Sideshow (JJBA Supplement)
Natural vs Supernatural
Sideshows are individuals who have found themselves engulfed in a world of terrifyingly powerful supernatural powers. Sun magic and ghostly apparitions are just a handful of what these heroes have to put up with, all without supernatural powers of their own. Some sideshows make up for this by augmenting their bodies with World War era cybernetic technology, while others simply survive with their street wit alone.
Creating a Sideshow
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A cyborg (above) and a hooligan (below), Source [![]() |
- Quick Build
You can make a Cyborg quickly by following these suggestions. First, Intelligence should be your highest ability score, followed by Strength or Dexterity.
Class Features
As a Sideshow you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d10 per Sideshow level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Sideshow level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: Light, medium armor
Weapons: Simple, martial, modern and futuristic weapons
Tools: Any 1 tool kit of your choice
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Strength
Skills: Choose 3 of any skill
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- A set of common clothes
- (a) Dungeoneer’s Pack or (b) Explorer’s Pack
- If you are using starting wealth, you have 5d20*10 in funds.
Level | Proficiency Bonus | Features | Spirit points |
1st | +2 | Show, Spirit Points | 0 |
2nd | +2 | Brainstorm | 0 |
3rd | +2 | Show feature | 3 |
4th | +2 | Ability Score Improvement | 3 |
5th | +3 | — | 4 |
6th | +3 | Extra Attack | 4 |
7th | +3 | Show feature | 5 |
8th | +3 | Ability Score Improvement | 5 |
9th | +4 | Show feature | 6 |
10th | +4 | — | 6 |
11th | +4 | Show feature | 7 |
12th | +4 | Ability Score Improvement | 7 |
13th | +5 | Show feature | 8 |
14th | +5 | Extra Attack | 8 |
15th | +5 | Show feature | 9 |
16th | +5 | Ability Score Improvement | 9 |
17th | +6 | Show feature | 10 |
18th | +6 | — | 12 |
19th | +6 | Ability Score Improvement | 15 |
20th | +6 | Do or Die | 20 |
At 1st level, you choose your show, all detailed at the end of this class description. Your show determines your starting equipment. You gain additional show features at 3rd, 7th, 9th, 11th, 13th, 15th, and 17th levels.
- Your Sideshow save DC = 8 + your Intelligence modifier + your Proficiency bonus
- Your Sideshow spell attack bonus = your Intelligence modifier + your Proficiency bonus
Spirit Points
Many features require expending Spirit Points to activate. The number of spirit points you have is shown in the Sideshow table. You regain all expended Spirit Points after completing a long rest.
At 2nd level, you develop a form of on-the-fly applicable thought indicative of sideshows. When you are targeted by a feature in which you must make a saving throw or the entity initiating the effect makes any sort of attack roll or skill check, you may contest it with an Intelligence saving throw, completely ignoring the effect on a success.
Ability Score Increase
When you reach the 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase any score of your choice by 2, or you can increase 2 of them by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Extra Attack
At 6th level, when you take the attack action, you may attack an additional time. You gain an additional attack at 14th level.
Do or Die
At 20th level, you fully understand that ingenuity is the mother of invention. You can take an additional action on each of your turns. You may spend 5 spirit points to gain an additional action at any time.
Hooligans use their street knowledge to outwit their opponents. While they are considered weak, even among other sideshows, their love for their comrades is unparalleled.
At 1st level, if you did not multiclass into this class, you gain the following equipment:
- A handaxe.
- Any one-handed ranged weapon with enough ammunition to fill it 3 times.
- A sledgehammer.
This guy stinks!
At 1st level, your sense of smell allows you to determine a person's qualities. If there is only one creature in a 15 foot radius of you, you automatically learn their alignment, even if you aren't aware of their presence. You also gain proficiency, or expertise if you already had proficiency, in Insight.
It went straight to the bone
At 3nd level, your handaxe has been modified into a bladed bowler cap. Making thrown attacks with it no longer requires an open hand. It can travel along the edge of a circle with a radius of up to 30 feet, making a thrown attack roll against each creature along its path once without disadvantage. After making a thrown attack with the hat, it returns to your possession.
I won't allow any of you to touch him
At 7th level, as a reaction, you may make a brainstorm saving throw against an effect made against another creature in addition to their own response (saving throw, comparing attack roll with AC, etc.). You may spend 1 spirit point after doing this to regain your reaction.
Even Speedwagon is afraid
At 9th level, when another creature becomes frightened, charmed, or stunned, you may choose to gain the condition instead under the same conditions.
Speedwagon withdraws coolly
At 11th level, you can take the disengage action as a bonus action. You may spend 1 spirit point to take the disengage or dash action as a free action.
I'll use my body heat to thaw it!
At 13th level, any creatures of your choice within 5 feet of you are resistant to cold damage. You may spend 1 spirit point per creature as a bonus action to increase this to immunity.
Spirit! That's what he needs, and I am to give it to him!
At 15th level, you can extend your spirit into another. As an action, you can gift a creature that can hear or see you that has a spirit point maximum of 1 or more any amount of spirit points, losing an equal amount of spirit points.
Show the bastard what for!
At 17th level, you're about as good as you're ever gonna get. Your attacks deal twice as much damage to objects. You may use "Spirit!..." to give creatures a number of spirit points equal to your Intelligence modifier without losing spirit points, regaining all uses at the end of a long rest. "Speedwagon withdraws coolly" no longer requires spending 1 spirit point. When you use "Even Speedwagon is afraid", you may make the save, if there was one in the first place, instead of automatically gaining the condition.
Beyond mortality, beyond humanity, vampires have haunted the shadows of the world for far longer than anyone would like to admit.
At 1st level, if you did not multiclass into this class, you gain the following equipment:
- One set of extravagant clothes.
- 10 daggers
- A stone mask
At 1st level, you become a vampire with the stone mask in your possession. You are vulnerable radiant damage and your type becomes Undead. If an amount of skin equal to the surface of your head or greater is in direct sunglight, you take 2d6 radiant damage once per turn (6 seconds). Creatures attempting to reveal you must use an action to succeed a Strength or Dexterity check. Recovering yourself requires an action. You no longer age or need to sleep, and you count as one size larger for the sake of how much you can push, pull, or lift.
At 3rd level, you can enter Bloodlust by spending 1 spirit point as your bonus action. This effect persists for the duration of the battle and 1 hour after it, refreshing itself upon rolling for initiative again or when you detect a new hostile creature. It ends if you do so as a bonus action or are knocked unconscious. Upon activating Bloodlust, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Sideshow level times your character's Constitution modifier. While you aren't wearing armor in Bloodlust, you take 6 less damage from non magical piercing, slashing, and bludgeoning damage (it becomes 9 at 9th level, and 12 at 14th level) and you ignore the charmed and frightened conditions. Your unarmed strikes deals 2d6 + your proficiency bonus bludgeoning damage (the damage die increases to 2d8 at 8th level, 2d10 at 12th, and 4d6 at 18th). Furthermore, your movement speed cannot be reduced by any means unless you are restrained or unconscious, and you are unaffected by anything that would normally increase the amount of movement required to traverse an area, such as difficult terrain. At 6th level, while you are in Bloodlust, you are unable to fall asleep or become unconscious.
Starting at 7th level, while in Bloodlust, you can attack 3 additional times when you take the attack action and attack rolls made against you cannot be made with an advantage if you are aware of their source's presence. You may spend 1 spirit point as a bonus action to to cause your successful hits to become critical hits until the start of your next turn; you may spend 1 additional spirit point during that bonus action to cause all of your attacks to always successfully hit as well.
Starting at 9th level, you have begun to completely embrace your power. You take half damage, rounded down, from all non-magical attacks and heal 2d6 + your Sideshow level hit points at the start of each of your turns; this only works if you have at least 1 hit point remaining, you are not at maximum hit points, and you have not taken radiant damage since the beginning of your previous turn. When you have been brought down to 0 hit points, you may spend 1 spirit point to survive with 1 hit point and continue fighting. If you would be killed by the hit, then you are forced to spend 2 spirit points to do so, but this ordeal renders you incapacitated until the end of your next turn. You may spend 1 additional spirit point to heal an additional 2d6 + your Sideshow level hit points during either of the aforementioned occurrences. As an action, if you have at least 1 hit point, you may spend 1 spirit point to recover half of your maximum hit points or 2 spirit points to fully recover all your hit points. If you lost any limbs or body parts, but they are still intact and within reach, you can spend 1 spirit point as a free action to reattach it.
Blood Drain
Beginning at 11th Level, as a bonus action while in Bloodlust, you can cause your attacks to tap into the life essence of your enemies, causing your melee attacks to heal you an amount of hit points equal to the damage dealt. This effect lasts for as long as Bloodlust remains active. When you reduce a creature's hit points to 0 while under the effects of Blood Drain, that creature will then be raised as an undead under your control when it dies after 1 minute. These creatures retain the same stats as when they were alive, except their type changes to undead, they gain dark vision for 60ft (unless they had better), and they gain Blood Drain as a permanently active feature. If damage reduces the them to 0 hit points, they must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant damage or from a critical hit. On a success, they drop to 1 hit point instead. These minions will always stay under your control until they die and control over your minions cannot be taken from you.
As an action, you may spend 1 spirit point to completely absorb the life essence of a willing creature, an unconscious creature, or a creature under your control. This will give you the same benefits of a long rest, fulfills your daily requirement of food and water, and instantly kill them, but does not restore the spirit point(s) used to drain them. If their type was undead, then absorbing their corpses will cause them to shrivel up and disintegrate, unable to be raised without True Resurrection or a Wish spell. Alternatively, you may use your whole turn to spend 1 spirit point on a corpse to raise them up immediately in the same manner, as if you had just killed them with Blood Drain; these corpses will regenerate any lost limbs or body parts.
Hinjaku Hinjaku
At 11th level, as an action while you are grappling a creature, you may freeze creatures to their very core, making them become paralyzed for as long as you are grappling them and 1 hour after you release your grapple or until they have been hit by a damaging attack/spell. If they had less than 10% of their maximum hit points when they broke out of the ice, they shatter into pieces and are instantly killed. Successful attacks against a creature that is not frozen with less than 10% of its maximum hit points remaining causes them to be incapacitated until the end of their next turn.
Space Ripper Stingy Eyes
At 13th level, you are able to fire high pressure liquid from your eyes as an action for 1 spirit point. All creatures in a 60 ft. line must attempt a Dexterity saving throw, taking 3d6 + your proficiency bonus piercing damage that cannot be reduced (5d6 at 17th level) on a failure, or half as much damage on success. Creatures within 15 feet automatically fail.
This is the greatest high!
At 15th level, you also take half damage from all magical attacks and spells. You may treat any thrown attacks using Strength as your unarmed attacks for damage, and you may equip a thrown weapon as part of your thrown attack. You may spend 2 spirit points to force a creature within 30 feet to attempt a DC 10 + your proficiency bonus Dexterity or cha saving throw. On a failure, you hypnotize them, charming them for 1 minute or until they take any radiant damage.
Oh? You're approaching me?
At 17th level, you may choose whether or not you wish to be affected by a non-damaging spell. You may spend 4 spirit points to force a creature within 30 feet to attempt a DC 10 + your proficiency bonus Dexterity or cha saving throw. On a failure, a spike made of your flesh stabs itself through the target's forehead, and they are charmed until it is removed. A creature attempting to remove the bud must spend an action to attempt a DC 10 + your proficiency bonus Dexterity or Strength saving throw, followed by an Acrobatics or Athletics skill check. Of they fail the saving throw, the creature with the flesh bud inside them dies instantly. If they fail the skill check, they become subject to this feature's effects. A removed flesh bud has 5 in all ability scores and 15 hit points, regenerates 2d6 hit points at the end of each of its turns, is Tiny, and can only use its action to reinject itself into another creature in the same manner as you using this feature without the spirit point cost. The flesh bud counts as undead and is vulnerable to radiant damage.
Cyborgs are exactly that, people augmented with cybernetic technology, most notably from the World War era.
At 1st level, if you did not multiclass into this class, you gain the following equipment:
- 10 fragmentation grenades.
- Any one modern ranged weapon with enough ammunition to fill it 3 times.
- A walkie-talkie.
More Than Human
At 1st level, you are resistant to slashing, and necrotic damage, immune to poison damage, and vulnerable to lightning damage. Additionally, your type becomes Construct.
More than double Satana's capability!
At 3nd level, are able to crush up to 27,375 PSI. You gain advantage on checks to maintain a grapple and on saving throws to escape from being restrained.
A true Übermensch!
At 7th level, you gain a Heavy Machine Gun. Firing this weapon does not require use of either of your hands, it does not count against your encumbrance, and wielding it does not effect your movement speed. You may spend 1 spirit point to instantly reload without expending an action or bonus action.
Your final opponent is right here
At 9th level, you gain one weapon of your choice that you are proficient in. Firing this weapon does not require use of either of your hands, it does not count against your encumbrance, and wielding it does not effect your movement speed if it has such a property. You may spend 1 spirit point to instantly reload without expending an action or bonus action.
German science is the greatest in the world!
At 11th level, you can activate a UV laser from your eye as an action for 1 spirit point. All creatures in a 30 foot cone must attempt a Dexterity saving throw, taking 6d6 + your Dexterity modifier Radiant damage on a failure or half as much on a success.
This plane will be your coffin
At 13th level, you can fire your arm at any creature in a range of 100 ft as an action for 2 spirit points. The target must make a Dexterity save. If they fail, they are restrained and pinned to the nearest wall or ground for 1 minute and they take piercing damage equal to if the remaining range was straight down. On a success, they take half as much damage and are not restrained. They may attempt a Strength saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending this effect early on a success.
I'm prepared to do my duty!
At 15th level, you're more machine than man. When you are reduced to 0 hit points, you are paralyzed instead of incapacitated. You may spend 3 spirit point while paralyzed in this manner to return to 2d6 + your Intelligence modifier hit points. Doing so keeps you permanently prone until you return to your maximum hit points. Additionally, your hit point maximum can not be reduced.
We are the world's greatest!
At 17th level, when you take the attack action, you may spend 2 spirits point to make 5 attacks.
Pillar of Wind
More than a vampire, you were born as an immortal creature of the night, constantly searching for an individual capable of quenching your thirst for combat.
At 1st level, if you did not multiclass into this class, you gain the following equipment:
- One set of extravagant clothes.
- A stone mask
Awaken, my masters!
At 1st level, you become a vampire with the stone mask in your possession. You are vulnerable radiant damage and your type becomes Undead. If an amount of skin equal to the surface of your head or greater is in direct sunglight, you take 2d6 radiant damage once per turn (6 seconds). Creatures attempting to reveal you must use an action to succeed a Strength or Dexterity check. Recovering yourself requires an action. You no longer age or need to sleep, and you count as one size larger for the sake of how much you can push, pull, or lift.
Wind Mode
At 3rd level, you can enter Wind Mode by spending 1 spirit point as your bonus action. This effect persists for the duration of the battle and 1 hour after it, refreshing itself upon rolling for initiative again or when you detect a new hostile creature. It ends if you do so as a bonus action or are knocked unconscious. Upon activating Wind Mode, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Sideshow level times your Constitution modifier. While you aren't wearing armor in Wind Mode, you have an AC of 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Proficiency bonus (this increases by +1 at 9th and 14th level) and you ignore the charmed and frightened conditions. Your unarmed strikes deals 2d6 + your proficiency bonus thunder damage (the damage die increases to 2d8 at 8th level, 2d10 at 12th, and 4d6 at 18th). Furthermore, your movement speed cannot be reduced by any means unless you are restrained or unconscious, and you are unaffected by anything that would normally increase the amount of movement required to traverse an area, such as difficult terrain. At 6th level, while you are in Flame Mode, you are unable to fall asleep or become unconscious.
Divine Sandstorm
Starting at 7th level, as an action for 4 spirit points while in Wind Mode, all creatures in a 60 foot cone must attempt a Constitution or Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take 3d10 + your Intelligence modifier thunder damage and are knocked prone. On a success, they take half as much damage and are knocked prone.
Perhaps the reason I wandered through these 12,000 years was just to have met you...
Starting at 9th level, you have begun to completely embrace your power. You take half damage, rounded down, from all non-magical attacks and heal 2d6 + your Sideshow level hit points at the start of each of your turns; this only works if you have at least 1 hit point remaining, you are not at maximum hit points, and you have not taken radiant damage since the beginning of your previous turn. When you have been brought down to 0 hit points and have not taken radiant damage since the start of your previous turn, you may spend 1 spirit point to survive with 1 hit point and continue fighting. If you would be killed by the hit, then you are forced to spend 2 spirit points to do so, but this ordeal renders you incapacitated until the end of your next turn. You may spend 1 additional spirit point to heal an additional 2d6 + your Sideshow level hit points during either of the aforementioned occurrences. As an action, if you have at least 1 hit point, you may spend 1 spirit point to recover half of your maximum hit points or 2 spirit points to fully recover all your hit points. If you lost any limbs or body parts, but they are still intact and within reach, you can spend 1 spirit point as a free action to reattach it.
Blood Drain
Beginning at 11th Level, your attacks to tap into the life essence of your enemies, causing your melee attacks to heal you an amount of hit points equal to the damage dealt. When you reduce a creature's hit points to 0 while under the effects of Blood Drain, that creature will then be raised as an undead under your control when it dies after 1 minute. These creatures retain the same stats as when they were alive, except their type changes to undead, they gain dark vision for 60ft (unless they had better), and they gain Blood Drain as a permanently active feature. If damage reduces the them to 0 hit points, they must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant damage or from a critical hit. On a success, they drop to 1 hit point instead. These minions will always stay under your control until they die and control over your minions cannot be taken from you.
As an action, you may spend 1 spirit point to completely absorb the life essence of a willing creature, an unconscious creature, or a creature under your control. This will give you the same benefits of a long rest, fulfills your daily requirement of food and water, and instantly kill them, but does not restore the spirit point(s) used to drain them. If their type was undead, then absorbing their corpses will cause them to shrivel up and disintegrate, unable to be raised without True Resurrection or a Wish spell. Alternatively, you may use your whole turn to spend 1 spirit point on a corpse to raise them up immediately in the same manner, as if you had just killed them with Blood Drain; these corpses will regenerate any lost limbs or body parts.
Wind Suit
At 11th level, while in Wind Mode, you can enter Wind Suit for 1 minute as an action for 3 spirit points. You become invisible and no longer take damage from being in direct sunlight. You may spend 1 spirit point as a bonus action to to cause your successful hits to become critical hits until the start of your next turn; you may spend 1 additional spirit point during that bonus action to cause all of your attacks to always successfully hit as well.
Hit me some more... nobody has ever wounded my face... this is the honor I give you before you die!
At 13th level, you may spend any amount of spirit points as a bonus action, gaining an amount of damage reduction equal to the points spent until the end of your next turn.
Very good!! You are already worthy of being killed by my hands!
At 15th level, you also take half damage from all magical attacks and spells.
Final Mode: Atmospheric Rift
At 17th level, as an action, you produce a blade of wind from your forehead that slowly tears you apart. You designate a 60 foot line that lasts until this feature ends. Once per turn, any creature on this line must succeed a Dexterity saving throw or take 10d10 force damage. You may move this line up to 45 degrees as an action. You may only use this action to move the line or end this effect. You must succeed a Constitution saving throw at the end of each of your turns or have this effect end. When this effect ends, you instantly drop to 0 hit points.
Pillar of Heat
More than a vampire, you were born as an immortal creature of the night, constantly reveling in pain and suffering.
At 1st level, if you did not multiclass into this class, you gain the following equipment:
- One set of extravagant clothes.
- A stone mask
I devoured so many Ripple users like you that I got sick of it!
At 1st level, you become a vampire with the stone mask in your possession. You are vulnerable radiant damage and your type becomes Undead. If an amount of skin equal to the surface of your head or greater is in direct sunglight, you take 2d6 radiant damage once per turn (6 seconds). Creatures attempting to reveal you must use an action to succeed a Strength or Dexterity check. Recovering yourself requires an action. You no longer age or need to sleep, and you count as one size larger for the sake of how much you can push, pull, or lift.
Flame Mode
At 3rd level, you can enter Flame Mode by spending 1 spirit point as your bonus action. This effect persists for the duration of the battle and 1 hour after it, refreshing itself upon rolling for initiative again or when you detect a new hostile creature. It ends if you do so as a bonus action or are knocked unconscious. Upon activating Flame Mode, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Sideshow level times your Constitution modifier. While you aren't wearing armor in Light Mode, you deal 3 fire damage to any creature that successfully hits you with an unarmed strike (it becomes 6 at 9th level, and 9 at 14th level) and you ignore the charmed and frightened conditions. Your unarmed strikes deals 2d6 + your proficiency bonus fire damage (the damage die increases to 2d8 at 8th level, 2d10 at 12th, and 4d6 at 18th). Furthermore, your movement speed cannot be reduced by any means unless you are restrained or unconscious, and you are unaffected by anything that would normally increase the amount of movement required to traverse an area, such as difficult terrain. At 6th level, while you are in Flame Mode, you are unable to fall asleep or become unconscious.
Erratic Blaze King Mode
Starting at 7th level, while in Flame Mode, you can enter Erratic Blaze King Mode for 1 minute as an action for 1 spirit point. Your unarmed strikes gain an additional 15 feet of reach and deal twice as much damage. You may spend 1 spirit point as a bonus action to to cause your successful hits to become critical hits until the start of your next turn; you may spend 1 additional spirit point during that bonus action to cause all of your attacks to always successfully hit as well.
It is still a little soon for you to have the right to fight me!
Starting at 9th level, you have begun to completely embrace your power. You take half damage, rounded down, from all non-magical attacks and heal 2d6 + your Sideshow level hit points at the start of each of your turns; this only works if you have at least 1 hit point remaining, you are not at maximum hit points, and you have not taken radiant damage since the beginning of your previous turn. When you have been brought down to 0 hit points and have not taken radiant damage since the start of your previous turn, you may spend 1 spirit point to survive with 1 hit point and continue fighting. If you would be killed by the hit, then you are forced to spend 2 spirit points to do so, but this ordeal renders you incapacitated until the end of your next turn. You may spend 1 additional spirit point to heal an additional 2d6 + your Sideshow level hit points during either of the aforementioned occurrences. As an action, if you have at least 1 hit point, you may spend 1 spirit point to recover half of your maximum hit points or 2 spirit points to fully recover all your hit points. If you lost any limbs or body parts, but they are still intact and within reach, you can spend 1 spirit point as a free action to reattach it.
Blood Drain
Beginning at 11th Level, your attacks to tap into the life essence of your enemies, causing your melee attacks to heal you an amount of hit points equal to the damage dealt. When you reduce a creature's hit points to 0 while under the effects of Blood Drain, that creature will then be raised as an undead under your control when it dies after 1 minute. These creatures retain the same stats as when they were alive, except their type changes to undead, they gain dark vision for 60ft (unless they had better), and they gain Blood Drain as a permanently active feature. If damage reduces the them to 0 hit points, they must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant damage or from a critical hit. On a success, they drop to 1 hit point instead. These minions will always stay under your control until they die and control over your minions cannot be taken from you.
As an action, you may spend 1 spirit point to completely absorb the life essence of a willing creature, an unconscious creature, or a creature under your control. This will give you the same benefits of a long rest, fulfills your daily requirement of food and water, and instantly kill them, but does not restore the spirit point(s) used to drain them. If their type was undead, then absorbing their corpses will cause them to shrivel up and disintegrate, unable to be raised without True Resurrection or a Wish spell. Alternatively, you may use your whole turn to spend 1 spirit point on a corpse to raise them up immediately in the same manner, as if you had just killed them with Blood Drain; these corpses will regenerate any lost limbs or body parts.
Erratic Blaze King's Giant Cartwheel Prison
At 11th level, as an action for 4 spirit points while in Erratic Blaze King Mode, one creature within 5 feet must attempt a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they are restrained for 1 minute, take the damage of two unarmed strikes, and take 3d6 fire damage at the beginning of each of their turns for 1 minute. On a success, they only take half as much damage. They may retry this saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending this effect early on a success.
Your next line is "I'll wipe that smile off your face!"...
At 13th level, when you make a successful attack against a creature, you may spend 2 spirit points to force them to make a Charisma saving throw, becoming
Men with a look like that in their eyes die quickly when they run into me.
At 15th level, you also take half damage from all magical attacks and spells.
Let me hear that dry, guttural howl of despair!!!
At 17th level, when you are killed, you become a tiny brain with half your movement speed and an equal climbing speed. You can only use your action to tether yourself to a creature. If you remain tethered to the same creature for 24 hours, you return to your normal state and they die instantly.
Pillar of Light
More than a vampire, you were born as an immortal creature of the night, constantly searching for the light.
At 1st level, if you did not multiclass into this class, you gain the following equipment:
- One set of extravagant clothes.
- A stone mask
Don't you wish to tame the sun?!
At 1st level, you become a vampire with the stone mask in your possession. You are vulnerable radiant damage and your type becomes Undead. If an amount of skin equal to the surface of your head or greater is in direct sunglight, you take 2d6 radiant damage once per turn (6 seconds). Creatures attempting to reveal you must use an action to succeed a Strength or Dexterity check. Recovering yourself requires an action. You no longer age or need to sleep, and you count as one size larger for the sake of how much you can push, pull, or lift.
Light Mode
At 3rd level, you can enter Light Mode by spending 1 spirit point as your bonus action. This effect persists for the duration of the battle and 1 hour after it, refreshing itself upon rolling for initiative again or when you detect a new hostile creature. It ends if you do so as a bonus action or are knocked unconscious. Upon activating Light Mode, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Sideshow level times your Constitution modifier. While you aren't wearing armor in Light Mode, you deal 3 additional damage with your unarmed strikes (it becomes 6 at 9th level, and 9 at 14th level) and you ignore the charmed and frightened conditions. Your unarmed strikes deals 2d6 + your strength modifier slashing damage (the damage die increases to 2d8 at 8th level, 2d10 at 12th, and 4d6 at 18th). Furthermore, your movement speed cannot be reduced by any means unless you are restrained or unconscious, and you are unaffected by anything that would normally increase the amount of movement required to traverse an area, such as difficult terrain. At 6th level, while you are in Light Mode, you are unable to fall asleep or become unconscious.
Geez... have humans devolved since the past?
Starting at 7th level, while in Light Mode, you can attack 3 additional times when you take the attack action. You may spend 1 spirit point as a bonus action to to cause your successful hits to become critical hits until the start of your next turn; you may spend 1 additional spirit point during that bonus action to cause all of your attacks to always successfully hit as well. As a bonus action or for 1 spirit point, you may force a creature to attempt a Wisdom saving throw, becoming blind for 1 minute. They may retry this saving throw at the end of each of their turns.
Foolish... we are immortal
Starting at 9th level, you have begun to completely embrace your power. You take half damage, rounded down, from all non-magical attacks and heal 2d6 + your Sideshow level hit points at the start of each of your turns; this only works if you have at least 1 hit point remaining, you are not at maximum hit points, and you have not taken radiant damage since the beginning of your previous turn. When you have been brought down to 0 hit points and have not taken radiant damage since the start of your previous turn, you may spend 1 spirit point to survive with 1 hit point and continue fighting. If you would be killed by the hit, then you are forced to spend 2 spirit points to do so, but this ordeal renders you incapacitated until the end of your next turn. You may spend 1 additional spirit point to heal an additional 2d6 + your Sideshow level hit points during either of the aforementioned occurrences. As an action, if you have at least 1 hit point, you may spend 1 spirit point to recover half of your maximum hit points or 2 spirit points to fully recover all your hit points. If you lost any limbs or body parts, but they are still intact and within reach, you can spend 1 spirit point as a free action to reattach it.
Blood Drain
Beginning at 11th Level, your attacks to tap into the life essence of your enemies, causing your melee attacks to heal you an amount of hit points equal to the damage dealt. When you reduce a creature's hit points to 0 while under the effects of Blood Drain, that creature will then be raised as an undead under your control when it dies after 1 minute. These creatures retain the same stats as when they were alive, except their type changes to undead, they gain dark vision for 60ft (unless they had better), and they gain Blood Drain as a permanently active feature. If damage reduces the them to 0 hit points, they must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant damage or from a critical hit. On a success, they drop to 1 hit point instead. These minions will always stay under your control until they die and control over your minions cannot be taken from you.
As an action, you may spend 1 spirit point to completely absorb the life essence of a willing creature, an unconscious creature, or a creature under your control. This will give you the same benefits of a long rest, fulfills your daily requirement of food and water, and instantly kill them, but does not restore the spirit point(s) used to drain them. If their type was undead, then absorbing their corpses will cause them to shrivel up and disintegrate, unable to be raised without True Resurrection or a Wish spell. Alternatively, you may use your whole turn to spend 1 spirit point on a corpse to raise them up immediately in the same manner, as if you had just killed them with Blood Drain; these corpses will regenerate any lost limbs or body parts.
Alpha. Omega. I am now both.
At 11th level, you automatically understand any language entirely after hearing it be spoken for 1 minute and you can gain proficiency in anything except saving throws in place of 3 long rests.
I'll kill you in a minute...
At 13th level, you can absorb creatures as they hit you. Unless they are Undead, have Hamon points, or are a Construct, you automatically make an unarmed strike any time any part of their physical body touches yours, such as with an unarmed strike.
All that matters... is to get the final victory!
At 15th level, you also take half damage from all magical attacks and spells.
Perfect Life-Form
At 17th level, you can spend 250,000 xp, 2,000,000 gold, & 1 year creating a Red Stone of Aja.
Spin User
Making use of the energy generated by objects spinning close to perfection, as found in the Golden Rectangle, a form of mathematically endless spiral, you are able to manipulate elements of reality that also follow the Golden Rectangle; in a sense, everything.
At 1st level, if you did not multiclass into this class, you gain the following equipment:
- 2 steel balls.
- One horse with a fitted saddle.
At 1st level, you begin to understand the spin. When you make a thrown attack with your steel balls, they return to your possession.
Pizza Mozzarella!
At 3nd level, you learned to be proficient in one instrument of your choice as well as have proficiency in the performance skill and riding a mount. In addition, you also gain advantage on saving throws against anything used against you that is considered a physical projectile.
At 7th level, your thrown steel ball attacks ignore up to 3/4 cover and deal an additional 1d8 force damage. As an action for 1 spirit point, you can use a spinning steel ball to harden a creatures body. Until the beginning of your next turn, they take 6 less damage from all sources. You may increase this cost by 1 spirit point to use this as a bonus action.
Jesus Christ?!
At 9th level, you now have the ability to refresh your inner psyche and remove any mental disabilities whether imposed by magical or non-magical effects. You must take a long rest before using this power again. While you aren't wearing armor, your AC is equal to 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Wisdom modifier.
Wrecking Ball
At 11th level, your steel balls have advanced beyond simple metal spheres. When you miss an attack with your steel balls, you still deal half as much damage. You may spend an extra attack to double another attack's range. As an action, you can use a spinning steel ball to allow a creature to ignore any conditions of your choice until the beginning of your next turn.
It's over now, calm down
At 13th level, you lose all conditions after 12 seconds outside of initiative and your rests take half as long (short rests take 30 minutes, long rests take 4 hours).
Left-side Ataxia
At 15th level, on a successful hit with a steel ball, you may spend 1 spirit point to attempt a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they lose all sensation on one side of their body for 1 minute, including sight. You may spend 3 additional spirit points to force them to fail. They must designate one side of their body as their left at the beginning of each of their turns. Any creatures on that side of them are considered invisible unless they can view their left side with their right side, such as with a mirror. They may attempt a Constitution or Strength saving throw to end this effect at the end of each of their turns.
Golden Spin
At 17th level, your steel ball attacks deal an additional 1d8 force or radiant damage. While riding a horse, you may charge 45 ft. in a straight line and spend your action to initiate the Golden Spin. The target must succeed a Dexterity saving throw or begin to start aging rapidly. They may attempt a Constitution or Strength saving throw to end this effect at the end of each of their turns. If they fail a number of rounds equal to their Constitution modifier (minimum 2), they die instantly. You may do this once, regaining one use at the end of a long rest. You may spend 15 spirit points to use this a second time.
Baoh Armed Phenomenon
You were injected with an experimental parasite known only as Baoh.
At 1st level, if you did not multiclass into this class, you gain the following equipment:
- One set of extravagant clothes.
- Two simple weapons or one martial weapon of your choice.
This is "Baoh"!
At 1st level, you can manifest your parasite temporarily. As a bonus action for 1 spirit point, your AC becomes equal to 10 + your Strength modifier + your Charisma modifier while you are not wearing armor or wielding a shield, and you count as one size larger for the sake of how much you can push, pull, or lift, and you become resistant to Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage from Nonmagical attacks. This lasts for 1 minute.
Baoh Reskiniharden Saber Phenomenon
Starting at 3rd level, while your parasite is manifested, your unarmed strikes deal 1d6 + your Strength modifier slashing damage (this increases to 2d6 at 15th level).
Additionally while your parasite is manifested, when you are damaged by a hostile creature, you make a DC 11 Constitution saving throw. On a success, you gain one stack of Exchange Blows. You can only have up to your proficiency bonus amount of stacks. For each stack, you may make an extra melee attack when you take the attack action. You can use your bonus action to roll a check for an extra stack of Exchange Blows, as long as you have at least 1. Using extra attacks during your turn does not consume the stacks. You may spend 1 stack to make a melee attack against a creature without using a reaction. All stacks are removed once you can no longer fighting any hostile creatures.
Baoh Meltedin Palm Phenomenon
Starting at 7th level, as a bonus action for 1 spirit point while your parasite is manifested, or as a free action for additional 1 spirit point, you may secrete an incredibly volatile enzime from your palms. One creature you can touch must succeed a Strength saving throw to avoid being grabbed or become poisoned and take 2d4 acid damage at the beginning of each of their turns for 1 minute. They may retry this saving throw at the end of each of their turns.
Baoh Shooting-Bees Stinger Phenomenon
Beginning at 9th Level, you may turn your hair into red-hot, needle-like projectiles. When you take the attack action, you may make a ranged attack with a range of 30/60 ft. that deals 1d6 + your Strength modifier fire damage. You must spend 1 spirit point to use this feature once per turn (i.e. using this 2 or 7 times on 1 action both only costs 1 spirit point).
Even the slightest contact will kill you!
At 11th level, while your parasite is manifested, you are immune to the Charmed, Frightened, and Unconscious (except when falling to 0 hit points) conditions, and you regain your unarmed attack's damage roll hit points and the start of each of your turns if you have at least 1 hit point and spirit point. You may spend 1 spirit point when this happens to double the hit points regained. When you are reduced to 0 hit points, you may spend 1 spirit point to remain at 1 hit point instead. If you would be killed, you must spend 2 spirit points and become incapacitated until the end of your next turn.
Get the hell out of my way!!
At 13th level, when you end a grapple, you may force the creature you were grappling to attempt a Dexterity saving throw as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, being thrown 1d6 x 5 ft. on a failure, or half as much rounded up on a success.
Baoh Break-Dark-Thunder Phenomenon
At 15th level, as an action for 4 spirit points, you produce upwards of 60 thousand volts of electricity in the same manner as an electric eel. Every creature in a 30 ft. radius of you must attempt a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take 3d10 + your Strength modifier thunder damage and are knocked prone. On a success, they take half as much damage and are still knocked prone.
The war has only begun... now I'm gunning for you!!
At 17th level, when you manifest your parasite, you may distribute 10 points across your Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores to a maximum of 30, you may use any energy-based weapons without spending ammunition or any sort of charging time, when you regain hit points, you may cause 1 creature within 5 ft. of you to regain the same amount instead, and your movement speed increases by your Dexterity modifier/2 (rounded up to the nearest 5).
You have used your vampiric ability to master the blood that you take from others, rather than manipulating your body to manifest any particular effect.
At 1st level, if you did not multiclass into this class, you gain the following equipment:
- One set of extravagant clothes.
Bird of Hermes is my name, eating my wings to make me tame
At 1st level, you become a vampire with the stone mask in your possession. You are vulnerable radiant damage and your type becomes Undead. If an amount of skin equal to the surface of your head or greater is in direct sunglight, you take 2d6 radiant damage once per turn (6 seconds). Creatures attempting to reveal you must use an action to succeed a Strength or Dexterity check. Recovering yourself requires an action. You no longer age or need to sleep, and you count as one size larger for the sake of how much you can push, pull, or lift.
At 3rd level, you have transformed your biology to something between vampire and human. You no longer take damage from being in sunlight, however, you can not become the Ultimate Lifeform.
Your human eyes are not to be trusted, all they'll do is lie to you
Starting at 7th level, you may make attacks with ranged weapons up to their maximum range without disadvantage while you have at least 1 spirit point. You can see creatures that are invisible, including Stands, and are not effected by visual illusions while you have at least 1 spirit point.
Blood Drain
Beginning at 9th Level, your attacks to tap into the life essence of your enemies, causing your melee attacks to heal you an amount of hit points equal to the damage dealt. When you reduce a creature's hit points to 0 while under the effects of Blood Drain, that creature will then be raised as an undead under your control when it dies after 1 minute. These creatures retain the same stats as when they were alive, except their type changes to undead, they gain dark vision for 60ft (unless they had better), and they gain Blood Drain as a permanently active feature. If damage reduces the them to 0 hit points, they must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant damage or from a critical hit. On a success, they drop to 1 hit point instead. These minions will always stay under your control until they die and control over your minions cannot be taken from you.
As an action, you may spend 1 spirit point to completely absorb the life essence of a willing creature, an unconscious creature, or a creature under your control. This will give you the same benefits of a long rest, fulfills your daily requirement of food and water, and instantly kill them, but does not restore the spirit point(s) used to drain them. If their type was undead, then absorbing their corpses will cause them to shrivel up and disintegrate, unable to be raised without True Resurrection or a Wish spell. Alternatively, you may use your whole turn to spend 1 spirit point on a corpse to raise them up immediately in the same manner, as if you had just killed them with Blood Drain; these corpses will regenerate any lost limbs or body parts.
He believes it, too!
At 11th level, you may hypnotize creatures with your vampiric gaze. You may spend 2 spirit points to force a creature within 30 feet to attempt a DC 10 + your proficiency bonus Dexterity or cha saving throw as an action. On a failure, you hypnotize them, charming them for 1 minute or until they take any radiant damage.
We ruin the countries we govern and the people in our care
At 11th level, you may drain a creature with 0 hit points' blood as per Blood Drain if they are anywhere within 60 ft. You may take this as a perk multiple times, doubling this range each time. When you would die from lack of food, water, or sleep, you instead become paralyzed and unconsious. You automatically drain any viable creatures as per Blood Drain while in this state, ending it instantly.
We slaughter our enemies and sacrifice all our allies
At 13th level, you understand that the true power of blood is not the blood itself, but the soul that is channeled through it. You may delay consuming a creature's blood when you absorb it. While a creature's blood has been absorbed but not consumed, you gain any of their physical features (i.e. Hamon, but not Stands), and may transform into them in appearance and movement speeds alone as an action.
We’ll keep killing till there’s nothing left but to destroy ourselves
At 15th level, you may summon any dead creatures who's blood you have absorbed, but not consumed, as an action for 2 spirit points. They gain your ability scores that are higher than their own and features, but they otherwise retain any features they already had. Summoned creatures act on your initiative, using your actions. You may de-manifest a creature as a bonus action.
Control Art Restriction System
At 17th level, as an action or bonus action, you may release a greater portion of your greater, caged vampiric power. You may end one instance of this feature as an action or bonus action. For each instance of this feature, you have a +1 bonus to your attack and damage rolls, and a +1 bonus to your AC for every other instance. At the end of each of your turns, you must attempt a DC 10 + twice the number of instances of this feature Charisma saving throw. On a failure, you must spend a number of spirit points equal to the number of instances of this feature or end all instances of this feature. You count as 1 size category higher for the sake of pushing, pulling, or lifting while benefiting form any instances of this feature.
Holy Warrior
Holy warriors walk the balance between pious believer and depraved murderer, fueling their bloodlust with their desire to serve.
At 1st level, if you did not multiclass into this class, you gain the following equipment:
- 5 shortswords.
At 1st level, your body has been enhanced to challenge even the strongest foes with the most hidden of rituals. You are immune to the Charmed, Frightened, and Unconscious (except when falling to 0 hit points) conditions, and you regain 2d6 + your Sideshow level hit points at the start of each of your turns; this only works if you have at least 1 hit point remaining, you are not at maximum hit points, and you have not taken necrotic damage since the beginning of your previous turn. When you have been brought down to 0 hit points, you may spend 1 spirit point to survive with 1 hit point and continue fighting. If you would be killed by the hit, then you are forced to spend 2 spirit points to do so, but this ordeal renders you incapacitated until the end of your next turn. You may spend 1 additional spirit point to heal an additional 2d6 + your Sideshow level hit points during either of the aforementioned occurrences. As an action, if you have at least 1 hit point, you may spend 1 spirit point to recover half of your maximum hit points or 2 spirit points to fully recover all your hit points. If you lost any limbs or body parts, but they are still intact and within reach, you can spend 1 spirit point as a free action to reattach it.
You will be cut down like a straw, trembling before my wrath!
At 3rd level, you have been blessed by some form of holy force to strike down those unholy. You take half damage, rounded down, from all non-magical attacks and necrotic damage, and your melee attacks deal radiant damage.
Next time, I swear I will rip him to bloody pieces...
At 7th level, As a bonus action for 1 spirit point, your AC becomes equal to 10 + your Constitution modifier + your Charisma modifier while you are not wearing armor, and you count as one size larger for the sake of how much you can push, pull, or lift. This lasts for 1 minute.
At 9th weapons, your weapons are provided by your benefactor, and have been blessed by their power. As a bonus action or as part of an attack for1 spirit point, you may summon up to 2 melee or thrown weapons of your choice for 1 minute. Additionally, as an action for 1 Spirit Point, you can make any of these summoned weapons explode. All creatures within 15 ft. of each of these thrown weapons must attempt a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take 4d6 + your Intelligence modifier fire damage. On a success, they take half as much damage.
Would those who would abandon God and appraise the heretical order DARE presume to meet my gaze!?
At 11th level, you may increase your Strength or Dexterity by +2, and the maximum this feature and Ability Score Increases can increase these scores becomes 30.
Do you think you cut off my arm and stop me?!
At 13th level, scripture is your weapon, virtue your ammunition. As an action for 2 spirit points, you may erect a holy barrier that covers an area up to 100 ft. wide and 100 ft. tall barrier originating from a page of scripture that any Aberrations, Fiends, Undead, and any other creatures that are deemed unholy by the DM can not move through. Any creature beyond these types can end this effect as an action by removing the page. As a bonus action for 3 spirit points, you can teleport to any of these pages instantly.
If we can't put this monster down... we may all be doomed
At 15th level, you can extend your spirit into another. As an action, you can gift a creature that can hear or see you that has a spirit point maximum of 1 or more any amount of spirit points, losing an equal amount of spirit points.
Now shut up! And come at me! Come on, fight me! Hurry! Hurry!
At 17th level, when you take the Attack action, you may make 3 additional melee attacks.
Part man, part beast; lycanthropes resemble the man-beasts of legend.
At 1st level, if you did not multiclass into this class, you gain the following equipment:
- Two martial ranged weapons with either no weighted properties or the Light property.
- Ammunition to fill both weapons 5 times.
Close Quarters Combatant
At 1st level, when you engage in two-weapon fighting, you may add your ability modifier to the second attack. Additionally, your ranged attacks do not have disadvantage when used at a range of 5 ft.
Lycanthrope Manifestation
At 3rd level, you can manifest your inner beast temporarily. As a bonus action for 1 spirit point, your AC becomes equal to 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier while you are not wearing armor or wielding a shield, your movement speed increases by +15 ft., and you become resistant to Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage from non-silver attacks. This lasts for 1 minute.
Mist/Wolf Form
At 7th level, while Lycanthrope Manifestation is active, either your size increases by 1 category and your movement speed is decreased by 15 ft., or all damage you take and deal is halved. You may switch which effect you are effected by as a bonus action.
Unnatural Weapon
At 9th weapons, while Lycanthrope Manifestation is active, your unarmed strikes deal 1d6 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier slashing damage, and your movement speed increases by +15 ft.
Natively Unnatural
At 11th level, you may increase your Strength or Dexterity by +2, and the maximum this feature and Ability Score Increases can increase these scores to becomes 30.
Blind-Shot Marksman
At 13th level, while Lycanthrope Manifestation is active, your size increases by 1 category and all damage you take is halved. You may still gain the benefits of Mist/Wolf Form. Additionally, you are immune to the blinded, stunned, and prone conditions.
Beast of the Night
At 15th level, while Lycanthrope Manifestation is active, you are immune to the Charmed, Frightened, and Unconscious (except when falling to 0 hit points) conditions, and you regain 2d4 hit points and the start of each of your turns if you have at least 1 hit point and spirit point. You may spend 1 spirit point when this happens to double the hit points regained. When you are reduced to 0 hit points, you may spend 1 spirit point to remain at 1 hit point instead. If you would be killed, you must spend 2 spirit points and become incapacitated until the end of your next turn.
Ultimate Werewolf
At 17th level, your food, water, sleep, and air requirements are fulfilled, and you do not age for the next 30 days when you spend 5 hours under the full moon. While Lycanthrope Manifestation is active, you benefit from Blind-Shot Marksman twice, but you can not benefit from Wolf/Mist Form.
Answering the door, cleaning up the estate, taking out the trash, and killing anyone who gets in their way. This is what makes a butler sideshow what they are.
At 1st level, if you did not multiclass into this class, you gain the following equipment:
- A wire weapon (i.e. Monofilament wires, piano wire, a whip).
- Extravagant clothes.
Oh dear, I missed...I guess I'm not as spry as I used to be
At 1st level, you become proficient in any 3 skills of your choice.
I answer to no man's will, but my own
At 3rd level, you may create a mesh around your body using a wire weapon, allowing you to add your Dexterity modifier to your AC an additional time until the beginning of your next turn.
Wire Master
At 7th level, you gain the benefits of the double weapon master feat while wielding a wire weapon. Additionally, when you take the attack action with a wire weapon, your reach increases by +10 ft. per attack you do not make until the beginning of each of your turns. You may spend 1 spirit point per additional attack made to retain the extended reach. If you do not take the attack action, you benefit from the maximum number of instances of this feature possible.
Yes, this world is after all a violent, fleeting dream
At 9th level, while you are not wearing armor, your AC becomes 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Intelligence modifier, you ignore difficult terrain, and your movement speed increases by +5 feet. Additionally, while wielding a wire weapon with at least 1 spirit point, you are immune to the paralyzed, restrained, and incapacitated conditions as you are able to marionette your body flawlessly with the slightest movement of your fingers.
Now then, its time to take these children across my knee
At 11th level, as an action for 2 spirit points while wielding a wire weapon, you may force 1 creature that is not an elemental or construct within your reach to attempt a Strength saving throw. On a failure, your wires run under their skin, allowing you to control them like a marionette. You both use the same action and bonus action, but moving them uses a free action, and they do not act in any way on their own turn. They can not move beyond your reach, moving in parallel to you when your movement would cause them to, and they are clearly being controlled. They may attempt a Strength saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending this effect early on a success. If this is used on a corpse, it becomes statistically identical to you, otherwise they use their own statistics. While controlling a creature in this manner, you can not make wire weapon attacks.
Did you forget who made that gun for you...?
At 13th level, the effects of not making attacks from Wire Master increases to +15 ft. of reach, and your wire weapon gain a base reach of +15 ft.
Let's keep killing you until you stay down
At 15th level, your attacks with wire weapons target any creatures and objects of your choice within a radius equal to your reach.
A fitting death for a traitor
At 17th level, you may push your body to the absolute, inhuman limit as a bonus action. Your movement speed and any damage you deal is doubled, and any damage you take is halved, but any damage taken decreases your hit point maximum instead of your current hit points, and you automatically take 2d6 necrotic damage at the end of each of your turns.
Dandy Man
You have used your vampiric ability to master the art of controlling cards, of all things.
At 1st level, if you did not multiclass into this class, you gain the following equipment:
- One combat card.
You expect me to squeal?
At 1st level, you become a vampire with the stone mask in your possession. You are vulnerable radiant damage and your type becomes Undead. If an amount of skin equal to the surface of your head or greater is in direct sunglight, you take 2d6 radiant damage once per turn (6 seconds). Creatures attempting to reveal you must use an action to succeed a Strength or Dexterity check. Recovering yourself requires an action. You no longer age or need to sleep, and you count as one size larger for the sake of how much you can push, pull, or lift.
At 3rd level, you have transformed your biology to something between vampire and human. You no longer take damage from being in sunlight, however, you can not become the Ultimate Lifeform.
Your human eyes are not to be trusted, all they'll do is lie to you
Starting at 7th level, you may make attacks with ranged weapons up to their maximum range without disadvantage while you have at least 1 spirit point. You can see creatures that are invisible, including Stands, and are not effected by visual illusions while you have at least 1 spirit point.
Blood Drain
Beginning at 9th Level, your attacks to tap into the life essence of your enemies, causing your melee attacks to heal you an amount of hit points equal to the damage dealt. When you reduce a creature's hit points to 0 while under the effects of Blood Drain, that creature will then be raised as an undead under your control when it dies after 1 minute. These creatures retain the same stats as when they were alive, except their type changes to undead, they gain dark vision for 60ft (unless they had better), and they gain Blood Drain as a permanently active feature. If damage reduces the them to 0 hit points, they must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant damage or from a critical hit. On a success, they drop to 1 hit point instead. These minions will always stay under your control until they die and control over your minions cannot be taken from you.
As an action, you may spend 1 spirit point to completely absorb the life essence of a willing creature, an unconscious creature, or a creature under your control. This will give you the same benefits of a long rest, fulfills your daily requirement of food and water, and instantly kill them, but does not restore the spirit point(s) used to drain them. If their type was undead, then absorbing their corpses will cause them to shrivel up and disintegrate, unable to be raised without True Resurrection or a Wish spell. Alternatively, you may use your whole turn to spend 1 spirit point on a corpse to raise them up immediately in the same manner, as if you had just killed them with Blood Drain; these corpses will regenerate any lost limbs or body parts.
I am here to take your un-life
At 11th level, you may ignore the Two-Handed property of your combat cards and throwing cards does not make you lose the card in your hand.
We ruin the countries we govern and the people in our care
At 11th level, you may drain a creature with 0 hit points' blood as per Blood Drain if they are anywhere within 60 ft. You may take this as a perk multiple times, doubling this range each time. When you would die from lack of food, water, or sleep, you instead become paralyzed and unconsious. You automatically drain any viable creatures as per Blood Drain while in this state, ending it instantly.
Right into my trap
At 13th level, as an action for 1 spirit point, you may create an identical clone of yourself within 5 ft. of you. These clones use the same action and bonus action as you, but moving the clone uses a free action. Each clone has 5 hit points, and automatically dissipates after 1 minute.
Are you ready for another round?
At 15th level, you may surround yourself with a ring of exceptionally fast cards as a bonus action or reaction for 1 spirit point. Until the beginning of his next turn, all ranged attacks against you have their damage reduced by 2d6 + your Dexterity modifier. If this reduces its damage to 0, the projectile is destroyed.
Oh my, you really shouldn't play with your food
At 17th level, your prior mastery of cards allows you to refocus on mastering general vampiric abilities. You may delay consuming a creature's blood when you absorb it. While a creature's blood has been absorbed but not consumed, you gain any of their physical features (i.e. Hamon, but not Stands), and may transform into them in appearance and movement speeds alone as an action. You may make thrown attacks with weapons up to their maximum range without disadvantage while you have at least 1 spirit point, including improvised thrown weapons. You can see creatures that are invisible, including Stands, and are not effected by visual illusions while you have at least 1 spirit point. Additionally, Are you ready for another round? decreases ranged attacks' damage by 2d10 + your Dexterity modifier.
Sideshow Perks
You may take perks in place of Show features, but you must still gain Path features in order unless you already have a perk of identical effect (i.e., a Hooligan who takes a perk at 3rd level would gain It went straight to the bone at 7th level instead, given that they didn't take another perk; but a Vampire that takes Vampirism still gains Bloodlust at 3rd level).
Chain Neck Deathmatch
You have been trained in a fighting style as esoteric as it is deadly. As an action for 1 spirit point, one creature within 30 ft. of you must succeed a DC 10 + your proficiency bonus Dexterity or str saving throw saving throw or be trapped by a steel chain clasped around their neck strung by a sturdy piece of the environment around them. At the beginning of each of their turns, you must contest Strength saving throws. If you succeed, a "chain counter" increases by 1. If the target succeeds, it decreases by 1. This counter starts at 0. If the "chain counter" reaches 5, the target begins to suffocate. If the "chain counter" reaches -5, you begin to suffocate in the same manner. Either creature can initiate one of these contests as an action. If the "chain counter" reaches 8 or -8, the respective creature becomes restrained. The "chain counter" automatically increases by 1 at the end of each turn the target spends outside of a 10 ft. radius of where this effect began, and decreases by 1 at the end of every round you do so. A creature may attempt a DC 20 Strength saving throw as an action, ending this effect as a success, otherwise this lasts until you or the creature falls to 0 hit points.
Avatar of Hermes
You are blessed by the god of athletes. You gain proficiency, or expertise if you already have proficiency, in Athletics, Acrobatics and Performance. When you increase your Strength or Dexterity score with an Ability Score Increase, you may increase the score by 1 additional point to a maximum of 30.
Tail Heart
Your heart takes the form of a prehensile tail. Objects may be carried and manipulated with it, including fine manipulations, and holding a weapon or shield. Due to the increased balance your tail grants you, you are proficient in the Acrobatics skill. When you take damage, you may choose to become invisible until the end of your next turn.
That's not worth jack compared to the righteous spirits gathered here!
You are able to manifest the will of the golden heart of justice with your words. As an action for 5 spirit points, any creatures of your choice can immediately take a turn.
He may look like my dad... but he's not
You have trained in espionage from a young age. You gain advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks while you have at least 1 spirit point.
My only wish is for my father to die like a normal human being
You have been cursed with the disgusting remains of vampirism. You take twice as much damage from all sources and have disadvantage on any Intelligence and Charisma skill checks, but regain 4d6 hit points at the end of each of your turns.
Tinker tailor soldier sailor, my bullet punishes all without distinction
While you have at least 1 spirit point and are wielding a ranged renaissance weapon, your ranged attacks ignore cover, have the armor piercing (-2) property unless they already have a higher armor piercing property, and they have +3 to its attack rolls.
You become a vampire with the stone mask in your possession. You are vulnerable radiant damage and your type becomes Undead. If an amount of skin equal to the surface of your head or greater is in direct sunglight, you take 2d6 radiant damage once per turn (6 seconds). Creatures attempting to reveal you must use an action to succeed a Strength or Dexterity check. Recovering yourself requires an action. You no longer age or need to sleep, and you count as one size larger for the sake of how much you can push, pull, or lift.
Vampiric Claws
You must have Vampirism or a similar feature to gain this feature. Your unarmed strikes deal 2d4 + your proficiency bonus slashing damage (the damage die increases to 3d4 at 8th level, 4d4 at 12th, and 5d4 at 18th), and an additional 5 ft. of reach.
Path of Destruction
Every cell of your body hungers for flesh. You must have Vampirism or a similar feature to gain this feature. You may make an attack against a creature who's space you move into as a bonus action.
You must have Vampirism or a similar feature to gain this feature. You convert your entire body into a substance that is both stone and vampire, becoming immune to all damage and are paralyzed for at least 1 minute, after which you can end this effect at will.
You must have Pillarize or a similar feature to gain this feature. You are capable of understanding most concepts rather quickly. You learn to speak any language you have heard for at least 10 minutes and can become proficient in any weapon you hold for 5 minutes.
Blood Drain
You must have Vampirism or a similar feature to gain this feature. As a bonus action for 1 spirit point, you can cause your attacks to tap into the life essence of your enemies for 1 minute, causing your melee attacks to heal you an amount of hit points equal to the damage dealt. When you reduce a creature's hit points to 0 while under the effects of Blood Drain, that creature will then be raised as an undead under your control when it dies after 1 minute. These creatures retain the same stats as when they were alive, except their type changes to undead, they gain dark vision for 60ft (unless they had better), and they gain Blood Drain as a permanently active feature. If damage reduces the them to 0 hit points, they must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant damage or from a critical hit. On a success, they drop to 1 hit point instead. These minions will always stay under your control until they die and control over your minions cannot be taken from you.
As an action, you may spend 1 spirit point to completely absorb the life essence of a willing creature, an unconscious creature, or a creature under your control. This will give you the same benefits of a long rest, fulfills your daily requirement of food and water, and instantly kill them, but does not restore the spirit point(s) used to drain them. If their type was undead, then absorbing their corpses will cause them to shrivel up and disintegrate, unable to be raised without True Resurrection or a Wish spell. Alternatively, you may use your whole turn to spend 1 spirit point on a corpse to raise them up immediately in the same manner, as if you had just killed them with Blood Drain; these corpses will regenerate any lost limbs or body parts.
Do you remember how many breads you've eaten?
You must have Vampirism or a similar feature to gain this feature. You may spend 2 spirit points to force a creature within 30 feet to attempt a DC 10 + your proficiency bonus Dexterity or Charisma saving throw as an action. On a failure, you hypnotize them, charming them for 1 minute or until they take any radiant damage.
I can be your friend... Kakyoin-kun
You must have Do you remember how many breads you've eaten? or a similar feature to gain this feature. You may spend 4 spirit points to force a creature within 30 feet to attempt a DC 10 + your proficiency bonus Dexterity or cha saving throw. On a failure, a spike made of your flesh stabs itself through the target's forehead, and they are charmed until it is removed. A creature attempting to remove the bud must spend an action to attempt a DC 10 + your proficiency bonus Dexterity or Strength saving throw, followed by an Acrobatics or Athletics skill check. Of they fail the saving throw, the creature with the flesh bud inside them dies instantly. If they fail the skill check, they become subject to this feature's effects. A removed flesh bud has 5 in all ability scores and 15 hit points, regenerates 2d6 hit points at the end of each of its turns, is tiny, and can only use its action to reinject itself into another creature in the same manner as you using this feature without the spirit point cost. The flesh bud counts as undead and is vulnerable to radiant damage.
Space Ripper Stingy Eyes
You must have Vampirism or a similar feature to gain this feature. You are able to fire high pressure liquid from your eyes as an action for 1 spirit point. All creatures in a 60 ft. line must attempt a Dexterity saving throw, taking 3d6 + your proficiency bonus piercing damage that cannot be reduced (5d6 at 17th level) on a failure, or half as much damage on success. Creatures within 15 feet automatically fail.
Doobie's Snakes
You must have Vampirism or a similar feature to gain this feature. You may spend 1 spirit points to force a creature within 30 feet to attempt a DC 10 + your proficiency bonus Dexterity or con saving throw as an action. On a failure, snakes that are part of your body bite them, poisoning them for 1 minute or until they take any radiant damage. They may retry this saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending this effect early on a success.
You must have Vampirism or a similar feature to gain this feature. You must be grappled or restrained twice at once for either condition to take effect. If you are subject to one instance of both, you are only grappled. In addition, your hair counts as a third hand which can wield a shield or weapon effectively.
Night has fallen... time for you to die
You must have Vampirism or a similar feature to gain this feature. You gain a flying speed equal to your movement speed.
I'm not afraid of anything anymore
You must have Vampirism or a similar feature to gain this feature. While you have at least 1 spirit point, you are aware of any creatures within 5 x your Charisma score feet.
Did somebody have a nightmare?
You must have He believes it, too! or a similar feature to gain this feature. Instead of being charmed, they are stunned by a visual illusion of their greatest regret, and your melee attacks automatically count as criticals.
The following are not typical features, they can only be gained by a sideshow after being pierced by the Stand Arrow or obtaining a Corpse Part in place of gaining levels in the Stand User class.
Keep On Loving You
Only a hooligan is capable of manifesting this phenomenon-type stand. So long as an action is of no benefit to yourself in any way, but is of benefit to another creature, you automatically succeed.
The World
Only a Vampire is capable of manifesting this Stand.
Stand of Durability
The World Alignment Stand has high strength and high constitution. Your Stand's Strength is equal to your Strength + your Charisma modifier + 3, and your Constitution can go up to 24. The rest of your Stand's Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 10ft away from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and it's unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.
Starting at level 5, when an ally is targeted by an attack, as a reaction you may stop time and move at double your movement speed towards the enemy that attacked your ally, causing their attack to fail, making an attack, and then resume time. This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks. This attack deals an extra 1d6 damage. The damage increases at level 8 (2d6), level 11 (3d6) and level 14 (5d6). You may spend 1 spirit point to attack again and knock them 10 ft away, also causing the creature's attack rolls to be made with disadvantage for the rest of their turn. They must then succeed a Dexterity saving throw against a DC of 8 + your charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus to prevent becoming prone.
Starting at level 14, you may activate "Time Stop" as a full turn action. For two rounds, time does not pass and you are the only creature that can act in any way. At 17th level it lasts for 3 rounds, and at 20th level it lasts 4 rounds. During Time Stop, extra actions are still extra actions and movement speed is automatically doubled without the use of dash. You can make an attack against creatures or interact with an object that is being held by a creature without breaking the "Time Stop" effect. If an object is thrown at an enemy, at the end of Time Stop, the enemy must succeed a DC 15 + your Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus Dexterity saving throw with a disadvantage for each attack, taking half damage (rounded down) upon success; attacks that hit will deal critical damage. You and your Stand's melee attacks are considered automatic criticals for the duration. You can use this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining all uses at the end of a long rest. Attempting to use ZA WARUDO with no uses remaining will still activate the effect, but will result in you gaining 1 level of exhaustion at the end of the Time Stop. Expending 1 spirit point will double the duration of ZA WARUDO; you can only double the duration on the moment you cast it and only if you do not have any stacks of exhaustion.
If you are subjected to a Time Stop effect caused by others, you may use your reaction to cast ZA WARUDO and have your turns with them. The rules of ZA WARUDO still apply to you. Using it this way does not count against your total uses nor does it give you exhaustion.
Blitzkrieg Bop
Only a cyborg is capable of manifesting this phenomenon-type stand. You are able to summon any vehicle for 1 minute as an action a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier.
A Ray of Sunshine
Only a Pillar of Wind is capable of manifesting this phenomenon-type stand. You are able to use Final Mode: Atmospheric Rift as an action with a duration of instantaneous for 5 spirit points.
Only a Pillar of Heat is capable of manifesting this phenomenon-type stand. Heat Mode and Erratic Blaze King Mode are always active.
Just What I Needed
Only a Pillar of Light is capable of manifesting this phenomenon-type stand. When you encounter a Stand User, you may gain their stand, though based off of your own ability scores and level, as an action for 12 spirit points. This lasts until you do so again.
Ball Breaker
Only a Spin User is capable of manifesting this phenomenon-type stand. You no longer need to be riding a horse to use Golden Spin, and using it additional times only costs 10 spirit points.
Young, Wild, and Free
Only a Baoh Armed Phenomenon is capable of manifesting this phenomenon-type stand. You can manifest and deactivate your parasite at will without spending spirit points, and may maintain it indefinitely.
Back in Black
Only a Count is capable of manifesting this phenomenon-type stand. At the end of each of your turns while Control Art Restriction System is active, instead of the typical saving throw/spirit point cost of the feature, you must attempt a DC 10 + the number of instances of the feature Charisma saving throw. On a failure, you must spend a number of spirit points equal to half the number of instances of this feature or end all instances of this feature.
Hallowed Be Thy Name
Only a Holy Warrior is capable of manifesting this phenomenon-type stand. While summoned, you may see everything that will happen around you within 100 ft. until the start of your next turn as a bonus action for 1 spirit point. While this feature is active, you can use the ready feature as a free action, and any attack made against you have disadvantage, while you gain advantage on all saving throws. You may spend 1 spirit point to cause any attack that hits you during this time to deal half damage. You also gain glimpses of the far future sporadically.
Only a Lycanthrope is capable of manifesting this phenomenon-type stand. You may activate or deactivate Lycanthrope Manifestation at will without spending spirit points, and may maintain it indefinitely.
Angel of Death
Only a Butler is capable of manifesting this phenomenon-type stand. While summoned, you are aware of every creature within your reach, you may ignore cover, and any attacks against a creature with your wires grants any consecutive attacks against the same creature with your wires a +1 to either attack and damage rolls, to a cumulative total equal to your Proficiency bonus until the end of your next short rest.
Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Sideshow class, you must meet these prerequisites: Intelligence 16, Constitution 14, Charisma 12
Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Sideshow class, you gain the following proficiencies: basic weapons, martial weapons.
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