Shartrund's Energy Blade (5e Spell)
The first time you cast this spell after a short or long rest, choose a damage type from fire, radiant, cold, force, lightning, acid and necrotic. Make a melee spell attack roll against a target within range. You momentarily manifest a melee weapon that you are proficient with and strike at the target. On a hit, it deals the chosen damage type instead of the normal weapon damage a weapon of it's type would deal, then it disappears.
Evocation cantrip | |
Casting time: | 1 action |
Range: | Melee |
Components: | V, S |
Duration: | Instantaneous |
If you haven't changed the damage type of this spell since your last short rest, you may add your spellcasting modifier to the damage dealt on a hit.
If you haven't changed the damage type of this spell since your last long rest, the weapon also gains one of the following benefits based on its element:
- Fire-- On a critical hit, you light your target on fire. A burning creature takes 5 (1d10) damage at the start of each of its turns, until someone takes an action to douse the fire, or the creature is submerged in water or some similar (not-flammable) liquid.
- Radiant-- On a critical hit, your target is blinded for a number of rounds equal to your spellcasting modifier. The target may make a Constitution saving throw vs your spell save DC to end this effect at the end of each of it's turns.
- Cold-- On a critical hit, the target's movement speed is halved for a number of rounds equal to your spellcasting modifier. The target may make a Constitution saving throw vs your spell save DC to end this effect at the end of each of it's turns.
- Force-- The damage die of your weapon is increased by one size. (1->d2->d4->d6->d8->d10->d12->2d6->2d8->2d10->2d12)
- Lightning-- When a piece of metal of an appropriate size or length is within your reach and that metal extends into the reach of another creature, you may attack as though that creature is within your melee range. For the purposes of flanking, treat the attack as though it comes from a creature occupying the space where the metal is. (You could feasibly attack through a creature wearing plate armor if you and the target are within melee range of the plate-armored creature, or strike from anywhere in a room with a metal floor and walls).
- Acid-- If you miss, the ground that the target occupies becomes dangerous terrain for a number of turns equal to your spellcasting modifier. Creatures that start their turn on, or touch the area of dangerous terrain take 5 (1d10) acid damage.
- Necrotic-- On a critical hit, you gain temporary hit points equal to your spellcasting modifier (minimum of 1).
You may only have one lasting effect from this spell active at a time. If an effect with a duration is triggered when you already have one active, the newly triggered effect replaces the old one.
At Higher Levels. The number of weapon damage dice this spell deals increases as you level up. Add another damage die of the size appropriate to the manifested weapon when you reach 5th level(2 damage dice), 10th(3 damage dice) and 17th(4 damage dice).
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