Equipment (Existence Supplement)

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Existence is not a unified world, nor is it even close to becoming one. As such, each nation uses its own coins, which can cause some serious problems to players who do not have the appropriate coins when attempting to buy something. This should be noted, and if the DM feels makes things to complicated, ignored all together. Nations do use the same coin types, denominations, and weight, as one another, but what is printed on the coin is different. This means that there is typically a price increase for all goods when purchasing with a foreign coin, based on relations between the two nations. Below is a quick reference to how much value a foreign coin has within a nation.

Alliance: 90%

Neutral: 70%

War: 50% (Often times, 0% and can be a sign of a traitor)

1 Platinum = 10 Gold = 100 Silver = 1,000 Copper

Follow the chart below to understand how much money each character starts with, of any currency type desired.

Starting Gold
Class Starting Gold
Alchemist180 gp.
Barbarian180 gp.
Bard180 gp.
Cavalier300 gp.
Cleric240 gp.
Druid120 gp.
Fighter300 gp.
Inquisitor240 gp.
Monk60 gp.
Oracle180 gp.
Paladin300 gp.
Ranger300 gp.
Rogue240 gp.
Sorcerer120 gp.
Summoner120 gp.
Witch180 gp.
Wizard120 gp.


The following list describes the basic value of some common gems used for trading. The greatest value of these is that they are the same value across borders, and thus having these on hand eliminates the worry about having the proper currency. Typically, they will sell for the listed value from the player, but for the player to buy them, they will cost around 10% more. This cost is the ‘transaction’ fee most banks and similar places charge, and a way to ensure not all currency simply becomes gems.

Gem Gem Value
White Pearl10 gp.
Bloodstone50 gp.
Silver Pearl100 gp.
Black Pearl500 gp.
Fire Opal1,000 gp.
Diamond5,000 gp.

Selling Treasure

Unlike in normal Pathfinder, selling a treasure does not simply net a 50% value return. This is because the desire is to allow a player to establish a shop if they do choose to, and to be able to profit from it. After all, if a player must only sell a good for 50%, why would they ever try to make something to sell? To see the value of items, a player must go to a shop who would like to purchase the items in question and make diplomacy check (unaided) against the clerics appraise check, to see what value they can get for their goods. This price remains in effect for 1 game week, regardless of how good, or poor, the roll was. Note, this means that a failed check simply means that the store has no desire to purchase the items at this time. Also, if the character owns a store, they can sell the goods at normal cost, but the DM must decide when the goods are actually purchased.

Beat By Value

The max a character can sell an item to a store is 90% of its base value, as no store keeper is willing to lose money on a purchase.

Example: A cleric has found that he no longer needs his Chain Shirt and wishes to sell it to the local Armorer. The Chain Shirt has a base value of 200 gp, and so he makes a Diplomacy Check. The cleric scores a 19, while the Armorer scored only an 11 on his appraise check. The Cleric beat the Armorer by 8, allowing him to sell the Chain Shirt for 55% of its value, or 110 gp.


The following charts are given only as a reference for people to use when equipping their characters. Included are the items that have had a price change from the core rulebook, or are a part of a category which had the majority of members’ prices changed.


This world is constantly at war, and as such, though one would think armor would be the wisest course of action to protect soldiers, the number of death ensures that equipping them well is a cost most nations cannot afford. Because of this, the practice of armor crafting has fallen to the wayside, and with less and less artisans practicing, the price only goes up.

Medium Armor
ArmorPriceAC BonusMax DexArmor CheckArcane Failure30 ft20ftWeight
Armored coat75 gp+4+3220%20 ft.15 ft.20 lbs.
Hide20 gp+4+4320%20 ft.15 ft.25 lbs.
Do-maru400 gp+5+4425%20 ft.15 ft.30 lbs.
Kikko60 gp+5+4320%20 ft.15 ft.25 lbs.
Lamellar (horn)200 gp+5+3425%20 ft.15 ft.30 lbs.
Scale mail100 gp+5+3425%20 ft.15 ft.30 lbs.
Agile breastplate800 gp+6+3425%20 ft.15 ft.25 lbs.
Breastplate400 gp+6+3425%20 ft.15 ft.30 lbs.
Chainmail300 gp+6+2530%20 ft.15 ft.40 lbs.
Four-mirror90 gp+6+2530%20 ft.15 ft.45 lbs.
Lamellar (steel)300 gp+6+3525%20 ft.15 ft.35 lbs.
Mountain pattern500 gp+6+3430%20 ft.15 ft.40 lbs.

Heavy Armor
ArmorPriceAC BonusMax DexArmor CheckArcane Failure30 ft20ftWeight
Banded mail1,250 gp+7+1635%20 ft.215 ft.235 lbs.
Kusari gusoku1,750 gp+7+1735%20 ft.215 ft.245 lbs.
Lamellar (iron)1,000 gp+7+0740%20 ft.215 ft.250 lbs.
Splint mail1,000 gp+7+0740%20 ft.215 ft.245 lbs.
Tatami-do5,000 gp+7+3635%20 ft.215 ft.245 lbs.
Agile half-plate4,250 gp+8+0740%20 ft.315 ft.355 lbs.
Half-plate3,000 gp+8+0740%20 ft.215 ft.250 lbs.
Lamellar (stone)2,500 gp+8+0740%20 ft.215 ft.245 lbs.
O-yoroi8,500 gp+8+2635%20 ft.215 ft.245 lbs.
Full plate7,500 gp+9+1635%20 ft.215 ft.250 lbs.

ArmorPriceAC BonusMax DexArmor CheckArcane Failure30 ft20ftWeight
Buckler5 gp+115%5 lbs.
Klar12 gp+115%6 lbs.
Light steel quickdraw90gp+125%7 lbs.
Light steel18 gp+115%6 lbs.
Light wooden quickdraw53 gp+125%6 lbs.
Light wooden3 gp+115%5 lbs.
Madu (leather)40 gp+125%5 lbs.
Madu (steel)100 gp+125%6 lbs.
Heavy steel40 gp+2215%15 lbs.
Heavy wooden7 gp+2215%10 lbs.
Tower120 gp+44+21050%45 lbs.

ArmorPriceAC BonusMax DexArmor CheckArcane FailureWeight
Armor spikes+50 gp+10 lbs.
Locked gauntlet+8 gpSpecialN/A5+5 lbs.
Shield spikes+10 gp+5 lbs.



So many wars means a requirement for weapons, but the Soldiers are not well trained, and often given only the most basic of weapons to learn, and fight, with. As such, the practice of making these weapons has become quite popular, and it is easy to find an artisan making these now cheap, and abundant, weapons.

Light MeleeWeaponsPriceDmg (S)Dmg (M)CriticalRangeWeightTypeSpecial
Battle aspergillum2.5 gp1d41d6×24 lbs.BSee text
Brass knuckles5 sp1d21d3×21 lb.BMonk, see text
Cestus2.5 gp1d31d41920/×21 lb.B or PMonk, see text
Dagger1 gp1d31d41920/×210 ft.1 lb.P or S
Gauntlet1 gp1d21d3×21 lb.B
Light mace2.5 gp1d41d6×24 lbs.B
Punching dagger1 gp1d31d4×31 lb.P
Sickle3 gp1d41d6×22 lbs.STrip
Spiked gauntlet2.5 gp1d31d4×21 lb.P
Wooden stake1d31d4×210 ft.1 lb.P

One-Handed Melee WeaponsWeaponsPriceDmg (S)Dmg (M)CriticalRangeWeightTypeSpecial
Club1d41d6×210 ft.3 lbs.B
Heavy mace6 gp1d61d8×28 lbs.B
Mere club1 gp1d31d4×22 lbs.B or PFragile
Morningstar4 gp1d61d8×26 lbs.B and P
Shortspear5 sp1d41d6×220 ft.3 lbs.P

Two-Handed MeleeWeaponsPriceDmg (S)Dmg (M)CriticalRangeWeightTypeSpecial
Bayonet2.5 gp1d41d6×21 lb.P
Boar spear2.5 gp1d61d8×28 lbs.PBrace, see text
Longspear2.5 gp1d61d8×39 lbs.PBrace, reach
Quarterstaff1d4/1d41d6/1d6×24 lbs.BDouble, monk
Spear1 gp1d61d8×320 ft.6 lbs.PBrace

RangedWeaponsPriceDmg (S)Dmg (M)CriticalRangeWeightTypeSpecial
Blowgun1 gp11d2×220 ft.1 lb.P
Dart2.5 sp1d31d4×220 ft.1/2 lb.P
Heavy crossbow30 gp1d81d101920/×2120 ft.8 lbs.P
Javelin1 gp1d41d6×230 ft.2 lbs.P
Light crossbow20 gp1d61d81920/×280 ft.4 lbs.P
Sling1d31d4×250 ft.B
Underwater heavy crossbow200 gp1d81d101920/×2120 ft.8 lbs.P
Underwater light crossbow140 gp1d61d81920/×280 ft.4 lbs.P

Masterwork & Special Materials

Though skilled artisans exist, they are not a common practice, as many nations simply want quantity, not quality, for weapons and armor. As such, the price for a masterwork weapon and armor, as well as special materials, is changed as according to the following table. The cost of masterwork is in addition to the normal price of the weapon or armor. Special material is quite a bit more expensive due to the lack of desire for the increased value, while primitive equipment is cheaper and thus more often sought after.

Masterwork Armor+450 gp
Masterwork Weapon+900 gp
Masterwork Ammo+18 gp
Rare Materials150% of cost
Primitive Materials75% of cost


Though perhaps one of the least desirable aspects of Existence, slavery not only exists, but flourishes in many nations. Bissel is the only nation that strictly prohibits slavery, and though many nations may not depend on it, slavery does still exist here. A few nations, such as Urganto and Belgoria, depend heavily on slavery, and would likely fail as a nation if such a trade was stripped from them.

Slaves are most often sold at an auction or by a private buyer by the players, though if able, they can also wholesale them to another slaver. When selling a slave, use the table below to figure out their average price, and use the selling treasure table to figure out what a player may sell them for. Purchasing a slave should follow this chart, when and if a player chooses to buy a slave. A whole sale of slaves typically starts at 25% of value for the average individual times the number sold, instead of pricing each slave individually.

Male slaves are typically sold for their Strength attribute, and female slaves for their Dexterity attribute. Female elves are sold in Belgoria for their Charisma attribute, and those slaves with extremely high intelligence or wisdom may be sold in either nation in private sales for specialized scholarly tasks. Take the Score Modifier on the attribute the slave is being sold for and follow the chart for their value.


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