may take use a free action to set a new direction of gravity on this plane. Setting a new direction requires a DC 16 Wisdom check, an individual gets cumulative +6 to this check in successive rounds after a failure, until he or she success.
Normal Time Time flows normally on this plane, for each round you spend on this plane, one round passes on the material plane.
Finite Water fall This plane is a water fall and has a distinct edge.
Highly Morphic This plane is often changing, this do not stay where creatures left them, and the matter in the plane often moves at random. This plane is considered quite unstable making mapping through natural means quite difficult
Element, Alignment, and Magical Traits
Fire-Dominant This plane is extremely volatile. It is dotted with volcanoes, lava floes, self-burning fires and the superheated air scorches all that it touches. Any creature attempting to travel this plane takes 3d10 points of fire damage per round (A creature with heat endurance takes half damage, while creatures made of water take double damage). Not only are creatures susceptible, but any unprotected clothing, paper, wood, or other flammable material catches fire immediately.
Mildly Neutral-Aligned This plane has a balance, since no alignments are opposed to neutral, all creatures can exist comfortably on this plane.
Enhanced Magic Spells and spell-like abilities with the fire descriptor or that use, manipulate, or create fire (including those of the Fire domain or the elemental [fire] bloodline) are enhanced.
Impeded Magic Spells and spell-like abilities with the water descriptor or that use or create water (including spells of the Water domain, spell-like abilities of the elemental [water] bloodline, and spells that summon water elementals or outsiders with the water subtype) are impeded.
Planar Links, Boundaries & Natives
Firm Borders The borders of this plane are distinct, magic does not cross over from this plane to another bordering plane. A traveler can easily tell the end of a plane with a firm border.
Natives See Bestiary
Everything is alight on the Plane of Fire. The ground is nothing more than great, ever-shifting plates of compressed flame. The air ripples with the heat of continual firestorms and the most common liquid is magma. The oceans are made of liquid flame, and the mountains ooze with molten lava. Fire survives here without needing fuel or air, but flammables brought onto the plane are consumed readily.

Plane of Light

Physical Traits
Subjective Directional Gravity Gravity on this plane carries the same force as the material plane, though it is wherever an individual desires it to be, because of this unattended objects and non-sentient creatures have no gravity and simply float. If an individual wills gravity to pull his feet toward a wall, then he may walk up a wall as if gravity was holding him to it. An individual may take use a free action to set a new direction of gravity on this plane. Setting a new direction requires a DC 16 Wisdom check, an individual gets cumulative +6 to this check in successive rounds after a failure, until he or she success.
Normal Time Time flows normally on this plane, for each round you spend on this plane, one round passes on the material plane.
Finite Water fall This plane is a water fall and has a distinct edge.
Element, Alignment, and Magical Traits
Positive-Dominant This plane is charged with positive energy, all living creatures on this plane gain fast healing 2, this counts as an extraordinary ability, magic on this plane seems flashier, and more alive.
Enhanced Magic Spells and spell-like abilities with the good or light descriptor or that use or create light (including those of the Glory, Good, Healing, and Sun,and spells that summon good outsiders with the good subtype) are enhanced
Impeded Magic Spells and spell-like abilities with the evil or darkness descriptor or that use, manipulate, or create darkness(including those of the Darkness, Death, Evil, and Madness domains) are impeded
Planar Links, Boundaries & Natives
Firm Borders The borders of this plane are distinct, magic does not cross over from this plane to another bordering plane. A traveler can easily tell the end of a plane with a firm border.
Natives See Bestiary
The Plane of Light has no surface and is akin to the Plane of Air with its wide-open nature. However, every bit of this plane glows brightly with innate power. This power is dangerous to mortal forms, which are not made to handle it. Despite the beneficial effects of the plane, it is one of the most hostile of the Inner Planes. An unprotected character on this plane swells with power as positive energy is forced upon her. Then, because her mortal frame is unable to contain that power, she is immolated, like a mote of dust caught at the edge of a supernova. Visits to the Plane of Light are brief, and even then travelers must be heavily protected.

Plane of Water

Physical Traits
Subjective Directional Gravity Gravity on this plane carries the same force as the material plane, though it is wherever an individual desires it to be, because of this unattended objects and non-sentient creatures have no gravity and simply float. If an individual wills gravity to pull his feet toward a wall, then he may walk up a wall as if gravity was holding him to it. An individual may take use a free action to set a new direction of gravity on this plane. Setting a new direction requires a DC 16 Wisdom check, an individual gets cumulative +6 to this check in successive rounds after a failure, until he or she success.
Normal Time Time flows normally on this plane, for each round you spend on this plane, one round passes on the material plane.
Finite Water fall This plane is a water fall and has a distinct edge.
Alterably Morphic Like normal, objects on this plane do not move unless interacted with either by physical forces or magical. You can dig a hole, or build a wall and unless another force destroys it, it will still be there when you return.
Element, Alignment, and Magical Traits
Water-Dominant This plane is almost entirely made of water. A creature without water breathing may have a difficult time finding an air pocket to breathe. Creatures made of fire (such as elementals) take 1d10 points of damage each round.
Mildly Neutral-Aligned This plane has a balance, since no alignments are opposed to neutral, all creatures can exist comfortably on this plane.
Enhanced Magic Spells and spell-like abilities with the water descriptor or that use or create water (including those of the Water domain or the elemental [water] bloodline) are enhanced.
Impeded Magic Spells and spell-like abilities with the fire descriptor or that use or create fire (including spells of the Fire domain, spell-like abilities of the elemental [fire] bloodline, and spells that summon fire elementals or outsiders with the fire subtype) are impeded.
Planar Links, Boundaries & Natives
Firm Borders The borders of this plane are distinct, magic does not cross over from this plane to another bordering plane. A traveler can easily tell the end of a plane with a firm border.
Natives See Bestiary
The Plane of Water is a sea without a floor or a surface, an entirely fluid environment lit by a diffuse glow. It is one of the more hospitable of the Inner Planes once a traveler gets past the problem of breathing the local medium.

The eternal oceans of this plane vary between ice cold and boiling hot, and between saline and fresh. They are perpetually in motion, wracked by currents and tides. The plane's permanent settlements form around bits of flotsam suspended within this endless liquid, drifting on the tides.

Material Plane

The Material Plane is in the very center of existence, with both the Shadow Plane and Ethereal Plane flowing parallel to it. These planes function just like they typically do in Pathfinders.

The Material Plane

Physical Traits
Normal Gravity Gravity on this plane functions as normal, something that weighs 5 pounds on the material plane weighs 5 pounds on this plane. Use the normal rules for encumbrance, ability scores, carrying capacity, and skill checks.
Normal Time Time flows normally on this plane, for each round you spend on this plane, one round passes on the material plane.
Finite Flat-circle This plane is a flat-circle and has a distinct edge.
Alterably Morphic Like normal, objects on this plane do not move unless interacted with either by physical forces or magical. You can dig a hole, or build a wall and unless another force destroys it, it will still be there when you return.
Element, Alignment, and Magical Traits
No Elemental or Energy Trait This plane has no specific energy or element that dominates it.
Mildly Neutral-Aligned This plane has a balance, since no alignments are opposed to neutral, all creatures can exist comfortably on this plane.
Normal Magic Magic on this plane functions normally, it is not any harder to cast a certain spell, and spells don't run the risk of randomly changing into something unintended.
Planar Links, Boundaries & Natives
Soft Borders The borders of this plane seem to phase into other planes. A traveler may pass through an area where traits from both bordering planes are in effect. Magic crosses through a soft border.
Natives Most humanoids and creatures make their residence on the material plane, as it is the primary plane of existence.
This is the main plane of existence, all the elemental planes share a soft border with the material plane at one point or another, as does the astral plane. The material plane is also co-existant with the shadow, and ethereal planes.

The Ethereal Plane

Physical Traits
Normal Time Time flows normally on this plane, for each round you spend on this plane, one round passes on the material plane.
Finite Flat-circle This plane is a flat-circle and has a distinct edge.
Alterably Morphic Like normal, objects on this plane do not move unless interacted with either by physical forces or magical. You can dig a hole, or build a wall and unless another force destroys it, it will still be there when you return.
Element, Alignment, and Magical Traits
No Elemental or Energy Trait This plane has no specific energy or element that dominates it.
Mildly Neutral-Aligned This plane has a balance, since no alignments are opposed to neutral, all creatures can exist comfortably on this plane.
Normal Magic Magic on this plane functions normally, it is not any harder to cast a certain spell, and spells don't run the risk of randomly changing into something unintended.
Planar Links, Boundaries & Natives
Soft Borders The borders of this plane seem to phase into other planes. A traveler may pass through an area where traits from both bordering planes are in effect. Magic crosses through a soft border.
Natives Almost none
The Ethereal Plane is coexistent with the Material Plane and often other planes as well. The Material Plane itself is visible from the Ethereal Plane, but it appears muted and indistinct; colors blur into each other and edges are fuzzy.

While it is possible to see into the Material Plane from the Ethereal Plane, the latter is usually invisible to those on the Material Plane. Normally, creatures on the Ethereal Plane cannot attack creatures on the Material Plane, and vice versa. A traveler on the Ethereal Plane is invisible, insubstanial, and utterly silent to someone on the Material Plane. Spells function normally on the Ethereal Plane, though they do not cross into the Material Plane. The only exceptions are spells and spell-like abilities that have the force descriptor and abjuration spells that affect ethereal beings; these can cross from the Material Plane to the Ethereal Plane. Spellcasters on the Material Plane must have some way to detect foes on the Ethereal Plane before targeting them with force-based spells. While it's possible to hit ethereal enemies with a force spell cast on the Material Plane, the reverse isn't possible. No magical attacks cross from the Ethereal Plane to the Material Plane, including force attacks.

The Shadow Plane

Physical Traits
Normal Gravity Gravity on this plane functions as normal, something that weighs 5 pounds on the material plane weighs 5 pounds on this plane. Use the normal rules for encumbrance, ability scores, carrying capacity, and skill checks.
Normal Time Time flows normally on this plane, for each round you spend on this plane, one round passes on the material plane.
Finite Flat-circle This plane is a flat-circle and has a distinct edge.
Magically Morphic Please use the morphicm trait to give a description of what spells can change this plane.
Element, Alignment, and Magical Traits
No Elemental or Energy Trait This plane has no specific energy or element that dominates it.
Mildly Neutral-Aligned This plane has a balance, since no alignments are opposed to neutral, all creatures can exist comfortably on this plane.
Enhanced Magic Spells with the shadow descriptor are enhanced on the Shadow Plane. Furthermore, specific spells become more powerful on the Shadow Plane. Shadow conjuration and shadow evocation spells are 30% as powerful as the conjurations and evocations they mimic (as opposed to 20%). Greater shadow conjuration and greater shadow evocation are 70% as powerful (not 60%), and a shades spell conjures at 90% of the power of the original (not 80%). Despite the dark nature of the Shadow Plane, spells that produce, use, or manipulate darkness are unaffected by the plane.
Impeded Magic Spells with the light descriptor or that use or generate light or fire are impeded on the Shadow Plane. Spells that produce light are less effective in general, because all light sources have their ranges halved on the Shadow Plane.
Planar Links, Boundaries & Natives
Soft Borders The borders of this plane seem to phase into other planes. A traveler may pass through an area where traits from both bordering planes are in effect. Magic crosses through a soft border.
Natives See Bestiary
The Shadow Plane is a dimly lit dimension that is both coterminous to and coexistent with the Material Plane. It overlaps the Material Plane much as the Ethereal Plane does, so a planar traveler can use the Shadow Plane to cover great distances quickly. The Shadow Plane is also coterminous to other planes. With the right spell, a character can use the Shadow Plane to visit other realities. The Shadow Plane is a world of black and white; color itself has been bleached from the environment. It otherwise appears similar to the Material Plane. Despite the lack of light sources, various plants, animals, and humanoids call the Shadow Plane home.


Due to the way the planes form, and where some of the outer planer creatures can be found, not all of them function normally. Demons, for example, do not naturally exist in existence. No pantheon has any demons serving it, and thus whenever a demon is encountered; it is known to only be coming from the Great Beyond. For the moment, demons are only ever found in the Lost North, the Deadlands, and on minor incursions into surrounding territories. While mages can summon a demon, because of where they must be summoned from, it requires more power, and thus is less frequently done here.

Devils and angels are the servants of the gods. Though some of the gods may be Chaotic Evil, any creature that serves them is likely to be a Lawful Evil devil. Each pantheon has its own devils and angels that serve them, and thus when one is encountered, without a proper Knowledge (Planes) check, which pantheon they serve cannot be determined. Most Outer Planer creatures do carry some obvious indication of the pantheon they serve and are often very hard to mistake for the wrong pantheon.

A Fallen Angel, or Blessed Devil, is simply a creature that has, through force or choice, ended up serving a god from their opposing alignment. Because of the way the pantheons function, though uncommon, it is not unheard of for an Angel to fall and serve an evil god, or a Devil to be blessed and to serve a good god. When this happens, the only changes are to their alignment along the Good/Evil axis, and any spell like abilities they have are flopped between harming and helping. If there is not a direct opposite for their spells or abilities, they keep the ones they currently have. As an example, fallen creatures will Cause Moderate Wounds instead of Cure Moderate Wounds


When a creature with a soul dies on the material plane, their soul does not immediately depart. For a few days, it lingers, unable to comprehend what has happened to it, often times aimlessly wondering around near where it died. When at last death settles in, the soul will leave the material plane and head out towards the outer planes.

A soul leaving the material plane, if left alone, goes towards the pantheon it worshipped. Thus, if nothing happens to prevent the soul from moving on properly, when a person dies, their soul makes way to the world they were worshipping when they were alive. For most, this works out well for they can live an eternal life in exactly what they knew was coming, for some, this doesn’t work out the way they planned.

A soul that dies is supposed to go to the pantheon it worshipped, but there is one other that can lay claim to the soul, the killer. When someone is killed by a follower of another pantheon, that pantheon also gains rights to the soul, to drag them to their afterlife and to do with as they please. A long time ago, the gods did this, snatching up the souls of those their followers killed in order to gain more power for themselves and their pantheon, but since the truce was made, this is very rarely done. Still, because of old habits, most pantheons have an entire race of creatures devoted to shepherding the souls of the dead to their proper eternal resting place amongst the pantheon they worshipped. Not only do these creatures guide the soul to the afterlife, they protect it from the creatures of other pantheons if they attempt to steal it.

A soul that does not worship a pantheon still can be claimed by the pantheon that had it killed, and many will claim these ‘lost’ souls, if for nothing more than the power they offer. If they do not get claimed, they depart the world and end up in the astral plane, floating aimlessly for thousands of years, slowly floating outwards and through the outer planes. Eventually, the souls of the unclaimed end up entering the Great Beyond, and inevitably become demons.

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