Teleport (3.5e Variant Rule)
Teleport (Int)
You can move from one place to another instantly.
Requirements: Psychoportation feat
Check: You can make a Teleport check to transport yourself (and possibly additional material that you are touching) to another location. The base DC is 10, modified by the familiarity of the destination and the amount of additional mass you are carrying (apart from yourself). You choose whether objects you are touching are carried along or left behind (allowing you to teleport out of things such as ropes and manacles, or your clothes, for example). You cannot teleport only part of an object or creature. All the material must be touching you or another solid object that is touching you for it to be carried along. Creatures that do not wish to be taken along can make a Will saving throw. If the save is successful, they’re left behind. A failed Teleport check means you don’t go anywhere.
Special: You can take 10 on a Teleport check, but you can’t take 20.
Time: Teleport is a move action.
Strain: 1 plus familiarity and mass modifiers.
Normally, a failed Teleport check simply means the character doesn’t go anywhere. Gamemasters who want to make teleportation a bit riskier can apply the following optional rule. A Teleport check that fails by 10 or more results in a “misjump,” the character teleports, but not necessarily to the desired destination. The character is off-target in a random direction. The distance off-target is 1d10 × 1d10% of the distance traveled. Characters teleporting great distances can end up far off target, and in some cases can find themselves in very hazardous environments (such as the open ocean or even deep space). A misjump also leaves the psychic dazed for 1d6 rounds. A Will saving throw (DC 15) negates this.
The possibility of misjumps tend to encourage psychics to use Psychoportation only for destinations they are fairly familiar with, keeping the DC within 10 or so of their skill rank to minimize chances of a misjump. It also encourages taking 10 on Apport and Teleport skill checks whenever possible.
The Law of Conservation of Motion: It is assumed that Psychoportation skills such as Apport and Teleport are not subject to the Law of the Conservation of Momentum and that teleporting causes an object to arrive at rest relative to its surroundings, regardless of its original orientation or velocity. Thus, a character can teleport from one point on a planet to another without any concerns about the speed of the planet’s rotation (or its movement through space, for that matter). A character can also teleport out of a fall (as long as he has time to take a move action) without any harm. Characters can teleport to and from moving vehicles, and so forth.
In some settings, however, this may not be the case. If the Gamemaster wishes to preserve the conservation of momentum in the campaign, then Apport and Teleport are considerably more limited. Psychoportation skills are limited to an effective distance of 300 miles on the surface of a planet, greater distances result in serious injury or immediate death. Even at distances under 300 miles, characters must make a Will saving throw (DC 15) to avoid being dazed for 1 round after teleporting due to disorientation.
Changes in altitude and gravitational potential are even more limited. These result in potential energy gains or losses, increasing or decreasing the subject’s temperature. Psychoportation is limited to no more than a 1,200 feet increase or decrease in altitude per jump. Any more results in death or serious brain damage.
These limitations may not apply if both the departure and arrival points for the teleportation are in deep space, away from any large masses or gravitational disturbances. This permits Psychoportation to function over interplanetary or interstellar distances, while still being limited on a planetary scale, for GMs who want to use Psychoportation as an effective means of interplanetary travel. Of course, the GM can also just as easily say that Psychoportation doesn’t work at such distances because of galactic and universal motion.
The limitations of Psychoportation (if any) on fantasy worlds without Earthlike physics are entirely up to the Gamemaster (and, perhaps, the deities of the setting).
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