Stand User Variant (5e Class)

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Stand User Variant

  • Note: I used the Berserker Class as a template, things that are worded as such will be changed at the completion of this class


Stands are, in their basic form, the spiritual manifestation of one's own soul and strength. They come in many shapes and sizes, from the fast and mobile, the secretive and deadly, and the slow but measurable in their destructive power. Some stands are stronger than others, those who are born into the "Joestar" bloodline tend to have stronger but those who have been touched by "The Arrow" more than once are able to tap into their stand's true strength and obtain a "Requiem Stand". Stands are only visible by those who bear stands or to those who have latent ability, magi and the likes.

Types of Stands, like Star Platinum, have incredible strength and dexterity

Creating a Stand User

What compels your Stand User? Are they a con man? Are they a hero who uses their Stand for good or are they a villain who plots for world domination thanks to their powerful Stand? Or is your User only seeking for a peaceful life and only uses their stand to fulfill their more sinister acts? Or perhaps your Stand is simply used to entertain and satisfy the needs of others? Were you hit by the Arrow to get your stand or are you part of the Joestar bloodline, destined to become a hero.

Quick Build

You can make a Stand User quickly by First making Charisma your highest ability score. The rest is up to you.

Class Features

As a Stand User you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d10 per Stand User level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Stand User level after 1st


Armor: Light and Medium Armor
Weapons: Simple Melee and Martial Melee Weapons
Tools: one of your choice
Saving Throws: Strength, Charisma
Skills: Choose 2: Nature, Perception, Athletics, Acrobatics, Investigation, and Intimidation


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) A pair of Gauntlets or (b) One simple or martial melee weapon of your choice
  • (a) Extravagant Clothes or (b) Plain Clothes
  • (a) Dungeoneer’s Pack or (b) Explorer’s Pack
  • (a) A Tarot card to name your Stand off of or a piece of music. or (b) A Piece of the Arrow (DM determined)

Table: The Stand User

FeaturesSpirit points
1st+2Manifestation of Will, Stand Proud Focus, Invisible Force0
2nd+2Exchange Blows, Exploit the Armor0
3rd+2Denting blows, Stand User Path Feature3
4th+2Ability Score Improvement3
5th+3Stand User path feature4
6th+3Stand User's Endurance4
7th+3Stand User Path Feature5
8th+3Ability Score Improvement5
9th+4Stand User's path feature6
10th+4Ari Ari Ari Arrivederci!6
11th+4Stand User's path feature7
12th+4Ability Score Improvement7
13th+5Long Travels8
14th+5Stand User's path feature8
15th+5Stando Powa!9
16th+5Ability Score Improvement9
17th+6Unbreakable Will10
18th+6Seasoned Stand12
19th+6Ability Score Improvement15

Stand User's Features and Abilities

Manifestation of Will

You can call out or recall your Stand as a bonus action. When you call out your Stand, it occupies the same space as your character, and will follow you of its own accord unless you tell it otherwise. Your Stand has the same size category and movement speed as you unless otherwise stated. You can telepathically order your Stand to move as a bonus action, but ordering your Stand to interact with its surroundings (attack, lift something, etc.) you use up your action for that turn. Your Stand is immune to spells that buff or debuff a creature (Haste, Longstrider, etc.) and any effects of spells that target your Stand affect your character instead. You stand can phase through creatures/objects and everything seen by your stand is also seen by you. A stand's ability scores are not capped at the usual 20 that player stats are capped at and rather they can go up to 30 as they are often beings of immense speed and power often far beyond the capabilities of humans. Your Stand’s movement speed is equal to your own unless otherwise stated.

Spirit Points

Many Stand abilities require expending Spirit Points to activate. The number of spirit points you have is shown in the Stand User table. You regain all expended Spirit Points after completing a long rest.

Stand Proud Focus

Stand Users live for combat in all forms. They have trained their minds as well as bodies to focus in the heat of battle. While a user is not wearing heavy armor they take 3 less damage from non magical piercing, slashing, and bludgeoning damage. They also gain advantage against Charm, Frighten, and Paralysis saving throws.

Invisible Force

Your Stand is only visible to other Stand Users and to strong magic users or Psions. Any damage dealt to your Stand is dealt to you. A creature that you have your Stand interact with must make a DC 25 wisdom saving throw. If they fail, the Stand remains invisible to them. Otherwise, they become aware of the stands presence but only after they get attacked by it.

Exchange Blows

At at 2nd level, when a Stand User is damaged by a hostile creature, you make a DC 11 constitution check to see if you can gain 1 stack of Exchange Blows. On a success, you gain an extra attack when you or your stand uses a melee attack. You can only have up to your proficiency bonus amount of stacks and you gain an extra attack for each stack. You can use your bonus action to roll a check for an extra stack of Exchange Blows, as long as you have at least 1. These extra attacks are shared by both you and your stand. Using extra attacks during your turn does not consume the stacks. You may spend 1 stack to attack a creature, using either your or your stand's melee attack that attacks you during their turn if they are within range without using a reaction. All stacks are removed once you can no longer fighting any hostile creatures.

Exploit the Armor

Starting at 2nd level, you learn to exploit the weakness in a creature's armor, causing you and your stand's successful melee attacks to a creature to ignore 1 unit of their armor class (1 AC per hit). This feature can stack with every successful hit up to 5 stacks. If their AC becomes less than 5, their AC instead becomes 1 and cannot go lower nor higher. This effect persists for the next 24 hours.

Stand User's path

At 3rd level, Stand Users choose a specified path to follow that shapes the abilities of their stand and their destiny. All Stand User's Paths are listed at the end of this class description.

Certain Stands are “phenomenons”. These Stands can not be summoned externally and instead directly grant the user their features when summoned. Certain phenomenon Stands, such as the Scary Monsters Alignment, have restrictions on being summoned.

You gain additional features from your alignment at 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, 14th, and 20th level.

Denting Blows

At 3rd level, if you are grappling a creature or being grappled, your and your stand's attacks do not miss and you add your proficiency bonus to the damage roll if its not there already. Roll to attack to determine if you can score a critical hit. If the creature has an AC of 5 or less, it automatically takes critical damage, but roll to attack anyway to see if they take critical damage again. This feature extends to creatures who are too large to be grappled as long as you climb on to them. Furthermore, unarmed and gauntlets both now have the Light and Finesse properties when used by you or your stand. You can now attack with your stand using your bonus action as well; this does not require you to make an attack with you or your stand beforehand.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Stand User's Endurance

Starting at 6th level, your AC when not wearing armor is equal to 10 + your Constitution modifier + your Dexterity modifier. Furthermore, when you are forced to make a STR or CON saving throw that causes you to take half damage if you succeed, you instead take no damage if you succeed and half damage if you fail. If you are restrained, you may expend 1 spirit point as a bonus action to immediately break free of it; you can then use your bonus action to break out of any further restraints put on you by the same creature without spending any spirit points.

Ari Ari Ari Arrivederci!

Starting at 10th level, you live for and thrive in combat; starting at level 10, you can add your strength or charisma modifier to your initiative rolls. You also become immune to both charmed and frightened conditions.

Long Travels

Starting at 13th level, your travels have caused you to adapt to the rough obstacles you face. You cannot become exhausted from using dash or from environmental hazards. When you complete a short rest, you recover double the normal amount of hit points and remove 1 level of exhaustion. Furthermore, you can now use your bonus action to dash or disengage.


At 14th level, your strength and constitution scores can not be reduced, and your hit point maximum can not be reduced. You gain advantage to attack rolls against any creature you have successfully landed a hit on. Furthermore, you automatically gain 1 stack of Exchange Blows instead of rolling for them. Your critical hits for both your and your stand's attack rolls are now 18-20.

Stando Powa!

At 15th level, you now gain 1 stack of Stando Powa! each time you or your stand fail an attack roll against a creature. When a creature makes an attack against you, you can use 1 stack of Stando Powa! to completely negate the damage/effect; this does not consume a reaction. Projectiles are deflected and attacks are countered by your or your stand's weapons. Furthermore, if you fail an attack roll, you may expend 3 stack of Stando Powa! to change the failed roll into a success. You can have up to your proficiency bonus amount of stacks. If you are at max stacks, you may expend all of them instead of the usual 1 stack to have your attack become a critical hit that uses the max damage roll. You do not gain stacks from a successful hit caused by expending a stack. Stando Powa! stacks stay with you until you are no longer fighting any hostile creatures.

Unbreakable Will

Beginning at level 17, your years of battle have given you the ability to ignore some of the most detrimental conditions of battle. You are immune to being blinded, stunned, or poisoned. You no longer take extra damage from critical hits and hostile creatures cannot gain advantage on you if you are restrained.

Seasoned Stand

At 18th level, your stand gains +5 to hit and all damage from your stand's attacks are doubled, if they were proficient with whatever they were using. If your stand is in the same space as you, you also gain these bonuses. At 20th level, they gain +7 to hit and damage is tripled instead.


Beginning at level 20, you touch your stand with the arrow as a bonus action. It gains a powerful, unique bonus that is path specific. Your Stand can now move an additional 15 ft. away, you gain an additional action on your turn, you can move your stand as a free action, and your Stand Proud Focus extends to all forms of damage.

Stardust Crusaders Archetypes

The following are archetypes found within the series itself. For original creations, see OC Stands (5e Subclass). For a community workplace for incomplete archetypes, see Work In Progress Stands (5e Subclass).

Stand User Alignment: The Star

Stand of Strength

The Star Alignment Stand has balanced strength and dexterity. Your Stand's Strength is equal to your Strength + your Charisma modifier + 3, your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3, and your Strength score maximum increases by 4. The rest of your Stand's Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 10ft away from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's strength modifier + your charisma modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and it's unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.

Fury Of Fists

At 3rd level, you may spend 3 spirit points to enter Fury of Fists as a bonus action, which lasts until combat is over. While in Fury of Fists mode, you gain the following benefits: you may dash or make a trip attack (on a hit, a Large or smaller creature becomes prone) as a bonus action each turn. You may make one additional attack when you take the Attack action (stacks with Exchange Blows attacks). On a hit, the target takes 2d6 + your proficiency bonus + your stand's strength or dexterity modifier bludgeoning damage from your stand's fists (the damage die increases to 2d8 at level 8, 2d10 at level 12 and 4d6 at level 18). At the end of your turn, any creatures you have attacked must also succeed a Strength saving throw versus your DC 8 + your Stands Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus. Upon a failed save, the target is knocked prone. At 6th level, while you are in Fury of Fists, you are unable to fall asleep or become unconscious.


While in a Fury of Fists, you can spend 1 spirit point to use your reaction to to taking damage to take the Attack action against the creature that dealt it. You can only use this feature if they are within 10 ft. of you. If your Stand is not near them, it will teleport to the nearest location possible. The creature you use this feature on can use its action to half the damage it takes from this when you use your reaction, but doing so will cause all of your attacks to always hit until the start of your next turn. If the creature uses its action to take half damage from this feature, you can expend 1 spirit point to negate it and deal normal damage while retaining the ability to always hit the creature until the start of your next turn.

Star Finger

Starting at 5th level, you may make a ranged attack by extending your Stand's fingers that deals 1d4 + your proficiency bonus piercing damage at a range of 30 ft using your action. This damage increases to 2d4 at 12th level, 3d4 at 15th level, and 5d4 at 18th level. You may spend 1 spirit point when you use Star Finger to have your attack stun the creature until the start of your next turn.

Precise Movements

Starting from 7th level, you gain an advantage and are proficient in Perception checks and cannot be taken by surprise. In addition, difficult terrain does not negatively effect your movements. When you are forced to make Dexterity saving throws where you take half damage on success, you instead take no damage on a success and half damage on a failure. If you fail a Dexterity saving throw, you can spend 1 spirit point to treat it as if you succeeded.

Because You Pissed Me Off

Starting at 9th level, when attacking a prone creature while in Fury of Fists, you and your Stand deal critical damage on hit. Furthermore, a creature who has landed a hit on you gains 1 stack of Because You Pissed Me Off. When you make a successful attack on them, you may choose to remove all Because You Pissed Me Off stacks off that creature, dealing an additional damage die for every stack they possess. These stacks will be removed after 24 hours, with each new stack they receive refreshing the duration.

Yare Yare Daze

Starting from 11th level, while in Fury of Fists, when using an extra attack granted by Exchange Blows, you may expend that stack when you land a hit, causing it to deal full critical damage. Furthermore, critical hits against a creature with less than 10% of their maximum hit points incapacitates them and halves their movement speed until the end of their next turn.

Star Platinum: Za Warudo

Starting at 14th level, you may activate "Time Stop" as a full turn action. For two rounds, time does not pass and you are the only creature that can act in any way. At 17th level it lasts for 3 rounds, and at 20th level it lasts 4 rounds. During Time Stop, extra actions are still extra actions and movement speed is automatically doubled without the use of dash. You can make an attack against creatures or interact with an object that is being held by a creature without breaking the "Time Stop" effect. If an object is thrown at an enemy, at the end of Time Stop, the enemy must succeed a DC 15 + your Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus Dexterity saving throw with a disadvantage for each attack, taking half damage (rounded down) upon success; attacks that hit will deal critical damage. You and your Stand's melee attacks are considered automatic criticals for the duration. You can use this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining all uses at the end of a long rest. Attempting to use Star Platinum: Za Warudo with no uses remaining will still activate the effect, but will result in you gaining 1 level of exhaustion at the end of the Time Stop. Expending 1 spirit point will double the duration of Star Platinum: Za Warudo; you can only double the duration on the moment you cast it and only if you do not have any stacks of exhaustion.

If you are subjected to a Time Stop effect caused by others, you may use your reaction to cast Star Platinum: Za Warudo and have your turns with them. The rules of Star Platinum: Za Warudo still apply to you. Using it this way does not count against your total uses nor does it give you exhaustion.

The Stars Over Heaven

Starting at 20th level, you gain "The Stars Over Heaven" as a bonus action with a duration of 1 minute once per day. Activating it allows you to create temporary duplicates of anything, but it must have existed at one point. You can choose a location to spawn the duplicates within 60 ft of you. You can make 1 duplicate as either an action or a bonus action on each or your turns; there is no limit for the amount of duplicates you can have. The duplicates will be completely identical to the original in everything, except they are fully healed/revived or repaired if the original was hurt/dead or broken respectively. Duplicates of creatures are placed directly under your control at your discretion and have their turns after yours in the order they were created. Duplicates of objects are automatically Identified. You are always aware of which ones are a duplicate and which ones are the original. All duplicated creatures and objects will vanish 1 minute after creation. You may expend 4 spirit point as a bonus action during "The Stars Over Heaven" to have a duplicate become permanent.

Stand User Alignment: The Magician

Stand of Fire

The Magician Alignment Stand is a blend of high constitution and dexterity. Your Stand's Constitution is equal to your Constitution + your Charisma modifier + 3. Your Stand's dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3. Your Stand's Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are all equal to your own. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's unarmed strikes use a d4 for rolling damage. Your stand can move 10ft away from your character's position.

Flaming Aura

At the 3rd level, your Stand gains the ability to utilize Fire in basic attacks. Your Stand's unarmed strikes deal an additional 1d4 Fire damage. This damage increases to 1d6 at 5th level, 1d8 at 7th level, 1d12 at 9th level, and 2d8 at 11th level. Your Stand also gains the ability to hurl a ball of fire at one target within 30 ft. of your Stand as an action, or as a bonus action for 1 spirit point. The target must succeed a DC 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus Dexterity saving throw or take 1d8 Fire damage. This damage increases to 1d10 at 5th level, 1d12 at 7th level, 2d8 at 9th level, and 2d10 at 11th level.

Red Bind!

At the 5th level your Stand gains the ability to use Fire like a long rope and bind one target to walls, floors or ceilings immobilizing them. A creature that is no more than one size category larger than you that is within 15 feet of you or your Stand must succeed a DC 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus Dexterity saving throw or become Restrained for 1 minute. At the end of each of their turns, they may retry this saving throw, ending this effect on a success, and taking 1d4 Fire damage on failure.

Crossfire Hurricane!

At the 7th level, your Stand gains the ability to fire large blasts of Fire at one target for 1 Spirit Point as an action. One creature within 30 feet of you or your Stand must succeed a DC 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus Dexterity saving throw or take 1d12 + your Stand's Constitution modifier Fire damage. If the target fails, you may spend 3 additional Spirit Points to Fire two more of the same blasts of fire at the same target which will automatically hit.

Tsk tsk, YES! I am!

At the 9th level, you gain the ability to expend 1 Spirit Point while unconscious to automatically succeed all death saves as a free action. This ability can only be used once, regaining use at the end of a long rest.

Life Detector

At the 11th level, you can activate a "heat radar" of sorts in the form of a floating ball of fire for 1 minute as an action for 1 spirit point. This ability allows you to indicate where creatures you don't know of is within a 50 ft. radius of the ball of fire by a flicker in response to the creature's presence, indicating the location of its heat source based on a compass rose. You can move the ball up to 15 feet at the beginning of each of your turns.


At the 14th level, you can cloak one melee weapon or piece of ammunition being used by a creature within 30 feet of you in fire as a bonus action or reaction. For 2 turns, it deals an additional 2d20 Fire damage on a successful attack until the end of the creature's turn after their next. You can target one weapon being used by a creature that isn't magical as an action for 1 Spirit Point to light it on Fire. Slowly the weapon will be burnt to a crisp or melted depending on the material, taking 3 fire damage at the beginning of each of the creature's turn (fragile weapons have 3 (1d6) hit points, resilient weapons have 10 (3d6) hit points).

The Magician Requiem

At the 20th level, your Stand has reached it's peak in evolution and you can enter Requiem mode for 1 minute once per day as an action. You and your Stand begin to radiate an intense heat that keeps rising and rising. All metal objects within a 100 ft. radius of you or your Stand will begin to melt and anything wooden will begin to catch on fire (DM decides how long it takes to fully melt and destroy things, should generally be treated as 20 fire damage). You and your Stand are completely immune to Fire damage in this state and as you walk you begin to pull small patches of magma from the ground within a 25 ft. radius of you and your Stand (DM decides their size and where they appear while you walk). Any creature within a 100 ft. radius of you or your Stand must make a DC 8 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus Constitution saving throw once per turn on their turn. On a fail, they take 4d20 Fire damage, and on a success they take half as much damage. In this state, using "Tsk Tsk, YES! I am!" returns you to 1 hit point, and you can use "Crossfire Hurricane!" as a bonus action. You can spend 1 Spirit Point to extend this time by 1 minute.


Hope you guys like this one - Spuddzilla

Stand User Alignment: Hermit

Stand of Trickery

The Hermit Alignment Stand has high Dexterity and Charisma. Your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3, and your Charisma can go up to 26. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Constitution, Intelligence, and Wisdom are equal to your own. This Stand is a phenomenon type, and thus does not have a traditional form. While your Stand is summoned, your unarmed attacks deal 1d4 + your Dexterity modifier piercing or slashing damage.

This is my Stand!

At 3rd level, you can manifest your Stand. While it is summoned, you may make unarmed attacks and grapple checks at a range of 15 ft.


Starting at 5th level, you can locate things over any distance with your Stand. As an action, you can create an image through any non-transparent medium, such as a camera or television. You roll a d20. On a 1, you are only able to see half of your target. On a 20, you can see the entire target and surroundings up to 50 ft. You must know your target’s general appearance. If they are a humanoid, you must also know their name. If they are a humanoid, you must succeed a Deception check with a DC equal to their passive perception or the target knows that someone was trying to locate them. If the medium used to locate a person is a piece of technology capable of generating sound and the target is aware, they can talk to you, though you can not talk to them.

I guess now you can see the difference in our fighting experience.

Starting from 7th level, you can course the energy of the sun through your Stand. Your unarmed attacks now deal 1d6 Slashing, Piercing, Radiant, or Fire damage and can be made from an additional 5 ft. away (20 ft. total). When you make a ranged grapple, you may end it as an action by pulling your target into a space adjacent to you.

You made the wrong move, you stupid pig.

Starting at 9th level, being attacked is not only safe, but advantageous. When you are hit by a melee attack, you may take the Attack action as a reaction for 3 Spirit Points, or you may make a single unarmed attack that moves the enemy 5 ft. in a direction of your choosing on a hit.

I Just Wanted to Look Cool In Front of My Son

Starting from 11th level, you can use Charisma instead of Wisdom on Perception checks.

Master’s Teachings

Starting at 14th level, you may make an unarmed attack against a creature you have pulled, as outlined in “...fighting experience”, as a bonus action for 2 Spirit Point. This attack deals 1d12 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier radiant damage. You regain all uses at the end of a short rest.

Hermit Requiem

At 20th level, you can enter Requiem mode for 1 minute as a bonus action once per day. You can use Psychography in exchange for half of your total movement speed and instantly teleport to any location that you have currently captured in Psychography as a bonus action. All Psychography checks are counted as 20. Your unarmed attack and grapple ranges are doubled (40 ft. total).


It’s Re3rence. Wanted to add some more phenomenon stands and figured Joesph was a good place to start. He’s more based off of HFTF than I’d prefer, but I think psychography is enough of a goofy, weird concept as is. Here’s to hoping someone finishes the crusaders.

Stand User Alignment: Hierophant

Stand of Control

The Hierophant Alignment Stand has high Dexterity. Your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3. Your Stand's Strength, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are all equal to your own. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier. Your Stand's unarmed strikes use a d4 for rolling damage. Your stand can move 15 ft. away from you.

Coiled Body

At 3rd level, your Stand's body is able to stretch rather far, allowing it to interact with or attack creatures/objects up to 60 ft away without leaving the space its currently occupying, but will only deal half damage to those not in melee range. You may use your action to stretch your Stand almost invisibly across a 30 foot radius anywhere within this range, alerting you to the presence of any creatures within the radius, but doing so keeps you from using your Stand in any way except for ending this effect as an action. Creatures must succeed a DC 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Proficiency bonus Wisdom saving throw to detect your Stand in this manner.

Your Stand can grab objects and pull them to you or pull yourself to the location it is occupying with a free action or bonus action. Grappling with your Stand still allows your Stand to move around without moving the grappled creature nor removing the grappled condition from them; you can grapple more than 1 creature with your Stand, but they will be all be freed if any of them break out or if your Stand has been stretched farther than 60 ft. of them. You can spend 1 spirit point to double the range to 120 ft until the end of your next turn.

Emerald Splash

At 5th level, one creature within 60 ft. must attempt a DC 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Proficiency bonus Dexterity saving throw. On failure, they take 2d6 + your proficiency bonus bludgeoning or piercing damage (this damage die increases to 4d6 at 9th level, 6d6 at 14th level, 8d6 at 17th level). On a success, they take half as much damage. If they cannot see your Stand, this counts as a a critical attack. You may spend 1 spirit point upon using this to have them roll with a disadvantage. If they already have a disadvantage, they will automatically fail instead if you spend the spirit point.


At 7th level, Emerald Splash now has a cone shape, with a width of 30 ft at the end of it. You can select which creatures are targeted by Emerald Splash. You may use your whole turn to spend 1 spirit point to attack with Emerald Splash non-stop. Creatures you choose within range who enter or start their turn within the range of Emerald Splash are subjected to its effects. They are also targeted by Emerald Splash if they make an attack against anyone other than you while within this range. While using this feature to channel Emerald Splash, you cannot make any actions other than Emerald Splash. You can use your bonus action to end the effect.

Marionette Control

At 9th level, you can have your Stand enter the body of a creature within 15 feet of you as an action. Your Stand will then fully control the creature, using the creature's scores. It cannot use any features that the creature possesses that you or your Stand does not, nor can your Stand be seen at all. You Stand can separate from you for an infinite distance in this manner. You can only have your Stand control creatures who automatically fail Strength checks or corpses that have been killed in the last 24 hours. Leaving the body requires a bonus action and deals 3d10 force damage to it. You may spend 1 spirit point when your Stand leaves the body to deal double or half damage.


At 11th level, you can stretch your stand out thinly, creating an invisible net around you with a radius of 60 ft using your bonus action. Anyone who moves within this range is immediately known to you. You can have your Stand appear anywhere within this net, even outside the 15 ft. range, without the penalties of Coiled Body. You can recall your Stand back to you as a bonus action. You may spend 1 spirit point to double the range to 120 ft. until the end of your next turn. You may also spend 1 spirit point to turn the net into difficult terrain for hostile creatures for the same duration.

Hierophant Barrier

At 14th level, anyone who enters, moves, or starts their turn inside Detection's range are targeted by Emerald Splash. When your Stand takes damage from being attacked or fails a saving throw, you may unravel part of your Stand as a reaction, halving its damage for 1 spirit point or completely negating damage for 3 spirit points.

Hierophant Requiem

At 20th level, you can enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action once per day. During this, Emerald Splash counts as an attack for the sake of any features that are based on attacks, such as Exchange Blows, Denting Blows, etc. If you use Marionette Control on a creature, your Stand gains access to all of that creature's features and acts on your turn. The default range for Coiled Body, Emerald Splash, Detection, and Hierophant Barrier are all tripled; spending spirit points on the respective features will double that range.

Stand User Alignment: Tower

Stand of Destruction

The Tower Alignment Stand is a Small destructive stand based on speed. Your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3, your Stand's Strength is equal to your Strength + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 25 ft away from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, which it treats as finesse weapons, and its unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls. Your stand has a flying speed equal to your movement speed plus 15, but a walking speed of 5. If drenched in water, its wings become unusable until dried out, removing its flying speed for 1 minute.

I'm planning on doing one hell of a...MASSACRE!

At 3rd level, you become proficiency in Deception and calligrapher's tools. More importantly, you can expend 1 spirit point after killing a creature with your Stand to make an Intimidation check against all creatures that can see you or your Stand, which they must contest with a Wisdom or Charisma saving throw. If they fail, they are frightened by you for 1 minute. While frightened like this, a creature's movement speed is reduced to 0. They may retry this saving throw at the start of each of their turns.

A Stand shaped like an insect...

At 5th level, your Stand shrinks to a Tiny size and gains expertise in Stealth checks. Your Stand also gains the following modifications to its ability scores: +2 Dexterity, +1 Intelligence, and -2 Strength.

The ten bullets wouldn’t even touch my Stand!

At 7th level, your Stand has advantage on Dexterity saving throws, but you do not if you did not already.

Tower Needle

At 9th level, your Stand's unarmed strikes's damage die is increased to 1d8. If you hit a creature with an attack, you can choose to expend 2 Spirit Points and force it to make a Dexterity save against a DC of the flying speed your Stand has remaining plus its Dexterity modifier. If they succeed, they bite down on your Stand, making an unarmed strike against your Stand and reducing its movement speeds to 0 until the beginning of your next turn. If they fail, you rip out their tongue, reducing it to 0 hit points. If the creature is Large, it gets to add its proficiency bonus to its saving throw an additional time, Huge creatures get to do so twice, and Gargantuan creatures do so twice and have advantage.

It’s right behind you!

At 11th level, your Stand is able to move at such speeds that its very form begins to blur and creates illusions. As an action, all attacks against your Stand have disadvantage until the beginning of your next turn. You may expend a spirit point to use this as a bonus action.


At 14th level, your Stand has developed a personality that is a bit crude, albeit possibly endearing. Your Stand can now speak to other Stand users and to its user freely, and without restrictions, as it learns one language that you can speak. It can only speak to entities that can see it, and with whom they share a language. Finally, your Stand can cast Vicious Mockery, but only against a target it can communicate with.

Tower Requiem

At 20th level, your Stand can sizeshift. As a bonus action, you gain the following for 1 minute once per day. You can change sizes to Small as a bonus action until the end of your next turn. You may choose to expend 3 spirit points when this effect would end to instead move up another size category. Creatures are considered one size category smaller for the purposes of your Tower Needle. Not only that, but if they would get no benefits and no drawbacks, they instead gain the opposite. For example, at Gargantuan size, Huge and Large creatures roll as normal. Medium creatures subtract their proficiency bonus. Small creatures subtract twice their proficiency bonus, and Tiny creatures subtract twice their proficiency bonus and roll with disadvantage.


Shout out to Cheesecake1116 (Discord:Cheesecake#7051) for making this archetype.

Stand User Alignment: The Chariot

Stand of Speed

The Chariot Alignment Stand has very high dexterity. Your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3, and your Stand's Strength, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 15 ft. away from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier.

My Stand is the chariot card... the war machine, Silver Chariot!

At 3rd level, you may pick one simple or martial melee weapon; when you summon your Stand, it now appears wielding that weapon, and any attacks it makes are now done using that weapon's damage. Your Stand's weapon counts as a +2 finesse weapon that you are proficient in. The weapon is a part of your Stand, so those who cannot see Stands also cannot see this weapon. You also gain one extra attack. Your stand can never be disarmed of that weapon. You may use change the weapon it uses at the end of a long rest.

Hora, Hora, Hora!

At 5th level, you can use your whole turn to call your Stand to you and have it move it at extremely fast speeds, creating several afterimage copies. Until the start of your next turn, your Stand and its copies will automatically destroy any projectiles fired at you. You may use your reaction to select a projectile within 15 ft radius of you and have your stand destroy it. You may spend 1 spirit point to use this feature as a free action instead. At 9th level, projectiles are instead reflected back to the attacker, as if they were attacking themselves. You may spend 1 spirit point to change its course to something else.

One last pathetic gasp? Just die quietly, would you?

At 7th level, the AC of your Stand increases by 2 and your AC increases by 1. You can remove your Stand's armor as a bonus action, removing any conditions you or your Stand are effected by. While your Stand is out of its armor, it can make 1 additional extra attack, but you and your Stand lose the bonus AC granted by this feature, and you take 1.5x as much damage (rounded down) when your Stand is attacked. Your Stand can move around you as a free action due to its immense increase in speed. This lasts until the end of your next short or long rest.

I'm gonna turn you into a pincushion!!

At the 9th level, when Hora, Hora, Hora! has deflected a projectile with a damage type that is not bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing, then you can have your Stand gain an additional hit die of that type added on to its weapon. You lose this feature at the end of your next turn if you successfully landed a hit on a creature, or for 1 minute otherwise. You may spend 1 spirit point to benefit from two uses of this feature at once. When your Stand is out of its armor as per "One last..." and forced to make a Dexterity saving throw where it take half damage on success, it instead take no damage on success and half damage on failure. You may have your Stand became armored again using your bonus action.

I haven't told anyone about this technique

At 11th level, your Stand gains the ability to fire off a large part of its weapon (i.e. the blade of a sword). You can make a single attack against a creature within 60 ft as an action. This attack uses the same damage roll as your Stand's weapon with 1 additional damage die. After you use this feature, you must either retrieve the part, using a free item interaction if its within reach, or automatically regain it at the end of a short or long rest. Weapons that are missing a part will be treated as an improvised weapon. You may spend 1 spirit point to have this attack ignore cover.

My body is one with the light!

At the 14th level, whenever you call forth your Stand, you may choose to have it dual wielding a second weapon, which must be identical to your first weapon. These 2 weapons will always be considered light weapons when used by your Stand. When your Stand attacks as a reaction, it attacks with both weapons. You may spend 1 spirit point to have these weapons deal magical damage.

Chariot Requiem

At 20th level, your Stand may enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action once per day. It gains unlimited range to move and has the same movement speed as you. You can choose to give your stand a telepathic order as a reaction or as a free action. If you die, it remains in this state until the arrow is removed from it. Your Stand will then leave you to carry out the mission you gave it. It cannot be harmed and is immune to all conditions. It, but not you, can choose to switch the souls of every creature in up to a 500 mile radius, forcing them to inhabit their body, thus gaining their Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores. This exchange does not effect Stands. A creature attempting to remove the arrow from your Stand will have their own Stand attempt to stop them to the same extend (an grab for the arrow will become a grab for the user's neck, etc.). If a creature has their soul inhabiting another body for a number of minutes equal to 3 times their Charisma score, they completely transform into a creature not otherwise found on earth (up to the DM). If you are dead, a creature that can see your Stand may attempt a DC 25 Perception check as a bonus action to discover that its shadow is always opposite to them regardless of any light sources, and thus that there is a "soul light" that has 12 AC and 12 hit points behind their head that only they and their Stand can attack. When it is destroyed, your Stand is instantly destroyed.

Stand User Alignment: Moon

Stand of the Sea

The Moon Alignment Stand is most effective in water. Your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your charisma modifier + 3, your Stand's Constitution is equal to your Constitution + your charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 60 ft. away from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier. You do not add your Charisma modifier to your Stand’s AC or ability scores while it is out of water. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and it's unarmed attacks deal 1d4 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier slashing damage.

My lung capacity is three time that of a normal person!

At 3rd level, you and your Stand gain a swimming speed equal to your movement speed +10 feet. You use your Stand’s Constitution modifier to determine how long you can hold your breath.

It’s a bad idea to underestimate me, boy.

At 5th level, your Stand can make an a Unarmed ranged attack (30/60) by launching its scales. For 1 spirit point while underwater, you can make this attack push a creature 15 feet away from you. If this causes them to hit an object, such as a ship or the sea floor, they and the object take 1d6 + your Stand’s Dexterity modifier force damage.

Where were you planning on dropping that cigarette?

At 7th level, your Stand deals twice the amount of damage to inanimate objects. For 1 spirit point, you can force up to 5 sea creatures with a CR equal to no more than half your level to make a DC 8 + your Stand’s Constitution modifier Charisma saving throw or be charmed for 1 minute. They may retry this saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending this effect early on a success.

Where I reign supreme, the undersea realm!

At 9th level, as a full turn action while in water, you can create a whirlpool. Any creatures within 120 ft. of your Stand move 15 ft. closer to you at the end of each or your turns. This ends if you take damage or do not continue doing full turn actions. You can create a whirlpool a number of times equal to your charisma modifier. You can maintain a whirlpool your Stand’s Dexterity modifier rounds.

Try to sound cocky like you did earlier.

At 11th level, every time you maintain a whirlpool, you make an unarmed attack against every creature within the whirlpool. Every consecutive round spent maintaining your whirlpool increases this attack’s attack and damage rolls by +1, increasing by 1 every turn to a maximum of +10.

Take a good, hard look at your Stand!

At 14th level, when your Stand successfully attacks a creature, you can plant barnacles on them as a bonus action. They must succeed a DC 8 + your Stand’s Constitution modifier Dexterity or Intelligence saving throw at the end of each of their turns until they succeed. On a failure, they have their Strength or Constitution is reduced by 1. When their score is reduced to 0, they are paralyzed. If they do not succeed the saving throw for 3 rounds of being paralyzed, they drop to 0 hit points and must make death saving throws.

Moon Requiem

At 20th level, as a bonus action for 1 minute once per day, the power of the sea is yours. You can change the water level in a 15 mile radius of your Stand. This can be anywhere from 10 miles below sea level to 5 miles above sea level. Your whirlpool range, swimming speed, and your Stand’s range is doubled.


Dark Blue Moon was in no way my favorite Stand in part 3, but making this was really fun. It’s up there with Catch the Rainbow in that it’s really powerful if you have a nice DM, otherwise you’re kind of useless. -Ref3rence (talk) 10:36, 22 August 2019 (MDT)

Stand User Alignment: Strength/Wheel of Fortune

Stand of Ability

The Template Alignment Stand has good stats. Your Stand's Strength is equal to your Strength + your Charisma modifier + 3, your Stand's Constitution is equal to your Constitution + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand is a phenomenon, and thus does not have a traditional summoned form. Your Stand is not effected by Invisible Force and can not phase through creatures or objects. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and it's unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.

Vehicle-Bound Stand

At 3rd level, you can bind your Stand to a vehicle. It is able to operate it in place of any crew without taking up carrying capacity. You must be on the vehicle for this to happen.

Enhanced Vehicle

At 5th level, You can transform the vehicle into any other vehicle of a similar type (i.e. rowboat can become a tanker, Panzerkampfwagen I can become a Panzerkampfwagen VIII Maus, a jalopy can become a sports car, etc.). It de-transforms upon you becoming unconcious or leaving the vehicle.

Bending Metal

At 7th level, you can use your Stand to make unarmed attacks or grapple checks anywhere within your Stand. You may have a number of creatures equal to your Stand's Strength modifier grappled by your Stand at once. You may spend 1 spirit point as a bonus action to increase this maximum by 1 until the end of your next turn.


At 9th level, your Stand can fire gasoline at high speeds. As an action, all creatures in a 30 foot cone originating from anywhere within your Stand must attempt a DC 10 + your Stand's Strength modifier Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take 2d8 + your Stand's Strength modifier piercing damage. On a failure, they take half as much damage. This feature must recharge (5-6) before it can be used again. You may spend 1 spirit point to recharge this feature instantly. As an action, you may ignite the gasoline inside any creatures in a 30 ft. line who have been damaged by this action within 1 minute . They must succeed a DC 10 + your Stand's Constitution modifier Dexterity saving throw or take 2d8 + your Stand's Strength modifier fire damage and take 1d4 + your Stand's Constitution modifier fire damage at the end of each of their turns for 1 minute. They may retry this saving throw, ending this effect early on a success.

Shifting Metal

At 11th level, when your Stand is grappling a creature, they are considered restrained instead of grappled, and you may designate or un-designate creatures as being able to phase through your Stand as a bonus action.

Partial Transformation

At 14th level, you may create weapons with enough ammunition to be fully loaded once from anywhere within your Stand as a bonus action for 1 spirit point. Your Stand can make attacks with these weapons, treating them as unarmed strikes for this class's features.

Strength/Wheel of Fortune Requiem

At 20th level, you may enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action. You may freely transform any vehicles within 240 feet, control them as if they were your Stand, and use any of this path's features with them.


Is it Strength, is it Wheel of Fortune? In the words of Jotaro, "they're the same stand". --Ref3rence (talk) 12:24, 17 June 2020 (MDT)

Stand User Alignment: Temperance

Stand of Consumption

The Temperance Alignment Stand has high Dexterity and Constitution. Your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3, your Stand's Constitution is equal to your Constitution + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand is a phenomenon, and this does not have a traditional summoned form, and is not effected by Invisible Force. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and it's unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.


At 3rd level, you can manifest your Stand. When you do so, a yellow, gelatinous substance covers your body. You gain your Stand’s stats. Your Stand can change its appearance at will, effectively allowing you to replicate the look and sound of any other creature of similar size.

It’s not that you got away, I just don’t have to chase you

At 5th level, your Stand unleashes its consumption. When you grapple a creature, you leave a small amount of your Stand on them. After doing so, you have advantage on any checks to locate them. They take an additional 2d4 + your Stand’s Constitution modifier damage from Fire and Cold damage. They must spend 1 full turn action to remove the residue.

Do You Understand?!

At 7th level, your Stand can replicate other Stands. You can choose 1 other Stand at the end of a long rest that you can see. After doing so, you can use any physical abilities (i.e. Haze’s capsules or Monster’s dinos, not The World’s timestop or Queen’s bombs) you would have. You have disadvantage with any checks associated with the other alignment and any timers are halved. You can spend 1 Spirit Point to instantly change your replicated Stand. You can also spend 2 Spirit Points to not have disadvantage.

Don’t even try removing it!

At 9th level, when a creature has your Stand’s residue on it, it takes 2d6 Acid damage at the end of each of their turns. The full turn action to remove the residue now requires them to make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check versus a Constitution saving throw you make. You can spend 2 Spirit Points to automatically roll a 20.


At 11th level, you can assimilate flesh into your Stand. You can store up to your Stand’s Constitution modifier days' of food within your Stand. You are the only one who can consume this food. You can also convert dead creatures into food, increasing by 1 day’s worth for every size category above small.

I told you. It doesn’t have a weakness!

At 14th level, while your Stand is active, you are immune to non-magical slashing, piercing, and bludgeoning damage.

Temperance Requiem

At 20th level, for 1 minute once per day, you can use any other non-requiem Stand ability you have observed.


It’s Ref3rence again. After seeing just how much Spud added, I had to follow up with something. While it’s very fitting, I’m not entirely satisfied with how simplistic the requiem ability is. I may add Horus (Pet Shop’s Stand) if I can think of a decent name for it. Past that, I’m thinking Cream, Kiss, and Heaven’s Door.

Stand User Alignment: Devil

Stand of Pain

The Devil Alignment Stand draws from its user’s suffering. Your Stand's Strength is equal to your Strength + your Charisma modifier, your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier. The rest of your Stand's Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 20 ft. away from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and it's unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.

It grows more powerful the more hatred I have for my opponent!

At 3rd level, your Stand’s Strength and Dexterity increase by +1 for every 1/4 of your total hit points lost. If this damage is healed, you lose this bonus.

How dare you!

At 5th level, your Stand’s range is doubled and its size becomes Small.

Are you dense?

At 7th level, as an action, your Stand can bind a creature within 15 ft. with rope or chains. They must succeed a grapple check to avoid this effect, after which they are restrained until a creature spends their action attacking the restraints. You can spend 2 spirit point to do this as a bonus action, or 4 to do this as a free action.

I’ll never forgive you!

At 9th level, you can focus your hatred on a single creature as a bonus action. Until that creature dies, your bonuses from “It grows stronger” are doubled against that creature. You can not focus on another creature until they die, you take a long rest, or you spend 3 spirit points as an action.

What do you think I’m going to do with this hairdryer?

At 11th level, your Stand gains a climbing speed equal to its movement speed, which increases by 5 feet. It also becomes proficient in improvised weaponry.

You numbskull!

At 14th level, your Stand’s range is doubled again and you gain expertise in Intimidation. You gain +1 Strength and Dexterity from “It grows more powerful” every 1/6 of your health lost instead of 1/4.

Devil Requiem

At 20th level, for 2 minutes once per day, your Stand becomes far more powerful, but not exceptionally so. Your Stand takes complete control of 1 creature within 200 ft. upon activating Requiem. Its size stays the same and it is not restricted to your Stand’s range. You can bind your Stand to a different creature as an action. You have full control of this creature, and any damage you or it takes is reflected onto it.


My justification for the extended Requiem length is that it honestly isn’t that good. I’ve recently fallen in love with part 3 again, so expect to see some more tarot Stands show up in the near future. I’m already working on Dark Blue Moon, after which I will probably do Tower of Gray. -Ref3rence (talk) 07:16, 22 August 2019 (MDT)

Stand User Alignment: The Emperor

Stand of GUN

The Emperor alignment stand takes the form of a six-shooter style gun rather than a separate entity. As such it does not have its own stats and rather is a magical ranged weapon you are proficient with that has a range of 80/160 and damage of 1d8 piercing. Your stand has infinite ammo and does not need to be reloaded.

The gun is mightier than the sword...

At 3rd level, you have gained slight control over the path of the bullets you fire, allowing you to maneuver shots around opponents defenses. Attack rolls with your Stand gain a +3 to hit bonus, and its damage die increases to 2d8. The attack roll bonus increases to +4 at 8th level, +5 at 12th level, +6 at 16th level, and +7 at 20th level.

...Seriously such a memorable quote.

At 5th level, your control over the movement of the bullets from your Stand has increased allowing you to ignore up to 3/4 cover.

He changed the trajectory!?

At 7th level, your shots avoid effects that could catch or stop them such as a monks deflect missile ability, due to your quick maneuvering. When one of your attacks miss, you may make an attack against a different creature for 1 spirit point.

I would never I’m a gentlemen!

At 9th level, you gain both proficiency and expertise in Persuasion.

Open that pipe now!!!

At 11th level, you can spend 3 spirit points and an action to unload several shots into the surrounding area and allow them to bounce around and off of nearby objects to create the perfect trap for a creature within your Stand's range as an action. At the end of the target’s next turn if they are within your Stand's normal range from you they must attempt a DC 10 + Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus or take 10d8 piercing damage, or half on a successful save. If they are still within your guns maximum range, they gain advantage on the saving throw as the bullets take more time to maneuver.

It’s better to be number 2 than number 1

At 14th level, you’ve learned that you Stand pairs best with a partner, and as such have practiced working with others to get the job done. At the end of a long rest, you may choose one creature. Until the end of your next long rest, they are your “number 1”. This grants you several bonuses for working in tandem with them. Whenever they attack a creature, you can spend 1 spirit point to attack them as well without spending your reaction, and you can spend a further spirit point to gain advantage on the attack. When your "number 1" is attacked, can spend your reaction to contest your Stand's attack roll with the aggressor's, stopping the attack on a success. Finally, if your "number 1" is within 50 ft. of you, your attack rolls gain an additional +2 bonus, and your damage rolls gain 1 additional die.

The Emperor Requiem

At 20th level, you may enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action once per day. Your Stand's maximum range is doubled, and firing past your normal range no longer gives disadvantage. You may spend 1 spirit point at the beginning of each of your turns to gain two extra damage dice for your Stand and advantage on all attacks you make until the end of that turn. Your attacks that hit creatures can now utilize “he changed the trajectory!?” to target up to one more creature. Finally the range to be near your “number 1” is tripled and they can also attack targets you attack without spending their reaction. You can spend 5 spirit points to double the time that Requiem is active.


Hello Everybody, I’m back with another great character, the entire equine. Yes, the 4/4 pony. The crusader that never was, Hol Horse. I thought he was a character who should have been on here for a long time and honestly the abilities worked very well to transfer over to dnd. Spent a bit of time working on this with a friend and I’m pleased with how it went. Overall he’s rootin, he’s tootin, and you best believe this cowboy is shootin. Might make some more minor antagonist stands from part three, Anubis seems fun.-(Coleseph Stalin#1195)

Stand User Alignment: Empress

Stand of Parasitism

The Empress Alignment Stand is weak, but insidious. Your Stand's Strength is equal to your Strength + your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Constitution is equal to your Constitution + your Charisma modifier. The rest of your Stand's Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand is a phenomenon, and thus does not have a traditionally summoned form. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's ability modifier + your charisma modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and it's unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls. Your Stand does not benefit from Invisible Force.

I may have a physical form, but I'm not a living organism

At 3rd level, as an action, you can attempt to infect a creature within 15 feet of you. They must attempt a DC 8 + your Charisma modifier + your Proficiency bonus Constitution saving throw. On a failure, your Stand takes hold. You may spend 2 spirit points to have them automatically fail. After 1 hour, it manifests as a Tiny creature attached to their body, and can make unarmed strikes, but only against the creature it is attached to. Every hour after that, its Strength and Constitution increase by +1 up to +5. You may spend 3 spirit points to accelerate this effect by 1 hour.

I'm chowing down, gotta get bigger

At 5th level, your Stand can attack other creatures within 5 feet of it.

This is your arm

At 7th level, your Stand no longer deals damage to you when it is attacked, and it has its own pool of hit points, using your hit dice and its own Constitution modifier. If it is reduced to 0 hit points, it instantly de-summons and can not manifest for 24 hours. You may decrease this time by 1 hour for every spirit point spent.

Now I can cut your neck open

At 9th level, you can summon or de-summon your Stand on your own body as if it had been manifested for 5 hours while it isn't manifested on another creature as a bonus action.

I'm a part of you, old man!

At 11th level, the creature your Stand is manifesting on can not deal damage to your Stand directly.

You're just a pathetic old geezer

At 14th level, after 24 hours of being manifested, your Stand gains complete control of the original creature. They die instantly, and it may use their Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution, instead of their own, as well as any physical features. You may disguise yourself as the dead creature, but you and your Stand can not occupy the same corpse.

Empress Requiem

At 20th level, you may enter Requiem as a bonus action for 1 minute, during which your Stand becomes a Medium creature. It can move any distance from you, its unarmed strikes heal it for an amount of hit points equal to the amount of damage dealt, and any creature it reduces to 0 hit points becomes identical to it, including following your command.


Not an iconic Stand, but I figure I might as well if I'm working my way through all of the ones in part 3. --Ref3rence (talk) 11:29, 17 June 2020 (MDT)

Stand User Alignment: Hanged Man

Stand of Light

The Template Alignment Stand has high Dexterity and Wisdom. Your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3, your Stand's Wisdom is equal to your Wisdom + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Constitution, Intelligence, and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can only attack 1 creature at a time, and can only change targets after they have dropped to 0 hit points. Your Stand can move up to 240 feet from you. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your charisma modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and it's unarmed attacks deal 1d4 slashing damage.

I only exist within a mirror...

At 3rd level, your Stand can move any distance from yourself, but can only exist within non-living reflective surfaces. It can move to any other reflective surface within 120 feet in a straight line using its entire movement. It can attack any creature within 60 feet of it. Your Stand can only be hit by attacks of opportunity, which have disadvantage. Any damage your Stand receives is multiplied by 4.

Have you figured out what’s going on?

At 5th level, when you hit a creature with an attack, they must succeed a DC 8 + your Stand’s Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they are considered prone. On a critical failure, they are considered paralyzed for 1 minute, and may attempt a Constitution saving throw of the same DC, ending this effect early on a success.

Shoot him!

At 7th level, your Stand can grapple any creature within 60 feet of the surface it is reflecting in. Any attacks made against this creature count as criticals.

Take a good look around you.

At 9th level, your Stand can exist within the reflection of a creature’s eye. If a creature becomes blinded or unconscious while your Stand is inside its reflection, you move to a reflection within 1/2 your movement speed as a reaction or take 8d12 psychic damage. Opportunity attacks made in this forced movement do not have disadvantage.

My Stand is light!

At 11th level, creatures must succeed a DC 8 + your Stand’s Wisdom modifier + your Charisma modifier Perception check when you move to be able to attack it. They must only succeed this check once.


At 14th level, when you grapple a creature, you can make an attack against them as part of your action. Additionally, your Stand is no longer restricted to only being able to attack a single creature.

Hanged Man Requiem

At 20th level, for 1 minute once per day, you enter Requiem. Upon activation, a copy of your Stand exits inside every reflective surface within 120 feet of you. All of these Stands act on their own turns directly after your turn. They all have their own hit point pools equal to your own hit point maximum. They all benefit from all features your Stand does. Their attacks are vorpal, decapitating a creature on a critical hit.


I'm changing these notes since the original notes no longer apply. I originally created this as a high risk, high reward Stand. Looking back on it, it's a nightmare to run, especially Requiem, but it's to the extent that it's half the fun. --Ref3rence (talk) 15:06, 5 July 2020 (MDT)

Stand User Alignment: Justice

Stand of Clouds

The Justice Alignment Stand is most fearsome. Your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3, your Stand's Wisdom is equal to your Wisdom + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Constitution, Intelligence, and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand covers a 30 foot radius around you, and can be moved through freely without costing additional movement speed. Your Stand is immune to all damage except Fire, Thunder, and Force.

Looks like Justice wants to dance with you

At 3rd level, when you reduce a creature's hit points to 0, that creature will then be raised as an undead under your control when it dies after 1 minute. These creatures retain the same stats as when they were alive, except their Dexterity and Wisdom scores become your Stand's unless their own are already higher, their type changes to undead, they gain dark vision for 60ft (unless they had better). If damage reduces the them to 0 hit points, they must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant damage or from a critical hit. On a success, they drop to 1 hit point instead. These minions will always stay under your control until they die or leave your Stand's area, and control over your minions cannot be taken from you. If they were a Stand user, they can not use their Stand.

The hotel register!

At 5th level, you can create illusions of anything inside your Stand's range. They only exist visually, can not physically interact with anything, and can only move on your turn. Creatures must succeed a DC 10 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier Wisdom saving throw to differentiate illusions from reality, but this does not dispel the illusion.

You've fallen into my trap

At 7th level, as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, you may forcibly move any creatures within 30 feet of you under the effects of "Looks like Justice wants to dance with you" up to 30 feet. If they collide with a creature or object, both they and the creature they collided with must attempt a DC 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d6 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier bludgeoning damage and being knock prone on a failure or taking half as much damage and not becoming prone on a success.

I've already shown it to you!

At 9th level, your Stand's range increases to a 1 mile radius.

Now I'll control you too!

At 11th level, any uncovered dead creatures inside your Stand automatically fall under the effects of "Looks like Justice wants to dance with you".

I just need one spot

At 14th level, if any non-Stand creature takes damage while inside your Stand, they must succeed a DC 10 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier Strength saving throw or fall under the effects of "Looks like Justice wants to dance with you" until they leave your Stand's area. They may retry this saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending this effect on a success. Their Stand still follows their own commands unless it is a phenomenon-type Stand.

Justice Requiem

At 20th level, you can enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action. Your Stand now covers a 5 mile radius, can make attacks against any creatures inside itself using its Dexterity modifier as its attack and damage modifier using 2d8 as its damage die, and dealing thunder damage.


Guess I'm on another JoJo kick. --Ref3rence (talk) 23:54, 16 June 2020 (MDT)

Stand User Alignment: Lovers

Stand of Invasion

The Lovers Alignment Stand is a true Stand parasite. Your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 30 ft. away from your character's position. Your Stand's size is Tiny and can not attack creatures larger than Tiny. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your charisma modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and it's unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.

The weakest Stand is also the most terrifying of them all!

At 3rd level, while a creature is within 5 feet of your Stand, you may attempt a DC 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Proficiency bonus. On a failure, it enters their brain. Every 2 hours it is inside their brain, they gain 1 level of exhaustion. Another Stand may shrink down to enter their brain as well, as is the only way to fight it. They must maintain concentration or their Stand de-summons, they can not add their user's Charisma modifier to their specific Stand ability scores, and any non-enhanced scores become 5. They must spend 3 actions to enter the creature's brain.

Soon, you will all meet the same fate

At 5th level, once your Stand enters a creature's brain, it does not de-summon when it leaves your range.

As for you four over there, I'll be taking your lives as well

At 7th level, when you take damage, the creature that your Stand is inside takes twice as much damage.

You don't need raw power to kill someone, do you understand, gentlemen?

At 9th level, when you are subject to a condition, the creature your Stand has invaded gains it as well.


At 11th level, while inside another creature's brain, you may spend 1 spirit point to have your Stand create an identical clone out of gray matter. These clones are identical to your Stand, save for having 5 hit points, and controlling a clone requires the same action as controlling a Stand.

Lord DIO never trusts anyone

At 14th level, while your Stand is inside another creature, you may spend 5 spirit points to implant a flesh bud composed of vampiric cells. The creature must succeed a DC 25 Charisma saving throw or become charmed by you for as long as the spore is inside them. For it to be removed, Stands inside the creature's brain must deal 50 damage to it in a single round, or another creature must succeed a DC 25 Strength or Dexterity modifier as an action. If they attempt but fail either option, the creature bearing the bud takes 20d20 psychic damage. You may spend 1 spirit point to force the spore to deal damage automatically as a bonus action.

Lovers Requiem

At 20th level, you can enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action. As an action, you can implant an identical clone of your Stand with 50 hit points as with "The weakest Stand". They act autonomously, but are allied to you. When your original Stand is invading another creature's brain, you gain full control of their actions, including their Stand if they have one.


When I introduced Minor Stands, I expected this to be one of them, but here we are. The only part 3 Stands left to make at the moment are Justice, Bastet, and Sethan. --Ref3rence (talk) 14:17, 17 June 2020 (MDT)

Stand User Alignment: Sun

Stand of Light

The Sun Alignment Stand can act as an exceptional sniper. Your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3. Your Stand's Strength, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are all equal to your own. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier. Your Stand can move 60 ft. away from you.

Artificial Sun

At 3rd level, your Stand sheds bright light for 1000 feet, and dim light for another 1000 feet.

Light Ray Energy

At 5th level, your Stand can make a ranged attack with a range of 60 ft. as an action. On a hit, they take 2d6 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier radiant damage. You may spend 1 spirit point as part of this action to roll with advantage. If you already have a advantage, you utomatically hit if you spend the spirit point.

Withering Ray

At 7th level, your Stand slowly dries creatures out. At the end of each hour in light shed by your Stand that a creature does not consume a healthy amount of water, they must attempt a DC 10 + 1 for every hour past the first, gaining 1 level of exhaustion on a failure.

Wandering Sun

At 9th level, as an action, you may have your Stand hover 1000 ft. directly above you, increasing its attack ranges and Artificial Sun ranges increase by 1000 ft. As a reaction, your Stand can cause 1 ranged attack to fail.

Searing Blast

At 11th level, as an action, you can make one ranged attack with a range of 120 ft. that deals 6d6 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier radiant damage on a hit. You may make half of your Exchange Blows attacks as Light Ray Energy attacks.

Radiant Light

At 14th level, your Stand can nurture life infinitely better than the sun itself. When a creature is subjected to Withering Ray, you may cause them to lose 1 level of exhaustion instead. If they have no levels of exhaustion, they instead lose 1 condition of your choice.

Sun Requiem

At 20th level, you can enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action. While in Requiem, the effects of Wandering Sun are doubled, and while under said effects, you may have it exist anywhere within 2000 ft. of you instead of directly above you, you may make Searing Blast attacks as Exchange Blows attacks.


The first minor Stand to be fleshed out later, I hope this becomes the first of many. --Ref3rence (talk) 22:11, 27 October 2020 (MDT)

Stand User Alignment: Death

Stand of Dreams

The Death Alignment Stand is limited, but nigh unkillable. Your Stand's Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution are 30. The rest of your Stand's Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can only be summoned within the dreams of creatures within 60 feet of you. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand is proficient in unarmed strikes, and deals 1d6 + your Stand's Strength modifier slashing damage.

Isn’t it romantic to die inside of a dream?

At 3rd level, when creatures are unconscious within 60 feet of you, they are transported to a “dream dimension”. These creatures can only have what they had on them when they fell unconscious, including their Stand if it was summoned. Anything that happens to them in the dream happens to their body. The landscape of the dream is up to you, but you can not create additional creatures.


At 5th level, when a creature wakes up from the dream, they do not remember anything that happened in it.


At 7th level, as an action while inside the dream world, you can force a creature to make a DC 18 + your Charisma bonus Intelligence saving throw. On a failure, they are restrained. They, or their Stand if it is in the dream, may retry this saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending this effect on a success.

How about you give me a scream.

At 9th level, your Stand's attacks deals 1d12 + your Stand's Strength modifier slashing damage and its reach increases by +10 feet.

I’m still smarter than you jokers!

At 11th level, while in the dream, you can create 1 creature as a bonus action for 1 spirit point. You can do this an number of times equal to the number of creatures inside the dream other than you. These creatures can be no greater than 1/2 your level in CR.

There’s no one to save you now.

At 14th level, the only way for a creature to exit the dream is for you to do so as a free action or for a creature in the real world to succeed a DC 15 + your Charisma modifier Acrobatics or Athletics check.

Death Requiem

At 20th level, for 1 minute once per day, your Stand can be brought into the real world. All features no longer only apply to the dream dimension, but to reality. Your Stand is immune to damage.

Stand User Alignment: Judgement

Stand of Wishes

The Judgement Alignment Stand is as close as a Stand can come to being a fey. Your Stand's Strength is equal to your Strength + your Charisma modifier + 3, your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3, your Stand's Constitution is equal to your Constitution + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 30 ft. away from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand is not proficient in unarmed attacks.

Hail 2 U!

At 3rd level, as an action for 3 spirit points, your Stand can manifest the wish of a creature that it can hear. This can be used once per creature. So long as the verbage of the wish is satisfied, you may determine what form this takes, such as bringing back a lost loved one as an agressive undead. This wish can create one of the following effects:

  • You create one object of up to 6,250 gp in value that can be a magic item. The object can be no more than 300 feet in any dimension, and it appears in an unoccupied space you can see on the ground.
  • You allow up to five creatures that you can see to regain all hit points, and you end all effects on them described in the greater restoration spell.
  • You grant up to 2 creatures you can see immunity to a single spell or other magical effect for 8 hours. For instance, you could make yourself and all your companions immune to a lich's life drain attack.

Very well, I'll grant that wish.

At 5th level, you may grant a creature another wish after finishing a long rest.

Is the answer to that question your first wish?

At 7th level, when you use Hail 2 U!, you can grant 2 of the effects listed there or one of the following effects, following the same rules of granting the wish:

  • You create one object of up to 12,500 gp in value that can be a magic item. The object can be no more than 300 feet in any dimension, and it appears in an unoccupied space you can see on the ground.
  • You allow up to ten creatures that you can see to regain all hit points, and you end all effects on them described in the greater restoration spell.
  • You grant up to 5 creatures that you can see resistance to a damage type you choose for 1 hour.
  • You grant up to 2 creatures you can see immunity to a single spell or other magical effect for 8 hours. For instance, you could make yourself and all your companions immune to a lich's life drain attack.

Are you sure you wish to make such a boring wish?

At 9th level, your Stand acts as a damage-absorbing tank. Your Stand has an equal amount of hit points to you, and you do not take damage when it is damaged. When your Stand is destroyed, it can not be summoned for 1 hour.

What? Do you have a complaint?

At 11th level, your Stand gains a +2 AC bonus, and its range increases to 60 ft.

Tell me three things you desire.

At 14th level, when you use Hail 2 U!, you may grant 3 of the effects listed there, 2 of the wishes listed in Is the answer to that question your first wish?, or 1 of the following effects, following the same rules of granting the wish:

  • You create one object of up to 25,000 gp in value that can be a magic item. The object can be no more than 300 feet in any dimension, and it appears in an unoccupied space you can see on the ground.
  • You allow up to twenty creatures that you can see to regain all hit points, and you end all effects on them described in the greater restoration spell.
  • You grant up to 10 creatures that you can see resistance to a damage type you choose 1 hour.
  • You grant up to 5 creatures you can see immunity to a single spell or other magical effect for 8 hours. For instance, you could make yourself and all your companions immune to a lich's life drain attack.
  • You undo a single recent event by forcing a reroll of any roll made within the last round (including your last turn). Reality reshapes itself to accommodate the new result. For example, a this could undo an opponent's successful save, a foe's critical hit, or a friend's failed save. You can force the reroll to be made with advantage or disadvantage, and you can choose whether to use the reroll or the original roll.

Judgement Requiem

At 20th level, you can enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action. While in Requiem, you may grant wishes in any listed manner for 1 spirit point, and may do so any number of times to any number of creatures.


Second minor-to-major Stand! Rewatching episode 21 to quote mine, I forgot how much fun the Judgement arc is if you aren't already tired of Polnareff. --Ref3rence (talk) 08:10, 28 October 2020 (MDT)

Stand User Alignment: Priestess

Stand of Metal

The Priestess Alignment Stand is incredibly agile. Your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 50 ft. away from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, it's unarmed attacks use Dexterity and a d4 for damage rolls and deal slashing damage..

High Priestess will chew you to bits!

At 3rd level, your Stand becomes Tiny. As a bonus action, your Stand can transform into any Tiny object, including weapons with enough ammunition to be completely loaded once, for 1 minute for 1 spirit point. It may end this effect early as a bonus action or by making a normal unarmed attack.

You don't mean any of that

At 5th level, you may spend up to 5 spirit points, increasing your maximum number and amount of Exchange Blows by the number of spirit points spent until the beginning of your next turn.

Don't hate me

At 7th level, you may transform into an object as a reaction. If you are restrained or grappled, doing so instantly ends the condition.

These teeth are as strong as diamonds

At 9th level, your Stand's unarmed attacks deal twice as much damage to objects and can not have their damage reduced.

How sad

At 11th level, your Stand can transform its body into metal. Using the same rules as transforming into an object, it gains a damage reduction of 4.

I'm seven meters above, on the shore

At 14th level, the size of object your Stand can become is Gargantuan. While transformed into any object larger than Medium, your Stand can not move unless the object already had the ability to move. Its unarmed attack die increases by 1 tier per size category above Tiny.

Priestess Requiem

At 20th level, you can enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action, during which your Stand may transform at any time without spending 1 spirit point, it may move while transformed into a Large+ object, may transform into 1 creature as well (i.e. Stand or Stand User, not both), and it may transform into an object up to 50 cubic feet in size.

Stand User Alignment: The Fool

Stand of Shape-Shifting

The Fool Alignment Stand has balanced Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. Your Stand's Strength is equal to your Strength + your Charisma modifier + 1, your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 1, and your Stand's Constitution is equal to your Constitution + your Charisma modifier + 1. The rest of your Stand's intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma are equal to your own. Your stand can move up to 10 ft. away from your character's position.

Bound to Sand

At 3rd level, your Stand binds itself to the earth, and as such you are free to manipulate the ground to your will. You learn the mold earth cantrip. Your Stand is not effected by Invisible Force, and is immune to all damage.

He can float in the air, too?

Starting at 5th level, your Stand gains a flying speed of 30 ft., and its carrying capacity is doubled.

Serves you right!

At 7th level, you can send waves of sand to attack your enemies. For 1 spirit point, your Stand's unarmed strikes gain a range of 30 ft and deal 1d4 + your Stand's Strength modifier bludgeoning damage for one minute.

I'll just hide here...

Beginning at 9th level, you can create a dome of sand with a radius of up to 10 ft. around you at the cost of 2 spirit points. This dome counts as full cover. You can spend 1 additional spirit point to double the size of the dome.

I need to get myself out of here, now!

Starting at 11th level, you gain a burrowing speed of 30 ft., and you can spend 1 spirit point to double your burrowing speed for 1 minute.

Sand Doppleganger

At 14th level, you can create copies of any creature you have seen before as an action for 2 spirit points. These copies are identical to the original, save for having an AC of 10 and hit points equal to twice your Charisma modifier. They retain any physical attacks that the original possesses, but cannot use magical attacks or ranged weapons. A creature can see the doppleganger as a fake with a successful DC 18 Insight check. If successful, the copy appears to be made out of sand. These copies last for up to 1 minute. Controlling a doppleganger is done in the same manner as your Stand with a distance of 30 ft.

The Fool Requiem

At 20th level, your dominance of sand is unmatched. You can activate Requiem mode for 1 minute once per day as a bonus action. Your Stand gains unlimited carrying capacity, and its flying and burrowing speed becomes 100 ft. You can end Requiem early as a bonus action. If you do, you can force a creature within 60 ft. of your Stand to make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, it is killed instantly as the earth opens and swallows them.


And with that, the crusaders are finished! This was fun to work on! You can reach me at my discord (DeltaBlade#9380). 07:19, 11 August 2019 (MDT)

Stand User Alignment: Geb

Stand of Water

The Geb Alignment Stand flows like a stream and cuts like a waterfall. Your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 120 ft away from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your charisma modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and it's unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls and Dexterity as its attack and damage modifier, and deal slashing damage.

Because of my stand, I've never feared death

At 3rd level, your Stand is resistant to all damage except Fire.

They must've realized that I was targeting them through sound

At 5th level, you gain a blindsight range equal to 1.5x your Stand's range, but you can not see things that make no noise, and things making overpoweringly loud noises force you to be unable to see any other objects or creatures within your blindsight.

It got his eyes!

At 7th level, when your Stand makes a successful unarmed strike, you may spend 1 spirit point to force the target to attempt a DC 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier Dexterity saving throw or become blinded for 48 hours or they are healed for 10 or more hit points in one go. They may attempt a Constitution saving throw with the same DC at the end of every minute, ending this effect early on a success.

Now, without further ado

At 9th level, your Stand gains a burrowing speed equal to its movement speed and its range increases to 180 feet.

It pulled his head into the canteen!

At 11th level, when your Stand successfully attacks a Medium or smaller creature with 10% of its hit points or less remaining, they die instantly. If a creature can not move, such as by being restrained or grappled, your attacks automatically count as criticals.

Aqua Necklace

At 14th level, your Stand can incorporate the various kinds of liquid. It may change its color to any of its choosing. As an action, it can evaporate itself for 1 minute or until it takes a total of 10 cold damage, during which it gains a flying speed equal to its movement speed and deals half damage.

Geb Requiem

At 20th level, you may enter Requiem of 1 minute as a bonus action, during which every gallon of water within range becomes another one of your Stand, though these copies do not have Exchange Blows, and all of your Stands act on the same action and free action.


I'm kinda surprised how long it took for one of Stardust Crusaders' most iconic Stands to be added, so here it is. --Ref3rence (talk) 10:17, 17 June 2020 (MDT)

Stand User Alignment: Tohth

Stand of Destiny

The Tohth Alignment Stand can read the Gravity of the universe, gradually increasing its control. Your Stand's Wisdom is equal to your Wisdom + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand is a phenomenon, and as such does not have a typical summoned form.

My Stand Tohth's predictions are always right!

At 3rd level, as a full turn action, you can view your Stand, which takes the form of an endless comic book, to take glimpses of the future. These images consist of anything and everything that will happen around you within 100 ft. until the start of your next turn. While this feature is active, you can use the ready feature as a free action and any attack made against you has a disadvantage while you gain advantage in saving throws. You cannot activate this feature again for 1 minute. You may spend 1 spirit point to cause any attack that hits you during the read turn to deal half damage.

My Divine Thoth hasn't lost yet.

At 5th level, as a bonus action, you may skim your Stand's gravitic reading, taking in the basic events of the next 6 seconds. You gain a +3 bonus to your AC and any saving throws made until the beginning of your next turn. You also gain these benefits while My Stand Tohth's predictions are always right! is active.

Huh? The car?

At 7th level, as a bonus action, one creature within 40 ft. must make a DC 13 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier Wisdom or Dexterity saving throw, being moved 15 ft. in a direction of your choice on a failure. As a separate bonus action, you may become aware of any creatures within 40 ft. of you.

It is fate!

At 9th level, as an action for 2 spirit points while your Stand is summoned, you may subtly manipulate the gravity your Stand predicts. One creature within 40 ft. must make a DC 13 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier Wisdom or Dexterity saving throw, becoming subject to one of the following on a failure, rolling 1d6 to determine the result:

  1. The target is blinded.
  2. The target is deafened.
  3. The target is frightened.
  4. The target is restrained.
  5. The target is paralyzed.
  6. The target takes 3d8 of a damage type determined by the DM based on the nearby environment.

This direction...

At 11th level, any damage you take except psychic or force damage, damage that can not be reduced, or damage that occurs over time (such as Witch's Bolt), is halved.

I-I'll k-kill them myself!

At 14th level, as a bonus action, all creatures in an area with a 90 ft. radius around you must succeed a DC 8 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus Constitution saving throw or be pushed 30 ft. away from you and take 3d6 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier bludgeoning damage. You may spend 1 Spirit Point to double this range.

Tohth Requiem

At 20th level, you may enter Requiem of 1 minute as a bonus action once per day. During this "time", your Stand grinds gravity to a halt. Time does not pass and you are the only creature that can act in any way. Extra actions are still extra actions and movement speed is automatically doubled without the use of dash. You can make an attack against creatures or interact with an object that is being held by a creature without breaking the "Time Stop" effect. If an object is thrown at an enemy, at the end of Time Stop, the enemy must succeed a DC 15 + your Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus Dexterity saving throw with a disadvantage for each attack, taking half damage (rounded down) upon success; attacks that hit will deal critical damage. Your melee attacks are considered automatic criticals for the duration.


Had a little fun with this one since things like time, gravity, and destiny are all roughly the same thing in JoJo. --Ref3rence (talk) 09:00, 28 October 2020 (MDT)

Stand User Alignment: Anubis

Stand of Battle

The Anubis Alignment Stand has a high Strength and Wisdom. Your Stand’s Strength is equal to your Strength + your Charisma modifier + 3. It has a Wisdom equal to your Wisdom + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand’s Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, and Wisdom are equal to your own. This Stand is a phenomenon type, and thus does not have a traditional form. It takes form of a Scimitar and the sheath, decorated in high valued gems. To summon it, you unsheathe the Scimitar. You must make a DC 8 + your Stand’s Wisdom modifier Intelligence saving throw to take control of the Stand. If passed, you deal 1d4+ your Stand’s Strength modifier piercing or slashing damage. If you fail, Anubis will speak in your mind, encouraging you to make bad choices, and all d20 rolls are reduced by -4. You will keep the effect of whatever you roll until the next day while using your Stand. Unsummoning it does not remove the penalty, but will remove the extra damage. If someone else tries to unsheathe the Scimitar, it cuts their hands (damage up to the GM) and stays sheathed. While your Stand is summoned, it kills any small forms of life that touches it (such as bugs, or plants). You become proficient with Scimitars.

I will take your life

At 3rd level, when you take control of your Stand, you have the ability to spend 1 spirit point to phase your attack through objects, and attack with an additional 10ft of range. You may also choose to actually slice through the object, cutting it. During a round that you use this ability, your movement speed is doubled.

Hey now don't lie!

At 5th level, you gain advantage and proficiency in Deception and Persuasion checks. On top of this, both will also count as Intimidate checks. Your scimitar’s damage increases to 1d6.

Die, Polnareff!

Starting at 7th level, as you fight, you become familiar with the enemy and learn to fight against them. For every round that you’re fighting someone with your Stand summoned, gain +1 on attack and damage rolls against that enemy, or any other enemies of that type while in battle (such as a group of goblins), up to +10.

I'll stab you in the back!

At 9th level, when you make an attack with your Scimitar with advantage, you deal an additional die of damage. Your scimitar’s damage increases to 1d8.

Hey fishies! Come here!

At 11th level, you can take over animal’s minds. To do so, you must pierce the animal with your scimitar, which they will have to make a DC 8 + your Stand’s Wisdom modifier Intelligence saving throw. If failed, they won’t take the damage of being pierced, and you will be able to telepathically control them for 1d4 + your Stand’s Wisdom modifier rounds. If they succeed the save, they will take full damage and will retain control.

Jotaro! I will kill you!

At 14th level, if you fall unconscious, you can try to gain control of another person/animal through your Stand. They must make a DC 8 + your Stand’s Wisdom modifier Intelligence throw, and if they fail they will unsheathe the scimitar and you will have control over their body for 1d4 + your Stand’s Wisdom modifier rounds.

Anubis Requiem

At 20th level, you now gain full control over your Stand. You will no longer have to roll an Intelligence save when you unsheathe your scimitar to gain control. Unlike other Stands, this Requiem is permanent. Your scimitar’s damage increases to 2d8.


Hey guys, it's Houston. This one was my first Stand on the page, and hopefully I'll be back to make more. Spuddzilla get's the credit for telling me to make this ;) [discord: Houston#4422]

Stand User Alignment: Anubis, Variant

Stand of Swordsmanship

The Anubis Alignment Stand has high Wisdom and Dexterity. Your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your charisma modifier + 3, your Stand's Wisdom is equal to your Wisdom + your charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Strength, constitution, intelligence, and charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand is a phenomenon, and thus does not have a traditional form. Your Stand's AC is equal to 6 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier + your charisma modifier.

You will be my Stand user.

At 3rd level, your soul becomes bound to 1 martial melee weapon of your choice. You gain control of the first creature that picks this weapon up. If your bound weapon is destroyed, you die instantly.

Can you beat this?!

At 5th level, any weapon you are possessing’s attack and damage rolls are increased by +2.

Wield me and kill!

At 7th level, you gain one of the following:

  • Great Weapon Fighting: When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you make with a weapon held in two hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if it a 1 or a 2. The weapon must have the two-handed or versatile property for you to gain this benefit
  • Two Weapon Fighting: When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second Attack.
  • Dueling: When wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.

You are an expert! A master swordsman!

At 9th level, your weapon is considered adamantine in both effect and AC. It’s reach increases by 5 feet and can phase through things you do not want to hit, animate or inanimate.

Anyone I’ve fought before will never have a chance of beating me!

At 11th level, when a creature uses a spell or unique class feature against you, you can spend 1 spirit point to memorize the attack. You have advantage against any rolls it forces you to make, and any rolls they must make against you for it have disadvantage. While you are not possessing a creature, you can force 1 creature to succeed a DC 8+your Stand’s Wisdom modifier+your Charisma modifier Wisdom saving throw or be forced to pick you up for 8 spirit points.

The full dual-wielding might!

At 14th level, you can bind your soul to two swords. Each sword can possess a second creature, both acting on the same turn. If wielded by the same creature, you gain access to all bonuses from “Use me and kill” without any restrictions.

Anubis Requiem

At 20th level, for 1 minute once per day, you unleash the complete power of the god of death. Your bound weapons become vorpal, decapitating creatures at the DM’s will on criticals, and it’s critical range increases by 2. Their attack and damage rolls are increased by +2.


Now that we've got just about every Stand from the first 7 parts, I think it's finally time to reintroduce this variant. While Houston's is moreso the idea of the player using Anubis as their Stand as a singular weapon, this is more about a player being Anubis. --Ref3rence (talk) 17:57, 2 July 2020 (MDT)

Stand User Alignment: Bastet

Stand of Magnetism

The Bastet Alignment Stand can magnetize a creature, but not much else. Your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can not move from where it's summoned, and can exist anywhere within 60 feet of you.

Boys always want to touch things they aren't supposed to.

At 3rd level, 1 creature that touches your Stand is imbued with the powers of a magnet. Every half hour, the maximum weight of an object they can attract increases by 1 pound. After 40 hours pass, the maximum distance from an object to attract it and take damage increases by 5 feet for all weights. As listed in the table below, depending on their weight, objects deal damage so long as they are a distance away from you. Objects closer than the listed distance do not deal damage. Objects are attracted from twice as far as the range listed. The objects make an attack roll using your Stand's Dexterity modifier. This effect ends if the effected creatures leave a 60 ft. radius of you.

Weight (lb.) Distance (ft.) Damage Die

I might not have minded being with you

At 5th level, creatures of your choice must attempt a DC 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus Wisdom saving throw upon seeing your Stand. On a failure, it piques their interest, and they must touch it.

Look at you and your dirty mind!

At 7th level, when you make a thrown attack with a metal weapon, it deals twice as much damage, and its damage die can not be less than the one listed in Boys always want to touch things they aren't supposed to. for its respective weight.

Your magnetism will keep getting stronger until your bodies are crushed

At 9th level, any objects of your choice are not effected by magnetism, you deal twice as much damage to objects, and any objects attracted toward a creature that is too heavy to move instead attracts them, moving them 10 ft. towards it at the end of each of their turns.

This isn't fitting of my image at all

At 11th level, you may have any number of creatures effected by Boys always want to touch things they aren't supposed to. If an object equal in size to themselves is attached to them, they become restrained, save for having a movement speed of 10 ft. If an object one or more size categories larger than them is attached to them, they are fully restrained.

A pincer attack? You still don't get it

At 14th level, your Stand attracts greatest form of magnetism: electricity. When a creature effected by Boys always want to touch things they aren't supposed to. and comes within 30 feet of an object holding electricity, in jumps to them. They must attempt a DC 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take 4d6 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier lightning damage. On a success, they take half as much damage.

Bastet Requiem

At 20th level, your Stand may enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action once per day. Any creatures of your choice within 60 feet immediately become effected by Boys always want to touch things they aren't supposed to. as if 40 hours had already passed.


I originally thought this Stand was so open-and-shut that it couldn't be expanded upon, but I guess that shows the difference a few days can make. This Stand, along with potential Weather, Catch the Rainbow, and Dark Blue Moon synergies made me realize that in a JoJo campaign setting (coming soon probably, maybe) fights with most non-MC Stands are more about tactics, synergy, and not entering combat until you absolutely will win, and in a way that's very fitting. --Ref3rence (talk) 12:03, 7 July 2020 (MDT)

Stand User Alignment: Sethan

Stand of De-Aging

If you can see the Sethan Alignment Stand, its too late. Your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3, your Stand's Charisma is equal to your Charisma + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Constitution, Intelligence, and Wisdom are equal to your own. Your Stand exists as 10 foot cone in one direction of your choice. Your Stand can not be damaged. Your Stand is also proficient in Intimidation and unarmed attacks, which use Dexterity, and it's unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.

Don't you have any basic human decency?

At 3rd level, your Stand gains a copy of any melee weapon you wield and can make attacks with it using its Dexterity modifier. Your Stand can squeeze through a gap of any size. Creatures can occupy your Stand's space without a movement speed penalty.


At 5th level, when a creature occupies the same space as your Stand, you may spend 1 spirit point to force them to attempt a DC 8 + your Stand's Dexterity saving throw + your Proficiency bonus Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they lose one hit die (from their maximum hit points) or feature of their choice, not including Ability Score Improvements. This lasts for 24 hours or until you are knocked unconscious or are incapacitated. If they succeed, they fail their next instance of this feature. This can only effect a creature once per round.

I love to pick on the weak. I'm such a good boy~

At 7th level, for every instance of "Attaboy...", the creature loses 1 ability score point of their choice. After 5 uses, they revert to a child, changing their size to Small.

That must mean I'm okay!

At 9th level, creatures lose both a hit die and feature when subjected to "Attaboy...".


At 11th level, when a creature is effected by "Attaboy...", you give them another instance of the effect for every 2 spirit points spent. These count as part of the initial use for the sake of the "once per round" stipulation.

I can't say this out loud, but I adore picking on weak things

At 14th level, "Attaboy..." no longer costs spirit points.

Sethan Requiem

At 20th level, you may enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action, during which your Stand occupies a 45 foot radius around you and "Attaboy..." may active on every other creature's turn.


And with that, we have completed every Stand from part 3! --Ref3rence (talk) 15:51, 17 June 2020 (MDT)

Stand User Alignment: Osiris

Stand of Gambling

The Osiris alignment stand has high wisdom. Your stand's wisdom is equal to your wisdom + your charisma modifier + 3, and your stand's wisdom can go up to 30. Your stand's strength, dexterity, constitution, intelligence, and charisma are equal to your own. Your stand can move up to 5 feet from your character's position. Your stand's AC is equal to 13 + your stand's wisdom modifier.

I've no use for money... but what would you say to giving me your soul? That should do just fine.

At 3rd level, you gain proficiency with all gaming sets. Additionally, before you and someone else face each other in any sort of gamble, you can convince them to wager their soul using a persuasion or deception check contested by your opponent's insight check. If your opponent loses this check, they are convinced to use their soul as a wager. At the conclusion of the gambling contest, should you win, your opponent takes 4d6 necrotic damage. This increases to 8d10 at level 8, 12d10 at level 12, 16d12 at level 16, and 20d20 at level 20.

We'll see who cries first.

At 5th level, anyone who dies from the soul-draining attacks of your stand can be utilized to your gain. If your opponent in a bet dies due to your 'I've no use for money...' skill, you may transform their soul into an inanimate object, usually a coin or a doll. Souls continue to age while transformed. If you lose a bet in which you have wagered someone else's soul, that soul is freed. If you are killed while you have souls transformed, they are erased from existence, and the body of the captured soul cannot be resurrected without the use of a True Resurrection or Wish spell.

It's your turn. Hurry it up, already.

At 7th level, you gain proficiency in the intimidation, deception, and persuasion skills, or expertise if you already have proficiency. Additionally, other people have disadvantage on these skill checks against you.

Okay! Open the game!

At 9th level, you gain expertise in all gaming sets.

It doesn't count as cheating if you never get caught in the act.

At 11th level, you gain expertise in the sleight of hand skill.

If you're on the verge of losing, it's perfectly acceptable to fold.

At 14th level, you gain advantage on all intimidation, deception, and persuasion checks. Additionally, you can split a captured soul into up to six separate parts, and you can wager them separately. Only by losing all six parts would a soul be freed.

Osiris Requiem

For one gambling match per day, you can activate requiem. You have advantage on checks with gaming sets, and your opponent has disadvantage.


My friend's favorite character has their stand represented at last. Comment on my discord at (DeltaBlade#9380). Deltablade27 (talk) 14:21, 16 August 2019 (MDT)

Stand User Alignment: Horus

Stand of Ice

The Alignment Stand has high Dexterity and Wisdom. Your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your charisma modifier + 3, your Stand's Wisdom is equal to your Wisdom + your charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's strength, constitution, intelligence, and charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand has both a phenomenon and traditional form and can move up to 15 feet away from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier + your charisma modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and it's unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.

Ice Shield

At 3rd level, as a reaction, you can add +5 to your AC until the beginning of your next turn. This can be done a number of times equal to your Stand’s Dexterity modifier, regaining all uses at the end of a long rest.

Ice Missile

At 5th level, your unarmed attacks are 30/120 ranged attacks that deal cold damage. You can choose to freeze any water you touch solid instantly as a bonus action.

Ice Lance

At 7th level, as an action, you can plunge your self forward like a javelin of ice. You can not move before or after taking this action. You move your entire movement speed+30 feet in a straight line. Every creature must succeed a DC 8+your Dexterity saving throw or take 2d6 cold damage and be knocked prone.

Ice Trap

At 9th level, as an action or bonus action, you can lay traps of ice within 5 ft. of you or your Stand. Each trap covers a 5 foot cube. When a creature steps in one, they must succeed a DC 10+your Stand’s Wisdom modifier Perception check or have their movement speed he dropped to 0 until the end of their next turn and take 2d8 cold damage. You may have up to your Stand's Wisdom modifier traps active at a time, and may spend 1 spirit point when you create an ice trap above this limit to ignore the limit.

Deep Freeze

At 11th level, as a reaction when you are grappled, you can cover your grappler in ice. They must succeed a DC 8+your Stand’s Wisdom modifier Dexterity saving throw or be petrified until the end of their next turn and take 2d12 cold damage.

Death Penalty

At 14th level, while in phenomenon mode for 1 spirit point, you can spend 1 full turn action. If you do not take damage, you target a 50 foot radius area no farther than 100 feet from you with a meteor of ice as a bonus action on your next turn. Every creature in this area take 10d20 cold damage. They can succeed a DC 12+your Stand’s Wisdom modifier Dexterity, Strength, or Constitution saving throw to take 2/3 damage.

Horus, God of the Sky

At 20th level, your flying speed increases by 30 feet. You gain advantage in Perception checks, your passive perception is doubled, and you can see twice as far.


To be honest, I wanted to add a better name for the alignment, but nothing came to mind. About half way through making this class I remembered that Petshop is a bird, and thus does not have quotes. Most names are taken from HFTF. --Ref3rence (talk) 21:29, 12 August 2019 (MDT)

Stand User Alignment: Atum

Stand of Gaming

The Atum Alignment Stand is unstoppable, but not unkillable. Your Stand's Strength is equal to your Strength + your Charisma modifier + 3, your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3, your Stand's Constitution is equal to your Constitution + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 15 ft. away from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 12 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and it's unarmed attacks use a d6 for damage rolls.

If you wish to fight me... then come, come into this manor

At 3rd level, your Stand does not follow your orders. It will act autonomously to protect you, and you can request it to do things such as look in a certain direction, but it will not attack a creature unprovoked.

To tell you the truth... that is my Stand's ability

At 5th level, you gain proficiency with all gaming sets. Additionally, before you and someone else face each other in any sort of game, you can convince them to wager their soul using a persuasion or deception check contested by your opponent's insight check. If your opponent loses this check, they are convinced to use their soul as a wager. At the conclusion of the game, should you win, your opponent takes 4d6 necrotic damage. This increases to 8d10 at level 8, 12d10 at level 12, 16d12 at level 16, and 20d20 at level 20. Anyone who dies from this damage may have their soul be transformed into an inanimate object, usually a coin or a doll. Souls continue to age while transformed. If you lose a bet in which you have wagered someone else's soul, that soul is freed. If you are killed while you have souls transformed, they are erased from existence, and the body of the captured soul cannot be resurrected without the use of a True Resurrection or Wish spell.

Please just hit me with your right fist

At 7th level, while your Stand is looking at a creature, you may think or vocalize a yes or no question. You automatically learn their answer. This can not be deceived, and creatures can not be made aware of this ability automatically by using it.

If you wish to fight me... then come, come into this manor

At 9th level, you gain expertise in all gaming sets.

We've been expecting you

At 11th level, you gain a flying speed of 30 feet. You may hover no more than 15 feet of the ground.

N-No! No! I haven't admitted defeat!

At 14th level, you gain advantage on all intimidation, deception, and persuasion checks. Additionally, you can split a captured soul into up to six separate parts, and you can wager them separately. Only by losing all six parts would a soul be freed.

Atum Requiem

At 20th level, you may enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action, during which you gain full control of your Stand. At the beginning of each of your turns in Requiem, you may ask a creature you can see a series of questions, deciding the answer yourself and thus their actions on their next turn. You may do this a second time as an action, and a third time by spending 1 spirit point as a bonus action.


I get why so many people like Osiris, but Atum has always been among my favorite Stands. I figure this explains why it could both out perform Star Platinum (even with prediction, that's not enough to outplay overwhelming strength) and the rest of the weird stuff Terence does. --Ref3rence (talk) 12:59, 17 June 2020 (MDT)

Stand User Alignment: Cream

Stand of Void

The Cream Alignment Stand is one of high destructive capabilities. Your Stand's Strength is equal to your Strength + your Charisma modifier + 3. Your Stand's Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma are all equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 15 ft. away from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your charisma modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and it's unarmed attacks use a d4 of Slashing damage for damage rolls. If a creature is reduced to 0 hit points by your Stand using any of the following features except I'LL KICK YOU TO DEATH, YOU FILTHY DOG!, it is killed instantly.


At 3rd level, your Stand functions as a portal that indiscriminately transports a small amount of matter to another dimension. The portal lies within your Stand's mouth, allowing your Stand to begin to devour itself and become a ball-shaped floating portal that hovers over the ground. In this state your Stand becomes invisible and invulnerable to attacks. In this form, once per round per creature when they occupy the same space as your Stand, they must attempt a DC save 8 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your Charisma modifier Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d8 slashing damage on a failure (this damage die increases to 3d8 at level 5, 4d8 at level 7, 5d10 at level 9, 6d10 at level 11, and 8d12 at level 14). In certain scenarios, your Stand can be visible such as someone tossing sand into the air, or if smoke is filled in a room leaving a clear path that your Stand is taking making it avoidable and giving any creature advantage when making the previous Dexterity Saving throw.

You are nothing before me

At 5th level, the ball-shaped portal your Stand becomes has increased in size, giving it the ability to travel within a 30 ft. radius of your character. It gains a flying speed equal to its movement speed. Any object your Stand touches in this form is instantly destroyed. Your Stand's becomes Large.

My mouth is a portal into a dark dimension. Even I ignore where it leads.

At 7th level, you have learned the ability to be gobbled up by your own Stand and hide within the Void that exists inside of it. While in this State, you are invulnerable and undetectable just like your Stand. You have control over your Stand still, but you are blinded and cannot see or hear anything outside of your Void. You can blindly have your Stand go about the area disintegrating anything in it's path. You are forced to peek out of your Stand once every 2 turns as an action to gauge where things are and where you are leaving, you vulnerable to opportunity attacks.


At 9th level, attack rolls against prone creatures deal twice as much damage.


At 11th level level, you have become that of a creature much greater than your typical human. You now take half damage, rounded up, from all non-magical attacks. You can choose to heal 2d6 + your Stand User level at the start of each of your turns; this only works if you have at least 1 hit point remaining, you are not at maximum hit points, and you have not taken radiant damage since the beginning of your previous turn. When you have been brought down to 0 hit points and have not taken radiant damage since the start of your previous turn, you may spend 1 spirit point to survive with 1 hit point and continue fighting. If the attack would kill you then you are forced to spend 2 spirit points to quickly regenerate and be brought back up to 2d6 + your Stand User level hit points or 1 spirit point to instead survive with 1 hit point remaining. This will render you incapacitated for 1 turn.

You are vulnerable radiant damage and your type becomes Undead. If an amount of skin equal to the surface of your head or greater is in direct sunglight, you take 2d6 radiant damage once per turn (6 seconds). Creatures attempting to reveal you must use an action to succeed a Strength or Dexterity check. Recovering yourself requires an action. You no longer age or need to sleep.


At 14th level, as a bonus action you can spend 1 Spirit Point to cause your attacks to tap into the life essence of your enemies. When you do so, any damage you or your Stand's deals will heal you an amount of hit points equal to the damage dealt. This effect lasts until the beginning of your next turn.

Cream Requiem

At 20th level, your Stand has become a vortex if despair. You can enter Requiem mode for 1 minute as a bonus action once per day. Your Stand gains the ability to open is mouth and become a vortex. At the beginning of each of your turns in Requiem, all creatures of your choosing within a 200 ft. radius of your Stand must make a DC 8 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your Charisma modifier Strength saving throw. On a fail, they are sucked 20 ft. closer to your Stand, and on a success they are brought 10 ft. closer. All creatures that move in an opposite direction from your Stand have their movement speed halved, and any creature moving towards it has their movement speed doubled. Once a creature reaches your Stand, they are instantly sucked into your Void and disintegrated entirely.


I spent a hefty amount of time on this one and had a really hard time thinking of how I could chop the Stand up but then it hit me. Cream becomes the Stand of a soulless filthy Vampire. What other Stand on here ALSO has Vampiric abilities? D I O - s a m a ' s. Which made me be able to not chop up the Stand as much. I made sure the Vampiric abilities Cream gives isn't as strong as The World's cause that just made sense to me. I hope you guys like it! -Spuddzilla (Spuddzilla#1518)

Stand User Alignment: The World

Stand of Durability

The World Alignment Stand has high strength and high constitution. Your Stand's Strength is equal to your Strength + your Charisma modifier + 3, your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3, and your Constitution maximum increases by 4. The rest of your Stand's constitution, intelligence, wisdom and charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 10ft away from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's strength modifier + your charisma modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and it's unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.


At 3rd level, you are vulnerable radiant damage and your type becomes Undead. If an amount of skin equal to the surface of your head or greater is in direct sunglight or UV light, you take 2d6 radiant damage once per turn (6 seconds). Creatures attempting to reveal you must use an action to succeed a Strength or Dexterity check. Recovering yourself requires an action. You no longer age or need to sleep.

You can enter Bloodlust by spending 1 spirit point as your bonus action. This effect persists for the duration of the battle and 1 hour after it, refreshing itself upon rolling for initiative again or when you detect a new hostile creature. It ends if you do so as a bonus action or are knocked unconscious. Upon activating Bloodlust, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Stand user level times your character's Constitution modifier. While in Bloodlust, your Stand Proud Focus damage reduction is doubled (it is tripled at 9th level, and quadrupled at 14th level) and you ignore the charmed and frightened conditions. Your stand deals 2d6 + your proficiency bonus + your stand's strength or dexterity bludgeoning damage with its unarmed strikes (the damage die increases to 2d8 at 8th level, 2d10 at 12th, and 4d6 at 18th). Furthermore, your movement speed cannot be reduced by any means unless you are restrained or unconscious, and you are unaffected by anything that would normally increase the amount of movement required to traverse an area, such as difficult terrain. At 6th level, while you are in Bloodlust, you are unable to fall asleep or become unconscious.


While in Bloodlust, when you are targeted by an attack from a hostile creature, you can use your reaction to stop time, evade their attack, make an attack against them if they are within range of you, and then resume time. If the attacker is not within reach, then you can move towards them up to your movement speed while time is stopped, effectively causing the projectile to miss you; you may interact with the projectile, such as taking it while time is stopped, but you cannot make an attack for that reaction if you do. This does not provoke opportunity attacks. You and your stand's attacks during stopped time will always hit, but roll to determine whether or not it becomes a critical hit. You may spend 1 spirit point to prolong the effects of time stop and move behind the creature that targeted you to attack them, provided that there is a clear path to them. If the area behind them cannot be accessed, then select an area around them. If that is also not possible, then you cannot spend the spirit point. If you move behind a creature for your reaction but chose not to attack, they will become unaware of your current location and must spend an action to look for you, unless they can naturally detect creatures behind them.


Starting at level 5, when an ally is targeted by an attack, as a reaction you may stop time and move at double your movement speed towards the enemy that attacked your ally, causing their attack to fail, making an attack, and then resume time. This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks. This attack deals an extra 1d6 damage. The damage increases at level 8 (2d6), level 11 (3d6) and level 14 (5d6). You may spend 1 spirit point to attack again and knock them 10 ft away, also causing the creature's attack rolls to be made with disadvantage for the rest of their turn. They must then succeed a Dexterity saving throw against a DC of 8 + your charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus to prevent becoming prone.


Starting at 7th level, while in Bloodlust, you gain an AC bonus equal to the amount of Exchange Blows stacks you have and attack rolls made against you cannot be made with an advantage if you are aware of their source's presence, and you gain one extra attack that stacks with exchange blows. You may spend 1 spirit point as a bonus action to immediately gain the maximum amount of Exchange Blows stacks or, if you already have the maximum amount of stacks, you may spend 1 spirit point as a bonus action to cause your successful hits to become critical hits until the start of your next turn; you may spend 1 additional spirit point during that bonus action to cause all of your attacks to always successfully hit as well. At 11th level, successful attacks against a creature with less than 10% of its maximum hit points remaining causes them to be incapacitated until the end of their next turn.


Starting at level 9, you have begun to completely embrace your power. You take half damage, rounded down, from all non-magical attacks and heal 2d6 + your Stand User level hit points at the start of each of your turns; this only works if you have at least 1 hit point remaining, you are not at maximum hit points, and you have not taken radiant damage since the beginning of your previous turn. When you have been brought down to 0 hit points and have not taken radiant damage since the start of your previous turn, you may spend 1 spirit point to survive with 1 hit point and continue fighting. If you would be killed by the hit, then you are forced to spend 2 spirit points to do so, but this ordeal renders you incapacitated until the end of your next turn. You may spend 1 additional spirit point to heal an additional 2d6 + your Stand User level hit points during either of the aforementioned occurrences. As an action, if you have at least 1 hit point, you may spend 1 spirit point to recover half of your maximum hit points or 2 spirit points to fully recover all your hit points. If you lost any limbs or body parts, but they are still intact and within reach, you can spend 1 spirit point as a free action to reattach it.

At 11th level, as an action while you are grappling a creature, you may freeze creatures to their very core, making them become paralyzed for as long as you are grappling them and 1 hour after you release your grapple or until they have been hit by a damaging attack/spell. If they had less than 10% of their maximum hit points when they broke out of the ice, they shatter into pieces and are instantly killed.

At 13th level, you are able to fire high pressure liquid from your eyes as an action for 1 spirit point. All creatures in a 60 ft. line must attempt a DC 10 + your proficiency bonus Dexterity saving throw, taking 3d6 + your proficiency bonus piercing damage that cannot be reduced (5d6 at 17th level) on a failure, or half as much damage on success. Creatures within 15 feet automatically fail.

At 15th level, you also take half damage from all magical attacks and spells. At 17th level, you may choose whether or not you wish to be affected by a non-damaging spell.

Blood Drain

Beginning at 11th Level, as a bonus action while in Bloodlust, you can cause your attacks to tap into the life essence of your enemies, causing you and your stand's melee attacks to heal you an amount of hit points equal to the damage dealt. This effect lasts for as long as Bloodlust remains active. When you reduce a creature's hit points to 0 while under the effects of Blood Drain, that creature will then be raised as an undead under your control when it dies after 1 minute. These creatures retain the same stats as when they were alive, except their type changes to undead, they gain dark vision for 60ft (unless they had better), and they gain Blood Drain as a permanently active feature. If damage reduces the them to 0 hit points, they must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant damage or from a critical hit. On a success, they drop to 1 hit point instead. These minions will always stay under your control until they die and control over your minions cannot be taken from you.

As an action, you may spend 1 spirit point to completely absorb the life essence of a willing creature, an unconscious creature, or a creature under your control. This will give you the same benefits of a long rest, fulfills your daily requirement of food and water, and instantly kill them, but does not restore the spirit point(s) used to drain them. If their type was undead, then absorbing their corpses will cause them to shrivel up and disintegrate, unable to be raised without True Resurrection or a Wish spell. Alternatively, you may use your whole turn to spend 1 spirit point on a corpse to raise them up immediately in the same manner, as if you had just killed them with Blood Drain; these corpses will regenerate any lost limbs or body parts.


Starting at level 14, you may activate "Time Stop" as a full turn action. For two rounds, time does not pass and you are the only creature that can act in any way. At 17th level it lasts for 3 rounds, and at 20th level it lasts 4 rounds. During Time Stop, extra actions are still extra actions and movement speed is automatically doubled without the use of dash. You can make an attack against creatures or interact with an object that is being held by a creature without breaking the "Time Stop" effect. If an object is thrown at an enemy, at the end of Time Stop, the enemy must succeed a DC 15 + your Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus Dexterity saving throw with a disadvantage for each attack, taking half damage (rounded down) upon success; attacks that hit will deal critical damage. You and your Stand's melee attacks are considered automatic criticals for the duration. You can use this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining all uses at the end of a long rest. Attempting to use ZA WARUDO with no uses remaining will still activate the effect, but will result in you gaining 1 level of exhaustion at the end of the Time Stop. Expending 1 spirit point will double the duration of ZA WARUDO; you can only double the duration on the moment you cast it and only if you do not have any stacks of exhaustion.

If you are subjected to a Time Stop effect caused by others, you may use your reaction to cast ZA WARUDO and have your turns with them. The rules of ZA WARUDO still apply to you. Using it this way does not count against your total uses nor does it give you exhaustion.

Heaven Ascension

Starting at level 20, you have ascended and gained the power to alter reality itself, granting you the title of Heaven Ascension. You may now use The World Over Heaven once a day. You can activate it as a bonus action for 1 spirit point. For 1 minute, The World Over Heaven allows you to change reality itself into anything you want by touching it with either your or your stand's fists. It also grants you all the benefits of the Wish spell, being able to freely use it as an action, bonus action, and as a reaction. You cannot be prevented from using it from spells such as Antimagic Field. The voice component is not required to cast this. You must make physical contact with whatever you wish to affect, but you do not suffer any of the limitations nor penalties of using Wish (Talk to DM about the result you wish for). When you make physical contact with it, the change you want to happen will happen instantaneously, taking place even if its not your turn. These changes are permanent and can only be changed/reversed with this feature. You can spend 1 spirit point to increase the duration by 1 more minute as a bonus action; you may spend more than 1 spirit point in this manner. Furthermore, there is no limit to how many times you can double the duration of ZA WARUDO nor are you limited to using it based on your proficiency bonus. If you are not in combat, using ZA WARUDO causes it to have double duration without spending 1 spirit point; further increases in duration requires a spirit point. During The World Over Heaven, you may activate ZA WARUDO as a free action and ZA WARUDO will not use its duration until after The World Over Heaven ends. As a result of attaining this level of power, you also become immune to the effects of Wish from anyone other than your own usage of this feature.

Additional Features

The following features can not be achieved through normal means, and instead should be treated as boons for Stand Users following this path.

Some destinies deserve to be destroyed!

At 6th level or higher, you manifest the stand of the body you inhabit. You may spend 1 spirit point as an action while touching a crystal ball, camera, or other visual media device to instantly create a snapshot of one creature you have met in person or are related to at the moment or using this feature. Additionally, you may treat any thrown attacks using Strength as your unarmed attacks for damage and Exchange Blows, and you may equip a thrown weapon as part of your thrown attack.

Do you remember how many breads you've eaten?

At 9th level or higher, you may spend 2 spirit points to force a creature within 30 feet to attempt a DC 10 + your proficiency bonus Dexterity or cha saving throw. On a failure, you hypnotize them, charming them for 1 minute or until they take any radiant damage.

I can be your friend... Kakyoin-kun

At 12th level or higher, you may spend 4 spirit points to force a creature within 30 feet to attempt a DC 10 + your proficiency bonus Dexterity or cha saving throw. On a failure, a spike made of your flesh stabs itself through the target's forehead, and they are charmed until it is removed. A creature attempting to remove the bud must spend an action to attempt a DC 10 + your proficiency bonus Dexterity or Strength saving throw, followed by an Acrobatics or Athletics skill check. Of they fail the saving throw, the creature with the flesh bud inside them dies instantly. If they fail the skill check, they become subject to this feature's effects. A removed flesh bud has 5 in all ability scores and 15 hit points, regenerates 2d6 hit points at the end of each of its turns, is tiny, and can only use its action to reinject itself into another creature in the same manner as you using this feature without the spirit point cost. The flesh bud counts as undead and is vulnerable to radiant damage.

The World Ultimate

At 20th level or higher, once per day when you use ZA WARUDO, you may extend its initial duration to 1 hour. If this is gained in place of Heaven Ascension, it requires use of the arrow like all other Requiem features.

Stand user alignment: Diamond

Stand of Repair

The Diamond Alignment Stand has high Strength and Dexterity. Your Stand's Strength is equal to your Strength + your Charisma modifier + 3, and your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier. The rest of your Stand's Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 10 ft. away from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your Charisma modifier.

I Went Ahead and Healed Your Sorry Ass

At the 3rd level, you can heal a creature by touching them with your Stand as a bonus action, healing them for 1d6 + Charisma modifier + your Stand user level hit points. You cannot heal yourself, and you can fix broken or missing limbs with this as long as the limb is still in this plan of existence and not completely decomposed. The healing increases to 2d6 at the 5th level, 3d6 at 10th, 4d6 at 15th, and 5d6 at 20th. You can also use this action to fully heal a creature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, by spending 1 spirit point to do so, which are then completely restored upon completing a long rest or by spending 9 spirit point to regain all uses. Healing someone with 0 hit points remaining causes them to become stable, but the mental shock keeps them unconscious.

There is No Reason He Needs to Die

Starting at 5th level, you can use "I Went Ahead and Healed Your Sorry Ass" to revive a creature who has died or been reduced to 0 hit points, but not killed instantly, within the last hour; they revive with half of their maximum hit points recovered, rounded down.


Starting at 5th level, you can repair broken objects as a bonus action (if a magical object breaks and you fix it, it does not retain its magical effect(s)). When you fix an object, you can choose what it fixes into and how it is fixed (at DM's discretion) but you cannot add or lose mass (so no matter how you fix a 10 pound rock it will always be 10 pounds). Your Stand must have physical contact for this to take effect. You may spend 1 spirit point during Fix to restore any magical properties to the object, if any. When fixing objects with missing pieces, you may choose whether to have the pieces fly to the object you possess or to have it fix itself to the others, causing the object to fly away to repair itself with its origin. You can also choose to fix an object with a creature for 3 spirit points, causing them to become fused together in a manner described by the DM.


At 7th level, you may spend 5 spirit points to enter DORA!, during which you gain the following benefits: you may dash or make a trip attack (on a hit, a Large or smaller creature becomes prone) as a bonus action each turn. You may make one additional attack when you take the Attack action (stacks with Exchange Blows attacks). On a hit, the target takes 2d6 + your proficiency bonus + Your stand's strength or dexterity modifier bludgeoning damage from your stand's fists (the damage die increases to 2d8 at level 8, 2d10 at level 12 and 4d6 at level 18). At the end of your turn, any creatures you have attacked must also succeed a Strength saving throw versus your DC 8 + your Stands Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus. Upon a failed save, the target is knocked prone. At 6th level, while you are in DORA!, you are unable to fall asleep or become unconscious. You may spend a bonus action to end it early. While in DORA!, you can not fix creatures or objects. This lasts until the end of combat.


At 9th level, if you have the maximum amount of Exchange Blows stacks, you may choose to fall into a blind rage and cause all your successful attacks on a single creature for that turn to deal critical damage, all failed attacks to still hit and deal regular damage, and all critical attack rolls to deal 2 critical hits. Using this feature causes you to become immune to effects that require you to use any of your 5 senses to activate, such as Horrifying Visage, as well as all conditions. This feature expends all of your Exchange Blows stacks at once, and you can not gain any more stacks until the end of your next turn.

I'm Gonna Fix That Spaghetti!

Starting at 11th Level, when you use "I Went Ahead and Healed Your Sorry Ass", if the creature being healed is affected by a condition or other on-going effect (such as a poison), they are cured of it (this includes negative and positive effects). Using it on a creature with exhaustion reduces their current levels of exhaustion by 1. If the source of the condition or effect was any form of contaminant and you have a container, you may put separated contaminants in it.

Life is not that easy

At 14th level, when you use I went ahead and healed your sorry ass, you may choose to bring them up to full hit points as a full turn action for 2 spirit points. You may use There is No Reason He Needs to Die on creatures that have been killed instantly within the past 6 seconds (between your previous and current turn).

Diamond Requiem

At 20th level, you can enter Requiem as a bonus action for 1 minute once per day. While in this form, none of your Stand User Path features cost spirit points or expend stacks, and you may use any of them without touching the object or creature with your Stand so long as it is inside the same range your Stand can be in.

Stand User Alignment: The Hand

Stand of Erasure

The Hand Alignment Stand is a Stand of great Strength. Your Stand’s Strength is equal to your Strength + your Charisma modifier + 3, the rest of its ability scores are equal to your own. Your Stand has an AC equal to 10 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your stand can move 5 ft. away from you and is proficient in unarmed attacks which it uses a d4 for damage rolls.

Za Hando Swipe

At 3rd level, your Stand gains the ability to swipe away space using its hand. As an action, you may either 1: make an attack against a creature or object which is within 5 ft of your Stand that deals 3d8 + your Stand's Strength modifier force damage. Attacking in this manner can not benefit from Exchange Blows, and kills a creature instantly or completely removes an object from existence if it is reduced to 0 hit points. 2: swipe at the air and either pull yourself up to 15 ft. in any direction or you pull an object or creature within 50 ft. up to 15 ft. closer to you. The damage or distances increases by 1d8 or 5 ft. respectively at 9th (4d8/20/55), 14th (5d8/25/60), and 17th level (6d8/30/65).

I still scraped through space-time

At 5th level, if you would miss an attack with Za Hando Swipe, you can instead treat it as a movement swipe.

Oi, Josuke

At 7th level, as a reaction or for 1 spirit point, you can attempt to swipe away an oncoming ranged attack or projectile spell (i.e. magic missile or firebolt, not vicious mockery or fireball) that you can see that is coming towards you or a creature within 30 feet. You must either contest your attack roll with theirs, the spell's DC, or 20 if there is neither.

Get Back Here!

At 9th level, you can use Za Hando Swipe's movement swipe as an attack of opportunity.

Leave this to me

At 11th level, for 2 spirit point as a bonus action, you can use Za Hando Swipe's movement swipe three consecutive times to pull yourself in any direction.

I had a weird dream...

At 14th level, if you would fail your third death saving throw and die, you can instead spend 5 spirit points and become unconscious for 1 minute instead. During this time you, see someone important to you with whom you interact with and become motivated from. After the minute has passed, you wake up with half your maximum hit points and immediately take a turn if you are in combat.

The Hand Requiem

At 20th level, for 1 minute once per day as a bonus action,your Stand enters Requiem. Your stand can use Za Hando Swipe in place of any attacks including Exchange Blows, the range of damaging swipes is increased by 10 ft. and the distances movement swipes covers is doubled. You can spend 3 spirit points to immediately hand swipe and erase a creature with less than 20 percent of their maximum hit points.


Been thinking of this idea for a while and just finally put it together. Thought the idea of this stand's power would be cool for dnd.-C. Stalin

Stand User Alignment: Bad Company

Stand of Firepower

The Bad Company Alignment Stand is an army under your command. Bad Company is a colony stand that can move up to 50 feet from you. Each individual unit of your stand has 1 hit point. 10 units fit in a 5 ft. space. Each unit's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3, each unit's Strength and Constitution is 3, and each unit's Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma is equal to your own. Each unit's AC is 10. Your Stands have a walking speed of 10 feet, and you can move them all collectively or individually when you choose to move your Stands.

My plans are on a level beyond your comprehension

At 3rd level, your Stand is comprised of 10 infantry units (this increases to 20 at level 8, 30 at level 12, 40 at level 16, and 60 at level 20). Their size is Tiny. Each unit of your Stand is armed with a rifle with a range of 30 feet. On a hit, they each deal 1 piercing damage. Your Stands can attack separately or together, but only once per turn. To determine how many of your Stand's attacks hit, roll die with a maximum total of the number of stands you use for the attack, using the fewest number of die possible. (For example, if 4 units attack, roll a d4. If 40 units attack, roll 2d20.)

My army is like a steel wall protecting me

At 5th level, your Stands react to incoming danger, firing at approaching projectiles in order to protect you. Whenever a creature attacks you with a ranged attack, you can have your Stands fire at the projectile as a reaction, making a Dexterity saving throw contested by the projectile's attack roll. On a success, the projectile is destroyed.


At 7th level, a unit of your Stand can place down an explosive charge as an action. This explosive's size is Tiny, and remains hidden to creatures with a passive perception lower than or equal to 15. If a creature steps on the landmine, they must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take 3d8 fire damage and have their movement speed reduced by 10 feet until they are healed. On a successful saving throw, they take half damage and their speed is not reduced. The number of landmines you can have out at once is equal to your Stand's Dexterity modifier.


At 9th level, your Stand gains two tank units (this increases to 4 at level 12, 7 at level 16, and 10 at level 20). Each tank unit is equipped with a large main cannon that it is proficient in with a range of 50 feet. On a hit, this weapon deals 3d8 fire damage.

Green Beret

At 11th level, your Stand gains a green beret unit. The green beret has the same stats as your basic infantry units, but it carries a dagger which it is proficient with. On a hit, it deals 2d4 slashing damage. It also has walking, climbing, and swimming speeds of 30 feet.


At 14th level, your Stand gains 2 Apache helicopters (this increases to 5 at level 20). They have flying speeds of 30 feet, and missiles that they are proficient with that have a range of 60 feet. On a hit, these missiles deal 4d6 fire damage.

Worse Company

At 20th level, your infantry units deal 2 damage per hit. Additionally, once per day, you can drop a bomb from one of your Apache units. All creatures within a 10 foot radius sphere of the bomb's impact point must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw or take 20d10 fire damage. On a success, they take half as much damage. This damage can not be reduced features similar to a rogue's Evasion.


My first colony stand! Send comments to my discord DMs (DeltaBlade#9380).

Stand User Alignment: Chili Pepper

Stand of Electricity

The Chili Pepper Alignment Stand has great Strength and Dexterity. Your Stand's Strength is equal to your Strength + your Charisma Modifier + 3. Your stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma Modifier + 3. Your stand can move up to 30 ft. away from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and its unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.

Electrical Transmission

At 3rd level, your Stand is composed of electrical energy, and can travel through metal. While your Stand is touching a metal object, such as a pipe, it can teleport as a bonus action for 1 spirit point as long as it would stay in contact with the metal object the entire time. Additionally, when your Stand is hit by a melee attack with a weapon made of metal, the attacker takes 1d6 lightning damage. However, coming into contact with a large body of water deals 1d6 acid damage per turn until you withdraw your Stand as its electrical energy is dispersed.

Electrical Phasing

At 5th level, your Stand can take a creature it is grappling, or an object of size Medium or smaller with it when it teleports. Living creatures teleported in this manner take 1 lightning damage per foot of travel.

Oh Yeah!

At 7th level, you gain proficiency in one musical instrument of your choice. Your Stand's unarmed attacks can now deal lightning damage instead of bludgeoning damage when they hit. Your Stand is now resistant to lightning damage.

I'll vaporize you using just my pinky

At 9th level, your Stand now uses a d8 for its unarmed attack damage rolls. Additionally, as an action for 2 spirit points, you can fire a 60 ft long and 5 ft wide line of lightning. All creatures in the effected area must make a DC 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Proficiency bonus Dexterity saving throw, taking 8d6 lightning damage, or half as much damage on a successful save.


At 11th level, your Stand can absorb electricity to power itself up. Your Stand gains immunity to lightning damage. Whenever your Stand is hit by an attack or spell that deals lightning damage, you gain the benefits of the haste spell for 1 minute. You don't gain the drawbacks of a haste spell ending when the duration of Supercharge expires.

Ultra Super Guitarist!

At 14th level, you gain expertise with one musical instrument that you are proficient in. You can use an action to play the instrument and generate a stack of Exchange Blows at the start of each of your turns for 1 minute. Additionally, you may expend any number of Exchange Blows as a bonus action to make an equal number of unarmed attacks with your Stand.

Chili Pepper: Encore

At 20th level, you can draw power from the most potent of all sources of electricity: lightning. When it is raining, roll a d20 at the start of each of your turns. On a roll of 20, your Stand is struck by lightning, giving it unbelievable power for 1 minute. Your Stand gains all the benefits of its Supercharge ability. Additionally, your Stand can move fast enough to evade all attacks, making all attacks that do not automatically hit miss, and all attacks that would automatically hit must be rolled as normal. All creatures within a 20 ft radius of your Stand except you take 4d6 lightning damage at the start of their turn.

Stand User Alignment: The Lock

Stand of guilt

The Lock alignment stand is a stand of great charisma. Your Stand’s Charisma score is equal to your Charisma score + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your stand doesn’t have a standard form and rather manifests itself via its abilities later on.

These shackles are the weight of your sins.

At 3rd level, you can use your stand to instill feelings of strong guilt into a creature As an action, you can target a creature within 60 feet of you and they must make a DC 8 + your Stand's Charisma modifier + your Proficiency bonus Charisma saving throw. On a success they avoid having your stand put on it. Otherwise you manage to get your stand out onto that creature. Your stand manifests itself as a small lock in the middle of the targets chest that feeds of the guilt of that creature. When the creature willingly commits an evil action (which includes attacking you), they take 1d6 psychic damage. A creature with a lock on it has a penalty to all rolls equal to your proficiency bonus. You can have two locks active at a time and you must set a clear condition for the target to remove the lock. You set this when putting the lock on them and it can be anything from surrendering during a fight to paying a sum of money, the only restrictions are that the condition cannot cause direct harm to the creature and they have to be made aware of the condition.

I’ll bury that cat for you, so give me a little money, Okay?

At 5th level, the guilt a creature can get is increased. If a creature with a lock commits an evil action a second time, the guilt causes them to gain disadvantage on all attacks they make. These shackles are the weight of your sins.These shackles are the weight of your sins.

You felt bad about lying, Didn’t you?

At 7th level, you gain advantage on Insight checks made on people with a lock and they have disadvantage on all Deception checks they make until the lock is removed. If a creature with a lock would willingly lie, then they must make a DC + 8 your Stand's Charisma modifier Deception check or take 4d6 psychic damage on a failure or take half damage on a successful save. You now can have up to three locks active at a time.

Don’t try anything funny with me!

At 9th level, creatures with locks suffer the effects of committing an evil act for attacking your allies. A creature that has injured you or committed an evil act has damage done to you reflected onto them, cannot gain advantage on anything, and they start to take 2d6 psychic damage at the start of their turns. This damage increases by 1d6 for every evil act they commit. Additionally, as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, you can taunt or insult a target with your Stand in order to make them suffer the effects of committing an evil act.

It’s Heavy! I can’t even stand anymore!

At 11 level, the weight of a creature’s guilt literally starts to weigh them down. With one evil act, a creature is unable to take the dash action and for every additional evil act they commit, their movement speed is decreased by 10 feet.

If you could just pay a little cash to remove your sins Wouldn’t you!

At 14th level, when a creature has committed four evil acts, they can no longer concentrate on spells or use features that take more than an action and they lose their reaction. Additionally, you can use an action and 2 spirit points to insult and mess with the target to make the guilt hurt more. The must attempt a DC 12 + your Stand’s Charisma modifier Wisdom saving throw, taking 5d6 psychic damage and gaining a level of exhaustion or take half damage and gain no exhaustion on a success. You also gain proficiency in the persuasion skill, or get expertise if you already had proficiency, and you can have up to four locks at once.

When humans can’t bear the weight of their sin Anymore!

At 20th level, you can cause creatures bearing locks to be struck with overwhelming and hope-ending guilt. As an Action you can enter Requiem for 1 minute. During this time you can place an unlimited number of locks on people, creatures automatically fail any saving throws related to your lock, targets with the lock lose any resistances or immunity to psychic damage and take an additional die of psychic damage whenever they take damage from one of your features, and you can spend spend 3 spirit points as an action during this time to increase their evil acts counter to 5, causing them to go into a suicidal state. A creature in this state must make a DC 12 + your Stand's Charisma modifier Strength saving throw attack themself as their action, in which case their attacks always hit and count as criticals. They may retry this saving throw at the beginning of each their turns. On a success, they lose their action, and on the third success this effect ends. On the third failure in a row, they can not exit this state by any means outside of the wish spell or equally powerful magic. This effect lasts until the end of Requiem. Lawful Good Creatures gain advantage on their save and Chaotic Evil creatures gain disadvantage on their save.

Stand User Alignment: Surface

Stand of Shapeshifting

The Surface Alignment Stand looks like a plain mannequin normally, but it's so much more than that. Your Stand's Strength is equal to your Strength + your Charisma modifier + 3, your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 60 ft. away from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and it's unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.

I finally got this so-called Stand ability... not everyone gets to have one, you know?

At 3rd level, your Stand can copy a creature's appearance and voice almost perfectly as an action for 1 spirit point while within 15 feet of the target. It gains any non-Stand, Hamon, or otherwise magic/mental/training features and ability scores the creature had of its choice. A creature who knows the original creature may attempt a DC 15 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier Perception check, discovering the truth on a success. This lasts for 1 hour or until you spend 1 spirit point to end this effect, enabling you to mimic another creature.

Are you okay, stupid? I am wood

At 5th level, your Stand gains a damage reduction of 3.

Stand Users are bound to meet each other

At 7th level, while your Stand is mimicking another creature, the original creature must succeed a DC 12 + your Stand's Strength modifier Strength saving throw at the beginning of each of its turns or completely mimic its actions. Your Stand may turn this feature off and on as a bonus action, or as a reaction for 1 spirit point. This control does not extend to the creature's Stand.

I'm the kind of copy doll that people don't want to have

At 9th level, your Stand has a number of hit points equal to half your hit point maximum. It regains hit points in the same manner as you. If it is reduced to 0 hit points, it returns to a broken wooden mannequin and you can not summon your Stand into another mannequin for 24 hours. You may turn this feature on or off as a bonus action.

People who think differently from us only have two choices

At 11th level, if your Stand attacks itself, both the damage from the creature's attack and their own attack damage the creature it is mimicking.

In short, I'm a doll that manipulates!

At 14th level, you can mimic Stands using "Stand Users are bound to meet each other". If the mimicked Stand is de-summoned, it can not be manipulated as per "Stand Users are bound to meet each other".

Surface Requiem

At 20th level, when your Stand changes creatures it is mimicking, it leaves a copy of its previous mimicry behind. This copy lasts until the end of Requiem or until it is destroyed and does not determine the actions of its original as per "=Stand Users are bound to meet each other".


Round and round and round I go, when will I stop? Nobody knows. --Ref3rence (talk) 18:18, 17 June 2020 (MDT)

Stand user alignment: Echoes

Stand of Sound

The Echoes Alignment Stand has high intelligence. Your Stand’s Intelligence is equal to your Intelligence + your Charisma modifier + 3. Your Stand’s Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Wisdom, and Charisma are all equal to your own.

Echoes: Act 1

Your Stand has multiple ACTs, which you can transform your Stand between as a bonus action. At 3rd level, you are restricted to ACT 1. ACT 1’s range is 150 ft., and it has a flying speed of 10 ft. As an action, you can write sound effects on any surface within 30 ft. of your Stand. These sound effects can range in volume from extremely quiet to deafening, and create noise in a 10 radius from their point of origin for 1 minute or until you end the effect as a bonus action. Any creature in the affected area of a deafening sound effect must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 1d10 + your intelligence modifier thunder damage on a failure. The damage increases by 1d10 at 7th (2d10), 10th (3d10), and 15th (4d10) level.

Believe in Me!

Starting at 5th level, you can spend 1 spirit point to force another creature to make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw whenever you fail a Persuasion check. On a failure, the Persuasion check succeeds. You can use this ability once, regaining use at the end of a short rest; this increases to twice at 10th level and three times at 15th level.

Echoes: Act 2

At 7th level, you can call upon ACT 2 of your Stand. ACT 2 has a range of 50 ft. and a flying speed of 30 ft. As an action, you can make a ranged attack against a creature within 30 ft. of your Stand. This attack uses your Intelligence modifier and you are proficient with this ranged attack. On a hit, you can choose to inflict one of the following effects: ‘Sizzle’: The affected creature takes 2d10 fire damage. ‘Whoosh’: The affected creature is pushed 10 ft. in a direction of your choosing. ‘Boing!’: The affected creature is hurled 50 ft. into the air. ‘DORARARARARA’: Costs 5 spirit points. The affected creature is hurled 50 ft. into the air and takes 8d6 bludgeoning damage.

Echoes: Act 3

Starting at 9th level, your Stand evolves once more. ACT 3 has a range of 10 ft. and a movement speed equal to your own. When you take the Attack action against a creature, you can choose to inflict ‘Three Freeze’ on it as a bonus action. On a hit, the creature’s speed becomes zero, it falls prone, and it falls to the ground if it is flying, taking three times as much fall damage when it lands. For every additional attack with ‘Three Freeze’ that you land against a creature already inflicted with ‘Three Freeze’, it must make a DC 20 strength saving throw on its next turn or be unable to perform actions, reactions, or bonus actions. Additionally, the creature takes 3d10 bludgeoning damage if it fails this saving throw, or half if it succeeds. This effect ends if Act 3 leaves a 15 ft. radius of the creature.


At 11th level, a creature affected by ‘Three Freeze’ fails its Strength saving throws automatically if it is within 5 ft. of your Stand.

Okay master! Let’s kill da ho! Beeeeeetch!

Starting at 14th level, all Intimidation checks against you fail automatically. Additionally, all ACTs of your stand have their ranges tripled.

Echoes Requiem

At 20th level, you can activate Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action once per day. During this time, you can cast any spell with a verbal componentwithout spending a spell slot or material components. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for these spells. Your spell attack bonus is +20, and your spell save DC is 30 during this time.


Delta here. Comment by sending me a DM at my discord (DeltaBlade#9380).

Stand User Alignment: Love Deluxe

Stand of Hair

The Love Deluxe Alignment Stand is as beautiful as it is deadly. Your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 5. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand is a phenomenon, and as such does not have a traditionally summoned form. Your Stand is not effected by Invisible Force. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and it's unarmed attacks use Dexterity and a d4 for damage rolls.

If I ever find you getting too close to my Koichi again... I'lll make sure you suffer the consequences...

At 3rd level, when you summon your Stand, you gain your Stand's features, your unarmed attacks do not require use of your arms or hands, and your unarmed attacks gain 10 additional feet of reach.

I know because I've always been watching...

At 5th level, you gain a climbing speed equal to twice your movement speed.

I'll definitely make you love me, or else...

At 7th level, your unarmed attacks gain an additional 15 feet of reach. Additionally, you may grapple 1 creature without becoming grappled. You may grapple a second creature without becoming grappled, but you can not use your Stand's Dexterity modifier or damage die for unarmed strikes. You may grapple a third creature without being grappled, but doing so keeps you from using any of your other Stand User Alignment: Love Deluxe features.

When comes the time for you to leave this place, and you see how much you've changed...You will thank me

At 9th level, you can grapple creatures to the same range as your unarmed attacks. When grappling a creature, they are considered restrained until the grapple ends.

That's why I'm here to take you away!

At 11th level, while you are grappling a create, you may end the grapple by throwing them 2d4x5 feet away.

Love Love Deluxe

At 14th level, you can grow and somewhat manipulate the hair of others. As an action, you may cover a creature within 30 feet in hair. You may spend 1 spirit point to do so as a bonus action. Until they spend their action to remove it, they are vulnerable to fire damage. If they do not take fire damage but the hair is ignited, such as with a lighter, they take 2d6 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier fire damage.

Love Deluxe Requiem

At 20th level, you can enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action, during which every creature of your choice within 60 feet begins to suffocate. They can survive for a number of rounds equal to their Constitution modifier, after which they immediately fall to 0 hit points. They (or another creature within 5 feet as an action) may attempt a Strength saving throw at the beginning of each of their turns, ripping the hair from their throat on a success, resetting this timer. They must still retry this saving throw on their next turn.


I threw LLD from JoJolion into the mix because its abilities are a bit limited to warrant its own Stand, and it might as well be the same ability. --Ref3rence (talk) 17:08, 17 June 2020 (MDT)

Stand User Alignment: Pearl Jam

Stand of Cooking

The Pearl Jam Alignment Stand solely augments ingredients in food, and as such does not have unique ability scores or a summoned form.

Curative Cooking

At 3rd level, you gain the ability to make a dish. This dish has the ability to heal 2d4 hit points upon being eaten (3d6 at level 6, 2d10 at level 9, 2d12 at level 12, 2d20 at level 16), and you can have 2 dishes pre-made, and they stay edible for 48 hours. It takes about 15 minutes to make one of this dish. It can only be made if you have access to the ingredients required. Any and all dishes made are chosen by the player, at the discretion of the DM. No two dishes can have the same ingredients.

Now, let's continue with the meal, shall we?

At the 5th level, you are able to create another dish, which can give advantage on checks, saving throws, and any other d20 rolls for 2 ability scores of your choice to the person who eats the dish (3 at level 6, 4 at level 9) for 1 minute. It takes 10 minutes to make one of this dish. The amount of dishes you can have pre-made is now 4.

Si, Signore

At the 7th level, you can make a dish that gives the person that eats it automatic successes on all rolls for 1 minute. This dish takes an hour to make, and you may only have one of it pre-made.

Momento! Please do not panic

At the 9th level, you gain the ability to make a dish that removes all conditions and on-going effects (such as poison or a spell) on a party member. This dish takes 8 minutes to cook.

It helps relieve insomnia

At the 11th level, you gain the ability to cook a dish that gives the user all the positives of a long rest. This dish takes 3 hours to cook. The amount of dishes you can have at a time is raised to 12.

I have a lot of confidence in my food

At the 14th level, you gain the ability to give your dishes two attributes at once, but only need the ingredients from one of the dishes. These dishes take the combined time of both dishes to complete.

Pearl Jam: Master Chef

At the 20th level, you have no limit on how many dishes you can have at a time, and the preparation/cook time is halved. This is a permanent ability, unlike other Requiem features.


Hi! My name's Ava (CapnUnderoos#5606) You may recognize me from helping with Soft and Wet. I've decided to start designing Stands on my own! I had help with the quotes from Spuddzilla. Hope someone ends up using this Stand sometime!

Stand User Alignment: Heaven’s Door

Stand of Control

The Heaven’s Door Alignment Stand has high Wisdom. Your Stand's Wisdom is equal to your Wisdom + your Charisma modifier + 3, and your Charisma score maximun increases by 4. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand is a phenomenon, and thus can not be summoned traditionally. You lose all weapon proficiencies.

I’m reading through your lives and experiences to get that reality.

At 3rd level, as an action, you can force a creature within 15 feet to make a DC 8 + your Stand’s Wisdom modifier + your Proficiency bonus Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, they are paralyzed as parts of their body opens like a book. At this point, you can not make sense of the pages. Creatures can attempt to not be paralyzed at the beginning of their turns as a Constitution or Strength saving throw of the same DC, ending this effect early on a success. This can not affect you. Any feature relating to this ability must be used within 5 feet.

Reality itself is entertainment!

At 5th level, while creatures are under the effect of “...get that reality”, you can gain knowledge of any part of their life, no matter how personal, of your choosing or at random on your turn as you flip through their life story as written in their book.

Make it so I can speak Italian

At 7th level, you can write the ability to speak any specific language into any creature you have opened. You can also open willing, unaware, incapacitated, or surprised creatures as a bonus action.

But I refuse

At 9th level, when you fail any Charisma check or save, you can spend 1 spirit point to automatically succeed. As an action, you can open a willing creature's book and write “I will fly back x feet” into a creature and it will happen in that instant. X can only be up to 120 feet. This can be done as a reaction if their book was already open beforehand.

A safety-lock...

At 11th level, in exchange for 2 consecutive turns’ actions, you can remove a creature’s ability to attack 1 other creature. You can also remove up to 1 hour of an opened creature’s memory as an action. These memories are stored on a sheet of paper and can be given to a creature, same or different, as a bonus action.

Victory goes to the one who strikes first

At 14th level, for 5 turns’ actions and 5 spirit points, you can write how an opened creature dies. Doing so can not keep a creature from falling to 0 hit points in any other near-death scenario, but does give them advantage their death saving throws. If the time of death written is reached, they die instantly.

Heaven’s Door Over Heaven

At 20th level, as a bonus action for 1 minute once per day, you can open the book of reality. Any of your writings can be made as a bonus action, can do anything, and you can write within yourself.


Ref here, coming back at you with another Stand. Honestly, while Over Heaven and Heaven’s Door Requiem realistically would be similar abilities, the main reason named it that was because I thought it sounded funny. I’ve done my best to make this Stand non-combat oriented and not too OP, but it’s Heaven’s Door.

Stand User Alignment: Stray Ratt

Stand of Range

The Stray Ratt Alignment Stand is for sharpshooters only. Your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can be any distance from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier.


At 3rd level, you must summon and de-summon your Stand as an action. While within 5 feet of your Stand, you may make ranged attacks using its Dexterity modifier with a range of 60 feet that use 1d6 as its damage die and deal piercing damage. You can use Exchange Blows with these attacks.

Blind Spot Deflection

At 5th level, you may spend 1 spirit point as part of your attack to gain advantage on the attack roll. You may also spend 1 spirit point in the same manner to ignore 1 tier of cover (1 sp for 1/2, 2 sp for 2/3, 3 sp for full).

Restraining Shots

At 7th level, as an action while within 5 feet of your Stand, you can fire special projectile. One creature within 60 feet must succeed a DC 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier Dexterity saving throw or become restrained for 1 minute. They may retry a Strength saving throw of the same DC at the end of each of their turns, ending this effect early on a success.


At 9th level, your ranged attack rolls have advantage against creatures without a blindsight or truesight range, or with other ways to view changes in air pressure or invisible objects. These creatures also have disadvantage on the saving throw for Restraining Shot.

Internal Stand

At 11th level, your Stand becomes a phenomenon, allowing you to benefit from its features when summoned instead of the traditional summoning manner.

Melting Bullets

At 14th level, on a hit with Sharpshooter, you deal 2d6 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier acid damage and they continue to take 2d4 acid damage at the end of each of their turns until they spend their free action, bonus action, reaction, or action to remove the projectile.

Stray Ratt Requiem

At 20th level, you may enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action, during which your ranged attacks gain an additional 600 feet of range and you may make twice as many attacks as you normally can.


Stray Cat and Ratt make sense for a combo Stand, right? --Ref3rence (talk) 19:51, 17 June 2020 (MDT)

Stand User Alignment: Harvest

Stand of Numbers

The Harvest Alignment Stand is a Stand of great Wisdom and Dexterity. Its Wisdom is equal to your Wisdom + your Charisma modifier + 3 and your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier. The rest of your Stand's ability scores are equal to your own. Your Stand isn’t proficient in an attacks, and its unarmed strike do 1 piercing damage. At 1st level, your Stand is comprised of 50 smaller entities, all of which are considered Tiny and only have 1 hit point. They all move at the same time with each having 40 feet of speed and they have a 5 lb. carrying capacity. Up to 10 of your Stands can fit in a 5 square foot space, and your Stands have an AC of 3 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier individually. The AC of a group of your Stand increases by the number of your Stands in that space. You regain any of your Stands that have been killed at the end of your next short or long rest. Your Stand can be anywhere within 1 mile of you.

I can get anything I want!

At 3rd level, you have learned that your stand is very good at completing simple tasks such as retrieval. As a bonus action you can send out up to half your Stands to complete a simple objective autonomously. Alternatively you can use an action to send out an unlimited amount of your Stand to perform a task. When sending out your Stand to perform a task, you can specify an amount of time by which they must return. Otherwise you can send an order for any of your Stands to come back as a bonus action.

Hey, you can see them, right?!

At 5th level, the number of entities your Stand consists of has increased to 100. You can also spend 1 spirit point to re-summon up to 20 of your Stand if they have been destroyed.

I’ll protect them!

At 7th level, you have become a little selfless in the use of your Stand and can have your Stand defend your allies. You can use 1 spirit point as a bonus action to send out any number of Stands to help guard a creature of your choice. Until you order them back to you, they will protect the target indefinitely, adding +1 AC to the creature for every 10 Stands sent to help. They also grant the target an amount of temporary hit points equal to the amount of Stands sent, and whenever damage would be done to the temporary hit points of that creature, that many of your Stands are destroyed.

You guys really are useless

At 9th level, your Stands gain proficiency in Stealth and Sleight of Hand and have their movement increased to 50 feet. You can now have at least 10 of your Stands carry you or other Medium creatures. You can also have your Stands attempt to grapple a creature. For a Tiny creature you need 1 Stand, Small creatures require 10, Medium creatures require 50, Large creatures require 100, Huge creatures require 250, and Gargantuan creatures require 500 of your Stand. When grappling in this manner, you must contest your Stand's Dexterity saving throw with the target's Strength saving throw instead of Athletics or Acrobatics.

You guys still haven’t figured it out yet? You guys are drunk

At 11th level, you can utilize a needle-like appendage on your Stand in order to inject creatures with poisons or toxins as an action. For the case of something like alcohol, it affects the creature immediately and they must make a DC 8 + your proficiency + your Stand's Wisdom modifier Constitution saving throw, gaining disadvantage on all rolls until the end of their next turn. If you use poison or any other bloodborne drug, it acts an normal. You can only do so once per turn, and it requires at least 5 of your Stands to occupy the same space.

I’ll show you what happens when you underestimate me!

At 14th level, you have practiced heavily with your Stand in order to fight better and form perfect formations for battle. You can form a wall out of at least 50 of your Stand for 1 spirit point that has an AC of 15 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier and takes up a number of cubic feet equal to the number of Stands used arranged however you wish. Hostile creatures that start their turn, end their turn, or enter within 5 feet of a section of the wall must attempt a DC 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier Dexterity saving throw, taking 3d6 piercing damage on a failure, or half as much damage on a successful save. You may spend 1 spirit point as a reaction to collapse the wall onto a creature that would’ve triggered the above ability to make a grapple check against them and deal damage equal to half the amount of your Stands that made up the wall.

As an action, you can send a number of your Stands out to drop small projectiles onto an enemy. The target must make a DC 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + 1/5 the number of Stands used to perform this action rounded down Dexterity saving throw. The target takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage for every 5 stands (rounded down) that are used on this action on a failure, or half as much damage on a successful save.

As an action, you may choose an amount of your Stands to move up to their movement speed in a 30 ft. straight line. Any creatures in their path must attempt a DC 8 + your Stand’s Dexterity modifier Strength saving throw, taking 1d6 bludgeoning damage for every 10 Stands used, and they fall prone. On a successful save, they take half as much damage and are not knocked prone.

Finally the number of stands you can have is increased to 250.

Harvest requiem; God of the Harvest

At 20th level, the number of Stands you can control becomes 500, and fully restore up to 200 of your Stands as an action for 3 spirit points. Additionally, you can enter Requiem as a bonus action for 1 minute once per day. In this state, you can control an infinite number of your Stands, although summoning your Stand after activating Requiem only summons 500. As an action, you may summon up to 50 additional Stands. The movement of your stands has increased to 80 ft., your Stands are proficient in unarmed strikes during Requiem, and they can now add their Strength modifier to it as long as it is not negative, their carrying capacity increases to 10 lbs., and sending any number of your Stands to perform a task now costs no action. At the end of Requiem, you lose any Stands above the 500 limit, but you can spend 2 spirit points per 50 units of your Stand to keep them active given that they were performing a task (you lose them once they have finished the job).


So this may require a lot of balancing and tweaking down the line but, I finally did it. We now have the first colony stand on the site(neglecting metalica). I thought this would be a fun time to make and overall it has been. I’ve seen people wanting this for a while on this site and I’m happy to finally be presenting this. Just a reminder to talk to your Dm about using this subclass as they may want to simplify or otherwise change things about it.-(Coleseph Stalin #1195)

Stand User Alignment: Queen

Stand of Destruction

The Queen Alignment Stand has high Strength and Charisma. Your Stand's Strength is equal to your Strength + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 15 ft. away from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your Charisma modifier.

Primary Bomb: Bomb Transmutation

At 3rd level, you gain the ability to change anything you or your Stand touches into an explosive bomb as an action. These bombs will detonate if you use your reaction or bonus action to manually detonate it. You can only have 1 bomb charged at a time. If you do not have a bomb charged, and your Stand is summoned and in the same space as you and creature makes a melee attack on you, you charge their weapon with a bomb as a reaction, and you may spend 1 spirit point to regain your reaction after using this. Creatures within 10 ft. radius of a detonated bomb must succeed a DC 8 + your stand's Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d10 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus force damage on a failure, or half as much damage on a success. Creatures that either are a bomb or have the bomb attached to them will automatically fail and take maximum damage. Your bombs' damage die increases to 2d10 at 6th level, 3d10 at 9th, 4d10 at 15th, and 5d10 at 17th. The bomb itself cannot be seen by any means, as they do not have an actual form to see, and the explosion is silent and invisible to non-Stand Users. "Primary Bomb: Bomb Transmutation" activated by creatures unaware of your presence will always take critical damage. You and your Stand are unharmed by any of these explosions you are aware of. You may spend 1 spirit point to adjust the bomb upon detonation, making it affect only the creature that activated/possesses it, and dealing full critical damage to them. You may also spend 2 spirit points to increase the range of the explosion, giving it up to 20 additional ft. radius.


At 5th level, you gain advantage and proficiency in Deception and Persuasion checks. You will always know if you are being watched by someone, even if you do not know their location or direction. If a creature touches one of your Primary Bomb: Bomb Transmutation bombs, they become the bomb, and you may choose to detonate their bomb as a reaction as they are charged. You may spend 1 spirit point to regain your reaction after doing so.

Killer Impulse

Starting at 7th level, if a creature's hit points are reduced to 0 due to your bombs, they immediately die and turn to ash. Any items they were holding drop to the ground, unharmed; you can instead choose to completely destroy everything about them, leaving behind no physical evidence or items they were carrying. You regain 1 spirit point for every creature you turn to ash with your explosions. You also gain the ability to expend extra Spirit Points when detonating your bombs to add an extra 1d10 to your current damage roll for every point expended.

Fate is on my side

At 9th level, if you would be reduced to 0 hit points, you instead drop to 1 hit point for 1 spirit point. Furthermore, when you make a roll with a disadvantage, you can use this feature to eliminate the disadvantage. You do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all uses at the end of a long rest, or by restoring 1 use with 1 spirit point. You may also expend 1 spirit point without expending a use from this feature to change a roll that you must make that has a disadvantage into a roll that has an advantage if you are proficient in the roll.

Secondary Bomb: Sheer Heart Attack

At 11th level, your Stand gains a new ability, "Sheer Heart Attack". As an action, you can spend 1 spirit point to detach the left hand of your Stand, and it becomes an independent Sub-Stand with the Invisible Force feature. As a sub-Stand, it is an invulnerable object and has an unlimited range in being away from you. It has Strength, Constitution, Intelligence, and Wisdom of 6, a Dexterity of 18 and Charisma equal to your Stand's. Its size is Tiny, and has a walking speed of 45 ft. It will search out the highest temperature in a 90 ft. radius of it other than you (DM will decide how to judge who has the highest temp; generally it will be the one with the most adrenaline or body temperature) and when it makes contact with the object, it explodes, acting like a Primary Bomb. You do not take the damage that Sheer Heart Attack takes, and while it is out you cannot use "Primary Bomb" or "Bites The Dust". You always know the location of Sheer Heart Attack. If you want to call it back early, you must be in contact with it and use a free item interaction to pick it up, re-attaching it back to your Stand; if it is not within range, you may use either your bonus action or reaction to order it to return to you, it will use its turn to double its movement speed and move towards you. Sheer Heart Attack shares your initiative and can only move on its turn. You may expend 1 spirit point to telepathically order it to guard an area.

Air Bomb Transmutation

At 14th level, your Stand gains the power to create air bubbles infused with a bomb using your action. The bubble moves by itself on your turns, flying in any direction you telepathically order it to as a free action, up to 20 ft. each turn. The bubbles are considered an object with 1 hit point with its size being Tiny and having a 6 inch radius, and are invisible. If something touches it, the bubble breaks and explodes as if it was a Primary Bomb. You can only use this feature to charge a bubble if you do not have anything else charged with a bomb. As a bonus action, you may expend 1 spirit point to double the bubble's movement until the beginning of your next turn.

Tertiary Bomb: Killer Queen Bites the Dust

At 20th level, you can spend 1 spirit point to shrink your Stand down to Tiny and place it within a creature within 30 ft. of your Stand as your bonus action. You can only do this if you are not have a bomb charged. Your Stand cannot be targeted by any attacks while inside a creature. While Bites the Dust is active, your Stand will protect the creature it is inside of, granting them +3 bonus AC and anyone who attacks that creature will instantly explode. The creature is also immune to all nonmagical attacks that are self-inflicted, as your stand will intercept their attempts. You cannot use Bites the Dust on yourself and it will immediately deactivate if you die. You can also put a trigger on Bites the Dust (e.g. if this person is questioned about your true identity, then "Bites The Dust" will activate); all triggers have a max range of 200 ft. and cannot be activated beyond that. A creature that activates the trigger will have to make a DC 8 + your stand's strength modifier + your proficiency bonus Constitution. On a failed save, they die and explode with the same effects as being killed with Primary Bomb. If they succeed, they take 10d10 + your Stand's Strength modifier force damage. If more than 1 creature activates the trigger on a single turn, they must all make the roll on that turn. Creatures who are not in combat or unaware of the creature with your Stand, but activated the trigger anyway, take twice as much damage automatically instead of rolling. Immediately after the explosion, time then rewinds to a point you choose, up to 1 hour ago, and only you and the creature "Bites The Dust" is bound to remember what happened. The creatures who have been hit with damaged from activating Bites the Dust will then suffer either the damage or death, depending on their original roll, regardless of anything else after the appropriate amount of time has passed in the new timeline. Every other effect does not carry over. Your levels carry over but not any new items you may have acquired in the previous timeline. If you rewind back to a time when you had not yet activated "Bites the Dust", your Stand will still be inside them in this new timeline. If you do not know what is happening to the creature with your Stand (i.e. you are unaware of their location or unconscious) then time will rewind back the full 1 hour. Your Stand cannot be detected by others in any way while inside another creature, but it will momentarily appear when planting a bomb. While your Stand is inside someone, you cannot use your Stand. You can undo "Bites the Dust" on your turn using your bonus action, returning your Stand back to your space.

Stand User Alignment: Highway

Stand of Pursuit

The Highway Alignment Stand has high Dexterity and Constitution. Your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3, your Stand's Constitution is equal to your Constitution + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 240 feet away from your character's position. Your Stand can only attack 1 creature at a time and can only change targets after they have dropped to 0 hit points. Your Stand's AC is equal to 12 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your Charisma modifier.

It may not be strong, but it is relentless

At 3rd level, your Stand can squeeze through spaces as small as 1 foot.

Give me your nutrients!

At 5th level, when your Stand deals damage, you regain hit points equal to the damage dealt.

You wouldn’t do something as cowardly as kicking an injured person’s ass, would you?

At 7th level, as a reaction when an attack reduces you to below 1/2 your hit point maximum, you can force the creature to make a DC 12 + your Charisma modifier Charisma saving throw. On a failure, they are charmed by you. You may only use this once, regaining use when you reach your maximum hit points, but can spend 1 spirit point to use it additional times.

Ask him to save you

At 9th level, your Stand becomes immune to all damage. Additionally, your Stand gains a movement speed of 324 ft. (37 mph) and its range increases to 1 mile.

Help me lure him into this room.

At 11th level, as an action, you can create a 60 ft. x 60 ft. room within your Stand's range with an interior completely of your choosing, though nothing created by you can interact with anything physical. As this room is a spiritual entity, it can be placed inside solid objects, but there can only be 1 door. You regain use of this feature at the end of a long rest.

I’ll gladly become a piece of paper

At 14th level, as a reaction when a creature gains a condition or effect that only targets one creature, you can remove their condition and become subject to it yourself. When you are at full health, “Give me your nutrients” gives you temporary hit points instead.

Highway Requiem

At 20th level, as a bonus action for 1 minute once per day, your Stand moves at 200 miles per hour (1758 ft. movement speed) and is no longer bound to a 240 foot radius. You are aware of all creatures within 60 feet of your Stand and its unarmed attacks deal 2d4 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier acid damage.

Stand User Alignment: Superfly

Stand of Entrapment

The Superfly Alignment Stand does not have stats, instead being bound to a location. This location must be enclosed by four walls and have an entrance/exit, such as a tavern, tower, or arena.

You've finally stepped into it!

At 3rd level, your Stand manifests in its bound location permanently. Any amount of creatures can enter or exit this location, but the last creature who attempts to exit has their speed reduced to 0, and must make DC 15 Constitution saving throws if they continue to attempt to leave. If they fail three of these saving throws, they become petrified as their body is transformed into some material plentiful in your stand's bound location (such as wood for a tavern or stone for a tower.) Re-entering your stand's bound location resets the saving throw count. You can spend 1 spirit point as a bonus action to reduce the saving throw's needed for one creature of your choice to become petrified by 1 until the end of your next turn.

You know that whole "law of conservation of energy"?

At 5th level, your Stand becomes indestructible, as energy and force put into it are sent back out toward the attacker. Whenever a creature makes an attack against an object within your Stand's bound location, such as a wall, a chair, or a book, the attack fails and the attacker must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking the full damage of the attack as force damage on a failure, or half as much damage on a success.

Just have some sucker take your place and get out.

At 7th level, you gain advantage on all deception and persuasion checks while inside your Stand.

I've practiced this over and over. Controlling the angle and force of the reflection... it's on target!

At 9th level, you gain a flying speed equal your movement speed. As an attack, you may make a ranged attack against any creature within 30 feet, taking 2d4 + your Dexterity modifier piercing damage.

I see, so you were curious about my house?

At 11th level, you may change the location of your Stand for 7 spirit points.

If I said "Come on in!" you'd hesitate, but if I say "Stay out", you want to come in!

At 14th level, you may make ranged attacks as per "I've practiced..." with your Exchange Blows. On a hit with one of these ranged attacks against a creature standing near a stable surface of your Stand, such as a wall, you may spend 3 spirit points to force them to attempt a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they are restrained as they are pinned to the surface. They may attempt a DC 18 Strength saving throws at the end of each of their turns, ending this effect early on a success.

Superfly Requiem

At 20th level, you may enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action. While in Requiem, you may designate a 30-60 foot radius area as your Stand as an action without spending spirit points. You may have any number of these "Superfly Zones" active at the same time. At the end of Requiem, your Superfly Zones, as well as the original Superfly location de-summons, and you may bind Superfly to another location of your choice.

Stand User Alignment: Enigma

Stand of Paper

The Enigma Alignment Stand isn't suited for direct combat. Your Stand's Intelligence is equal to your Intelligence + your Charisma modifier + 3, your Stand's Wisdom is equal to your Wisdom + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 15 ft. away from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Intelligence modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and it's unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.

Paper Transformation

At 3rd level, you can transform hand-held objects into folded pieces of paper as an action. They do not weigh more than the paper itself, and you may open the paper to retrieve the object as a bonus action. If the paper is destroyed, so is the object.

When I find your terror's tells, my Enigma can strike perfectly!

At 5th level, as an action for 1 spirit point, or as a bonus action for 2 spirit points, you may turn a frightened creature into a piece of paper. They do not age, do not need to eat, drink, breath, or sleep, and are incapacitated until they are freed from the paper as a bonus action. If the paper is completely destroyed, they die instantly.

Don’t you dare open up that piece of paper!

At 7th level, you can transform objects up to the size of an semi-truck with its trailer into folded pieces of paper. Transformed objects now maintain the qualities they had when they were transformed (i.e. fresh food remains hot and fresh, a speeding car stays at the same speed, etc.).

Everyone is terrified of something, and I don't mean just being afraid or being able to hide it. I mean there's something deep in your heart that you're terrified of and can't deny.

At 9th level, you may attempt to terrify a creature within 20 ft. of you as an action, or as a bonus action for 1 spirit point. They must succeed a DC 10 + your Stand's Wisdom or Intelligence modifier or become frightened until the end of their next turn.

Enigma observes closely

At 11th level, you may transform moving objects into pieces of paper. As a reaction, your Stand must attempt a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw. On a success, the object is stored inside the paper. This can be applied to projectiles fired at you.

Everyone is easy prey to me!

At 14th level, you may partially transform your body into paper as an action. You gain a flying speed equal to your movement speed, and you become vulnerable to fire damage.

Enigma Requiem

At 20th level, you may enter Requiem as a bonus action for 1 minute. You may transform a piece of paper into any object that could be transformed into paper with any aspect (speed, heat, etc.) applied to it. If you transform a piece of paper into a person, they teleport to your hand with their feet on the ground if possible.


This rounds up the Part 4 Stands. Am I going to add all the remaining Stands out of the 160? I'd give it a solid maybe. --Ref3rence (talk) 21:14, 17 June 2020 (MDT)

Stand User Alignment: Experience

Stand of Life

The Experience Alignment Stand has high constitution. Your Stand's Constitution is equal to your Constitution + your Charisma modifier + 3. Your Stand's Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are all equal to your own. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Constitution modifier. Your Stand can move up to 10 ft. away from your character's position. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks. Your Stand's unarmed strikes use a d4 for rolling damage.

Even I don't know what will happen if I hit another living being

Starting at 3rd level, when your Stand makes a successful attack against a creature, that creature must make a DC 8 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus Constitution saving throw. If they fail, their consciousness is "sped up" and unable to properly coordinate their bodies. When that creature makes an attack roll, they have a disadvantage and has a -3 penalty on their roll (this increases to 5 at level 5, 7 at level 11, and 10 at level 14). In addition, when that creature takes damage from an attack, they take extra damage equal to your proficiency bonus as psychic damage. You can use this a number of times equal to your level, regaining all uses at the end of a long rest, and may expend 1 spirit point to regain 1 use.

It has its own life to protect

Starting at 5th level, your Stand gains the ability to transform any object that is no larger than a 5ft cube within reach into a living organism as a bonus action or as a reaction. This can be a plant or animal, will always deal 1d4 damage if it attacks, and must be of an equal size to the object transformed. If the organism created is an animal, you can telepathically issue a command to have it carry out. In addition, you can telepathically order it to seek out the creature/object it used to be a part of or attach itself to someone or something. You may use your bonus action to revert it back to its original object. You or your Stand must be touching the object for this ability to take effect. You can also use this as a makeshift healing ability, healing others for 2d6 + your Stand's Constitution modifier hit points; you can only use this healing a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining all uses at the end of a long rest, or by spending 1 spirit point to regain 1 use as a free action. You can spend 1 spirit point to increase the size of a creature while it is being created for every 5 ft cube, or to double the amount of healing it gives, removing any conditions from the target in the process.

Please don't make me repeat myself

Starting at 7th level, when a creature other than you makes a successful attack against a creature formed by "It has its own life to protect", that creature takes all the damage that the organism would have taken. If the organism dies, the attacker's hit points are not dropped to 0 but they are still forced to make death saving throws, falling unconscious if they fail all 3 instead of dying.


At 9th level, you may spend 3 spirit points to enter MUDAAAAA as a bonus action, which lasts until combat is over. While in MUDAAAAA, you gain the following benefits: you gain AC equal to the amount of Exchange Blows stacks you have, and attack rolls against you cannot be made with an advantage if you are aware of their presence. You may spend 1 spirit point as a bonus action to immediately gain the maximum amount of Exchange Blows stacks or, if you already have the maximum amount of stacks, you may spend 1 spirit point as a bonus action to cause your attacks to always successfully hit until the start of your next turn; you may spend 1 additional spirit point during that bonus action to cause all of your attacks to become critical hits as well. At 11th level, if you manage to successfully hit a creature with your extra attacks except for the last one, then the last one is a guaranteed critical hit that deals full damage; creatures who are hit with that last attack are then knocked away 15 ft and become incapacitated until the end of their next turn. Doing so immediately ends MUDAAAAA.

I have a dream

Starting at 11th level, when you are brought down to 0 hit points, you cannot gain any failed death saving throws until after your next turn, and you cannot gain more than 1 failure each round. Furthermore, you can still have your turn as normal when you are at 0 hit points while forced to make the death saving throws as a free action, but doing so halves your movement speed, and you fall unconscious after you have succeed 3 saving throws. You may use your action to spend 1 spirit point to either remove 1 failure or gain 1 success.


Starting at 14th level, you gain advantage and proficiency in Investigation and Persuasion. This feature extends to your allies if they are within 30 ft. of you. Furthermore, you and at least 1 ally within 15 ft. of you and aware of your presence gain advantage to Strength and Constitution saving throws. You may also use "It has its own life to protect" to create specific body parts or limbs of your choosing which will then attach to creatures within reach for them to use if they are missing it.

Golden Experience Requiem

Starting at 20th level, you can transform your Stand into its Requiem form for 1 minute as a bonus action once per day. You may force any number of creatures within 500 ft. to have their actions and bonus actions fail as a reaction. During this effect, you have advantage on every roll you make. You may also reroll any roll as a free action, but only once on each of your turns. Your Stand also act normally through any temporal distortion, such as The World's Time Stop.

Stand User Alignment: Sticky Fingers

Stand of Versatility

The Sticky Fingers Alignment Stand has high Strength and Dexterity. Your Stand’s Strength is equal to your Strength + your Charisma modifier + 3. Your Stand’s Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3. Your Stand’s Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 10 ft. away from your character's position. Your Stand’s AC is equal to 10 + your Stand’s Strength modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand’s unarmed strikes use a d4 for damage.

Zipper Manifestation

Starting at 3rd level, your Stand gains the ability to create zippers on any surface. These can be used to pass through solid objects or to open up holes in people’s bodies. When you land an unarmed strike on a creature, you can spend 1 spirit point to place a zipper on their body, which lasts for 1 minute. While a zipper is opened and on a creature’s body, it suffers a -1 penalty per zipper to its attack rolls and saving throws. This increases to -2 at level 6, -3 at level 12, and -4 at level 18. You may create a zipper that is up to 100 ft. in a straight line on an object, and you may travel to any point on it instantly as a bonus action. Anything stored within a zipper can not be accessed by any means other than by opening it. Opening and closing a zipper uses a bonus action, or a free action if you spend 1 spirit point, and can only be done by you.

This taste… it’s the taste of a liar!

At 5th level, you gain proficiency and expertise in Insight and Intimidation checks.

Not so bright, are you?

At 7th level, your Stand can extend its punching range by placing zippers on its arms. You may forego using one stack of Exchange Blows on your turn to increase your Stand's unarmed attacks' reach by 10 ft. for the rest of the round. This may be done any number of times granted you have the proper number of stacks.

Are you prepared? I am!

Starting at 9th level, you can spend 1 spirit point to attach 1 zipper to anything that isn’t a creature as a free action.

You’re going to fail, no matter what, when you’re a piece of shit

At 11th level, the amount of reach gained by Not so bright, are you? is doubled, and you can spend 2 spirit points to make an unarmed strike as a reaction. If this attack hits, the target takes critical damage and drops whatever it is holding.

I’ve already read your movements!

At 14th level, you can spend 2 spirit points to open a zipper where an enemy would strike you. As a reaction, you can force an attacker to make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, the attack misses.

Give everyone my best...

Starting at 20th level, when an attack would lower your hit points to zero or kill you instantly, you can use your reaction and spend 1 spirit point. If you do, the triggering attack misses, you gain the maximum amount of Exchange Blows stacks, and you regain all expended spirit points. This may be done once, regaining use at the end of a long rest.


Delta here. Comment by sending me a DM at my discord (DeltaBlade#9380).

Stand User Alignment: Sabbath

Stand of Shadows

The Sabbath Alignment Stand has high Constitution and Dexterity. This Stand uses Wisdom instead of Charisma. Your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Wisdom modifier + 3, your Stand's Constitution is equal to your Constitution + your Wisdom modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 250 ft. away from your character's position. Your Stand can only attack 1 creature at a time and can only change targets after they have dropped to 0 hit points. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your Wisdom modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and it's unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.

There are two paths that you can follow

At 3rd level, while in dim light, your Stand’s range is doubled. While in complete Darkness, your Stand’s range is limitless. You gain Darkvision of 120ft. If light changes in a way that puts your Stand outside of its range, you take 3d4 necrotic damage at the end of each turn it is outside its range.

Simple, Right?

At 5th level, when your Stand grapples a creature, it can use Constitution instead of Strength. Your Stand is proficient in this form of grappling. The creature you are grappling takes 1d4 + your Stand’s Constitution modifier bludgeoning damage at the beginning of both your and their turn.

Sorry to keep you waiting

At 7th level, while in darkness or dim light, your Stand can become invisible for 1 minute or until you take a hostile action, such as a grapple or attack, as an action, or as a bonus action for 1 spirit point. You and your Stand can not be blinded.

The first path is for the chosen ones who will live

At 9th level, after grappling a creature for at least 2 rounds, you can pierce their neck with the an arrow hidden within your Stand's mouth. They must succeed a DC 6 + your Stand’s Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus Charisma saving throw. On a failure, they are paralyzed for 1 minute and take 3d8 necrotic damage. They may retry this saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending this effect early on a success. On a success, they are not paralyzed, take half as much damage, they gain a Stand. If they already have a Stand, they do not gain another. This arrow can not create a Requiem Stand.

I believe God forgives even murder

At 11th level, while in dim light, creatures have disadvantage to hit your Stand. While in Darkness, your Stand can not be hit. While grappling a creature, you may spend 1 spirit point to force the creature to become paralyzed until the beginning of your next turn.

... the other, the path of death!

At 14th level, when a creature fails the Constitution saving throw from “the first path”, they take an additional 7d8 necrotic damage.

Sabbath Requiem

At 20th level, as a bonus action for 1 minute once per day, your Stand can hide in the deepest darkness, that of the human soul. Your Stand acts as if it is in darkness while within 10 feet of a creature. It can teleport instantly between areas of darkness, including the 10 foot radius around creatures.


On top of wanting to add more automatic Stands, I love this Stand particularly. I figured Requiem should be similar to Silver Chariot due to the shadow motif. -Ref3rence

Stand User Alignment: Blues

Stand of Recall

The Blues Alignment Stand has high Intelligence and Wisdom. Your Stand's Intelligence is equal to your Intelligence + your Charisma modifier + 3, your Stand's Wisdom is equal to your Wisdom + your Charisma modifier + 3. Your stand's Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, and Charisma are all equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 20 ft. away from your character's position. Your stand's AC is equal to 10 + your intelligence modifier + your wisdom modifier. Your stand is proficient in unarmed attacks, which use wisdom instead of strength, and use a d4 for damage.

Chronological Rebroadcasting

Your Stand can capture the past actions of any person. As an action, you can command your Stand to 'rewind' itself and assume the form of a person who you have seen in the past day, or who you know was in the exact spot your Stand is in at the time it was rewound to. You can rewind up to two hours before the present, which takes 1 action per hour rewound. Once your Stand finishes rewinding, it takes every action that the person it is copying did, up to the time that you started rewinding. Your Stand cannot attack while 'Chronological Rebroadcasting' is in use. You can pause your Stand while it is copying a person, allowing you to examine it closer, and you can 'fast-forward' or 'rewind' your stand, allowing you to skip to different parts of its recording. Fast-forwarding and rewinding happens at a rate of up to 600 recorded rounds (1 hour) per round. While your stand is rewinding or fast-forwarding, it cannot move.

I've figured out the other mystery!

Starting at 5th level, you make Perception and Investigation checks related to events that your Stand is replaying with advantage.

You gave permission... for just me to enter?!

Starting at 7th level, you can use your Stand to copy your own appearance. As a bonus action for 2 spirit points, you can make your Stand look like yourself and telepathically order it to perform actions, however it cannot attack while it copies your form. This lasts for 2 minutes, and you can increase the duration by 1 minute by spending 1 spirit point.

I pledged my loyalty to the organization. It's not like I pledged my loyalty to you

At 9th level, your Stand can rewind up to 1 day. Rewinding and fast-forwarding now happen twice as fast, and you can spend 1 spirit point to increase this to four times as fast.

An Emergency Landing

Starting at 11th level, while replicating a creature, you can gain their skill proficiencies and ability scores for 5 spirit points, but you cannot attack. This lasts for 2 minutes.

Did you forget? You came here on that bus.

At 14th level, your Stand can recall events from any point in the past. Rewinding and fast-forwarding takes 1 minute per year. Additionally, if you are killed, you leave behind an indestructible statue of the person that killed you. Your Stand can now attack while replicating another creature.

Moody Blues Requiem

At 20th level, you move beyond replaying the past, and can now activate Requiem to capture the future for 1 minute as a bonus action once per day. Your Stand copies the form of a creature you can see. When your Stand performs an action or moves, the creature it is capturing is forced to perform the same action or move the same distance.


Team Bucciarati finished. This was definitely one of the more interesting stands I've ever made. Contact me at my discord (DeltaBlade#9380) and check out the community discord page ( Deltablade27 (talk) 11:34, 19 August 2019 (MDT)

Stand User Alignment: Haze

Stand of Venom

The Haze Alignment Stand has high Constitution and Strength. Your Stand's Constitution is equal to your Constitution + your Strength modifier + 3. Your Stand's Strength is equal to your Constitution + your Strength modifier + 3. Your Stand's Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma are all equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 15 ft. away from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your Constitution modifier. Your stand is proficient in unarmed attacks.

Virus Capsules

At 3rd level, you can spend 1 Spirit Point to unleash capsules of a dangerous virus in your knuckles. You make a single unarmed attack as an action (this can not benefit from Exchange Blows or any other for of extra attack). On a hit, the target takes 6d6 + your proficiency bonus acid damage from your Stand's fists (the damage die increases to 6d8 at level 8, 6d10 at level 12 and 12d6 at level 18). The target must also succeed a DC 8 + your Stands Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus Constitution saving throw. Upon failed save the target is poisoned for 1 minute. They may retry this saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending this effect early on a success. You may do this up to 6 times, regaining all uses at the end of a long rest, and 1 use at the end of a short rest or for 2 spirit points. At 6th level, when you activate Virus Capsules, you immediately lose the charmed and frightened conditions, if you had them.


At 5th level, your Stand violently lashes out at those who approach, any creature that comes within 5 feet of your Stand once per round, friendly or not must make a DC 8 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus Strength saving throw or take 2d6 acid or bludgeoning damage.

You'll be the one dying... once you've witnessed my Stand!

At 7th level, your virus can stay hanging in the air of an area. As part of Virus Capsules, you can choose to forego making an attack to instead leave behind a 10 ft. radius cloud in your current space that lingers for 1 minute or until a strong wind blows it away. Any creature that enters this space or starts their turn in it must attempt a DC 8 + your Stands Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus Constitution saving throw. Upon failure, the target is subject to Virus Capsules, including becoming poisoned in the same manner. On a success, they take half as much damage and are not poisoned.

Nobody can survive in this world on ideals alone

At 9th level, your virus becomes an inescapable power. While a creature is poisoned by your Virus Capsules, they take 1d4 acid damage at the end of each of their turns.


At 11th level, you gain advantage and proficiency in Intimidation and Medicine checks, and you cannot be Poisoned.

Dissolving Virus

At 14th level, as part of an attack for 2 spirit points, you can instantly destroy any item within 5 feet of you unless it is completely indestructable or immune to poison or acid damage.

Purple Haze Distortion

At 20th level, as an action once per day, you can instantly kill any creature within 5 feet of you with less than 20% of its maximum hit points. There is no saving throw. You may also expend one use of Virus Capsules to instantly cure any disease.

Hey, good to see people interested in adding more stands here. Anyways, please use the Discussion tab at the top of this page to discuss further about anything related to Stand User Variant. Thanks in advance!

Stand User Alignment: Pistol

Stand of Precision

The Pistol Alignment Stand has high Wisdom and Dexterity. Your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3, your Stand's Wisdom is equal to your Wisdom + your charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Constitution, Intelligence, and charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier + your Charisma modifier. You gain proficiency in simple and martial ranged weapons.

Do they want me to die?!

At 3rd level, your Stand manifests as 4 “bullets”. Each bullet has a range equal to half the effective range of the ranged weapon you have equipped (minimum 10 feet). Bullets can use other bullets as the source of their range. They have 1/6 your hit points, but still deal an equal amount of damage to you as they took, and are Tiny. Any destroyed bullets are regained at the end of a long rest, and you regain 1 at the end of a short rest. You can only move 1 bullet at a time. Moving a bullet costs either a free action, bonus action, or 1/2 your total movement speed. You can make ranged attacks without disadvantage within any of your bullets' movement range as long as there is a path from you to the target along these ranges, including your own weapon's. This can allow you to bank bullets around cover.

We'll end it right here, right now. Time to bust a cap in his mouth!

At 5th level, when you attack a creature that is surprised, you may attack an additional time. You can also spend 1 spirit point as a free action to make your weapon’s effective range equal to its total range until the end of your next turn.

I aimed for the same wound

At 7th level, when a ranged attack misses, you may make an additional ranged attack as a reaction against the same target. You can do this as a free action on your turn, once per turn, for 2 spirit points.


At 9th level, when all of your bullets are on your character, you can make your next ranged attack deal maximum damage. You can use this once, regaining use at the end of a long rest. Your number of bullets increases to 6.

Brute force is our only option! It’s time for my resolve to shine!

At 11th level, when a bullet dies or you unwillingly take damage from your own ranged attack, either your next ranged attack has advantage or your next use of “I aimed for the same wound” does not cost spirit points.

I see the path I need to make through the darkness!

At 14th level, your darkvision increases by 60 feet and you can not be blinded. You can take 1 action immediately before making your first death saving throw.

Pistols Requiem

At 20th level, you unlock the full extent of your Stand for 1 minute as a bonus action. You gain 1 ranged weapon of your choice. This weapon can only be destroyed by you, which is done as a free action, and can be recreated or changed as a bonus action. This weapon creates its own ammo at the end of each of your turns. You can use Yee-Haw an amount of times equal to your Stand’s Wisdom modifier without having your bullets on you. You can use "We'll end it right here..." without the creature being surprised or spending spirit points.


Ref3rence again. I was supremely unsatisfied with the state this alignment was in, so I decided to fix it. I honestly mean to do this a while ago.

Stand User Alignment: Aerosmith

Stand of Aggression

The Aerosmith Alignment Stand has high dexterity and intelligence. Your Stand’s Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3. Your Stand’s Intelligence is equal to your Intelligence + your Charisma modifier + 3, and your Stand's size is Small. Your Stand’s Strength, Constitution, Wisdom, and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 50 ft. away from your position. Your Stand’s AC is equal to 13 + its Dexterity modifier. Your Stand also fires ranged bullets, which have unlimited ammunition and a range of 50/200 ft. that deal 1d4 + your Stand’s intelligence modifier piercing damage on a hit, and your Stand is proficient in attack rolls with these bullets. Finally, your stand has a flying speed of 20 ft.

"Vocal percussion on a whole ‘nother level, coming for my mind"

Starting at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in Performance and Intimidation, or expertise if you already have proficiency. You also gain advantage on Intimidation checks made when torturing someone.


At 5th level, your Stand can fire bullets at a rapid pace. When your Stand hits a hostile creature with its bullets, you gain 1 Barrage stack, with a maximum of 5. You can expend these Stacks when attacking a creature to gain an extra attack, made with a penalty of -2 to its attack roll per stack used this turn. You can spend 1 spirit point to gain 2 barrage stacks or to reset your barrage attack penalty. Hitting with an extra attack given by barrage does not grant you a Barrage stack. You can not spend more than 5 Barrage stacks in one turn.

C02 Radar

At 7th level, you can detect all creatures in a 60 ft. radius of your Stand as an action. This feature does not work on creatures who do not breathe air. You can use this feature an amount of time equal to your Stand’s Intelligence modifier, regaining all uses at the end of a long rest, and you can spend 1 spirit point to reset the amount of times you have used it.

Now I won’t have to set the whole town on fire to find you

At 9th level, your Stand’s bullets now deal 2d4 + your Stand’s Intelligence modifier piercing damage on a hit. Your C02 Radar’s range increases to 100 ft., using C02 Radar is now a bonus action, and you can distinguish between different creature sizes.


Starting at 11th level, hitting with an extra attack given by Barrage now grants you a Barrage stack. You also gain 1 barrage stack each round, and your attack penalty for barrage is now -1 per barrage stack used per turn.

Volare Via!

At 14th level, your Stand gains the ability to drop a bomb capable of annihilating its surroundings. As an action for 5 spirit points, you can drop a bomb from your Stand’s current location. When it hits the ground at the end of your turn, all creatures in a 30 ft. radius of the bomb must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw or take 6d12 fire damage, or half on a successful saving throw.

Aerosmith Requiem

At 20th level, you can activate Requiem as a bonus action for 1 minute once per day. During this time, your Stand can travel an unlimited distance away from you, and your Stand’s bullets have a range of 1 mile/3 miles. Your maximum Barrage stacks become 10, and you gain 10 stacks at the start of Requiem. Using Volare Via! no longer costs spirit points, and can be done as a bonus action. C02 Radar is also activate during Requiem.


Hi everyone! Delta here. It's the stand of everyone's favorite plane-flying, torture-dancing, math-failing gangster! Send comments or questions to my Discord (DeltaBlade#9380). Enjoy, and have a nice day! Deltablade27 (talk) 15:55, 25 June 2019 (MDT)

Stand User Alignment: Kraft Work

Stand of Velocity

The Kraft Work Alignment Stand is weak in physical ability, but powerful in Stand ability. Your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3, your Stand's Wisdom is equal to your Wisdom + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Constitution, Intelligence, and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 15 ft. away from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and it's unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.

You managed to hit me twice 'cause you had the element of surprise on your side

At 3rd level, you can lock the position of an object as a bonus action. This can be in relation to another object, or in relation to the earth. When used, it becomes unable to move in relation to the object.

I'm not letting you get away

At 5th level, you have mastered delayed position locking. You may throw up to 15 Tiny objects anywhere within 30 feet a an action, locking them in place. If there is 1 object per 5 foot cube, it counts as difficult terrain, but you may traverse it. If there is at least 2 objects per 5 feet, you may traverse it normally. You also gain a climbing speed equal to your movement speed.

Now I can get close enough to beat you safely, right?

At 7th level, creatures can be effected by "You managed...". You must spend 1 spirit point as a bonus action after a successful unarmed attack with you or your Stand to force them to make a DC 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Proficiency bonus Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, their movement speed becomes 0 and they can not be forcefully moved. this lasts until your Stand moves 60 ft. from them, you de-summon your Stand, or you fall unconscious.

You done yet? 'cause if you are, this bullet here is all charged up!

At 9th level, you are able to gradually accelerate an object by tapping it with your finger. As an action or bonus action, you may tap an object you have locked. For every tap, you store 1d6 piercing damage and 5 feet of range into it. As a bonus action, you release it, making a ranged attack using your Stand's Dexterity modifier.

I can easily deflect a bullet from your puny little pistol

At 11th level, while your Stand is summoned, both you and their Stand gain a damage threshold of 10.

Think about if for a sec.

At 14th level, you may use "Now I can get..." upon a creature touching any object or creature you have already locked. Additionally, every tap of "You done yet?..." stores 2d4 piercing damage and 10 feet of range.

Kraft Work Requiem

At 20th level, you can enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action. You may freeze any objects (but not creatures) of your choice within 30 feet, including projectiles from ranged attacks, without using any sort of action. You store 4d4 force damage and 20 feet into an object with every tap.

Stand User Alignment: Little Feet

Stand of Shrink

The Little Feet Alignment Stand is a Stand with a high Dexterity. Your Stand’s Dexterity is equal to your Dexerity + your Charisma Modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand’s Strength, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are all equal to your own. Your Stand can move 5ft for your Character’s position. Your Stand’s AC is equal to 10 + your Stand’s Dexterity Modifier + your Charisma Modifier. Your Stand is also Proficient in unarmed attacks, and it’s unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.


At 3rd level your Stand has gained the ability to shrink objects down to a very small size. As an action you can cause an object to begin to shrink by 1 foot per minute by using your Stand’s long and sharp index finger, and the object can be no larger that 5ft by 5ft (which increases to 10ft by 10ft at level 9, and 15ft by 15ft at level 14). You can do this a number of times equal to double your proficiency bonus, regaining all uses at the end of a long rest or you can spend 1 spirit point for half of your uses back. The number of items you can have shrunk at one time is equal to your proficiency bonus. As a bonus action, you can return the object to normal size this reversal happens instantaneously and violently. If you un-shrink an item that is inside of a creature they take force damage according to the size of the object (see Boys always want to touch things they aren't supposed to.) and if the item is bigger than the creature, they will be killed instantly because the sheer force would tear their body apart.

I shrank myself! That’s my ability...

At 5th level, your Stand’s ability to shrink can now be applied to you. As an action, you can have your Stand shrink you and any items you are wearing or holding down to the size category of Tiny. This happens instantly and for as long as you want. You can do this a number of times equal to your level, regaining all uses at the end of a long rest. You can return yourself to normal size as a bonus action. While you are Tiny, your movement speed is 1/3rd of your movement speed, you have advantage on Stealth checks, you only do 1/3rd of your damage when shrunk.

That was way to close

At 7th level if you are targeted by an attack while normal size you can for 1 spirit point and as a reaction become tiny in response and evade the attack. When you do this you can move 1/3rd of your movement without provoking opportunity attacks and then are returned to normal size.

Whether it’s worthless or worthful is all up to how you use it...

At 9th level, your Stand can now use Shrinking on people and creatures. As an action for 1 spirit point, your Stand can use its long sharp index finger to make an unarmed attack. On a hit, this attack deals 1d6 + your Stand’s Dexterity modifier piercing damage (the damage die increases to 1d8 damage at level 5, a d10 at level 9, and a d12 at level 13) and the target must make a DC 8 + your Stand’s Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier Constitution saving throw. If they failed, they shrink by 1 size category at the end of each of their turns. On a success, they shrink by 1 size category every 3 turns. For every size category they shrink, any damage they deal and their movement speed is reduced by 1/3. The shrinking last for as long as your Stand is summoned, and you can only have 1 creature under this effect at a time (this increases to 2 at level 13, 3 at level 17, and 4 at level 20). If your shrinking ends, the effected creature immediately returns to their normal size.

Did I move to much and tickle his arse?

At 11th level, when you are Tiny, you can return a shrunken object back to normal size to use the force to launch yourself 50 ft. in any direction you choose.

The jobs basically done

At 14th level, when you are Tiny, your movement speed and damage are not reduced.

Little Feet Requiem

At 20th level, your Stand’s shrinking abilities become even greater for 1 minute as a bonus action once per day. When your Stand shrinks an object or creature, the effects are permanent and they can only turn back to normal if you choose to do so, or with the Wish spell or an equally powerful effect. As an action, you can force a creature to make a DC 8 + your Stand’s Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus Constitution saving throw. If they fail, they become so small they disappear from reality and cease to exist. On a success, nothing happens.


Hey guys i hope you guys like it we almost have La Squadra complete only a few more to go. (Bioshocker#6910)

Stand User Alignment: The Grateful Dead

Stand of Age

The Grateful Dead Alignment Stand is a Stand with high Constitution and Wisdom. Your Stand's Constitution is equal to your Constitution + your Wisdom modifier + 3. Your Stand's Wisdom is equal to your Wisdom + your Wisdom modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Intelligence, Charisma, and Dexterity are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 10 ft. away from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your Wisdom modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and it's unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.

Aging Presence

At 3rd level, your Stand adds 1d4 Necrotic damage to it's unarmed attack damage rolls and each spot your Stand hits on the individual seems to "age" that area quite a bit (the Necrotic damage die becomes 1d6 at level 5, a 2d4 at level 7, a 2d6 at level 9, a 3d6 at level 11, and a 3d8 at level 14).

What's the matter? Did your knees give out?

At 5th level, your Stand can grapple a creature and immobilize them. At the end of each turn they are grappled, they must make a DC 8 + your Stand's wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, they take 2d6 Necrotic damage and age a significant amount. On a success they take half as much damage and age a significant amount. Each time they age, their Strength and Dexterity scores decrease by -1. The effects of each instance of aging can be undone by taking 5 cold damage, and all instances of aging are undone at the end of a long rest.

You're a damn mammoni

At 7th level, when you are knocked unconscious, you create a 5 ft. radius around yourself. Any creature that enters this radius once per round must make a DC 8 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus Constitution saving throw. On a fail, the creature takes 3d6 Necrotic damage and ages accordingly, on a success they take half as much damage and do not age. You may spend 3 Spirit Points on your turn while you are stable to regain consciousness and 1 hit point if you were at 0, but you are stunned on your first round.

When we truly think "I'll kill you!" from the bottom of our hearts... by that time, the deed has already been done!

At 9th level, your Stand can now activate a 20 ft. radius field of aging around itself as a bonus action for 1 Spirit Point. Every creature within that radius is subject to What's the matter? Did your knees give out? This effect lasts until the end of your next turn, but you can extend it to the end of your next turn as an action, or as a free action for 1 spirit point, without spending spirit points while it is active. The radius of this effect decreases to 10 ft. if you are currently in a cold climate and any damage they would take is halved, as is the effects of aging.

That was a little bit naive, wasn't it?

At 11th level, you can use your Stand to disguise yourself by aging yourself to an elderly version of yourself for 1 Spirit Point. This gives you advantage on any d20 rolls you can add your Charisma modifier to, but disadvantage on any d20 rolls that you can add your Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution modifier to. You can de-age yourself back to normal as a bonus action.

Do it... victory is in your hands...

At 14th level, any creature that has aged at least 6 times is forced to make a DC 8 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus Constitution saving throw at the end of each of their turns or become paralyzed until the end of their next turn.

The Grateful Dead Requiem

At 20th level, you have become the master of age through the power of Requiem. You can enter Requiem mode for 2 minutes as a bonus action once per day. In this state, you have free reign to age an object or creature as much as you want as long as you can touch them. If you were to touch a creature, you could potentially age them to dust in an instant. Your When we truly think 'I'll kill you!' from the bottom of our hearts... by that time, the deed has already been done! is always active and is increased to a 100 ft. radius and all damage it does is doubled. Cold climates no longer effect this feature. You can only activate this effect once per day.


Ay lads Spuddzilla here again. I made this one immediately after Magician's Red so I feel like I'm gonna keep the streak going. I'm gonna be working on Oasis next then Metallica after that. Then after that I don't know maybe Beach Boy or something. (Spuddzilla#1518)

Stand User Alignment: Beach Boy

Stand of Grappling

The Beach Boy Alignment Stand takes the form of a fishing rod that can be summoned at will. It has high Strength and Dexterity; your Stand's Strength is equal to your Strength + your Charisma modifier + 3, and your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3. Your Stand's Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma are all equal to your own. Your Stand is a phenomenon, and thus does not have a traditional summoned form.

Hook, Line, and Sinker

At 3rd level, your Stand is a martial ranged weapon with the versatile property and a range of 50 ft. It uses your Dexterity modifier for its attack rolls, and its Strength modifier for damage rolls. Its damage die is a d10, or a d12 if you wield it with two hands. On a critical hit, your damage die increases to a d20, in addition to the doubled damage as normal. When you hit with an attack, you and the creature must contest Strength saving throws, grappling them on a success. If your Stand makes an attack against a creature it is grappling, the attack automatically hits.

Intangible Line

Starting at 5th level, you can send your Stand's hook through solid objects. Your Stand's attacks ignore cover. If you know the location of a creature on the other side of a solid object, you can make attacks without disadvantage even though you cannot see them. You can also plant your Stand's hook into objects. If a creature touches that object, they are attacked by your hook and automatically grappled.

Life Detection

At 7th level, when you can cast your line into a room you are not in, you automatically know how many people are inside that room, and can make an attack against one random person in the room with disadvantage.


At 9th level, when an allied creature you can see dies, you gain temporary hit points equal to the amount of damage that reduced them to 0. You also gain advantage on all attacks with your Stand and are immune to the frightened and charmed condition for 1 minute.


At 11th level, your Stand's line is indestructible and has an unlimited carrying, lifting, and dragging capacity. You may drag a creature grappled by your line 20 ft. toward you as an action, or as bonus action for 1 spirit point. When a creature makes an attack against the line, they take damage from the attack as if they had hit themselves. You can spend 1 spirit point to deal an additional 1d10 force damage. You no longer need to wield your Stand with your hands to use it, as you can produce your fishing line from your mouth.

From now on, I'll be going straight for everything!

Starting at 14th level, your Stand now lands a critical hit on a roll of 18-20 on the d20. Additionally, you can choose to gain a penalty to your attack rolls of -5 to double it damage it deals as part of the attack. Finally, when your Stand grapples a creature, it must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw at the start of each of its turns. If it fails three of these saving throws before it is released from the grapple, they die instantly as their heart is ripped out.

Beach Boy Requiem

At 20th level, you may enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action once per day. Wile in Requiem, you can cast your line into the air to autonomously kill anyone near you. Starting with the closest hostile creature to you, your Stand can make a ranged attack against them as an action. On a hit, they must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or die instantly as their heart is ripped out. Killing someone via this ability extends the duration of 'Beach Boy Requiem' by 1 minute.

Stand User Alignment: Baby Face

Stand of Growth

The Baby Face Stand Alignment has high Intelligence. Your Stand's Intelligence is equal to your Intelligence + your Charisma modifier + 3. Your Stand's Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Wisdom, and Charisma are all equal to your own. Your Stand is a phenomenon, and thus does not have a traditional summoned form.

Junior Generation

Starting at 3rd level, as an action for 2 spirit points while you are grappling a creature, you generate a sub-stand known as a 'Junior' that appears after 10 - your stand's intelligence modifier minutes pass. This sub-stand has an infinite range and a 30 ft. walking speed. Its AC is equal to 10 + your Charisma modifier + your Stand's Intelligence modifier. Its Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, and Wisdom are all equal to 2d10 + the relevant ability modifier of the creature used to create the junior. Its Intelligence is equal to 20 and cannot be modified by any means. It gains the same skill proficiencies, personality traits, and personality flaws of the creature used to create the 'Junior.' It has hit points equal to yours. Its unarmed strikes use a d4 for damage if it is proficient with unarmed strikes. If a Junior is damaged or killed, you are not affected. You can only have one 'Junior' at a time. You can communicate telepathically with the Junior.

What does 'kill' mean?

At 5th level, you can spend 1 skill point and 10 minutes to give a Junior any skill, language, or weapon proficiency. You must provide learning material for the Junior, such as a picture of someone cooking for cooks' tools. If you have the proficiency that you are teaching, the duration required to teach that skill is halved.

Di Molto!

Starting at 7th level, a Junior can evolve. Every hour, it can attempt to make a DC 20 Intelligence saving throw. If it succeeds, all of its ability scores except Intelligence are raised by 1. Ability scores can't be raised above 18 in this way. You initiate one of these saving throws as a bonus action regardless of how recent the previous check was for 1 spirit point. If it fails this check, however, it suffers the effect of the Confusion spell and ignores your commands for 10 minutes.

Automatic DNA Tracking

At 9th level, you can insert a vial of a creature's blood into your Stand when it creates a Junior. The Junior that is created will be able to know the exact location of that creature as long as the two are on the same plane.

Cubic Dissolution

At 11th level, a Junior can dissolve itself and anything it touches into tiny cubes as an action and control them telepathically as a bonus action. If these cubes are shaped into an object that the Junior has seen before, they assume the form of that object, but a creature that succeeds on a DC 17 Perception check can tell that something is wrong with the object. As an action, the Junior can force a creature within 5 ft. to succeed DC 17 Constitution saving throw or take 4d8 force damage as they partially become cubes. Additionally, when the Junior deconstructs itself as action, it gains a flying speed of 40 ft. and can fit through spaces as small as 1 inch, but can not take actions other than ending this effect.

Cubic Division

At 14th level, a Junior can split apart before it is hit by attacks. As a reaction, it can add +5 to its AC if it is hit by an attack, potentially causing it to miss, for the duration of the attack.

Baby Face Requiem

At 20th level, you can activate Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action once per day. During this duration, you can create a Junior as an action for 1 spirit point, and it develops instantly. This Junior's Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma are all 20. It has proficiency with all skills, weapons, armor, and languages.

Stand User Alignment: White Album

Stand of Ice

The White Album Alignment Stand is a wearable Stand with high constitution and dexterity. Your Stand's Constitution is equal to your Constitution + your Charisma modifier + 3. Your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3. Your Stand's Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are all equal to your own. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Constitution modifier. Your Stand is proficient in unarmed strikes and use a d4 for damage rolls. Your Stand is a phenomenon, and thus does not have a traditional summoned form.

Suit of Frost

At 3rd level, your unarmed attacks deal an additional 1d4 cold damage. They also must make a DC 8 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your proficiency modifier Constitution saving throw. On a fail, the limb that was struck by your fist becomes completely useless until the end of the creature's next turn. If an arm was frozen, they can only hold/use one-handed weapons and items and they have disadvantage in any actions that require the use of arms. If it was a leg, their movement is halved and any action that requires the use of both legs has disadvantage. On a success nothing extra happens besides the cold damage. (The damage die for the extra cold damage increases to 1d8 at level 5, 1d10 at level 7, 2d8 at level 9, and 2d10 at level 11)


At 5th level, you can form ice around yourself with your Stand as a protective shell as an action to increase your Stand's AC by +2 until the end of your next turn. At 11th level, this becomes a bonus action.


At 7th level, you gain the ability to freeze objects in place with your Stand for 1 minute after your Stand stops touching it (e.g. by hitting water you could make an ice bridge) as a bonus action. You can target a creature within 15 feet of you and use this ability to freeze them in place, forcing them to make a DC 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, the creature's movement speed becomes 0 and their melee attacks have disadvantage until the end of their next turn, and they take 1d8 cold damage.

You're Not Getting Away.

At 9th level, you have learned to utilize your ice with your movement able to skate on it at incredible speeds. Your movement increased by +20 feet.

The One With Stronger Resolve... Is Me...

At 11th level, when you are reduced to 0 hit points, you may spend 1 Spirit Point to survive with 1 hit point. This can be used 2 times, regaining all uses at the end of a short rest (the amount you can use this increases to 4 times at level 14 and 6 times at level 20). As an action for 1 Spirit Point, you can force every creature in a 10 ft. radius of you to suffer the effects of MOSHI MOSHI?!

You Guys Don't Seem to Understand...

At 14th level, you gain much more control over your ice abilities than before. For 1 spirit point when a creature fails the saving throw for MOSHI MOSHI?!, you may force them to become paralyzed and take 1d8 cold damage instead. Your movement speed increases by +10 feet.

The Album: Gently Weeps

At 20th level, your Stand's ability to freeze things grows to the point that you can freeze the very air around yourself. Any ranged attacks made against you bounce around the frozen air around you until the beginning of your next turn, upon which you may target another creature with them. This does not count as an attack, bonus action, or reaction. The damage roll for this is their original damage roll + 1d20.


Hi! This is Spuddzilla and I decided to challenge myself in making a White Album Stand variant cause uh Ghiaccio is epic. Hope y'all fellas enjoy! If you want to message me to tell me I did a good job or a horrible one just send me a message on Discord. (Spuddzilla #1518)

Stand User Alignment: Notorious

Stand of Undeath

The Notorious Alignment Stand has high Strength and Constitution. Your Stand's Strength is equal to your Strength + your Charisma modifier + 3, your Stand's Constitution is equal to your ability + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 10 ft. away from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and it's unarmed attacks deal 1d4 + its Strength modifier acid damage.

Dead Wrong

At 3rd level, your Stand can make attacks of opportunity against creatures who took the Disengage action. You may also spend 1 spirit point after making any reaction to regain your reaction.

Machine-Gun Funk

At 5th level, as a reaction when a creature misses with a ranged attack, your Stand can immediately move 1/2 your movement speed in the direction of the attack regardless of your remaining movement speed (if an arrow is shot by a creature in front of you, you move backwards).

The King and I

At 7th level, when your Stand successfully attacks a creature, you can leave part of your Stand behind as a bonus action in the same manner as an attack roll. While a creature has part of your Stand on it, as a reaction, you can force them to succeed a DC 8+your Stand’s Constitution modifier+your Charisma modifer Charisma saving throw. On a failure, you decide what action they take, such as attacking an ally. Removing this effect is a full turn action.

Gimme the Loot

At 9th level, your Stand gains resistance to 2 damage types of your choice, excluding psychic and force damage.

Dangerous MCs

At 11th level, while “The King and I” is affecting a creature, you gain 1d4 hit points at the beginning of each of your turns.

Ready to Die

At 14th level, when you die, your Stand persists on. Your stand can not die, but if it reduced to 0 hit points, it is paralyzed for 2d4 rounds. It attacks the creature that moved the most since its previous round within 60 feet (1 action counts as 15 ft. of movement speed, 1 bonus action or reaction counts as 5 ft. of movement). It regenerates 1d6 hit points at the beginning of each of its turns. Every time it is reduced to 0 hit points, it increases 1 size category and its maximum hit points double.

Born Again

At 20th level, once every week, you are resurrected, regaining full control of your Stand. You do not regain your original body, instead possessing your Stand.


BIG had was humanoid before its user died, that is all. Still not a massive fan of how this one turned out, but I am glad it's not another wall of text. -Ref3rence (talk) 21:35, 14 June 2020 (MDT)

Stand User Alignment: King

Stand of Destiny

The King Alignment Stand has high strength and constitution. Your Stand's Strength is equal to your Strength + your Constitution modifier + 3. Your Stand's Constitution is equal to your Constitution + your Charisma modifier + 3. Your Stand's Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are all equal to your own. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Constitution modifier. Your Stand can move up to 10ft away from your character's position. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, which use a d4 for rolling damage.

Herculean Strength

At 3rd level, your Stand no longer uses extra attacks from Exchange Blows. Instead, when you land a hit with your Stand, it deals damage equal to your damage roll times your proficiency bonus. If your Stand is in the same space as you, you gain this feature in addition to your extra attacks, but cannot attack anymore in the same turn after landing 1 hit. You may spend 1 spirit point to use the max damage roll.

You're not getting away!

At 5th level, when a creature is grappling you or if you are grappling a creature, your hits always deal their maximum damage roll. If a creature grapples you, you automatically grapple them as a free action. When a creature attempts to break away from your grapple, you may use your reaction to attack them, causing them to automatically fail the check to escape your grapple.


At 7th level, you can see future projections as a full turn action. These projections are mental images clearly viewed in your head. These images consist of anything and everything that will happen around you within 30 ft. until the start of your next turn. While this feature is active, you can use the ready feature as a free action and any attack made against you has a disadvantage, while you gain advantage on all saving throws. You cannot activate this feature on the round after it ends. You may spend 1 spirit point to cause any attack that hits you during Epitaph to deal half damage.

The Boss's Most Trusted

At 9th level, you gain advantage and are proficient in Deception and Persuasion. At the end of a long rest, you can create a 2nd persona that will act as your second personality; you can only have one such persona at a time. This second personality does not possess the memories that you possess, but will retain any new information gained while active. You can telepathically communicate with this persona to give it instructions that it will follow. The persona will also have a different physical look than you as well as its own personality, determined by you upon creation of it. The persona has access to every language, proficiency, race/class ability, feature, etc that you have. You can spend a long rest to change how the persona looks or delete parts of their memory. You will always know what they know, even if they forget. Control of this persona can never be taken away from you. You can use your bonus action to switch between you and your persona, but it will only happen at the start of your next turn. While the persona is switched out, it does not gain any new memories that you gain, but will still gain the same features, abilities, etc. that you gain. You may spend 1 spirit point to immediately switch personas as a free action.

Time Erase

At 11th level, you gain the ability to "erase" time, propelling time forward instantly. As a full turn action, can use "Time Erase" and become unable to be detected in any manner by any creature until the end of your next turn. All rolls made by hostile creatures are made with a disadvantage. At the start of your next turn, you return to normal and everyone other than you and your second persona has forgotten what has transpired between now and the moment you activated "Time Erase" because it never happened; only the results of those events remain (i.e. damage sustained, movement, etc), and you may not use this feature untill the start of the turn after that. While "Time Erase" is active, you cannot affect others and they cannot affect you. Using this feature 4 times within 1 minute will give 1 level of exhaustion. You can spend 1 spirit point to reset the amount of times you have used it. At 17th level, you can activate Time Erase with just your action.

Such Futility!

At 14th level, you may use "Time Erase" as a reaction for 1 spirit point, if it wasn't already active before. Activating it this way allows you to move in the same turn you used the reaction. You can spend additonal 1 spirit point upon using the reaction to cause all creatures to fail their attack rolls during Time Erase.

The King Requiem

At 20th level, you can enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action once per day. "Time Erase" is activated the moment you enter Requiem. During Requiem, you can attack and affect others in ways you normally couldn't during "Time Erase". Your attacks do not miss during Requiem. You can end this feature early as a bonus action. At the end of Requiem, creatures that you selected and can detect are then forced to make a DC 8 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus Strength saving throw. On failure, they are removed from this plane and into their own custom plane, where they can still perceive everything around them but cannot interact with nor escape without the use of a Wish spell or similarly powerful feature. On success, they take 5d10 psychic damage, 5d10 force damage, and they lose their next turn's action.

Stand User Alignment: Spice

Stand of Elasticity

The Blues Alignment Stand has high Dexterity and Intelligence. Your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your charisma modifier + 3, your Stand's Intelligence is equal to your Intelligence + your charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Constitution, Wisdom, and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 15ft away from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your charisma modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and it's unarmed attacks use 1d4 for damage rolls.

I made it softer!

At 3rd level, as an action, you can make an object elastic. The item becomes impossible to destroy. Weapons become improvised and armor AC decreases by 5. This lasts for 1 hour or until you end it as a bonus action, increasing by 1 hour every time you gain a new archetype feature. This can affect up to a 15 radius area. You can do this an amount of times equal to your Stand’s Intelligence modifier, regaining all uses at the end of a long rest.

I will soar beyond you!

At 5th level, when you make a surface elastic, jumping while on it doubles your jump distances. You can also use elasticity without using a use to climb walls and ceilings, granting you a climbing speed equal to your movement speed.

You’ve got quite a unique flavor

At 7th level, you can soften a creature offensively. As a bonus action for 2 spirit points after a successful melee attack, you can either halve the creature’s movement speed, give them disadvantage on attack rolls, or give them disadvantage in 1 saving throw except Intelligence.


At 9th level, when you target a creature is under the effect of You’ve got quite a unique flavor with the Attack action, you may make 1 additional attack. This increases to 2 at 14th level.

Alright you piece of trash!

At 11th level, while prone, you can make the ground under your arms elastic as a bonus action. Until the end of your turn or you are no longer prone, your Stand’s unarmed attacks gain 5 feet of reach and have advantage.

That which is soft is more unbreakable than diamond!

At 14th level, as a reaction, you can make a creature entirely elastic defensively. They become immune to all bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing damage until the beginning of your next turn. You can do this an amount of times equal to your Stand’s Intelligence modifier.

Spice Requiem

At 20th level, as a bonus action for 1 minute once per day, you can unleash the full power of elasticity. You can elasticize any object within 60 feet and any creature within 30 feet as a free action. Every archetype feature now costs 0 spirit points and has unlimited uses. You can completely elasticize up to your Stand’s Intelligence modifier creatures that come within 5 feet of you as a bonus action They become Tiny and are paralyzed.


Only 1 Passione member left! I’ve tried making Moody Blues a few times, but sadly I am nowhere near creative enough to make it actually fun to play. But at least we got Spice Girls! I kind of stole the 14th level ability from Oasis, but since that subclass conveniently left that part out, I figured it wouldn’t be that big of a deal. -Ref3rence

Stand User Alignment: Metallica

Stand of Iron

The Metallica Alignment Stand is one of high constitution. Your Stand's Constitution is equal to your Constitution + your Charisma modifier + 3. Your Stand's Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma are all equal to yours. Your Stand is a phenomenon, and as such does not have a traditional summoned form.

Iron Manipulation

At 3rd level, your Stand can use the iron in things such as the ground and air within a 30 ft. radius of you to create small weapons that can be launched at a target as an action with a range of 30/60 feet. This can be knives, razors, or scissors. Whatever that can be small and made of iron you can create as a weapon to be thrown at a target (DM decides how much iron is in the environment). On a hit, they deal 1d12 + your Dexterity modifier piercing damage (the damage die increases to 2d8 at level 5, 2d12 at level 7, 3d10 level 9, 3d12 at level 11, and 4d10 at level 14). You may spend 1 Spirit Point to make one of these attacks as a bonus action.

Don't get ahead of yourselves

At 5th level, your Stand can manipulate the blood of creatures in your vicinity. As an action when a creature is within a 30 ft. radius of you, you force them to make DC 8 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus Constitution saving throw. On a fail, small metal objects of your choice burst out of their flesh, causing them to take 2d6 piercing damage, or half as much damage on a success.

Failure equals death

At 7th level, you can spend 1 Spirit Point as an action to use the blood in a creature's body to create staples to help heal wounds, healing 1d6 + your Stand's Constitution modifier hit points or reattaching one limb.


At 9th level, as an action, or as a bonus action for 1 Spirit Point, you can force a creature within 5 ft. or 5 ft. area within 30 ft. to become magnetic. Any metal objects lighter than 50 lbs. within a 30 ft. radius are attracted to them (using the weight and damage columns of Boys always want to touch things they aren't supposed to., and any attacks made with Iron Manipulation have advantage. You may have up to 3 creatures or locations designated in this manner.

They're getting closer... I will kill them all, I swear it

At 11th level, your Stand can now stick fine particles of iron to your body as an action for 1 Spirit Point. You can become invisible until the end of your next turn. You can spend 1 Spirit Point to extend this by 1 turn.

You are complete

At 14th level, creatures who have been heavily affected by you pulling iron from their blood will feel the effects of lacking a large amount of hemoglobin making it so oxygen can no longer be carried through their body. After failing the saving throw for Don't get ahead of yourselves 5 times, the creature begins suffocating, replacing minutes with rounds. The creature can't regain hit points or be stabilized until it can get oxygen to it's blood again.

Metallica Requiem

At 20th level, iron bends to your will and serves you. You can enter Requiem mode for 1 minute as a bonus action once per day. You automatically know the location of iron, including iron within creatures, within a 120 ft. radius of you. The range of all your features increase to 90 ft. besides They're getting closer... I will kill them all. I swear it. Don't get ahead of yourselves deals 6d20 force damage, and You are complete begins after your first use of it. You may forgo dealing damage and initiating suffocation to instead control the creature directly until the beginning of your next turn as an action.


I really hope you guys enjoy this one cause I think it might be up there for my favorite that I made on here. Anyways this took me a couple hours and I'm glad that I've just been cranking these out. Have an excellent day! (Spuddzilla#1518)

Stand User Alignment: Green Day

Stand of Disease

The Green Day Alignment Stand is a mobile disease engine. Your Stand's Strength is equal to your Strength + your Charisma modifier + 3, your Stand's Constitution is equal to your Constitution + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move anywhere within the cloud of spores. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's ability modifier + your charisma modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and it's unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.

Show me your despair as you fall!

At 3rd level, when you summon your Stand, you gain a 15 foot radius cloud of spores. When a creature breaths while inside this spore cloud, they become infected for 1 minute. If they move downwards in any way, including by being knocked prone, they take 2d6 + your Stand's Constitution modifier necrotic damage. If a creature is unaware of this effect but moves downward willingly, they must attempt a DC 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier Dexterity saving throw, canceling their downward movement and the damage they would take because of it on a success. This does not apply to creatures that do not breath, such as Undead.

I can't wait to see how these people will die...

At 5th level, your Stand produces a constant cloud of spores. At the end of each of your turns, your spore cloud increases by 5 feet. When a creature is killed by your Stand or its spores, they also produce a radius of spores that's radius increases by 5 feet at the end of each of your turns as well.

Life energy is no match for my Green Day, I'll rot these vines away!

At 7th level, if a creature within your cloud has not moved upward since their last turn, they take 1d4 + your Stand's Constitution modifier necrotic damage.

The spiritual power of humans emerges when their curiosity is stimulated

At 9th level, when your spore cloud expands, it increases by twice as many feet.

The strong are qualified to rule over the weak... No, fate commands the strong to rule over everyone else.

At 11th level, you may detach one of your limbs as an action. Doing so does not deal damage. These limbs count as Tiny versions of your Stand with a movement speed of 5 feet. If you detach both legs, your movement speed becomes 5, and if you remove both arms, your attacks have disadvantage. If you have removed all four of your limbs, you can not move or attack. You may reclaim any and all of your limbs as an action. If you remove one arm and one leg, attacks against you have disadvantage, but your movement speed is halved.


At 14th level, at the beginning of each of your turns while within the cloud, you regain 2d6 + your Stand's Constitution modifier hit points.

Green Day Requiem

At 20th level, you may enter Requiem as a bonus action for 1 minute. Your cloud covers a 500 foot radius, and you may choose to force a creature within the cloud to take the damage of "Show me your despair as you fall!" regardless of their movement once per creature per round.


And that's part 5's Stands complete. This is absolutely insane, but I'm going the whole way. If this doesn't end with the largest page on the wiki, I'll be genuinely surprised. --Ref3rence (talk) 09:05, 18 June 2020 (MDT)

Stand User Alignment: Oasis

Stand of Liquefaction

The Oasis Alignment Stand is a Stand with a mixture of high dexterity and strength. Your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3. Your Stand's Strength is equal to your Strength + your Charisma modfier + 3. Your Stand's Constitution, Wisdom, Intelligence, and Charisma are all equal to your own. While wearing your Suit Stand you are proficient in unarmed attacks and you roll a d4 for damage rolls. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand is a phenomenon, and thus does not have a traditional summoned form.

Liquefying Ground

At 3rd level, you can make the ground around you in a 15 ft. radius begin to liquefy for 1 minute as a bonus action. The ground becomes difficult terrain for any creature other than yourself. Each 5 foot area counts as half as much for you. (The range of this increases to 30ft at level 7 and 60ft at level 14)

I hate your guts!

At 5th level, when making unarmed strikes with your Stand, you begin to even liquefy the enemies you attack. On a successful hit with an unarmed strike, you deal an additional 1d6 Acid Damag (This increases to 2d6 at level 7. 3d6 at level 9. 5d4 at level 11. and 4d8 at level 14).

Oh! Almost forgot! Gotta get it on video... Won't take long to kill you, though...

At 7th level, you gain a swimming speed of 60 ft., and can hold your breath for twice as long. You can swim through ground effected by Liquefying Ground, and its range increases to 30 ft.

Did you actually think I'd feel sad over you!?

At 9th level, you can swim normally along walls and ceilings effected by Liquefying Ground.

You piece of shit!

At 11th level, you can chew up the very ground you liquefy and spit them high into the air. As they soar through the air, they harden back to normal rock and come down like a rain of arrows. This attack has a range of 30/60, and deals 2d8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier piercing damage (this increases to 4d8 at level 14). You may make 1 additional attack for every 1 spirit points spent.

No! I want more! More! Mooooooore!

At 14th level, you can consume sugar through food or actual sugar to regain 2 Spirit Points. This can be done once, regaining use at the end of a short rest.

Oasis Requiem

At 20th level, you have become the master of terrain and can enter Requiem mode for 1 minute as a bonus action once per day. All surfaces in a 200 ft. radius of you of your choice are automatically effected by Liquefying Ground, and your swimming speed increases to 100 ft. You can completely reshape liquefied surfaces in any way you see fit. Every turn that a creature starts in your liquefied material will begin to liquefy as well, taking a 6d10 Acid damage. If a creature would have their hit points dropped to 0 while in liquefied material they instantly die and become one with the ground.


I said I'd do it and I did. Anyways here's Wonderwall. (Spuddzilla#1518)

Stand User Alignment: Stone Free

Stand of Strings

The Stone Free Alignment Stand has a blend of high strength and dexterity. Your Stand's Strength is equal to your Strength + your Charisma modifier + 3, your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 5 ft. away from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and it's unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.

String Decomposition

At 3rd level, your Stand allows you to unravel your body and your Stand into string and potentially manipulate it in various practical ways. You can use this string from your body interact with object 70 ft. away. For every 5 ft. beyond this, you take 1d4 Slashing damage, and you can not go over 100 ft. You can quickly rewind yourself as a bonus action to move to an object you have interacted with. As an action for 1 Spirit Point, you can use your string and tie up a target of your choice. The target must make a DC 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier Dexterity saving throw or be restrained for 1 minute. They may attempt a Strength saving throw with the same DC as the end of each of their turns, ending this effect early on a success.


At 5th level, you may spend 3 spirit points to enter ORA ORA ORA! as a bonus action, which lasts until combat is over. While in ORA ORA ORA! mode, you gain the following benefits: you may dash or make a trip attack (on a hit, a Large or smaller creature becomes prone) as a bonus action each turn. You may make one additional attack when you take the Attack action (stacks with Exchange Blows attacks). On a hit, the target takes 2d6 + your proficiency bonus + your stand's strength or dexterity modifier bludgeoning damage from your stand's fists (the damage die increases to 2d8 at level 8, 2d10 at level 12 and 4d6 at level 18). At the end of your turn, any creatures you have attacked must also succeed a Strength saving throw versus your DC 8 + your Stands Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus. Upon a failed save, the target is knocked prone. At 6th level, while you are in Fury of Fists, you are unable to fall asleep or become unconscious.

Didn't you say that everything should have a name?

At 7th level, the string that you unwind from yourself has become rather sharp. You can make an unarmed strike as a bonus action using your String Decomposition's reach, dealing 1d6 + you Stand's Dexterity modifier slashing damage on a hit. You may spend 1 Spirit Point to attack an additional time as a free action on the same turn.

This is American style. French style. Japanese style. Italian, specifically Naples style. The world's fingers for 'Fuck Off'.

At 9th level, you have learned to stitch together your wounds using the string you unwind from your body. As an action for 1 spirit point, you heal yourself for 2d8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier hit points (this increases to 2d10 + your Stand's dexterity bonus at level 14).

Yare Yare Dawa

At 11th level, as a bonus action, you can grapple a creature within 70 ft of you and wind them in. The target must succeed a DC 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Charisma bonus Dexterity saving throw. On a fail, they're dragged to within 5 ft. and take 2d8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier Bludgeoning damage. On a success, they take half as much damage as slashing damage.

You're our 'hope'!

At 14th level, you can hear anything along your string normally. You can also create a tight net for 1 Spirit Point as a reaction, making you immune to ranged attacks until the beginning of your next turn. As an action, or as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, you can create a web across a 50 ft. radius around you for 1 minute that detects any creatures and they can not pass the edge of the web, and any effects that target this net count as targeting your Stand.

Stone Free Over Heaven

At 20th level, you can ascend to over heaven once per day as a bonus action for 1 minute. While "Stone Free Over Heaven" is active, you gain the ability to manipulate the three laws of motion in various ways within a 100 ft. radius of you.

  • As a free action, you can change the first law and make objects or creatures of your choice move on their anywhere within your radius without any force being put on them.
  • As a bonus action, you can change the second law and make one creature of your choice exert double or half the amount of force, granting them advantage or disadvantage on any d20 rolls and damage they can add Strength and Dexterity.
  • As a reaction, you can change the third law on a creature, making every action they take have no equal or opposite reaction until the beginning of your next turn, reflecting any effects they attempt to inflict on themselves or completely negating any effects they inflict or are aflicted by.


Hey guys Spudd here with S t o n e F r e e. I really liked making this one and the idea of making it's "ORA ORA ORA!" ability like The Star's "Fury Of Fists" so we can have that epic connection and also main jojo barrage cause if they don't have one are they really a Joestar? Well anyways I hope you guys like this one. -Spuddzilla (Spuddzilla#1518)

Stand User Alignment: Fighter

Stand of Numerability

The Fighter Alignment Stand has incredible resilience. Your Stand's Constitution is equal to your Constitution + your Charisma modifier + 3, your Stand's Strength is equal to your Strength + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand is a phenomenon and thus does not have a traditional summoned form. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and it's unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.

This is my spirit... my intellect

At 3rd level, your body becomes constituted of phytoplankton. You gain vulnerability to fire and ice damage and resistance to all other types of damage. Critical hits deal normal damage and you can regenerate up to 2 limbs for 1 spirit point as a bonus action. You do not need to eat, but must consume three times as much water to survive.

I can do it!!

At 5th level, for 1 spirit point, you can increase the range of your unarmed attacks by 30 feet by firing plankton from your fingers.

I want to protect you

At 7th level, as an action for 1 spirit point, you can grant a creature 2d8 + your Stand’s Constitution modifier temporary hit points. You can spend 2 additional spirit points to make these normal hit points.

Look at me, Jolyne

At 9th level, you can form a mirror out of plankton and water. You can cast prestidigitation as a bonus action and gain proficiency, or expertise if you already have proficiency, in Stealth.

Glug Glug

At 11th level, when you fulfill your water requirement for the day, you lose 1 level of exhaustion. You no longer need to sleep, can not be put to sleep magically, and are immune to the stunned condition.

What’s the opposite of pork?

At 14th level, you gain a swimming speed equal to your movement speed +20 feet. If you are at least half submerged in fresh or salt water, you benefit from “I want to protect you” once every 3 rounds. All temporary hit points gained in this manner are lost 3 rounds after exiting the water.

I was alive

At 20th level, when you are reduced to 0 hit points, you can invade the body of the closest dead creature as a reaction for 10 spirit points. You gain any non-class based features the creature had and return to half your maximum hit points.


Finally added JoJo’s best girl to the class. I might add Diver Down next, but honestly, Green Green Grass of Home looks way more interesting. -Ref3rence

Stand User Alignment: Kiss

Stand of Duplication

The Kiss Alignment Stand has high Dexterity and Strength. Your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3, your Stand's Strength is equal to your Strength + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 10 feet away from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and it's unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.

This “Kiss” is my license for revenge

At 3rd level, you can produce up to 3 stickers as an action, to a maximum of 10. These stickers can be stuck to things to duplicate them. Each sticker can last up to 1 minute, after which it falls off. They can also be removed as a bonus action, or free action if you spend 1 spirit point, dealing 3d10 force damage. You can choose to double this damage for 1 spirit point. Once a sticker is removed it can not be reused. You regain all uses at the end of a long rest.

C’mon, just hurry up and finish the job

At 3rd level, your stickers can be stuck to you, your Stand’s, or another creature’s arms as a bonus action allowing them to make an additional attack every time they take the Attack action and make a single attack as a bonus action. You may do this up to twice, with the second use costing 1 spirit point, granting 2 additional attacks and allowing you to make 2 attacks as a bonus action.

Heyyy! Get over here!

At 5th level, your stickers can be placed on your legs. You jump heights are doubled, and your movement speed increases by 1/2 of its total. You may do this up to twice, with the second use costing 1 spirit point.

You probably only know what a ball is from that chick’s memories.

At 7th level, you can add a sticker to an object you are throwing as part of your attack. You can choose whether this grants advantage or counts as a second attack. You also become proficient in improvised weapons.

Right in your grill!

At 9th level, you can duplicate a creature's vital organs. They gain advantage on Constitution saving throws and can hold your breath twice as long. You also gain resistance to poison damage and immunity to the poisoned condition. Additionally, when you take the Attack action, for 2 spirit points, both you and your Stand attack.

If you want to smuggle money in, you must have a plan first.

At 11th level, you can duplicate a creature’s torso. Their size increases by 1 category, all attacks against them have advantage, and they gain +2 AC.

"Revenge" is for settling your score with your own destiny!

At 14th level, you can add and remove a sticker to a creature's head as an action and bonus action. They must succeed a DC 8 + your Stand’s Strength or Dexterity modifier Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take an additional 12d12 force damage and are unconscious for 1 minute. They may retry this saving throw, ending this effect early on a success.

Kiss Requiem

At 20th level, as a bonus action, you gain 20 stickers for 1 minute once per day. You can decide whether or not removing a sticker does damage or not. Damage from removing a sticker is doubled, and 1 spirit point can be spent to quadruple it on a single use. You can place 1 sticker on any creature to completely duplicate it.


It’s Ref, again. As someone who loves part 6, I thought it was a disservice that there was exactly 2 other Stands from the part. I might add the rest of the main cast, but that would take quite a while on top of my current project.

Stand User Alignment: Whitesnake

Stand of Gravity

The Whitesnake Alignment Stand is a Stand with high constitution and dexterity. The Whitesnake uses Intelligence rather than Charisma. Your Stand's Constitution is equal to your Constitution + your Intelligence modifier + 3. Your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Intelligence modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 20 ft. away from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your Intelligence modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, which use a d4 for damage rolls and can use it's Dexterity modifier for attack and damage modifiers.


At 3rd level, your Stand can turn certain things into "DISCs". As a reaction when an attack made against you or your Stand and it is effected by another feature or magical effect, such as additional cold damage or Blood Drain, you may contest your Stand's Constitution saving throw with the attack's roll. On a success, you ignore the attack and strip it of its bonus effect until the end of your next turn. You may forego dealing damage with an unarmed strike to force the successfully hit creature to attempt a DC 8 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus Intelligence saving throw. On a fail, you can turn one of their skill, or individual weapon, or armor type proficiencies, 1 feature, or up to 24 hours of memory into a DISC. On a success, nothing happens. If a feature has other features that rely on it (e.g. Blood Drainrelies on Bloodlust), you must take all dependent features (Blood Drain) first. You can have up to two DISCs created at a time (This increases to 3 at level 5, 4 at level 9, and 5 at level 11). If a DISC is destroyed, the creature who originally had the feature regains it. Creatures lose access to anything transformed into a DISC, and DISCs can be inserted into a creature, granting them what was taken, as an action.

2... 3... 5... 11... 13...

At 5th level, you begin to count up Prime Numbers to calm yourself as a full turn action, after which you gain advantage on every d20 roll you make until the beginning of your next turn. You may spend 1 spirit point to make this effect last an extra turn.

By the Name of God, I Will Smite You!

At 7th level, your Stand can produce acid that can dissolve objects and severely damage living creatures. On a successful unarmed strike, you can force the target to make a DC 8 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus Intelligence saving throw for 5 spirit points. On a fail, their AC on is reduced by -1, they take a 2d8 acid damage, and they are placed in a dream-like state for 1 hour, during which they take 1d6 acid damage at the end of each of their turns and are unconscious. On a success, they only take half as much damage. They may retry this saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending this effect early on a success.

Humans should spend their lives trying to attain 'Heaven'...

At 9th level, you can change your appearance into any other creature for 1 minute as an action while your Stand isn't summoned. For a creature to realize you aren't who you're impostering, they must succeed a DC 8 + your Stand's constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus Perception or Insight check. You may spend 1 Spirit Point to give the creature(s) disadvantage.


At 11th level, your Stand evolves into a new form and along with it you, gaining some control over gravity itself. Your Stand's Strength is now equal to your Strength + your Intelligence modifier + 3. All creatures in an area with a radius equal to your Stand's Strength modifier/20 miles around your Stand has disadvantage on attack rolls, and at the end of each of their turns they must succeed a DC 8 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus Constitution saving throw or be pushed 30 ft. away from him. You may spend 1 Spirit Point to double this range until the end of your next turn as an action.

Spiral Staircase. Rhinoceros Beetle. Ghost Town. Fig Tart. Rhinoceros Beetle. Via Dolorosa. Rhinoceros Beetle. Singularity Point. Giotto. Angel. Hydrangea. Rhinoceros Beetle. Singularity Point. Secret Emperor!

At 14th level, your Stand's fists now gain the ability to turn whatever they strike inside out, making them a force to be feared by all. When making a successful unarmed strike against an opponent, they must make a DC 8 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus Constitution saving throw. On a fail, they take 1d12 force damage at the beginning of each of their turns for 1 minute. On a success, they take a 1d12 of damage. They may retry this saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending this effect on a success.

Made in Heaven

At 20th level, as a bonus action, your Stand evolves even more into a form made in the very heavens above granting you and only you the ability to speed up the entire universe around you to an infinite degree for 1 minute once per day (from your perspective). You may attack 5 additional times when you take the Attack action, and your attacks always have advantage. Your movement speed in this state increases to 500 ft. Any attack rolls made against you have disadvantage and a -5 reduction. You may spend 1 Spirit Point to increase the time this lasts by 1 minute. By the time 1 minute has passed, the world has aged a year under this effect, not including living things.


I spent a lot of hours on this but I hope y'all enjoy! -Spuddzilla

Stand User Alignment: Weather Report

Stand of Weather

The Weather Report Alignment Stand is one of great strength and speed. Your Stand's Strength is equal to your Strength + your Charisma modifier + 3. Your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3. Your Stand's Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma are all equal to your own. Your Stand can move 10 ft. away from you. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's unarmed attack die is 1d4.

Weather Control

At 3rd level, as an action for 1 spirit point, your Stand can manipulate the surrounding atmosphere, allowing you to freely summon several weather phenomenon like wind, rain, fog, and storms as an action that can cover a radius of 50-200 ft. around your Stand for 1 hour or until you end the effect as a bonus action. While in a storm, you may summon lightning as an action, targeting one creature under the storm as a bonus action. The targeted creature must make a DC 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus Dexterity saving throw or take 1d10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier Lightning damage (The damage die increases to 2d6 at level 5, 2d8 at level 7, 3d8 at level 9, 3d10 at level 11, and 3d12 at level 14). On a success, they take half as much damage.

The kind of evil that doesn't realize that it's evil... is the worst kind there is...

At 5th level, you learn to create various gusts of wind to assist in maneuverability and effect objects from afar. As a bonus action, you blow a large gust of wind that can travel up to 50 ft. in front of you and push objects that aren't held down and weigh less than 50 pounds. You can spend 1 Spirit Point to increase this distance to 100 ft. or the effective weight to 100 pounds. You can create a gust of wind under yourself as a bonus action to send you soaring 25 ft. in any direction. You can increase this to 50 ft. for 1 Spirit Point.

Are you happy?

At 5th level, you can use your Stand to make a gust of wind strong enough to pierce through creatures. You can target 1 creature within 50 ft. as an action and make a proficient attack roll using your Stand's Dexterity modifier. On a hit, this attack deals 1d10 + your Stand's dexterity modifier Piercing damage (this damage die increases to 2d10 at level 7, 2d12 at level 9, and 3d12 at level 11.)


At 7th level, you can feel disturbances in the surrounding air currents to detect movement. If anything moves within a 50ft radius of you, you will sense it and know the exact location of the movement.


At 7th level, your Stand can create localized atmospheric layers to increase the air resistance, to the point where you can deflect and cushion any attacks. As a bonus action, you and your Stand's AC increases by 3 until the end of your next turn for 2 spirit points. If a creature makes a melee attack against you and doesn't hit while this is active, they must make a DC 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus Constitution saving throw or take 2d4 Fire damage.

My rage isn't satisfied. I'll have to take care of you, right here, right now

At 9th level, your Stand has gained the ability to control moisture in the air and use it to launch a gust of vaporous wind. As an action for 1 spirit point, 1 creature within 50 ft. must succeed a DC 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus Dexterity saving throw or have the moisture invade their body and bloat them, dealing 3d8 Force damage and stunning them until the end of their next turn.

Why don't we go and have a little fun?

At 9th level, your Stand can also evaporate, then freeze liquids to create specific solid shapes. You can freeze small amounts of liquid into any shape as a free action.

Let's just go insane how 'bout that?

At 11th level, your Stand's control over the weather can take a bizarre turn. You can now bring otherwise unlikely elements of the weather like rains of small animals (i.e. poisonous frogs). Any creature that starts their turn in the radius of your weather must make DC 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus Dexterity saving throw or have those animals hit them as they fall, either taking 1d4 bludgeoning damage and being stunned until the beginning of their next turn, or taking 1d4 poison damage and being poisoned for 1 minute (for this effect, they may retry the saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending the effect early on a success), as decided when you begin this effect.

Destiny is predetermined, and can't be changed... if that's so... then, I could just have you change it for me...

At 14th level, your Stand can manipulate the concentration of specific gases in a closed area for 1 Spirit Point as an action, suffocating any creatures of your choice within 50 feet of you, replacing minutes with rounds. This requires concentration, and if damage is dealt to you, you lose concentration.

Heavy Weather

At 20th level, you may enter the "Heavy Weather" state for 1 minute as a bonus action once per day. This is your equivalent to Requiem. While your Stand is in this state, it generates various rainbows in a 100 ft. radius of you and your Stand. If a creature touches them, they will be forced to make a DC 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus Charisma saving throw. If they fail, their body will morph into that of a snail, save for retaining their own ability scores and size.


This one was really fun to make. I realized I was cranking out the Part 5 Stands and after Metallica I wanted to give some love to 6. I love the Stand so much. I spread out the abilities so I didn't have to write giant walls of text for people to sift through which is why levels sometimes give two features. But I hope you guys like it. Next I might make Catch the Rainbow since we now have a Stand to control the weather and make it rain. Well anyways see you fellas.-Spuddzilla (Spuddzilla#1518)

Stand User Alignment: Diver Down

Stand of Storage

The Diver Down Alignment Stand is one of high strength and dexterity. Your Stand's Strength is equal to your Strength + your Charisma modifier + 3. Your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3. Your Stand's Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma are all equal to your own. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus. Your Stand can move 5 ft. from your character's position. Your Stand is proficient in unarmed attacks and you roll a d4 for damage.

Power Storage

At 3rd level, when making an unarmed strike against a creature or object, the force of the destructive energy can be "stored" inside the object or creature instead of immediately dealing damage. This effect can only be used on 1 creature at a time. You can release the destructive energy as a bonus action, forcing them to make a DC 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take 1d8 Bludgeoning damage (this damage die increases to 1d12 at level 5, 2d6 at level 7, 2d8 at level 9, 3d8 at level 11, and 4d12 at level 14). On a success, they take half as much damage. You may only have energy stored once at a time per object, and in as many objects as your Stand's Dexterity modifier.

Let's hurry...

At 5th level, when releasing destructive energy, you can target 1 extra creature within a 5 ft. radius of your original target. The creature must make a Dexterity saving throw instead of a Constitution saving throw.

I'll do something about it...

At 7th level, you gain the ability to "plunge" into a creatures or objects of your choosing within 5 ft. of your Stand as an action. This allows you to phase your Stand into a creature or object and change it from the inside. They must succeed a DC 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take 2d4 Bludgeoning damage at the end of each of their turns until you remove your Stand or they leave your Stand's range (your Stand's range while being stored inside a creature increases to 10 ft. at 9th level, and 20 ft. at 14th level. The damage increases to 4d4 at 11th level). You may remove your Stand as an action, or as a bonus action for 1 spirit point.

I'm fine on my own...

At 9th level, as a reaction for 1 Spirit Point, you can "store" your Stand within a target of your choosing within 5 ft. of your Stand as a reaction. When doing this, that creature's AC becomes equal to your Stand's + 1 unless it has AC greater than it, and any damage dealt to the creature is reflected onto you. While this is active, you can not use your Stand as per I'll do something about it....

Then, celebrate us. It's necessary for a wedding.

At 11th level, as an action for 1 Spirit Point, you can create spring traps by changing the bone structures of the creature your Stand has "plunged" inside. Any creature that comes within a 5ft radius of any creature that has been turned into a trap will set it off, causing their bones to jab out and pierce said creature or creatures. The creature that was the trap must attempt a DC 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier Dexterity saving throw.. On a failure, they take 3d12 slashing damage, or half as much on a success. Any creature that sets this off makes a Dexterity saving throw. On a fail, they take 3d8 piercing damage. On a success, they take half as much damage. Once this has activated, the traps are removed.

That's how I like it. I want you to look at me more.

At 14th level, as a bonus action for 1 Spirit Point, you can help stop internal bleeding, muscular and bone damage, and open wounds while your Stand is "stored" inside a creature, healing them for 2d10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier hit points.

Diver Down Requiem

At 20th level, you gain control over force and can store it however you like. You can enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action once per day. At the start of each of your turns, you can choose one creature. Any attack made until the beginning of your next turn within 120 ft. of the creature is immediately transferred to that creature and stored inside them, dealing no damage. Each attack made will make them take 1d20 force damage at the beginning of your next turn. Any creature within a 15 ft. radius of the target must make a DC 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier Dexterity saving throw. On a fail, they take the same amount of damage your target took. On a success, they take half as much damage.


Been planning on making this one for days and finally I got the time. I hope you guys enjoy it! -Spuddzilla (Spuddzilla#1518)

Stand User Alignment: Jack Flash

Stand of Attraction

The Jack Flash Alignment Stand is very agile. Your Stand's Strength is equal to your Strength + your Charisma modifier + 3, your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 20 feet away from you. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and it's unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.

It's awesome, I don't think I can lose to anybody with this

At 3rd level, when you summon your Stand, you may choose to either summon your Stand normally or gain your Stand's features.

Zero-gravity... you're probably a Stand User yourself, so let's see if you can figure out what that feels like

At 5th level, you may spit on a creature within 15/30 feet as a ranged attack. On a hit, they enter Zero Gravity. You may enter Zero Gravity as a bonus action. This lasts until you end this effect as a bonus action or you become unconscious. They can only move with their climbing speed or by jumping, and they are not effected by gravity.

I'm gonna carve your epitaph on your pretty white skin!!

At 7th level, any object or creature a creature in Zero Gravity touches also enters Zero Gravity. This is automatic for other creatures, but you may choose what objects are and aren't effected. Additionally, you may fit up to four objects the size of a bolt into centrifuges on your suit-Stand's wrists that automatically enter Zero Gravity. As an attack, you can fire them as a ranged attack with a range of 30/60. On a hit, they deal 1d6 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier piercing damage. You may use these attacks with Exchange Blows.

I'm glad I came to this prison...

At 9th level, you gain a climbing speed equal to your movement speed. While in Zero Gravity, your climbing speed and jump distances are doubled.

That feeling I get, of wanting to kill, is finally filling inside me too!!!

At 11th level, when your Stand is summoned, any creatures within 5 feet of you that makes an attack will have disadvantage on attack rolls and on a miss they must attempt a DC 8 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your Proficiency bonus Constitution modifier. On a fail, they are pushed out of the 5 foot radius. On a success, nothing happens. You may spend 1 Spirit Point make the range 10 feet rather than 5 until the beginning of your next turn.

Tch, what unwanted company...

At 14th level, when a creature enters Zero Gravity, they slowly create a vacuum. They most hold their breath for the entire duration of Zero Gravity.

Jack Flash Requiem

At 20th level, you can enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action. You may have your Stand summoned in both manners at the same time. You may decide whether or not creatures within 35 feet of you enter Zero Gravity or not without spitting at them at will. You no longer need objects to make "I'm gonna carve..." attacks.

Stand User Alignment: Survivor

Stand of Rage

The Survivor Alignment Stand is innately persuasive. Your Stand's Charisma is equal to your Charisma + your Charisma modifier + 3, your Stand's Strength is equal to your Strength + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, and Wisdom are equal to your own. Your Stand is a phenomenon, and thus does not have a traditional summoned form. You can not use your Stand’s Charisma for Persuasion or Deception checks. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and it's unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.


At 3rd level, as an action, you can force every creature within an 85 foot radius to attempt a DC 14+your Stand’s Charisma modifier Intelligence saving throw at the end of their turn. On a failure, they must attack the closest creature on their turn.

Bone Breaker

At 5th level, when a creature makes a melee attack, you can make them deal additional damage equal to their level or CR. They take damage equal to the additional damage dealt.

Redirected Rage

At 7th level, when a creature is effected by “Insanity”, they can not target you directly for attacks or other features that deal damage. Indirect attacks, such as Area of Effect features such as fireball or a blue dragon’s fire breath, can still damage you.

Electric Rage

At 9th level, while in an 85 foot radius or larger body of water, your Insanity’s range is doubled, and creatures in its original range have disadvantage on Insanity's Intelligence saving throw.

Blinding Rage

At 11th level, while creatures are under the effects of Insanity, they have advantage on Charisma, Dexterity, and Strength saving throws, but disadvantage on Charisma- and Intelligence-related checks and Intelligence saving throws.

Lasting Rage

At 14th level, when a creature fails the Insanity saving throw, they remain under its effects for 1 minute or until they exit Insanity’s range.

Survivor Requiem

At 20th level, as a bonus action for 1 minute once per day, you can put yourself under the purest rage. You gain the following:

  • Creatures within 15 feet of you automatically fail the Insanity saving throw.
  • Your Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores increase by +6, as do their maximums.
  • You may deal additional damage up to your level on unarmed strikes, taking half as much damage.


This really isn’t the strongest Stand, but I suppose in way that makes sense. If you’re having trouble coming up with Stands to make, check out this workspace -Ref3rence (talk) 06:41, 31 October 2019 (MDT)

Stand User Alignment: Planet Waves

Stand of Meteorites

The Planet Waves Alignment Stand is an indirect fighter. Your Stand's Strength is equal to your Strength + your Charisma modifier + 3, your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 0 ft. away from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and it's unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.

Hmm? Weird... there are burning rocks flying from the sky towards me... are they meteors? Is this my strong point..?

At 3rd level, you may call down small meteorites from space. As an action, you make a ranged attack against a creature within 60 feet. On a hit, they take 3d6 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier bludgeoning damage. On a miss, they take half as much damage. Creatures within 5 feet of the creature must succeed a Dexterity or Constitution saving throw with a DC equal to the attack roll. On a failure, they take half as much damage as well. This feature must recharge (5-6) after you use it again.

How many have hit you already?

At 5th level, you can not be damaged by your meteorites, as they disintegrate right before touching your skin. This does not apply to objects propelled by your meteorites.


At 7th level, when you grapple a creature, you may force them to become restrained as a bonus action. If the creature you are restraining successfully attacks you for at least 6 hit points in one attack, the grapple ends.

One more hit! The finishing blow is coming!

At 9th level, your Stand may move up to 30 feet away.

Earth, Wind, and... never mind

At 11th level, your meteorites deal twice as much damage and deal fire damage.

I'm the strongest!!!!

At 14th level, you may call down one massive meteorite as an action for 5 spirit points. Creatures in a 30 foot radius up to 60 ft. from you must attempt a DC 25 Strength saving throw. On a failure, they take 20d20 fire damage. On a success, they take half as much damage.

Planet Waves Requiem

At 20th level, you may enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action. You may use "I'm the strongest!!!" without spending spirit points, regaining it after it recharges (5-6). "Mhh?..." no longer needs to recharge, and you can make meteorite attacks with Exchange Blows.


This makes number 8 of the part 6 Stands made this batch. I'm really surprised how many haven't been adapted yet. --Ref3rence (talk) 13:03, 18 June 2020 (MDT)

Stand User Alignment: Grass

Stand of Space

The Grass Alignment Stand is situationally unstoppable. Your Stand's Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution is equal to 30. The rest of your Stand's Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 5 ft. away from your character's position. Your Stand is Tiny and can only attack Tiny creatures and objects. Your movement speed is halved. Your Stand's AC is equal to 20 + your charisma modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and it's unarmed attacks use 1d8 for damage rolls.

A king has his own strengths...

At 3rd level, your Stand masters Zeno’s paradox. Every creature within 5 feet becomes Tiny. Every time this distance doubles (10, 20, 40), the maximum size category increases by 1 (Small, Medium, Large). Creatures can not exceed their default size category from this effect. Creatures within 5 feet have their movement speed divided by 30 when moving toward you.

...But it’s a handful.

At 5th level, you can choose whether or not creatures and items are effected by your shrinking.

Are you going to betray me some day?

At 7th level, as an action, you can increase the size of a creature by 1 category until the end of your next turn for 1 spirit points.

That’s what it means to live.

At 9th level, when a creature is within 1 foot of you, you can attempt a full turn action for 8 spirit points. If you do not take damage, at the beginning of your next turn, they must succeed a DC 12 + your Charisma modifier Dexterity saving throw. On a success, they are moved 2 feet away from you. On a failure, they are paralyzed for 2 turns. If they are not moved beyond 1 foot from you, they are shrunk to 0 as they and every item they have on them is destroyed instantly.

There’s no concept for “weak” or “strong”

At 11th level, when a ranged attack is made against you, you can use your reaction to shrink it to 0, negating the attack. You can spend 2 spirit points to regain your reaction.

Do you believe in “gravity”?

At 14th level, you gain a radius of gravity in your Stand’s range. When a creature misses an attack, they must succeed a DC 18 + your proficiency bonus Constitution saving throw. On a fail, they are pushed out of the 5 foot radius. On a success, nothing happens. You may spend 3 Spirit Points to increase your Stand’s range to 10 feet.

Lonesome Country

At 20th level, you gain your equivalent to Requiem for 1 minute once per day as a bonus action. Your Stand’s range increases to 30 feet, its size becomes Medium, and it can attack creatures regardless of size. It has advantage on attacks against creatures smaller than Medium. You can determine any creature’s size within 120 feet at will, and shrinking creatures to 0 can be done as an action for 2 spirit points.


Back at it with the part 6. Green Green Grass of Home is one of my favorite Stands and I hate how little respect it gets. I had trouble with quotes until I remembered where the Green Baby comes from. I stole C-Moon for the same reason, but figured Made in Heaven would manifest differently. -This is a JoJo’s Ref3rence

Stand User Alignment: Sky High

Stand of Rods

The Sky High Alignment Stand manipulates the urban legend of rods. Your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand is a phenomenon, and thus does not have a traditional summoned form. You may make any of the following actions as an action, bonus action, or reaction against any creature within 75 ft., and you may use any of them an additional time on your turn for every spirit point spent.

My rods can do it

At 3rd level, as an action, bonus action, or reaction, you may command a cloud of rods to sap a person's body heat from their eyelids. They must succeed a DC 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier Constitution saving throw or become blinded until the end of your next turn. You may use this an additional time on your turn for every spirit point spent.

The thing that's truly valuable is the evolution of our spirit!

At 5th level, you may command a cloud of rods to sap a person's body heat from their arms. They must succeed a DC 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier Constitution saving throw or become restrained until the end of your next turn.

I'm the victor!! Not you!

At 7th level, you may command a cloud of rods to sap a person's body heat from their jaw. They must succeed a DC 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier Constitution saving throw or become unable to speak or eat until the end of your next turn.

I'll kill you all with the hatred of a thousand burning flames!

At 9th level, you may command a cloud of rods to sap a person's body heat from their ankle, twisting it as they fall. They must succeed a DC 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier Dexterity saving throw or fall prone and take 1d4 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier psychic damage.

Up 'till now, I couldn't even drive, you know ..?

At 11th level, you may command a cloud of rods to sap the body heat from your nerves, selectively of course. You become immune to psychic and acid damage, and you can ignore any conditions applied to you except grappled, restrained, invisible, prone, blind and deafened.

I'm Apollo 11!

At 14th level, for 15 spirit points, you may command a cloud of rods to sap a person's body heat from brain-stem. They must succeed a DC 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier Constitution saving throw or fall to 0 hit points instantly. If a creature except you is subject to any of the above effects for more than 3 turns in a row, they take 2d6 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier necrotic damage as their body rots.

Sky High Requiem

At 20th level, you can enter Requiem until the end of your next turn as a bonus action once per day. "I'm Apollo 11!" no longer costs spirit points, and you may use any of your Sky High features without spending spirit points or any form of action 7 times per turn.


I gave Sky High a greatly reduced Requiem timer because it is a minor Stand that would gain the ability to attempt to insta-kill a creature 10 times per turn, which is b a l a n c e d. This is the final part 6 Stand to be adapted since Under World was adapted into Burnin' Down the House. --Ref3rence (talk) 14:13, 18 June 2020 (MDT)

Stand User Alignment: Hey Ya!

Stand of Cheers

The Hey Ya! Alignment Stand has high Charisma. Your Stand's Charisma is equal to your Charisma + your Charisma modifier + 5. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, and Wisdom are equal to your own. Your Stand is a phenomenon, and does not have a traditional summoned form.

Poccoloco is the lucky guy after all!

At 3rd level, you gain 3 points of luck. You may spend 1 point of luck to gain advantage on any singular d20 roll before or after the original roll, but before the outcome has been decided. Without using your reaction, you can spend 1 luck to roll 1d20 + your Stand’s Charisma modifier when an attack roll is made against you. If the roll is higher than the attack roll made against you, it misses.


At 5th level, you can guide others with your luck. As a bonus action or reaction, you can grant 1 creature within 6 feet a d8 of inspiration (this increases to d10 at 10th level, and a d12 at 15th level). This can be done a number of times equal to your Stand’s Charisma modifier, regaining all uses at the end of a long rest, or you may regain 1 use by spending 1 spirit point.

This is awesome!

At 7th level, you can target up to your Stand’s Charisma modifier creatures as a bonus action. You can stop targeting creatures as a free action to free up capacity. Targeted creatures have their critical failure range increased by 2 (1 becomes 1-3).

I’ve never been on ground this easy to ride!

At 9th level, your luck guides your steps. You gain a climbing speed equal to your movement speed and you ignore difficult terrain. Your luck point maximum increases by 1.

I’m counting the clouds in the sky.

At 11th level, your rests take half as long (short rests take 30 minutes, long rests take 4 hours). You gain 1 more point of luck.

I really do have ‘one out of one-hundred-thousand luck’!

At 14th level, you can rely on your luck. You can spend 1 point of luck to replace any d20 roll, including attack rolls, with 15.

Hey Ya! Requiem

At 20th level, for 1 minute once per day, your luck kicks into overdrive. As a bonus action, you can find any item you wish. You can give 2 creatures your inspiration with each use. You can use your inspiration an unlimited number of times. You can grant yourself inspiration.

When Requiem ends, you are overcome with a wave of bad luck. You can not use any archetype features for 2d4 rounds and you lose any items gained from Requiem permanently.


Technically, this the Pocoloco’s Luck Alignment, but that doesn’t quite have the right ring to it. -Ref3rence (talk) 10:38, 27 August 2019 (MDT)

Stand User Alignment: Tusk

Stand of Spin

The Tusk Alignment Stand has high dexterity. Your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3. Every Act your Stand gains increases its Dexterity and Strength scores by +1, and its range by +5 feet after Act 1. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 5 ft. away from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand becomes proficient in Unarmed Strikes at 20th level. As your Stand evolves and gains new acts, you are still able to use your all your previous Act's abilities, but only one Act can be active at a time.

Tusk Act 1

Starting at 3rd level, you learn the secret of the spin and the power to awaken your Stand. You learn how to rotate your nails at an incredibly fast pace and fire them like bullets. You have as many rounds as there are fingers on your hands and feet. You become proficient in attacking with the nail bullets, and they have a range of 10/20 feet. The bullets deal 1d6 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier Piercing damage on a hit, and you regain all your nails after 1 minute of not firing any nails, or instead of regaining 10 hit points.

Pizza Mozzarella!

Starting at 5th level, you become proficient in one instrument of your choice, as well as the {{5s|performance}] skill and riding a mount. In addition, while you are riding your horse, attack rolls have disadvantage against you.

Tusk Act 2

Starting at 7th level, your Stand is changed physically from its original form, and now has new features and powers as your determination and spirit grows along with it. The nail bullets that originally accompanied you have now evolved along side the stand. Your nail bullets' ranges increase by 30 feet. The bullets now deal 2d6 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier Piercing damage. You may also spend 1 Spirit point to recover 1 nail bullet as a bonus action. If your bullet misses the target, you can spend 1 spirit point to move the hole left over by the shot to hit the original target if they are still within 10 ft. of it, and last until the end of your next turn. They must succeed a DC 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier Wisdom saving throw or take the nail bullet's damage.

Jesus Christ?!

Starting at 9th level, you can refresh your inner psyche and remove any mental disabilities whether imposed by magical or non-magical effects. You must finish a long rest before using this power again. You also gain the power to cast locate object and locate person as a spell-like ability, but can only cast one of these spells once before having to complete a long rest.

Tusk Act 3

Starting at 11th level, you and your Stand have grown, the stronger your mental psyche the more powerful the Stand. Your left over holes from your nail bullets can now move up to 25 ft. on each of your turns. This movement ignores physical and magical, but not dimensional barriers. You can additionally travel or send any body part as well as send your Stand through these holes as a bonus action for 1 spirit point. You can not bring any other person or object with you.

Tusk Act 4

Starting at 14th level, your Stand has no more room to grow. You and it have reached a masterful level of power, though at the cost of some sort of sacrifice. You gained the power of infinity. While riding a horse, you may charge 45 ft. in a straight line and make a single unarmed attack with your Stand, making them spin for an infinite amount of time by trapping them in the Golden Spin, making them become unconscious, save for being aware of their surroundings and able to speak for 1 minute before continuing to infinitely spin their own pocket dimension. This can only be done by using this feature again, by another feature that utilizes Golden Spin, or by the Wish spell or a similar effect. You may spend 2 spirit points to have your Stand automatically hit with their next melee attack.

Your nail bullets evolve as well, they now deal 4d6 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier piercing damage. You may spend 1 spirit point as part of your Stand's unarmed attack to make it deal your nail bullets' damage.

Tusk Requiem

Starting at 20th level, your Stand has evolved beyond the level of the infinite spin, reaching the power of the Dimensional Spin. As a bonus action once per day, you can transform your Stand into a bullet and fire it forcing 1 creature within 60 ft. to be under the effects of Tusk Act 4's Golden Spin. You can choose to pause and resume the effects of the Golden Spin as a bonus action. This is your Requiem equivalent, and thus requires the Arrow to use.

Stand User Alignment: Lonesome

Stand of Rope

The Lonesome Alignment Stand has high Dexterity. Your Stand's dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand is a phenomenon, and thus does not hav a traditional summoned form. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and it's unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.

Depending on the situation, I have the right to execution

At 3rd level, you can generate up to 80 feet of rope from your body. You have expertise in any checks or saves related to using this rope, and you can use it as a garrote. This rope uses your Stand's AC.

I was never expecting to die on a bed

At 5th level, you can detach your limbs, stringing them along your rope. Your unarmed attacks gain a range of 15 feet, you can grapple as a bonus action, and you can impose disadvantage on unarmed attacks made against you as a reaction for 2 spirit points.

My only fear is losing you

At 7th level, while your Stand is summoned, you benefit from all of its features outlined in Stand of Rope.

I consider myself lucky…

At 9th level, you can completely detach your body. As an action, until the end of your next turn, you gain expertise in stealth, can squeeze through spaces as small as 1 inch, and creatures attacking you have advantage.

Now, to shut your mouth forever

At 11th level, you can completely detach another creature's body by force. As an action, they must attempt a DC 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they become paralyzed for 1 minute. They may retry this saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending this effect on a success. You may spend 1 spirit point to cause them to automatically fail any of the saving throws associated with this feature.

Rope Transfer

At 14th level, as an action for 2 spirit points, you can grant your archetype features to a creature within 5 feet for 1 minute.

Lonesome Requiem

At 20th level, you can enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action, during which none of your features cost spirit points, and attacks against you have disadvantage.


This took so long to make because, as one might imagine, creating rope doesn't have that many applications, even in JoJo. --Ref3rence (talk) 22:46, 16 June 2020 (MDT)

Stand User Alignment: Tomb of the Boom

Stand of Magnetic Destruction

The Tomb of the Boom Alignment Stand is a unique Stand, as it. Your Stand's Wisdom is equal to your Wisdom + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 45 ft. away from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and it's unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.

I wonder how far their organs will fly out...

At 3rd level, when your Stand successfully hits a creature with an unarmed attack, you may spend 1 spirit point to force them to attempt a DC 8 + your Stand's Wisdom saving throw + your Proficiency bonus Strength saving throw. On a failure, any metal objects are attracted toward them. Objects are attracted from twice as far as the range listed, and move as far as the listed range at the beginning of each of your turns. The objects make an attack roll using your Stand's Strength modifier. This effect ends if your Stand is not within 60 ft. of them.

Weight (lb.) Distance (ft.) Damage Die

We're such a blessed family.

Your Stand has multiple ACTs, which you can transform your Stand between as a bonus action. At 5th level, you are restricted to ACT 1. While in ACT 1, you may spend 3 spirit points to make you or your Stand appear as any other humanoid, including other Stands, and your or its unarmed attacks' damage rolls deal slashing damage and have a +1 bonus.

Do I look like a stork?

At 7th level, you may completely transform the shape of any metal within 5 ft. of your Stand. If the metal is part of an attack, such as a thrown steel ball or longsword, your Stand may attempt a Strength saving throw against the attack roll, causing the attack to fail and the weapon to be destroyed on a success. You may spend 1 spirit point to cause this to automatically succeed.

I always let the girls strangle me.

At 9th level, you can call upon ACT 2 of your Stand. ACT 2 has a Strength score equal to your Strength + your Charisma modifier + 3.

I'll tear through your arteries!

At 11th level, your Stand evolves once more. While in ACT 3, your Stand can weaponize both iron sand and the iron inside a creature's blood. As an action when a creature is within 15 ft. of your Stand, you force them to make DC 8 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus Constitution saving throw. On a failure, either the iron is sucked out of their blood dealing 2d6 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier piercing damage, or half as much damage on a success; or they become restrained for 1 minute using your iron sand. They may retry this saving throw at the end of each of their turns, no longer being restrained on a success.

Can we get a new intestine record??

At 14th level, when your Stand is within 15 ft. of a creature, attack rolls as per I wonder how far their organs will fly out... have advantage, and while within 5 ft., they deal twice as much damage.

Tomb of the Boom Requiem

At 20th level, you can enter Requiem mode for 1 minute as a bonus action once per day. While in Requiem, you benefit from the effects of all 3 ACTS simultaneously. Additionally, as an action for 5 spirit points, each creature of your choice within 100 ft. of your Stand As an action, the ground around you overflows with gold dust covering every creature of you choose and you are lifted into the air by a cloud of gold dust must make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they take 8d10 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier magical bludgeoning damage and is paralyzed until the end of your next turn as wave after wave of iron sand barrages them. On a success, they take half as much damage and are not paralyzed.


I'm still not a huge fan of my adaptation of TotB 2 (Andre's TotB), but that's more of a limitation of the Stand itself. Tried to make this different from Metallica and Bastet, but I did end up lifting a handful of features. --Ref3rence (talk) 10:10, 3 November 2020 (MST)

Stand User Alignment: Dirt Cheap

Stand of Justice

The Dirt Cheap Alignment has high charisma and strength. Your Stand's Charisma is equal to your Strength + your Charisma modifier + 3. Your Stand's Strength is equal to your Charisma + your Strength modifier + 3. Your Stand's Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Constitution are all equal to your own. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand can move up to 10 ft. away from your character's position. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and its unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.

Dimension Hop

At 3rd level, you can go to an alternate dimension as an action for 1 spirit point. You can stay in this dimension for 10 + your Stand's Charisma modifier minutes. You can return from this dimension at will. You can take 1 creature within 5 feet with you to this dimension for 1 spirit point. You can take up to 3 items from this dimension for 1 spirit point per object (at 9th level, this cost is reduced to 0 if the object is no larger than 1 foot).

The one who took the first napkin determines everything

At 5th level, you can pull out another version of yourself from alternative universes for 1 spirit point. They have half your hit point maximum. They can't use your Stand, but their equipment is this same as yours, so they can use the weapon that you selected from your equipment. Every version of you has the same ability scores and non-Stand features as you.

The only one that can move freely in this dimension is me

At 7th level, when any object or creature except you touches their alternate version they or the creature holding it take 2d4 + your Stand's Charisma modifier force damage (this increases to 3d4 at level 11 4d8, at 15 level 5d8 and at level 20 6d10).

I have 'feelings' of 'patriotism'. Every action I have performed was because I judged it to be 'absolutely' for this country's sake.

At 9th level, when you drop to 0 hit point, you can instead drop to 1 and can go to alternative dimension. You regain use of this feature at the end of a long rest. When you return from an alternate dimension, you can spend 2 spirit points to heal yourself for 3d10 + your Charisma modifier hit points.

My heart and actions are utterly unclouded. They are all those of 'Justice'

At 11th level, you can not be charmed or frightened. If you pull a humanoid from another universe that is a Stand User in this one, you can choose to give them a different Stand. This does not apply to other versions of you.


At 14th level, after being in another dimension, you can return to any available space within 60 feet of where you left. You can spend 2 spirit point as a reaction to grant ranged attacks against you disadvantage until the end of your turn.

Love Train

At 20th level, as a bonus action for 1 minute once per day, you become washed in the light of Justice. You can not take damage from any source not related to warping or piercing space-time such as Requiem Stands, Golden Spin, and the Hand and Cream alignments. You can be killed by damage done in time manipulation effects such as Time Stops and Time Skips due to leaving no time for misfortune to redirect, but if the damage does not reduce you to 0 hit points, it is undone. Your Stand’s attack rolls count as natural 20s. You gain a flying speed equal to half your movement speed, and you can squeeze through any gap larger than 1 foot. Any damage negated by you gets karmically applied to another random humanoid in the same dimension as you (i.e. they will not suffer the same damage, but they will die when they otherwise wouldn't've).

Alternate Feature: Ultimate D4C

This variant feature is intended for settings involving the holy corpse. At 20th level, as a bonus action for 1 minute once per day, you evolve your Stand to the peak of its ability. You may use Dimension Hop without spending spirit points, and may choose to leave a portal there for the duration of your Requiem. Any creatures of your choice can enter this portal, and can either enter the same dimension you went to with Dimension Hop, or jump to the location of another portal.

Stand User Alignment: Boku no Rhythm wo Kiitekure

Stand of Destruction

The Boku no Rhythm Alignment Stand has high Dexterity. Your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 15 ft. away from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier.

Contact Bomb

At 3rd level, as an action, you may place bombs onto any solid object. You can only have 1 bomb active at a time, and bombs detonate when a creature touches it or after 1 minute passes. A creature may attempt to stop a bomb from detonating as a reaction. A creature that does so must succeed a DC 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus Dexterity saving throw as an action on each of their turns or have the bomb detonate.

Creatures within 10 ft. radius of a detonated bomb must succeed a DC 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d10 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus force damage on a failure, or half as much damage on a success (this damage die increases to 2d10 at 6th level, 3d10 at 9th, 4d10 at 15th, and 5d10 at 17th). You and your Stand are unharmed by any of these explosions you are aware of. You may spend 1 spirit point to adjust the bomb upon detonation, making it affect only the creature that activated/possesses it, and dealing full critical damage to them. You may also spend 2 spirit points to increase the range of the explosion, giving it up to 20 additional ft. radius.

I won't allow anyone to race for the king of Naples!

At 5th level, your Stand may have a number of active bombs equal to your Dexterity modifier, and may place bombs within liquids.

I take this as a mission from God!

Starting at 7th level, your Stand may have a number of active bombs equal to its Dexterity modifier, and may place bombs within gasses that are not air.

There is no weakness to God's will

At 9th level, your Stand may have any number of active bombs at a time, and may place 1d4 bombs as an action.

You're out of options

At 11th level, as a reaction when a creature makes a melee attack against you, you may create and detonate a bomb that only effects them simultaneously. You may spend 1 spirit point to regain your reaction after using this.

You can't even breath

At 14th level, you may place any number of bombs, which can be in air.

Boku no Rhythm wo Kiitekure Requiem

At 20th level, as a bonus action for 1 minute once per day, your Stand may enter its Requiem form, during which its bombs have 3 times the range, and deal twice as much damage.


So remember that one time I said BnRwK was too similar to Killer Queen? I know the features are pretty barebones, but so is the Stand. --Ref3rence (talk) 10:35, 31 December 2020 (MST)

Stand User Alignment: Scary Monsters

Stand of Prehistory

The Scary Monsters Alignment Stand is one of high wisdom and dexterity. This Stand is a phenomenon, so it doesn't have a summoned form. Your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3. Your Stand's Wisdom is equal to your Wisdom + your Charisma modifier + 3. Your Stand's Strength, Constitution, Intelligence, and Charisma are all equal to your own. Your Stand's AC is 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier.

Prehistoric Transformation

At 3rd level, you gain the ability to turn yourself into a Utharaptor as a full turn action. or as a bonus action for 1 spirit point. You gain your Stand's features, and your movement speed becomes 60ft. Your newly acquired claw melee attacks deal 1d6 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier slashing damage. Your bite melee attack deals 1d8 + your Dexterity modifier piercing damage, and can only be done once per round. You lose the ability to speak any language and have disadvantage on any Intelligence-based rolls. It takes one full turn to transform back to your normal state.

I Will Stand Above That Flock of Pigeons and I Will Control Them...

At 5th level, you can infect beasts no bigger than Small within 45 feet of you with a virus that will slowly transform them into dinosaurs that are around the same as what they originally were as an action. You can only have 2 dinosaurs at once (this increases to 4 at level 7, 6 at level 11, and 8 at level 14). You can make a DC 13 Survival check to find at least one Small or Tiny beast in the immediate area to convert into a dinosaur. You can spend 1 Spirit Point to automatically find 1 beast to convert. Your dinosaurs are permanently charmed by you.


At 7th level your senses in your normal form are heightened, becoming more like your dinosaur form. If you aren't already, you become proficient in the Nature, Perception, and Survival skills. Along with this you gain the ability to consume rocks as a substitute for food.


At 9th level, you learn to transform into a much more humanoid state rather than fully turning into a Utharaptor. You gain the ability to speak langauge when in your transformed state and no have disadvantage on Intelligence-based rolls. You can now transform monstrosities as well as beasts into dinsosaurs.

Kkoo! Kkoo!

At 11th level, you can fossilize Tiny beasts or monstrosities that have been turned into dinosaurs as an action, allowing you to fuse them to objects as camouflage. After turning them into fossils, you can put them back into their normal state at will. A creature must beat DC 8 + your Stand's Dexterity + your proficiency bonus Perception check to know that the fossil is a living creature.

The Wound of Your Slit Throat... Is the 'Line' of the Wretched World I Was Part of...

At 14th level, your ability to transform creatures into dinosaurs increases allowing you to turn both Medium and Large sized beasts and monstrosities into dinosaurs. You can have up to 2 Medium or Large dinosaurs at a time, but you must find a creature to turn just how you would in I will stand above that flock of pigeons and I will control them....

Scary Monsters Requiem

At 20th level, you may enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action once per day. Any creature within a 50 foot radius of you must make a DC 8 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus Constitution saving throw. On a fail, they quickly begin to transform into a dinosaur of similar size to them, completing their transformation at the end of their second consecutive turn of being inside the radius. On a success, they take 5d10 poison damage. Any creature turned dinosaur in your field will stay a dinosaur under your control for 1 minute after leaving your radius.


Here's a list of 5e Dinosaurs to use when turning things into them.

This took me over 7 hours to make but I'm happy with it and give me a shout on Discord if you wanna just tell me I did a good job or chat (Spuddzilla#1518) -Spuddzilla

Stand User Alignment: Cream Starter

Stand of Flesh

The Cream Starter Alignment Stand is a an offensive-defensive Stand the size of a large lighter. Your Stand's Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand is a phenomenon-type, and as such does not have a traditional summoned form.

Good day to you both

At 3rd level, you may convert flesh into a healing spray. As an action or bonus action, you may sacrifice any number of hit points to heal a creature within 15 feet for an equal number.

Just die peacefully as you are

At 5th level, as an action, you may force a creature within 5 feet to attempt a DC 10 + your Charisma modifier + your Proficiency bonus Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, you may use "Good day to you both" using their hit points, but you may only effect up to 2d10 hit points. You may spend 1 spirit point to grant them disadvantage. Dead or willing creatures do not need to make this saving throw. Corpses have 20 x their size category above Tiny hit points.

I didn’t soil your good name… I soiled you face with my meat spray

At 7th level, you can spend 15 hit points to disguise a person's face as another's for 1 hour or until they remove the flesh spray as an action.

Let’s skip the chit-chat and get straight to the point. I will now hang you both from this tree

At 9th level, you can spend 8 hit points to cut off a person's nose and mouth. They must attempt a DC 10 + your Charisma modifier + your Proficiency bonus Dexterity saving throw. On a success, they can must hold their breath. On a failure, they immediately begin suffocating. They may attempt a Strength saving throw with the same DC at the end of each of their turns, ending this effect early on a success.

You two aren’t bad people. If you were, I’d already have killed you

At 11th level, when you use "Let's skip the chit-chat", they become restrained on a failure. You may effect up to 5d10 hit points with "Just die peacefully as you are".

There’s no need for you to die shamefully

At 14th level, you may spend 30 hit points to remove up to 3 conditions from a creature within 15 feet as an action.

Cream Starter Requiem

At 20th level, you may enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action. You may take or give hit points as an action, bonus action, or reaction at a range of 45 feet, and you may spend 1 spirit point to take or give hit points without consuming any sort of action.


Delta here. Comment by sending me a DM at my discord (DeltaBlade#9380).

Stand User Alignment: In a Silent Way

Stand of Sound

The In a Silent Way Alignment Stand has high Dexterity. Your Stand’s Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3. Your Stand’s Strength, Constitution, Wisdom, Intelligence, and Charisma are all equal to your own.

I will cross the continent with my feet alone

At 3rd level, your Stand awakens your own natural dexterity. Your movement speed increases by half its total rounded up, and you gain an equal climbing and swimming speed.

Sound Construct

Starting at 5th level, as a reaction for 1 spirit point when you are targeted by an attack or must make a saving throw, you may create a three-dimensional representation of a sound opposite to the intended effect, causing the attack to automatically fail or you to automatically succeed the saving throw.

Sound Storage

At 7th level, you may charge an object with a sound as an action. If a creature touches a charged object, all creatures within a 10 ft. radius of it must succeed a DC 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d6 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus damage on a failure, or half as much damage on a success (this damage increases to 1d8 at 6th level, 1d10 at 9th, 1d12 at 15th, and 2d6 at 17th). This damage may be of any type of your choosing as decided when you create it, but you must spend 1 spirit point to make it a damage type beyond slashing, bludgeoning, or piercing; and 2 spirit points to make it force damage. You and your Stand are unharmed by any charged objects you are aware of. You may spend 1 spirit point to adjust the sound upon detonation, making it affect only the creature that activated/possesses it, and dealing full critical damage to them. You may also spend 2 spirit points to increase the range of the sound, giving it up to 20 additional ft. radius. All charged objects lose their sound at the end of your next long rest.

Winning the race and getting money is desirable… but taking your Corpse Parts would be faster

Starting at 9th level, you may use Sound Construct without spending spirit points or without spending your reaction, but not both.

Sound Homunculus

At 11th level, as an action for 1 spirit point, you may imbue an object with life using sound, turning a relevant amount of inanimate matter into a pseudomimic with a movement speed of 30 ft. instead of a flying speed. You may control them all simultaneously alongside your Stand (i.e. all creatures move 30 ft. as a free action, all creatures attack as an action, etc.). You may have up to your Stand's Dexterity modifier Sound Homunculi at a time.

I feel sorry for you two, but I do not feel guilt

Starting at 14th level, you may create a Sound Homunculus as a bonus action or reaction for 1 spirit point, or as an action for no spirit points.

In a Silent Way Requiem

At 20th level, you may enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action. You may cause any object to become charged with sound in any manner the moment you see a creature touch it.


Remember when I said IaSW was too similar to Echoes, too? Just goes to show what checking your work can do. --Ref3rence (talk) 13:11, 2 January 2021 (MST)

Stand User Alignment: Mandom

Stand of Reversing

The Mandom Alignment Stand of high wisdom. Your Stand’s Wisdom is equal to your Wisdom + your Charisma modifier + 3. Your Stand’s Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, and Charisma are all equal to your own. Your Stand is a phenomenon, and as such has no summoned form. You gain a proficiency in 1 simple or martial ranged weapon of your choice.

Time Rewind

At 3rd level, your Stand has the ability to turn back time for 1 round as an action, making things exactly the same as they were 1 round ago and every creature will realize that things have been rewound (This increases to 2 rounds at level 7). Any creature that doesn’t know the effect of your Stand will be forced to make a DC 8 + your Stand’s Wisdom modifier + your Charisma modifier Wisdom saving throw. On a fail, they are forced to use up their turn and look around and get their bearings. On a success, they can still use their action but don’t know your ability still. If a creature succeeds 3 times in a row on this effect, they will be able to understand the ability and no longer be forced to make the Wisdom save. When you rewind time in any of your features, any Spirit Points that you have spent since your last long rest do not return to you. Every other creature’s Spirit Points that have been spent, if they have any or have used any, go back to the amount they had at that time.

Then… I humbly suggest that we begin

At 5th level, you can spend 1 Spirit Point to use Time Rewind as a bonus action.

This is the 2nd shot! This decides it!

At 7th level, you can attack 1 additional time with any ranged weapon you are currently using when you take the attack action (this increases to 2 extra attacks at the 9th level, 3 extra attacks at the 11th level, and 4 at the 14th level).

You are a mere ‘conformist’!

At 9th level, as a reaction, you can spend 1 of your next turn's attacks gained from This is the 2nd shot! This decides it! to make a a ranged weapon attack.

This is ‘The True Man’s World’.

At 11th level, as a reaction 2 Spirit Points, you can rewind time by 2 rounds.

Find the ‘path of light’! The ‘shining path’ that one must tread...

At 14th level, as a free action during your turn for 2 spirit points, you can rewind time by 2 rounds.

Mandom~Lovers of the World

At 20th level, your Time Rewind becomes extremely precise giving you the ability to send select creatures back instead. This is your equivalent of Requiem. You can enter this mode for 1 minute as a bonus action once per day. During your turn, you can target any creature besides yourself within a 100 ft. radius of you and send them back in time 2 rounds as a bonus action. This creature will appear in the present where they were 2 rounds ago and be exactly like they were 2 rounds ago. You can choose whether or not this creature remembers what happened or if they will have the same memory as 2 rounds ago. You cannot send yourself back with this ability. You may spend 1 Spirit Point to choose 1 additional creature to send back in time.


I spent a lot of hours thinking of how this could potentially work out. It can be a Stand that gets annoying in fights making it last such a long time but that's how it's supposed to be. I really hope you guys enjoy this one it took me so long. -Spuddzilla (Spuddzilla#1518)

Stand User Alignment: Catch the Rainbow

Stand of Rain

The Catch the Rainbow Alignment Stand is one of high dexterity. Your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3. Your Stand's Strength, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma are all equal to your own. Your Stand is a phenomenon, and thus does not have a summoned form. Your Stand's AC is equal to your own. Your Stand gives you manipulation of rain to a high degree allowing for incredible mobility in open spaces, but becomes useless when rain isn't present.

Rain Walking

At 3rd level, your Stand gains the ability to stop raindrops in their tracks and make them float in mid-air when you touch them, becoming solid enough to support you and walk on allowing, granting you a flying speed equal to your movement speed. Any creature that attempts to move through anywhere you have been since your previous turn while it is raining must succeed a DC 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus Wisdom saving throw or take a 1d8 of piercing damage (the damage die increases to 2d8 at level 7, 3d10 at level 9, 4d8 at level 11, and 4d12 at level 14). You can choose to stop raindrops around a creature within 30 ft. as a reaction, forcing them to make this saving throw.

Can you see my 'mask'?

At 5th level as a reaction you can stop a raindrop in front of a ranged attack's projectile, causing it to stop and fall. You may make an attack with the projectile, using the original roles, instead of stopping it for 1 spirit point.

Yes... I'm so-sorry...

At 7th level, you can use the rain to plug any wounds you or another creature may have received. You or another creature a within 30 feet of you gain 2d8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier temporary hit points as an action for 1 Spirit Point (this die increases to 3d8 at level 9, 4d8 at level 11, and 5d8 at level 14). After it stops raining, these temporary hit points are lost.

Your existence is 'sin'!

At 9th level, you can turn raindrops around you into weapons that you are proficient with but made of the rain as a bonus action for 1 Spirit Point. These two-handed melee weapons deal 2d6 piercing or slashing damage, and last until you are no longer in the rain.

Humans all have a 'purpose'! It trancends the limitations of the flesh!

At 11th level, you can meld with the rain, letting rain drops create holes in your body. This allows you to transport yourself through the rain up to 60 ft. away as a reaction for 2 Spirit Points. You can even have individual functional limbs go through the rain and do things such as allow you to speak with someone from afar until the beginning of your next turn as a bonus action for 1 Spirit Point.

I must dispose of you!

At 14th level, you can fuse with the rain as a reaction for 1 spirit point, making you intangible until the end of your next turn. You become immune to damage and your flying speed is doubled, but you can only attack with water weapons you create with the "Your existence is 'sin'!" feature. You can only use this ability once, regaining use at the end of a short rest.

Catch the Rainbow Requiem

At 20th level, you gain an alarming amount of control over rain as it falls to the Earth. You can enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action once per day. You gain the ability to change the flow and speed of raindrops that fall from the sky even at the rate that it begins to pierce creatures that stand under it. Any creatures of your choice in the same rain as yourself must attempt a DC 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier Dexterity saving throw at the beginning of each of their turns. On a failure, they take 6d8 piercing damage, and on a success they take half as much damage. As an action, you can make a single proficient ranged attack with a range of 60/120 feet. On a hit, the creature takes 8d10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier Piercing damage. If it has stopped raining but the ground is still wet, you can make the rain on the ground fall upwards in a 100 ft. radius around you.


I love this Stand so much. Blackmore has my favorite design in Jojo's. Making this Stand was a lot of fun even though it's practically useless unless you have it paired with Weather Report in the same party or unless your DM is a nice guy and makes it rain cause you can't do anything without it. The play style I had in mind with this Stand is a sort of a "hahahah you can't touch me idiot" kind with all the reactions it has to mess with enemies mid turn. I hope you guys enjoy this one! -Spuddzilla (Spuddzilla#1518)

Stand User Alignment: Tatoo You!

Stand of Clones

The Tatoo you! Alignment Stand is spelled correctly. Your Stand's Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 120 ft. away from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and it's unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.


At 3rd level, you split into 6 identical clones of yourself. You and all of your clones benefit from Stand of Clones. They each only have 1 hit die of hit points and do not gain more hit points when you level up. Your bodies can not be un-summoned, but each body counts as you, in that if you die, you maintain control of it. If one of your bodies dies, it splits from one of the remaining bodies at full hit points at the end of your next long rest. Your bodies do not benefit from Manifestation of Will, Invisible Force, Exchange Blows, or Exploit the Armor. They all act on their own turn with their own actions.


At 5th level, your bodies can phase through each other, allowing them to occupy each others' space, and to move through each others' spaces without a penalty to their movement speed. When two bodies are occupying the same space, they decide which of them gets targeted by any effect.

Eleven Men

At 7th level, your number of clones increases to 11.


At 9th level, while one of your bodies is occupying another's space, it may teleport to occupy the space of any other body as a bonus action or reaction.

Unequal Constitution

At 11th level, each time you gain a level past this feature, you may decide which of your clones gains a hit die.

Enhanced Bodies

At 14th level, all of your bodies benefit from Exchange Blows, or Exploit the Armor.

Tatoo You! Requiem

At 20th level, you may enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action. All of your bodies' maximum and current hit points become 300, and teleportation can be done at will.


Not going to lie, a high level Tatoo You! is kinda nightmare to run, just a heads up. As I was sorting through part 7 Stands, I decided to skip over In a Silent Way, Tomb of the Boom, and Boku no Rhythm wo Kiitekure because they are all more-or-less identical to Echoes, Metallica, and Killer Queen respectively, and it's a bit too late to incorporate them into those Stands' features as names. --Ref3rence (talk) 15:27, 18 June 2020 (MDT)

Stand User Alignment: Chocolate D-I-S-C-O

Stand of Manipulation

The Chocolate D-I-S-C-O Alignment Stand has high Dexterity. Your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3. Your Stand's Strength, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma are all equal to your own. Your Stand gains proficiency in ranged attacks. Your Stand is a phenomenon, and thus does not have a traditional summoned form.

Grid Teleportation

At 3rd level, your Stand manifests as a gauntlet with a keypad and buttons on it. You can manifest your Stand to project a grid of squares in front of you, covering a 20 ft. square area with an edge 5 ft. from you. It moves and turns as you do, keeping you in the middle of one of its sides during use. As a reaction, when someone makes a ranged attack against you that passes over the grid created by your Stand, you can teleport the incoming projectile to a different square in the grid. The projectile keeps its incoming speed and direction. This can cause the attack to miss you, or potentially hit the attacker if they are close enough. If it would be aimed to hit the original attacker, use the attack and damage rolls of the original attack when calculating whether the projectile hits and how much damage it does.

Object Teleportation

Starting at 5th level, you can teleport any object within your Stand's area of effect to another spot within its area of effect as a bonus action, such as a rock, pile of caltrops, or vial of acid. If it would appear above a creature's space, that creature must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw or take 2d6 bludgeoning or piercing damage, depending on the object, in addition to any secondary effects that the object may have. You now have two bonus actions and reactions per round.

Weapon Manipulation

At 7th level, if there is a melee weapon within your stand's grid that is not being held by another creature, you can control it as per the Spiritual Weapon spell. It cannot leave the grid area of your Stand.

Velocity Redirection

Starting at 9th level, you can change the direction and speed of a projectile that you teleport with Grid Teleportation or Object Teleportation. Projectiles that you teleport have their damage and range doubled or halved, your choice. You now use your Stand's Dexterity modifier when making this attack. Your Stand's area of effect increases to 40 square ft. in front of you.

Manipulative Gauntlet

Starting at 11th level, you can teleport any creature that you can see standing within your Stand's grid to another square in the grid as a bonus action. You have three bonus actions and three reactions per round.


At 14th level, you can gain +5 AC until the end of your next turn as a bonus action for 1 spirit point. You now have four bonus actions and reactions per round.

D-I-S-C-O Requiem

At 20th level, you can activate Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action or reaction once per day. You gain an unlimited amount of bonus actions and reactions, and can teleport any object of any size or weight to any location within your Stand's area. Your Stand's grid increases to a 100 ft. by 100 ft. area in front of you.


Delta here. It's sort of hard to make archetype features when the stand user doesn't speak, hm?

Stand User Alignment: Civil War

Stand of Retribution

The Civil War Alignment Stand materializes one's guiltiest memories. Your Stand's Wisdom is equal to your Wisdom + your Charisma modifier + 3, your Stand's ability is equal to your ability + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 45 ft. away from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and it's unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.

My Stand Civil War’s attack… it’ll be completed soon

At 3rd level, as an action, your Stand can attempt to read a creature's mind within 45 feet of you for any notion of guilt. They must attempt a DC 10 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier Charisma saving throw. On a failure, your Stand summons a physical manifestation of that guilt that acts on your turn. If applicable, the manifestation can attack the creature it was created from. You may have as many manifestations active at a time as your Stand's Wisdom modifier. Manifestations are instantly destroyed when the creature they were created from is killed or if they leave a 45 ft. radius of your Stand for 1 minute.

Let’s play it fair

At 5th level, as an action, the manifestations may pass through the space of the creature it was created from. The creature they are targeting must succeed a DC 10 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier Dexterity saving throw, increasing their "membrane count" by 1. Once their "membrane count" reaches 15, they become prone permanently, and take 3d8 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier force damage at the end of each of your turns. A creature may decrease their membrane count by 1d4 by dousing themself in water.

These sins... are now yours to bear

At 7th level, a manifestation may instantly destroy itself as part of "Let's play it fair" to increase the creatures membrane count by 5 instead of by 1.

People must sacrifice something in order to advance

At 9th level, if any creature is killed by another within 45 feet of you and the killer feels any notion of guilt toward them, they return to half their maximum hit points and manifestations of guilt can not be made from them, as the entirety of their guilt is passed onto their killer. For every creature whose guilt has been passed on to them, the maximum manifestations that can be after them increases by your Stand's Wisdom modifier.

You’ve finally killed me

At 11th level, the number of manifestations you can have active at a time is unlimited.

I live within your sins! And that’s why you’ll never be able to kill me!

At 14th level, when a creature is revived by "People must sacrifice...", they become immune to any damage dealt by the creature that killed them for as long as they are within Civil War's range.

Civil War Requiem

At 20th level, you may enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action. Your Stand's range increases to 100 feet, and creatures automatically fail any saving throws related to this subclass except for ""These sins...". "My Stand Civil War’s attack… it’ll be completed soon" can be used as a bonus action.


And that's just about every Stand from the first 7 parts of JoJo. I won't be doing part 8 for a while because 1.) who knows if certain Stands will get new abilities, and 2.) I'm still reading through it right now. That being said, have you ever read the JoJo novels? --Ref3rence (talk) 17:03, 18 June 2020 (MDT)

Stand User Alignment: Soft and Wet

Stand of Stealing

The Soft and Wet Alignment Stand is one of great dexterity. Your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifer + 3. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma are all equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 10 ft. from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand is proficient in unarmed attacks and you roll a d4 for damage when making them.

Bubble Generation

At 3rd level, your Stand can generate 1 bubble from itself as an action. You have control over this bubble, but it can only move within 15 ft. of your Stand, has a flying speed of 5 ft., and moves as part of your action. You can only have 1 bubble active at a time. You can only use one bubble at a time. If a bubble is popped near an object, you can choose to trap it within the bubble, allowing you to move it along with the bubble. You can release the object at will. If the object is being held or worn by a creature, they must attempt a DC 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier Strength saving throw, keeping the object on a success, or losing it on a failure. Each of your bubbles have 5 hit points and are Tiny.

Who the hell am I?

At 5th level, your bubbles have gained some force behind them when popped. When a bubble pops, you may cause any small objects within 5 ft. to fly 10 ft. away from the bubble and any creatures within 5 ft. to attempt a DC 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take 2d4 Force damage.


At 7th level, you can steal more aspects of living beings and inanimate objects. When you pop a bubble, you can choose to make one creature or object within 5 ft. make a DC 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Proficiency bonus Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, you can make them blind by taking their sight, make them make no sound in any way by taking their sound, cause them to gain 1 level of exhaustion by taking their hydration, or force them to be permanently prone and become stunned and slide 20 ft. in a random direction if they try to stand up by taking their friction. Movement in this manner activates opportunity attacks. These last for 1 minute, and they may retry this effect's saving throw at the end of each of their turns. You can trap smells in a bubble as well. The range of your bubbles' explosions and distance, as well as their movement speed, are doubled.

That's my precious image of happiness.

At 9th level, as an action for 1 Spirit Point, you can place a creature of your choosing within 15 ft., including yourself, inside of a large bubble and lift them into the air, restraining them and giving them a flying speed of 5 ft. that you control. This lasts until the bubble takes 10 damage.


At 11th level, you can create up to 3 bubbles at a time. You can create 1 additional bubble for 2 spirit points. You may do this multiple times on a single action, but any bubbles above your maximum immediately pop at the end of your next turn. The range of your bubbles' explosions and distance, as well as their movement speed, are doubled.

Take back the past I lost.

At 14th level, you gain the ability to fuse two similar objects together by absorbing and releasing differing components of their structure, such as grafting a piece of a plant to a different one or fusing a chair to a wall. This can not effect living creatures.

Soft and Wet Requiem

At 20th level, you can enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action once per day. You gain the ability to steal and replace abstract concepts like gravity and morality (which will be the examples) with altered versions within a 200 ft. radius of your Stand.

  • Example 1, you could steal gravity and replace it with a multiplied version of it or halfed version of it, or you could change gravity to center around a single point in that area. Gravity still effects you normally.
  • Example 2, you can steal the morality of creatures within a range and replace them, potentially turning a super sweet pacifist into someone who finds murder morally right, effectively charming.
  • Example 3, you can steal the logic from another creature, object, or bubble, allowing it to bypass reactions and other effects that it would trigger. (It can still be affected normally by creatures, objects, and other bubbles, but cannot trigger effects from them.)

Talk to your DM about how stealing other things than the listed above would effect situations.


I really liked making this Stand especially since I had a little bit of help from an absolute unit who also makes Stands on here known as Ava (CapnUnderoos#5606). I'd shoot the abilities at them and they'd review them. Please please please make sure you speak to your DM about what exactly you can change in Requiem mode with this one. Anyways I really hope you enjoy it since we've gone too long without Jojolion Stands. Also I made a Discord for this entire page for discussion and things so check it out if you want! -Spuddzilla(Spuddzilla#1518)

Stand User Alignment: Paisley Park

Stand of Guidance

The Paisley Park Alignment Stand is. Your Stand's Intelligence is equal to your Intelligence + your Charisma modifier + 3. Your Stand's Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Wisdom, and Charisma are all equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 20 ft. from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand is proficient in unarmed attacks and you roll a d4 or damage rolls.

They're coordinates that indicate only one thing in this world.

At 3rd level, your Stand can assist any creatures of your choice within 10 ft. of it find exactly what they're looking for as an action, even if you don't know the answer yourself, granting them advantage on Intelligence (Investigation) checks until the beginning of your next turn. Your Stand always knows the quickest path to any destination.

This is a story about breaking a curse...

At 5th level, your Stand can change the shape of its entire body, though it is still clearly a Stand as a bonus action. This can include changing its size to any category less than or equal to your own, transforming its body into a map to display the quickest path, or turning itself into a shadow or puddle granting itself advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) and disadvantage on attack rolls.

There were 4... I'm sure of it

At 7th level, when your Stand sees a creature or container, it knows every item it has in or on it, how many hit points it has, and any effects currently effecting it.

There's an inconsistency somewhere

At 9th level, your Stand can completely read and control any electronics it is touching.

There isn't a single thing that should be overlooked

At 11th level, your Stand can act as if it is, or is in possession of, any electronic it has touched previously.

Les Feuilles

At 14th level, your Stand may designate a 60 ft. long or shorter path. Any creatures or objects that touch this path are instantly moved to the far end of it. This path can be obstructed by moving the bottom of the path, or something underneath the path, to break it. Creatures still move toward the far end of the path, but stop at the break.

Paisley Park Requiem

At 20th level, your Stand can enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action once per day. Your Stand may teleport any creatures or objects it can see, including yourself, to any location of its choice, taking the "universal quickest path". Additionally, your Stand knows all information, and can answer any question you ask that has an answer.


I'm still not entirely satisfied with the state of this archetype, but I think it does a decent job at representing what it is, plus a little reference to a Stand that won't be getting its own unique archetype. --Ref3rence (talk) 12:27, 13 January 2021 (MST)

Stand User Alignment: Doggy Style

Stand of Peeling

The Doggy Style Alignment Stand has high Dexterity and Wisdom. Your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3, and your Wisdom can go up to 26. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Constitution, Intelligence, and Charisma are equal to your own. This Stand is a phenomenon type, and thus does not have a traditional form. While your Stand is summoned, your unarmed attacks deal 1d4 + your Dexterity modifier bludgeoning damage.

The priorities here are protecting me is first

At 3rd level, you can manifest your Stand. While it is summoned, you may make unarmed attacks and grapple checks at a range of 15 ft.

I don't do business with anyone else

Starting at 5th level, as an action for 1 spirit point, you may make a ranged attack against a creature within 45 ft. by forming a skin spike. On a hit, the target takes 1d4 + your proficiency bonus + your Stand's Dexterity modifier piercing damage. This damage increases to 2d4 at 12th level, 3d4 at 15th level, and 5d4 at 18th level. You may spend 1 additional spirit point when you use this to have your attack stun the creature until the start of your next turn.

I'm purposefully letting insects and diseases attack the strawberries around here

Starting from 7th level, you can use Wisdom instead of Intelligence on any Arcana and Nature checks, and you may spend 1 spirit point to automatically succeed such a check.

What kind of world would an "immortality industry" be?

Starting at 9th level, you can interact with objects up to 30 ft. away from you. Additionally, as a reaction when you take damage, you may completely unravel yourself. You become paralyzed until the end of your next turn, you become prone, and creatures must succeed a DC 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus Wisdom saving throw or believe you are dead until you are no longer prone or you take any action.

Promises are "sacred"

Starting from 11th level, as an action for 1 spirit point, you may turn one of your arms into any ranged weapon of your choice that you have seen and disassembled. The chosen arm counts as one hand wielding it, and you must still have its respective ammunition.

You'd best not doubt my probabilities

Starting at 14th level, the range of your unarmed attacks, grapple checks, skin spikes, and item interactions are doubled. Additionally, you may spend 1 spirit point when you use What kind of world would an "immortality industry" be? to cause all creatures to fail the Wisdom saving throw. You may also spend 1 spirit point when you use What kind of world would an "immortality industry" be? to halve any damage you take until you take any form of action that would break the illusion of your death.

Doggy Style Requiem

At 20th level, you can enter Requiem mode for 1 minute as a bonus action once per day. None of the above features cost spirit points. When you deal damage to a creature, you may spend 1 spirit point to cause them to become paralyzed until Requiem ends as they unravel into a pile of their own living flesh, during which they also take twice as much damage. They may attempt a DC 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus Constitution saving throw, ending this effect early on a success.


For the record, I don't do business with anyone else is better than Star Finger because it's meant to be a main piece of a player's arsenal, rather than a toolbox diversifier. --Ref3rence (talk) 11:27, 18 January 2021 (MST)

Stand User Alignment: King Nothing

Stand of Tracking

The King Nothing Alignment Stand has high Wisdom. Your Stand's Wisdom is equal to your Wisdom + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 30 ft. from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier. While your Stand is summoned, your unarmed attacks deal 1d4 + your Dexterity modifier bludgeoning damage.

The truth is, I'm also a yanki! Wahahahaha!!

At 3rd level, as an action, you may disassemble your Stand into a mess of puzzle pieces. Its size becomes Tiny, it can not attack creatures that aren't Tiny, and its range is tripled. You may reassemble your Stand as a bonus action while it is within its normal range. While in this state, you may spend 1 spirit point without using a reaction to cause an attack to miss your Stand.

I did say we were taking you in as a public service, but...

At 5th level, while your Stand is disassembled, its movement speed is increased by half its total, and it can track scents perfectly.

Eventually, you're going to get sick...

Starting from 7th level, you can use Wisdom instead of Intelligence or Charisma on any Investigation and Deception checks, and you may spend 1 spirit point to automatically succeed such a check.

Fruit is special

At 9th level, your Stand's range is doubled. As an action while your Stand is disassembled, you may cause it to take the form of an object it is holding any piece of so long as it is not larger than your Stand's original size. If the object can be a part of multiple objects, it must choose 1. This ends if you change objects as an action, choose to end it as a bonus action, or your Stand loses the piece. If the object is a ranged weapon, you may spend 1 spirit point to also create an amount of ammunition to completely fill it once.

Basically what I'm trying to say is... everything here has a natural flow

At 11th level, you may reassemble your Stand while it is within another creature's space, forcing them to attempt a DC 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus Strength saving throw. On a failure, they are trapped within your Stand, paralyzing them and making any attack that targets them target your Stand instead. Another creature within 5 ft. may attempt this saving throw as an action, ending this effect on a success.

Now "flow" is a metaphor but if you don't fight it, you'll definitely reach your goal

At 14th level, you may make Fruit is special apply to creatures and to what the scent it is tracking came from for 1 spirit point. Additionally, while tracking a scent, your Stand's movement speed and range in the direction of what it is tracking is doubled, and you may choose to have it move in relation to the target when they move in addition too or instead of yourself.

King Nothing Requiem

At 20th level, you can enter Requiem mode for 1 minute as a bonus action once per day. Your Stand's size increases by 1 category, and it gains a Strength score equal to your Strength + your Charisma modifier + 3. When your Stand deals damage to a creature, you may spend 1 spirit point to cause them to become paralyzed until Requiem ends as they uncontrollably disassemble, during which they also take twice as much damage. This can apply They may attempt a DC 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus Constitution saving throw, ending this effect early on a success.


I know I just used the same Requiem ability as Doggy Style, but they're both Stands based around deconstruction so of course the peak of their ability would be similar. If anybody thinks they know a better Requiem ability for either of these Stands, go right on ahead. --Ref3rence (talk) 11:36, 21 January 2021 (MST)

Stand User Alignment: Nut King Call

Stand of Joints

The Nut King Call Alignment Stand is one of high constitution. Your Stand's Constitution is equal to your Constitution + your Charisma modifier + 3. Your Stand's Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma are all equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 10 ft. from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is 10 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand is proficient in unarmed attacks and you roll a d4 or damage rolls.

Nuts and Bolts

At 3rd level, your Stand can place nuts and bolts into objects as an action, creating a functional artificial joint in them. When the nut is removed as a bonus action by your Stand, you can break the object apart, disassembling it instantly. You can also put a disassembled or nut-bearing object back together and remove the nut and bolt as an action. You can only place 1 nut and bolt at a time.

But I... don't even have that kind of talent, do I...?

At 5th level, when making an unarmed attack against a creature with your Stand, you can place a nut and bolt in the limb you hit as a bonus action. You may spend 1 Spirit Point to immediately disassemble the limb crippling it and making it useless as a reaction or bonus action. They can no longer make checks, saving throws, and actions using that arm, if they attempt any of the prior they immediately fail, they drop whatever they were holding in that arm, and any action they were taking with that arm fails. When a creature who has been under the effect of this feature moves out of a 20 ft. radius of your Stand, their limb will immediately reattach as their nut and bolt disappears, but they must succeed a DC 8 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your Charisma modifier Constitution saving throw or have it reattach incorrectly, granting them disadvantage on saves, checks, and actions with that limb until the end of their next long rest.


At 7th level, when a creature is reassembled, either by leaving your Stand's radius as in But I... don't even have that kind of talent, do I...? or as a bonus action or free action for 1 Spirit Point, you may choose for them to automatically be reattached incorrectly and must still attempt the saving throw, taking 2d8 + your Stand's Constitution modifier slashing damage on a failure, or half as much damage on a success (this damage die increases to 3d10 at level 9, 4d12 at level 11, 5d12 at level 14, and 7d10 at level 20).

I can't hold back my feelings!

At 9th level, you can have up to 3 nuts and bolts on objects and creatures as the same time.

Why~~ How could this happe~~n?

At 11th level, your Stand has the ability to disassemble you as a bonus action for 1 Spirit Point. All of your body parts that are removed are still functional and feel as usual. Any detached limbs have a movement speed of 5 ft., and can all be moved at once at the same time as your Stand. Any checks that you are forced to make that would require that body part immediately fail if not attached and any checks it needs to make such is at disadvantage, and if you can't see it, it will immediately fail them. You may reattach a limb as a free action.

It's all over for you bastaaard!

At 14th level, your Stand can now fasten objects and creatures together with the use of a nut and connecting bolt for 1 Spirit Point as an action. One creature your Stand can touch must make a DC 8 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your Charisma modifier Dexterity saving throw. On a fail, they become attached to one other object or creature they or your Stand can touch until the end of their next long rest or they leave your Stand's nut range, as detailed in But I... don't even have that kind of talent, do I...?. If they move while attached to another creature, both creatures must succeed a DC 8 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your Charisma modifier Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone. Any attack either of the creatures attempt have disadvantage. Your Stand's nut range is doubled.

Nut King Call Requiem

At 20th level, your Stand can enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action once per day. 5 random joints in every creature's body within a 50 ft. radius of your Stand instantly have a nut and bolt placed in it, and your Stand's nut range becomes a 100 ft. radius. As a free action during your turn, you can choose to detach 1 limb from each creature. You can use your bonus action to reattach any limbs of your choice within your nut range, even if they were not removed by your bolts. If you choose to use Template:Inpae wen reattaching a limb, the limb is is instantaneously destroyed on a failure, and on a success they take normal damage. As a bonus action for 2 Spirit Points, you can place another 5 nuts and bolts on any creature within 50 ft. of your Stand.


I'm so happy I finally finished this after like a month of being sidetracked. I love Joshu so much and I hope you love him too. -Spuddzilla (Spuddzilla#1518)

Stand User Alignment: Killer Queen, Alternate Universe

Stand of Destruction

The Queen Alignment Stand has high Strength and Charisma. Your Stand's Strength is equal to your Strength + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 15 ft. away from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your Charisma modifier.

Bomb Bubble

At 3rd level, your Stand can generate 1 bubble from itself as an action. You have control over this bubble, but it can only move within 15 ft. of your Stand, has a flying speed of 5 ft., and moves as part of your action. You can only have 1 bubble active at a time. You can create 1 additional bubble for 2 spirit points. You may do this multiple times on a single action, but any bubbles above your maximum immediately pop at the end of your next turn. You must manually detonate bombs below your maximum to be able to create additional bubbles below your maximum. Each of your bombs has 5 hit points, and is Tiny.

As a reaction or bonus action, you may detonate any number of bubbles. You may spend 1 spirit point to regain your reaction after using this. Creatures within 10 ft. radius of a detonated bomb must succeed a DC 8 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d10 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus force damage on a failure, or half as much damage on a success. Your bombs' damage die increases to 2d10 at 6th level, 3d10 at 9th, 4d10 at 15th, and 5d10 at 17th. You may spend 1 spirit point to adjust the bomb upon detonation, making it affect only one creature within 5 ft., and dealing full critical damage to them. You may also spend 2 spirit points to double the explosion's radius.

I'm going to steal one. One of those fruits

At 5th level, if you have made an unarmed strike with your Stand on the same turn, you may create a Bomb Bubble in the same space as the target as a bonus action. If you detonate the bomb before they move, they automatically fail the saving throw and take maximum damage. Creatures unaware of the location of a detonated bomb bubble take critical damage. You and your Stand are unharmed by any of these explosions you are aware of.

Are you a man of the sea? Or a man of the land? Which is it?

Starting at 7th level, your precision with your Stand is surgical. You gain proficiency in Intelligence (Medicine) checks. As an action, you may attempt to cure a creature of any disease as a DC 20 Intelligence (Medicine) check with advantage, curing them on a success by erasing the cause.

We're here right now because of flying fish jumping out of the south sea

At 9th level, you may create 2 Bomb Bubbles as an action, or 1 as a bonus action or reaction, and you may have up to 3 bubbles active at time. Furthermore, when you make a roll with a disadvantage, you can use this feature to eliminate the disadvantage. You do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all uses at the end of a long rest, or by restoring 1 use with 1 spirit point. You may also expend 1 spirit point without expending a use from this feature to change a roll that you must make that has a disadvantage into a roll that has an advantage if you are proficient in the roll.

Sheer Heart Attack

At 11th level, as an action, you can spend 1 spirit point to infuse any number of bombs your Stand can touch with more energy, transforming it into a small tank. Its hit points are tripled, and its flying speed (which becomes a climbing speed) and detonation radius are doubled. Additionally, the range of all of your bubbles' explosions and distance, as well as their flying speed, are doubled.

I swear I'll kill both of you

At 14th level, your bombs deal twice as much damage to objects, and the range of all of your bubbles' explosions and distance, as well as their movement speed, are doubled.

Killer Queen Requiem

At 20th level, you can enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action once per day. The range and damage of all of your Stand and its bubbles' explosions and distance, as well as their flying speed, are doubled. You may have any number of Bomb Bubbles,


Finally moving onto Jojolion, this is gonna take a while. I'm coming for you, The Netbook of Feats Version 12.4 of the Netbook of Feats! --Ref3rence (talk) 09:49, 13 January 2021 (MST)

Stand User Alignment: Heart

Stand of Shape

The Heart Alignment Stand has high Dexterity and Charisma. Your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Charisma + your Dexterity modifier + 3, your Stand's Charisma is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Constitution, Intelligence, and Wisdom are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 5 ft. away from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Charisma modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and it's unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.

Heel Spikes

At 3rd level, you gain the ability to manipulate the shape of objects you touch. As a bonus action for 1 spirit point, you may use this on your footwear and extend a spike out at a creature within 15 ft. of you, dealing 1d8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier piercing damage on a hit (you may do this 2 times as a bonus action at 5th level, 3 times at 9th level, 4 times at 11th level, and 5 times at 14th level).

Oh, My!

At 5th level, as an action for 1 spirit point, you can morph the shape of your footwear to allow you to traverse easily in any terrain, including walls and ceilings, for 1 minute.

Your whole world’s gonna come tumbling down!

At 7th level, your Stand is able to create a shield or barrier that can be raised to block an incoming attack. As a bonus action or reaction for 5 spirit points, you become immune to all except psychic and force damage until the end of your next turn.

Breaking Heart

At 9th level, your Stand can transform any object into a weapon for 1 minute as a bonus action. This costs 1 spirit point for any simple melee weapon or 5 pieces of ammunition. 2 spirit points for any martial melee weapon or ranged weapon. You may end this effect instantly as a free action.

“Green Turtle”

At 11th level, you can change the shape of your footwear and the ground below it, doubling your movement speed and jump distances until the end of your next turn. You may do this a number of times equal to your Stand's Charisma modifier, regaining all uses at the end of a long rest. Every use beyond this number costs 1 spirit point.

King of Hearts

At 14th level, while you are below 10 hit points, you can make one additional attack when you take the attack action. This lasts until your hit points are restored above 10.

Walking Heart Requiem

At 20th level, your Stand may enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action once per day. None of the above features cost spirit points, and you may reshape up to 50 cubic feet of inanimate material that you can see into any shape that you see fit as a free action.


I've never written any home-brew stuff before but I loved this idea and thought id contribute my own idea. Walking Heart is a stand only briefly seen so a lot of the abilities I based it off I speculated. (HagridPowers#7156)

Miscellaneous Stands

The following are Stands included in officially published material outside of the original manga including Stands from Jorge Joestar, the various manga novelizations, Araki interviews, and other such sources, as listed by release date.

Stand User Alignment: Charmy Green

Stand of Fusion

The Charmy Green Alignment Stand resembles its predecessors, the Star and Hierophant. Your Stand's Strength is equal to your Strength + your Charisma modifier + 3, and your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 10 ft. away from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and it's unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.

Coiled Body

At 3rd level, your Stand's body is able to stretch rather far, allowing it to interact with or attack creatures/objects up to 60 ft. away without leaving the space its currently occupying, but will only deal half damage to those not in melee range. You may use your action to stretch your Stand almost invisibly across a 30 foot radius anywhere within this range, alerting you to the presence of any creatures within the radius, but doing so keeps you from using your Stand in any way except for ending this effect as an action. Creatures must succeed a DC 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Proficiency bonus Wisdom saving throw to detect your Stand in this manner.

Your Stand can grab objects and pull them to you or pull yourself to the location it is occupying with a free action or bonus action. Grappling with your Stand still allows your Stand to move around without moving the grappled creature nor removing the grappled condition from them; you can grapple more than 1 creature with your Stand, but they will be all be freed if any of them break out or if your Stand has been stretched farther than 60 ft. of them. You can spend 1 spirit point to double the range to 120 ft until the end of your next turn.

Emerald Star Finger

At 5th level, one creature within 60 ft. must attempt a DC 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Proficiency bonus Dexterity saving throw. On failure, they take 2d6 + your proficiency bonus bludgeoning or piercing damage (this damage die increases to 4d6 at 9th level, 6d6 at 14th level, 8d6 at 17th level). On a success, they take half as much damage. If they cannot see your Stand, this counts as a critical attack. You may spend 1 spirit point upon using this to have them roll with a disadvantage. If they already have a disadvantage, they will automatically fail instead if you spend the spirit point.

Precise Movements

Starting from 7th level, you gain an advantage and are proficient in Perception checks and cannot be taken by surprise. In addition, difficult terrain does not negatively effect your movements. When you are forced to make Dexterity saving throws where you take half damage on success, you instead take no damage on a success and half damage on a failure. If you fail a Dexterity saving throw, you can spend 1 spirit point to treat it as if you succeeded.

Urya Urya Rush

At 5th level, you may spend 3 spirit points to enter ORA ORA ORA! as a bonus action, which lasts until combat is over. While in Urya Urya Rush, you gain the following benefits: you may dash or make a trip attack (on a hit, a Large or smaller creature becomes prone) as a bonus action each turn. You may make one additional attack when you take the Attack action (stacks with Exchange Blows attacks). On a hit, the target takes 2d6 + your proficiency bonus bludgeoning damage from your stand's fists (the damage die increases to 2d8 at level 11, and 2d10 at level 14). At the end of your turn, any creatures you have attacked must also succeed a Strength saving throw versus your DC 8 + your Stands Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus. Upon a failed save, the target is knocked prone. At 11th level, while you are in Urya Urya Rush, you are unable to fall asleep or become unconscious.

Kakyoin, did you lay this egg?

Starting from 11th level, while in Urya Urya Rush, when using an extra attack granted by Exchange Blows, you may expend that stack when you land a hit, causing it to deal full critical damage. Furthermore, critical hits against a creature with less than 10% of their maximum hit points incapacitates them and halves their movement speed until the end of their next turn.

I always feel iritated

Starting at 14th level, the range of Emerald Star Finger becomes a 60 ft. line. You may spend 1 spirit point to double this range or double the damage dealt.

Charmy Green Requiem

Starting at 20th level, you can enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action once per day. During this, Emerald Star Finger counts as an attack for the sake of any features that are based on attacks, such as Exchange Blows, Denting Blows, etc.

Additionally, you may activate "Time Stop" as a full turn action. Time does not pass and you are the only creature that can act in any way for 1 round. During Time Stop, extra actions are still extra actions and movement speed is automatically doubled without the use of dash. You can make an attack against creatures or interact with an object that is being held by a creature without breaking the "Time Stop" effect. If an object is thrown at an enemy, at the end of Time Stop, the enemy must succeed a DC 15 + your Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus Dexterity saving throw with a disadvantage for each attack, taking half damage (rounded down) upon success; attacks that hit will deal critical damage. You and your Stand's melee attacks are considered automatic criticals for the duration. You can use this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining all uses at the end of a long rest. Attempting to use this "Time Stop" with no uses remaining will still activate the effect, but will result in you gaining 1 level of exhaustion at the end of the Time Stop. Expending 1 spirit point will double the duration of "Time Stop"; you can only double the duration on the moment you cast it and only if you do not have any stacks of exhaustion.

If you are subjected to a Time Stop effect caused by others, you may use your reaction to cast Time Stop and have your turns with them. The rules of your Time Stop still apply to you. Using it this way does not count against your total uses nor does it give you exhaustion.


It's done, the forbidden Stand, even deeper in the depths of the JoJo fandom than The Passion, has finally been adapted. I'm fairly certain that, with this edit, I have pushed this page to the second longest page on this wiki! --Ref3rence (talk) 13:19, 7 December 2020 (MST)

Stand User Alignment: U-Boat

Stand of Being a Submarine

The U-Boat Alignment Stand is a miniature German u-boat. Your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3, your Stand's Constitution is equal to your Constitution + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand is Tiny. Your Stand can move up to 120 ft. away from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and it's unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.


At 3rd level, your Stand can make a ranged attack with its torpedoes. It makes a ranged attack at a creature within 30 feet with a damage die of 2d10. If your Stand is inside a creature when it makes this attack as per Manifestation of Will, they take 4d10 + your Stand's Constitution modifier psychic damage as its exiting ethereal missiles cause excruciating pain. This feature must recharge (5-6) before it can be used again. Your Stand has swimming speed equal to its movement speed.

Periscope Headset

At 5th level, you can detect all creatures in a 60 ft radius of your Stand as an action. This feature does not work on creatures who do not breathe air. You can use this feature an amount of times per day up to your Stand’s Constitution modifier, and you can spend 1 spirit point to reset the amount of times you have used it.

At 7th level, your Stand can make a ranged attack with its torpedoes. It makes a ranged attack at a creature within 30 feet with a damage die of 2d6. If your Stand is inside a creature when it makes this attack as per Manifestation of Will, they take 4d6 + your Stand's Constitution modifier psychic damage as its exiting ethereal missiles cause excruciating pain.

Swimming Through the Sky

At 9th level, your Stand gains a flying speed equal to its movement speed.

At 11th level, your Stand lays a cluster of naval mines which fill a 10-foot cube centered around it. The mines are visible with a successful DC 18 An ability score was not entered for this template! (Perception) check. A Medium or larger creature that moves through the area containing mines must make a DC 15 An ability score was not entered for this template! saving throw, taking 19 (5d6) bludgeoning damage and 19 (5d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Your Stand is equipped with 12 mines, all of which are expended once it performs this action. The mines deal double damage against objects and structures. You may regain your mines for 4 spirit points.


At 14th level, as an action for 20 spirit points, you may transform your Stand into a full-sized U-Boat that still has any of its features of your choice and acts as its own crew until you revert it to its basic state as a bonus action.

U-Boat Ultimate

At 20th level, you may tap into the full power of U-Boat for 1 minute as an action. When your Stand is inside another creature, it may release a sonar blast. The creature automatically takes 20d20 psychic damage and is deafened for 1 hour, its ranged attacks have twice as much range and damage.


So, Jorge Joestar amirite? --Ref3rence (talk) 19:08, 18 June 2020 (MDT)

Stand User Alignment: NYPD Blue

Stand of Being a Police Officer

The NYPD Blue Alignment Stand takes the form of a seemingly normal aged police officer. Your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3, your Stand's Intelligence is equal to your Intelligence + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Constitution, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 200 ft. away from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and it's unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.

Firearm Generation

At 3rd level, your Stand can generate fully loaded one-handed ranged as an action. Your Stand can generate its ammunition as part of reloading it.

Evidence Gathering

At 5th level, your Stand gains expertise in Investigation, Insight, and Perception.


At 7th level, your Stand gains expertise in Animal Handling, Nature, and Medicine.

Video Broadcasting

At 9th level, your Stand can record and broadcast anything it can see or hear to any television or other audio-video device that you know the location of.

Colt Python

At 11th level, your Stand's ranged attacks deal twice as much damage and does not have to be reloaded.


At 14th level, your Stand increases to three separate creatures. Two of these Stands do not reflect damage on you, and instead have 50 hit points.

NYPD Blue Requiem

At 20th level, you may enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action. You gain your Stand's features, Patrol increases to 5 creatures, and each Patrol Stand has 150 hit points.

Minor Stands

Certain Stands are not complex or powerful enough to warrant their own fleshed out path. They are incredibly underpowered and not suggested, though theoretically you could play a character with multiple minor Stands. The following can be taken as a path, but you only gain features at a handful of levels. Feel free to convert any of these into full Paths.

Additional Basic Stand Abilities

The following are features that are not unique to any individual Stand, but require specific training to acquire. They can be taken in place of any Stand User class features, including Ability Score Increases and Alignment features. Alternatively, a DM may choose to grant them to a creature as a reward.

Blazing Fists

When you are targeted by any form of action that deals damage by physical means (i.e. most sources of psychic damage wouldn't count, almost all sources of bludgeoning, slashing and piercing damage would), you may take any action of your choice as a reaction to initiate a Blazing Fists contest. If either action is an attack roll(s), it automatically hits. If either action requires a saving throw(s) that changes how much damage the target takes, the creature automatically fails. Which ever effect deals the least damage instead deal half as much damage to the creature that used it.

Stand Leap

The amount your Stand can push, pull, and lift twice as much, and your jump distances are doubled while you are within 5 ft. of your Stand. Additionally, you may make any form of applicable jump as an action.

Cardiac Massage

As an action, you may enter a death-like state by stopping your heart. This does not effect your Stand for 18 seconds (3 rounds). If you stay in this form for 20 minutes, you die instantly. As an action for 1 spirit point, your Stand may cause the heart of a creature that has 0 hit points, is unconcious, and/or is in a death-like state to start beating, causing them to drop to 1 hit point and lose the aforementioned conditions. If you stopped your own heart with this feature, you may restart with your Stand it as a bonus action.

Stand Shrinking

As a bonus action, you may focus on your Stand, shrinking it to any size of your choice lower than its original, but you must maintain concentration.

Stand User Alignment: Sax

Stand of Worse Illusions

The Sax Alignment Stand is also great at deception, but not much else. Your Stand's Charisma is equal to your Charisma + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, and Wisdom are equal to your own. Your Stand is a phenomenon, and as such does not have a typical summoned form.


At 3rd level, you gain expertise in Deception. You can create illusions of anything within 200 feet. They only exist visually, can not physically interact with anything, and can only move on your turn. Creatures must succeed a DC 10 + your Stand's Charisma modifier Wisdom saving throw to differentiate illusions from reality, but this does not dispel the illusion.

Stand User Alignment: Achtung Baby

Stand of Invisibility

The Achtung Baby Alignment Stand can turn invisible, but not much else. Your Stand's Charisma is equal to your Charisma + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, and Wisdom are equal to your own. Your Stand is a phenomenon, and as such does not have a typical summoned form.

It's an invisible baby!

At 3rd level, as an action, you may become invisible for 1 minute or until you end this effect as a bonus action. You may not use this action again until you become visible for at least 6 seconds (1 round). You may spend 1 spirit point per 5 feet to also turn everything in a 5 ft. radius invisible as well, ending this effect at the same time as you. Creatures may attempt a DC 8 + your Stand's Charisma modifier Charisma saving throw, ending this effect early on a success. You may also attempt this saving throw at the beginning of a turn that this effect should end on, extending this effect until the beginning of your next turn.

Stand User Alignment: Cinderella

Stand of More Disguises

The Cinderella Alignment Stand can change people's appearance, but not much else. Your Stand's Charisma is equal to your Charisma + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, and Wisdom are equal to your own. Your Stand is a phenomenon, and as such does not have a typical summoned form.

The moral of the story is that miracles take dedication!

At 3rd level, you can change a person's full appearance for 30 minutes for 3 spirit points, either by making them indescribably beautiful, thus changing their Charisma score to 25 if it was not already higher; or by changing them to be indistinguishable from another person. You may make this change permanent by spending 15 spirit points or by having them apply a specific lipstick every 30 minutes for 24 hours except when sleeping.

Stand User Alignment: Boy II Man

Stand of Janken

The Boy II Man Alignment Stand can steal people's Stand abilities, but not much else. Your Stand's Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand is a phenomenon, and as such does not have a typical summoned form.

Hey, mister. Wanna play janken?

At 3rd level, you can challenge a Stand User to Rock Paper Scissors. If you win once, you gain 1/3 of their Stand User Alignment features that they have. They lose the ability to use said features. If they win 3 times, they regain all lost Stand abilities. If the round is a tie, you must replay it until there is a winner.

Stand User Alignment: Earth, Wind, and Fire

Stand of an Alien

The Earth, Wind, and Fire Alignment Stand allows the user to transform into numerous things. Your Stand's Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand is a phenomenon, and as such does not have a typical summoned form.

"Alien"? Yes, that is the term. I'm an Alien!

At 3rd level, you can transform into any object of your choice. You may also transform into any creature with a CR or level lower than your Charisma score.

Stand User Alignment: Cheap Trick

Stand of Death

The Cheap Trick Alignment Stand kills the user. It's not a good Stand. Your Stand's Charisma is equal to your Charisma + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, and Wisdom are equal to your own. Your Stand is a phenomenon, and as such does not have a typical summoned form.

I hate it when people see my back!

At 3rd level, your Stand can be understood by any creature regardless of if they share a language or their Intelligence score. If another humanoid sees your back, you die instantly and they gain this Stand. If it is forcibly removed physically or by another Stand, the user still dies instantly, and the creature that did so gains this Stand. This Stand can only be safely removed by the Wish spell, a similarly powerful ability, or by real ghosts.

Stand User Alignment: Soft Machine

Stand of Deflation

The Soft Machine Alignment is a moderately-powerful close-range Stand. Your Stand’s Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma Modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand’s Strength, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are all equal to your own. Your Stand can move 15 ft. for your Character’s position. Your Stand’s AC is equal to 10 + your Stand’s Dexterity Modifier + your Charisma Modifier. Your Stand is also Proficient in unarmed attacks, and it’s unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.

I'm the one doin' the talking here!

At 3rd level, when your Stand attacks a creature, you may spend 1 spirit point to force them to attempt a DC 12 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier Dexterity or Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they become incapacitated as they deflate until your Stand de-summons or you become unconscious, and they become elastic, and can squeeze through spaces as small as 1/8 inch. You may also do this to objects without the saving throw or cost.

I'm the one in control!

At 5th level, when you deflate a creature, they instantly become hidden with a Stealth check of 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier. You may deflate yourself, in which case you do not become incapacitated, but benefit from the rest of the effects of deflation.

Stand User Alignment: Man in the Mirror

Stand of Mirrors

The Mirror Alignment is a moderately-powerful, but gifted in Stand ability. Your Stand’s Strength is equal to your Strength + your Charisma Modifier, your Stand’s Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma Modifier, your Stand’s Constitution is equal to your Constitution + your Charisma Modifier. The rest of your Stand’s Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are all equal to your own. Your Stand can move 15 ft. for your Character’s position, and can only exist in the mirror realm. Your Stand’s AC is equal to 10 + your Stand’s Dexterity Modifier + your Charisma Modifier. Your Stand is also Proficient in unarmed attacks, and it’s unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.

I stand secure and unmatched inside the mirror

At 3rd level, your Stand only exists in the mirror realm. This mirror realm is identical to the real world, but devoid of life and reversed horizontally. Creatures can be brought into the mirror world if they and your Stand are within 5 feet of the same mirror or other extremely reflective surface. You may decide whether or not their Stand is allowed into the mirror world. If it is summoned while disallowed from the mirror world, it appears in the same spot of the real world. If you are knocked unconscious, any creatures inside the mirror world appear in the same place in the real world.

Stand User Alignment: Mr. President

Stand of Realms

The Mr. President Alignment does not have a summoned form or unique ability scores.

Coco Jumbo

At 3rd level, a large key with a red gem on the side of it appears anywhere on your body. When removed, it leaves an indentation. When the key is attached to your body, creatures may touch the gem to enter a spacious room containing various comfortable furniture and appliances. The room has electricity and wifi. Creatures may leave the room as an action. If the key is removed from your body, creatures inside the room appear as close around you as possible in a random placement.

Stand User Alignment: Clash

Stand of Sharks

The Clash Alignment Stand is a Tiny shark. Your Stand’s Strength is equal to your Strength + your Charisma Modifier, your Stand’s Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma Modifier, your Stand’s Constitution is equal to your Constitution + your Charisma Modifier. The rest of your Stand’s Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are all equal to your own. Your Stand can move 240 ft. for your Character’s position. Your Stand can only exist in liquid, no matter how little. If it is outside of water, it instantly de-summons. Your Stand’s AC is equal to 10 + your Stand’s Dexterity Modifier + your Charisma Modifier. Your Stand is also Proficient in unarmed attacks, and it’s unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.

I won't leave even a scrap of him behind

At 3rd level, your Stand can teleport up to 20 feet between bodies of water as a bonus action. You may spend 1 spirit point to regain your bonus action.

Inseparable Pair

At 5th level, you’ve formed a dependence on another creature. At the end of a long rest, you may choose one creature. Until the end of your next long rest, they are your partner. This grants you several bonuses for working in tandem with them. Whenever they attack a creature, you can spend 1 spirit point to attack them as well without spending your reaction, and you can spend a further spirit point to gain advantage on the attack. When your partner is attacked, can spend your reaction to contest your Stand's attack roll with the aggressor's, stopping the attack on a success. Finally, if your partner is within 50 ft. of you, your attack rolls gain an additional +2 bonus, and your damage rolls gain 1 additional die.

Stand User Alignment: Talking Head

Stand of Lies

The Talking Head Alignment Stand does not have unique ability scores. Your Stand’s AC is equal to 10 + your Dexterity Modifier + your Charisma Modifier. You Stand can be anywhere within 240 ft. from you and is Tiny.

He's clearly lying

At 3rd level, as an action, your Stand can latch onto a creature's tongue, after which it says the opposite of its intent.

Inseparable Pair

At 5th level, you’ve formed a dependence on another creature. At the end of a long rest, you may choose one creature. Until the end of your next long rest, they are your partner. This grants you several bonuses for working in tandem with them. Whenever they attack a creature, you can spend 1 spirit point to attack them as well without spending your reaction, and you can spend a further spirit point to gain advantage on the attack. When your partner is attacked, can spend your reaction to contest your Stand's attack roll with the aggressor's, stopping the attack on a success. Finally, if your partner is within 50 ft. of you, your attack rolls gain an additional +2 bonus, and your damage rolls gain 1 additional die.

Stand User Alignment: Rolling Stone

Stand of Fate

The Rolling Stone Alignment Stand does not have unique ability scores. You Stand can be anywhere within 240 ft. from you and is Small. Your Stand's AC is 18, and has 150 hit points.

We are all slaves of fate

At 3rd level, your Stand follows creatures fated to die a horrible death in the near future (up to 5 days). It will follow them incessantly, being able to phase through objects and difficult terrain. If the creature touches it, they die instantly, avoiding their fate. If it is destroyed by the creature or their Stand, it stops chasing them.

Stand User Alignment: House

Stand of Ghosts

The House Alignment Stand does not have a summoned form or unique ability scores.

Walking the "path of Justice" is true "Fate" !

At 3rd level, you may see, touch, and use the ghosts of objects that have been destroyed. This can be as small as a finger digit or as large as a room. The act identical to their original intent, save for ghost food not counting toward a creature's food requirements.

Under World

At 5th level, when you or another creature enters a ghost room or vehicle, you may choose whether or not it is a "snapshot", in which it is just the items and the room, or a "story", in which it travels through time in the same manner as the time you set it as. The memories of the creatures inside the area act as they did at the time.

Stand User Alignment: Manhattan Transfer

Stand of Wind

The Manhattan Transfer Alignment is an assassination tool for snipers, but not as much as Stray Ratt. Your Stand’s Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma Modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand’s Strength, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are all equal to your own. Your Stand can move 2000 ft. from your Character’s position. Your Stand’s AC is equal to 10 + your Stand’s Dexterity Modifier + your Charisma Modifier. Your Stand can not take actions.

Meteorologists say the wind's movements are unpredictable. They have a point. But the wind isn't completely unreadable.

At 3rd level, your Stand has a blindsight of 600 feet. If you attack your Stand with a ranged attack, your Stand does not take damage and it immediately makes an attack with the same weapon.

Stand User Alignment: Highway to Hell

Stand of Suffering

The Highway to Hell Stand Alignment is better than Cheap Trick, but not by much. It does not have a summoned form or unique ability scores.

I feel like dying

At 3rd level, you may bind your Stand to another creature within 30 feet as an action. Until you end this effect as an action, any damage dealt to yourself deals an equal percentage of damage to that creature.

Stand User Alignment: Marilyn Manson

Stand of Debt

The Marilyn Manson Alignment is situational at best. Your Stand’s Strength is equal to your Strength + your Charisma Modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand’s Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are all equal to your own. Your Stand can move 60 ft. from your Character’s position. Your Stand’s AC is equal to 10 + your Stand’s Strength Modifier + your Charisma Modifier. Your Stand acts autonomously, and will only act to defend itself.

Cheating isn't part of the game... but things are bound to happen during one

At 3rd level, when you make a bet, your Stand automatically summons. It will exact payment from the loser at the end of the bet. It will not accept stolen items, but will accept items of the proper value. If they can not pay, it attempts to extract the losers organs to acquire enough goods to sell on the black market.

Stand User Alignment: Limp Bizkit

Stand of Invisible Zombies

The Limp Bizkit Alignment is an oddball. Your Stand’s Strength is equal to your Strength + your Charisma Modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand’s Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are all equal to your own. Your Stand is a phenomenon, and as such does not have a traditionally summoned form. Your Stand’s AC is equal to 10 + your Stand’s Strength Modifier + your Charisma Modifier. Your Stand acts autonomously, and will only act to defend itself.

Limp Bizkit, the one who emerges from the dark, who indulges in the dark...

At 3rd level, you may create a wraith from any dead body within 60 feet of you. These corpses retain all of the stats they had in life and gain your Stand's features. They gain a climbing speed equal to their movement speed unless they already had a greater climbing speed, and they become invisible, even to Stand Users. If a wraith is reduced to 0 hit points, it dies instantly. If you die, you become a mindless wraith as well.

Stand User Alignment: Dragon's Dream

Stand of Feng Shui

The Dragon's Dream Stand Alignment is an almost complete neutral party. It does not have unique ability scores and can not be damaged or interact with the world in any way. It moves autonomously, and can be anywhere within 60 feet of you.

Great misfortune is on its way here

At 3rd level, at the beginning of each of your turns, your Stand points out two 5-square-foot areas to every creature that can see it that last until the beginning of your next turn. In one area, every d20 roll the creature takes has advantage, while in the other they have disadvantage.

Stand User Alignment: Yo-Yo Ma

Stand of Acid

The Yo-Yo Ma Alignment Stand is invincible, but inoffensive. Your Stand's Intelligence is equal to your Intelligence + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 1 mile away from your character's position. Your Stand does not reflect damage and can not be killed, but it becomes paralyzed for 1 minute if it takes 100 damage as its target radar is temporarily disabled. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and it's unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls. Your Stand acts autonomously, only following vague orders to the best of their ability.

Stop treating me like an object... not that I mind

At 3rd level, as an action for 1 spirit point, your Stand can force a creature within 5 feet of it to attempt a DC 10 + your Stand's Intelligence modifier Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take 3d6 + your Stand's Intelligence modifier acid damage and can not speak. On a success, nothing happens.

It doesn't matter if you destroy parts of my body, there is no way you can destroy me or stop me

At 5th level, your Stand may use "Stop treating me..." as an attack with Exchange Blows, or continue to use it as an action to grant it 30 additional feet of range.

Stand User Alignment: Jailhouse Lock

Stand of Memory

Much like the Yo-Yo Ma Alignment, a Jailhouse Lock Stand is invincible, but inoffensive. Your Stand's Strength is equal to your Strength + your Charisma modifier + 3, your Stand's Constitution is equal to your Constitution + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 30 ft. from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and it's unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.

You can only remember three things.

At 3rd level, as a bonus action for 3 spirit points on the same turn that your Stand successfully attacks a creature, the creature must succeed a DC 10 + your Stand's Constitution modifier Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they can only learn 3 new pieces of information until you are reduced to 0 hit points. If they learn a fourth thing, they forget the first. This can not lose memories they had before being attacked. This can be somewhat circumvented by compiling information (i.e. memorizing a reflection of a list instead of only 3 bullet points on it).

Stand User Alignment: Rhapsody

Stand of Fiction

The Rhapsody Alignment Stand does not have unique ability scores or traditional summoned form.

If there's no Mickey, this shit ain't Disney!!

At 3rd level, your Stand brings an illustrated character to life within 1 mile. It does this again and its range increases by 1 mile every minute. This lasts until your Stand is de-summoned. The characters will attempt to tell their story as accurately as possible.

Stand User Alignment: Tubular Bells

Stand of Balloon Animals

The Tubular Bells Alignment is weak as a concept, but powerful in practice. Your Stand’s Strength is equal to your Strength + your Charisma Modifier, your Stand’s Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma Modifier, your Stand’s Constitution is equal to your Constitution + your Charisma Modifier. The rest of your Stand’s Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are all equal to your own. Your Stand can move any distance from your Character’s position, but can not be summoned or de-summoned. Your Stand’s AC is equal to 10 + your Stand’s Dexterity Modifier + your Charisma Modifier. Your Stand is also Proficient in unarmed attacks, and it’s unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.

Your sentence to torture is now repealed! Now! Immediately! You are to be executed!

At 3rd level, you may blow into a metal object as an object, turning it into a metal balloon. As another action, you may tie your balloons into the shape of any Beast of your choice of a similar size (i.e. a rat for a nail, a motorcycle for an elephant, etc.). They act as your Stand, save for not benefiting from Manifestation of Will, Invisible Force, Exchange Blows, or Exploit the Armor.

Stand User Alignment: 20th Century Boy

Stand of Invulnerability

The 20th Century Boy Alignment is powerful as a concept, but weak in practice. Your Stand does not have unique statistics, and is a phenomenon.

People who don’t have anything to lose are the scariest types

At 3rd level, while you are prone, you can not have your current or maximum hit points reduced in any way until you are no longer prone. If you take an action, bonus action, or reaction, you do not benefit from this feature until the beginning of your next turn.

Stand User Alignment: Public Image Limited

Stand of Harm

The Public Image Limited Alignment Stand does not have unique ability scores or a traditional summoned form.

This Stand's original user's name in canon is Rigatoni

At 3rd level, when you make a ranged attack, you may spend 4 hit points to add +1 to your attack and damage rolls (you may do this multiple time).

Stand User Alignment: Joy Division

Stand of Transportation

The Joy Division Alignment Stand is situational at best. Your Stand’s Strength is equal to your Strength + your Charisma Modifier, your Stand’s Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma Modifier. The rest of your Stand’s Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are all equal to your own. Your Stand can move 15 feet from your Character’s position. Your Stand’s AC is equal to 10 + your Stand’s Dexterity Modifier + your Charisma Modifier. Your Stand is also Proficient in unarmed attacks, and it’s unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.

Spacial Shifting

At 3rd level, you may teleport any object or creature held by either you or your Stand's hand into another hand.

Stand User Alignment: Voodoo Child

Stand of Lips

The Voodoo Child Alignment Stand is situational at best. Your Stand’s Strength is equal to your Strength + your Charisma Modifier, your Stand’s Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma Modifier. The rest of your Stand’s Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are all equal to your own. Your Stand can move 30 feet from your Character’s position. Your Stand’s AC is equal to 10 + your Stand’s Dexterity Modifier + your Charisma Modifier. Your Stand is also Proficient in unarmed attacks, and it’s unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.

Repeating Lips

At 3rd level, on a hit with your Stand's unarmed attack, a mouth appears at the impact that repeats the closest, most recent words said near the attack.

Stand User Alignment: Manic Depression

Stand of Sickness

The Manic Depression Alignment Stand is situational at best. Your Stand’s Strength is equal to your Strength + your Charisma Modifier, your Stand’s Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma Modifier. The rest of your Stand’s Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are all equal to your own. Your Stand can move 30 feet from your Character’s position. Your Stand’s AC is equal to 10 + your Stand’s Dexterity Modifier + your Charisma Modifier. Your Stand is also Proficient in unarmed attacks, and it’s unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.

Neurochemical Manipulation

At 3rd level, on a successful hit with your Stand's unarmed attack, a creature must attempt a DC 10 + your Stand's Strength modifier Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they gain one disease of your choice. You may also convert salt into an equal amount of a drug twice as potent as opium that reverts to salt after 2 weeks.

Stand User Alignment: Rainy Day Dream Away

Stand of Emotions

The Rainy Day Dream Away Alignment Stand does not have unique ability scores or a traditional summoned form.

This Stand's original user's name in canon is Rigatoni

At 3rd level, as an action or bonus action, you may force a creature within 60 feet of you to only feel that emotion until you end this effect as an action or they leave this feature's range.

Stand User Alignment: Dolly Dagger

Stand of Reflection

The Dolly Dagger Alignment Stand appears as a dagger when summoned.

Partial Damage Reflection

At 3rd level, when you take damage, you only take 30% of it, rounded up, while the creature who dealt the damage takes 70% of it, rounded down.

Stand User Alignment: Nightbird Flying

Stand of Addiction

The Nightbird Flying Alignment Stand appears as a small bird when summoned, and it can be anywhere within 100 feet of you.

Partial Damage Reflection

At 3rd level, as an action, one creature within 15 feet of your Stand must succeed a DC 20 Charisma saving throw. On a failure, they become fatally addicted to a substance of your choice. The further the creature gets from you, the more the addiction wanes, fully fading at 200 feet.

Stand User Alignment: Grand Bleu

Stand of Dolphins

The Grand Bleu Alignment Stand manifests as 12 dolphins. Your Stands can be anywhere within 300 miles, and have a flying speed of 3000 feet (300 mph).

Altered Physics

At 3rd level, up to two creatures can ride one of your dolphins. It is an incredibly gentle ride for its immense speed.

Stand User Alignment: Blue Thunder

Stand of Flight

The Blue Thunder Alignment Stand does not have unique ability scores or a traditional manifested form.


At 3rd level, you gain a flying speed equal to your movement speed.

Stand User Alignment: The Passion

Stand of Precognition

The Passion Alignment Stand does not have unique ability scores or a traditional manifested form.

My name is Jonathan Joestar

At 3rd level, you may see everything will happen around you within 100 ft, until the start of your next turn for 1 spirit point. While this feature is active, you can use the ready feature as a free action and any attack made against you has a disadvantage while you gain advantage in saving throws. You may spend 1 spirit point to cause any attack that hits you during the read turn to deal half damage. You also gain glimpses of the far future sporadically.


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Stand User class, you must meet these prerequisites: Strength 13 and Charisma 13

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Stand User class, you gain the following proficiencies: Light armor, Medium armor, Simple weapons, Martial weapons.

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gollark: Well, actually, I guess your "shows gravity is related to magnetism" thing *is* specific and not supported by that.
gollark: You can't exactly be *wrong*, since you aren't making any specific claims.
gollark: It contains the word "gravitomagnetic". However, based on my advanced Wikipedia-looking-at abilities, I can see that that does not actually mean what you think it means.
gollark: Wow, you're backtracking lots.
gollark: You did not. How does the paper talk about "magnetism having an effect on gravity"?
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