Runeblade (5e Class)

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The Runeblade is a master of both magic and melee. Using arcane runes and precision blade arts, the runeblade weaves through enemies with the power and certainty of a typhoon. Are you capable of delving into the ancient runic secrets?

Leviathan and The Terrun Calibre

Long ago, there was a great creature called Leviathan, not to be confused with the sea serpent of the same name, it was a mighty and proud creature that fought against any adversary both Light and Dark. To aid in this quest, it gifted it's knowledge and experience to mortals who would stand by its side. Gifting them the balance between swordsmanship and arcane runes, those mortals became runeblades. Time has long since passed and the Great Leviathan has all but disappeared from the worlds. But one group remains devout to Leviathan's Teachings and keep the path of the Runeblade alive; The Terrun Calibre. A reclusive order who trains under the caste leader, the Anchorite. They are the mouthpiece of Leviathan and continue its teachings. Will you pledge your blade to learn the secrets of times long passed?

Creating a Runeblade

Quick Build

You can make a runeblade quickly by following these suggestions. First, Dexterity or Strength should be your highest ability score, followed by Intelligence. Second, choose the Urban Bounty Hunter background.

Class Features

As a Runeblade you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d10 per Runeblade level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Runeblade level after 1st


Armor: Light Armor
Weapons: Simple and Martial Weapons
Tools: Smith's tools, Calligrapher's tools
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Strength
Skills: Athletics, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, and Survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) A martial weapon or (b) Two simple weapons
  • (a) A dungeoneer's pack or (b) An explorer's pack
  • (a) A set of Leather Armour or (b) {{{item3b}}}
  • (a) Smith's tools or (b) Calligrapher's tools
  • If you are using starting wealth, you have 10gp in funds.

Table: The Runeblade

FeaturesRunic Sigil Trances
1st+2Scholar's Edge, Runic armour0
2nd+2Leviathan's Knowledge, Runic Inscription0
3rd+2Runic Sigil, Leviathan's Blade3
4th+2Ability Score Improvement, 3
5th+3Extra Attack3
6th+3Runic Balance, Runic Study4
7th+3Runic Focus4
8th+3Ability Score Improvement, 4
9th+4Blade Mastery4
10th+4Leviathan Scalemail, Increased Runic Inscriptions4
11th+4Extra Attack (2)4
12th+4Ability Score Improvement, Runic Study5
13th+5Accursed Edge5
14th+5Blade Mastery (2)5
15th+5Sorrowbond, Runeblade's Privilege5
16th+5Ability Score Improvement, Runic Study6
17th+6Empowering Critical6
18th+6Blade Mastery (3)6
19th+6Ability Score Improvement, Judgement Rune6
20th+6Will of the First Blade, Leviathan's Smite6

Scholar's Edge

You begin your study of the Runic arts and, as your first test of runic inscriptions, you inscribe a weapon of yours with the Sigil of the Rune Acolyte. The sigil creates a node on the blade that connects it to the fabric of magic. whenever you attack with the weapon, you can add half your Int modifier to the attack roll.

Runekeeper's Sight

Additionally, so long as the weapon bearing the Sigil of the Rune Acolyte is somewhere on your body, you gain Runekeeper's Sight. You gain the ability to read all written languages.

Leviathan's Knowledge

At the 2nd level, you begin your study of ancient runeblade masters and their teachings. You gain access to Blade Styles, in particular, two: Impact and Flurry dependent on which archetype you choose, the list of Blade styles will change accordingly.

Runic Energy

You gain Runic Energy equal to your Intelligence modifier. You regain 1 Runic Energy each time you roll a 20 on the d20 attack roll with your Leviathan’s Blade. You regain all Runic Energy after a long or short rest.

Runic Inscriptions

At the 2nd level, your proficiency with both calligraphy and smithing enables you to inscribe runes on bladed weapons. depending on the size of the blade you can inscribe:

  • 2 lbs or under: 1 rune
  • 2 lbs to 6lbs: 2 runes
  • 6 lbs and over: 3 runes
Available Runes

Your choices of runes are as followed:

  • True Strike Rune: During your turn, you can use your action to cast true strike using one Runic energy. You can maintain the effect by using one Runic energy each turn after as a bonus action. this rune can only be used on a weapon you own. (associated spell: true strike)
  • Blade Ward Rune: during your turn, you can use your action to cast blade ward using one Runic energy. You can maintain the effect by using one Runic energy each turn after as a bonus action. this rune can only be used on a weapon you own. (associated spell: blade ward)
  • Rune Acolyte's Rune: The wielder of the weapon can now add half their intelligence modifier(rounding down) to their attack rolls. the wielder does not need to be a runeblade.
  • Divine Rune: The wielder of a weapon you can touch with your hands now rolls advantage on undead and demonic creatures, but rolls disadvantage on divine and holy entities. This effect activates irrespective of the combat situation. The wielder does not need to be a runeblade
  • Necrotic Rune: The wielder of a weapon you can touch with your hands now rolls advantage on divine and holy creatures, but rolls disadvantage on necrotic and undead entities. This effect activates irrespective of the combat situation. The wielder does not to be a runeblade

every subsequent level afterward, you can learn 2 runes associated with any cantrips, your spellcasting for those cantrips is intelligence. the effect of the cantrips can only occur if the blade cuts an enemy or is in contact with an ally

Leviathan's Blade

The ancient bond between arcanists and swordmasters has given rise to the Leviathan’s Blade, the tool and companion of the runeblade. Beginning at Level 3, You can use your action to create your Leviathan’s Blade in your empty hand. You can choose the form that this melee weapon takes each time you create it but it must be a bladed weapon. You are proficient with it while you wield it. This weapon counts as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to non-magical attacks and damage.

Your Leviathan’s Blade disappears if it is more than 5 feet away from you for 1 minute or more. It also disappears if you use this feature again, if you dismiss the weapon (no action required), or if you die.

You can transform one magic weapon into your Leviathan’s Blade by performing a special ritual while you hold the weapon. You perform the ritual for 1 hour, which can be done during a short rest. You can then dismiss the weapon, shunting it into an extradimensional space, and it appears whenever you create your Leviathan’s Blade thereafter. The amount of runes a Leviathan's Blade can hold is equal to 2+ the normal max for their size. The weapon ceases being your Leviathan’s Blade if you die, if you perform the 1-hour ritual on a different weapon, or if you use a 1-hour ritual to break your bond to it. Your Leviathan’s Blade appears at your feet if it is in the extradimensional space when the bond breaks.

Runic Sigil

By the 3rd level, you have been allowed to train in the art of runic sigils, you keep these sigils in your mind putting you in a trance. On your turn, you can enter a trance as a bonus action. While under the effect of a runic sigil, you gain the following benefit related to which elemental sigil you pick. You can only have one Sigil active at one time:

  • Flame Sigil: Your attacks with your Leviathan’s Blade deal an additional 1d8 Fire Damage. Additionally, your Blade Styles are changed to their ‘Flame Sigil’ variation.
  • Frost Sigil: Your attacks with your Leviathan’s Blade deal an additional 1d8 Cold Damage. Additionally, your Blade Styles are changed to their ‘Frost Sigil’ variation.
  • Storm Sigil: Your attacks with your Leviathan’s Blade deal an additional 1d8 Lightning Damage. Additionally, your Blade Styles are changed to their ‘Storm Sigil’ variation.

The sigils damage increases by 1d8 when you reach the 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).

Your Runic Sigil Trance lasts for 1 minute. It ends early if you are knocked unconscious or if you end your Trance on your turn as a bonus action. Once you have entered your Runic Sigil Trance the number of times shown in the Runic Sigil Trances column of the Runeblade table, you must finish a long rest before you can enter the trance again.

Ability Score Increase

When you reach the 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. The number of attacks increases to three when you reach 11th level.

Runic Balance

Beginning at 6th level, your study has broken new ground as you being training to balance your blade craft and skill. When a creature you can see affects you with a magical effect that requires you to make a Saving Throw, you can choose to fail the throw but doing so increases your Runic Energy by 1. You can use this ability several times up to your proficiency bonus and regain all uses after a long rest.

Runic Study

You gain access to the Forest Sigil; while active, the Forest Sigil, instead of dealing additional damage, heals 1d6 hp per turn, this heal happens after your action ends.

  • at 12th level, the Forest Sigil heals 2d6 hp per turn instead of 1d6. Additionally, once you activate it, until your next turn, enemies dealing slashing damage are forced to roll at disadvantage if targeting you.
  • at 16th level, the Forest Sigil has reached further heights, now healing 1d20 hp each turn on top of forcing all enemies dealing slashing damage, either to you or your party members, to roll at disadvantage until your next turn.

Runic Focus

Starting at 7th level, your master has given you special knowledge of your clan to draw the full power from your runic sigils. While under the effect of Runic Sigil, you gain the following benefits relating to which sigil is active. These benefits last while the sigil is active.

At 7th level, the benefits are:

  • Flame Sigil: Add an additional damage dice to all Fire damage you deal. Additionally, when you first enter the effect of Runic Sigil you gain Temporary Hitpoints equal to Half of your Runeblade level (Rounded Up).
  • Frost Sigil: Add an additional damage dice to all Cold damage you deal. Additionally, increase your AC by 1.
  • Storm Sigil: Add an additional damage dice to all Lightning damage you deal. Additionally, increase your movement speed by 5ft and your Dexterity Saving Throws by 1.

At 12th level, the benefits become:

  • Flame sigil: Add 2 additional damage dice to all Fire damage you deal. Additionally, when you first enter the effect of Runic Sigil you gain Temporary Hitpoints equal to your Runeblade level.
  • Frost sigil: Add an additional damage dice to all Cold damage you deal. Additionally, increase your AC by 2.
  • Storm sigil: Add an additional damage dice to all Lightning damage you deal. Additionally, increase your movement speed by 5ft and your Dexterity saving throws by 2.

At 16th level, the benefits become:

  • Flame sigil: Add 3 additional damage dice to all Fire damage you deal. Additionally, when you first enter the effect of Runic Sigil you gain Temporary Hitpoints equal to your Runeblade level added to half of your Runeblade level.
  • Frost sigil: Add an additional damage dice to all Cold damage you deal. Additionally, increase your AC by 3.
  • Storm sigil: Add an additional damage dice to all Lightning damage you deal. Additionally, increase your movement speed by 15ft and your Dexterity Saving Throws by 3.

Blade Mastery

At the 9th level, you have perfected some of the more advanced Blade Techniques of your Clan and have begun to get more acquainted with your blade companion; increasing its effectiveness. Your Leviathan’s Blade is classed as a +1 weapon (If it wasn’t already) and gains an additional Weapon damage dice while you wield it. This increases to a +2 Weapon (If it wasn’t already) at the 14th level and the 18th level, it becomes a +3 weapon (If it wasn’t already) and gains yet another additional Weapon damage dice.

Leviathan Scalemail

Your study of the Runic arts shows much promise, so much in fact, that your Runic Armour now rivals the scales of the Leviathan itself. Beginning at level 10, While you are unarmoured or wearing Light Armour, you can add your whole Intelligence Modifier to your AC.

Increased Runic Inscriptions

At 10th Level, your repertoire of Runic Inscriptions also grows; now including

  • Chill rune:If you attacked an enemy during your turn, you can use a bonus action and one Runic energy to deal 1d8 necrotic damage to the foe. (associated spell: chill touch)
  • Hell rune:If you attacked an enemy during your turn, you can use a bonus action and one Runic energy to cast hellish rebuke on them . (associated spell: hellish rebuke)

every subsequent level after the 10th Level, you can learn runes associated with 1st level spells.

Ability Score Increase

When you reach 12th and again at 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Runic Sigil Study

You gain access to the Steel Sigil; while active, the Steel Sigil allows anyone in your party, including yourself, to roll advantage on both attack and damage rolls so long as the damage dealt is slashing.

  • at 16th level, the Steel Sigil has reached further heights, now extending its effect to all weapons. Additionally, Your AC increases by one and you add one more damage dice to your roll, so long as the effect of Steel Sigil is in effect.

Accursed Edge

Starting at 13th level, the unkempt runic energies in your Leviathan's Blade resonate along your blade, causing it to temporarily disrupt mystical energy. When you attack with your Leviathan’s Blade, you negate bonuses to AC provided through magical means on the target creature for that attack.


At the 15th level, your training has provided you with some more secrets of long lost Runeblade Artisans. When you damage a creature with your Leviathan’s Blade that is concentrating on a spell, that creature has disadvantage on the saving throw it makes to maintain its concentration. Additionally, you have advantage on saving throws against spells cast by creatures within 5 feet of you.

Runeblade's Privilege

starting with the 15th level, you now can learn runes associated with 2nd level spells.

Ability Score Increase

When you reach the 16th level and again at the 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Runic Study

You gain access to the Space Sigil; while active, the Space Sigil bends space-time to your will, allowing allies and you to travel double their walking speed without utilizing the dash action. Additionally, all enemies, irrespective of any other effects, see their movement speeds reduced to half their base speed.

you gain access to the Striking Sigil; while active, the Striking Sigil grants your attacks with your Leviathan’s Blade to score a critical hit on a roll of 19-20, and you regain a point of Runic Energy on a roll of 17-20 on a d20 attack roll with your Leviathan’s Blade.

Ability Score Increase

When you reach the 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Judgement Rune

a rune that is reveled at level 19. when inscribed on any bladed weapon, any attack done by the blade deals additional damage and has an added effect depending on the alignment of the enemy:

  • Good Alignments: deals an additional 2d6 radiant damage. Enemies must make a Wisdom saving throw, or be inflicted with the frightened condition.
  • Neutral Alignments:deals an additional 2d6 force damage. Enemies must make a Strength saving throw, or be thrown 20ft back and inflicted with the prone condition.
  • Evil Alignments:deals an additional 2d6 necrotic damage. Enemies must make a Constitution saving throw, or decay for 1d6 rounds. Targets must make a constitution saving throw each round after being afflicted or else take 1d8 necrotic damage.

Will of the First Blade

You have now reached a complete understanding of the Runic Scriptures and have attuned your mind, body, and soul to the Leviathan, granting thee infinite knowledge, power, and wisdom. At 20th Level, your Intelligence, Strength, and Wisdom ability scores increase by 5 each to a max of 25.

Leviathan's Fortune

At level 20, once per long rest, if you were to fail to a check, you can instead choose to pass it

Leviathan's Smite

Through your eternal soul bond to the Leviathan, The raw, divine, runic energy overflows from your body, forcing your Leviathan's Blade to Evolve into a Rune Blade, a pure manifestation of Runic might. the max amount of Rune able to be inscribed on your Rune Blade is equivalent to 4 + the max for the blade size. The Rune Blade also gains the ability to activate Leviathan's Smite, a skill that expends 5 Runic energies and adds 2d20s worth of damage to the next attack, on top of activating all inscribed runes applicable to the next attack.


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Runeblade class, you must meet these prerequisites: 13 Strength and 13 Intelligence

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Runeblade class, you gain the following proficiencies: Arcana and History

Blade Styles

Base Blade Style Blade Style NameEffect
Flurry FlurryYou strike around you with great speed and precision. When you make a weapon attack with your Leviathan’s Blade, you can spend a Runic Energy to make an attack roll against all foes within 10ft, using the one attack roll as the to hit against all of the creatures. On a hit, you deal your Leviathan’s Blade damage and an additional 1d6 Points of force damage per relative Trance Level.
Flurry Flame FlurryWhile under the effect of ‘Flame Sigil’ the force damage is replaced with 1d10 Points of Fire damage per relative Trance Level. Additionally, they must make a Constitution Saving Throw or be Immolated, taking 3d6 Points of fire damage at the end of their turn. They can repeat the saving throw at the beginning of their turns.
Flurry Frost FlurryWhile under the effect of ‘Frost Sigil’ the force damage is replaced with 1d6 Points of Cold damage per relative Trance Level. Additionally, the creature’s movement speed is halved until the end of their next turn.
Flurry Storm FlurryWhile under the effect of ‘Storm Sigil’ the force damage is replaced with 1d8 Points of Lighting damage per relative Trance Level. Additionally, they must make a Constitution Saving Throw or be Stunned until their next turn.
Echoing Blade Echoing BladeYou rend the very fabric of time to create a delayed cage of slashes. When you make an attack roll with your Leviathan’s Blade, you can spend a Runic Energy to attempt to mark the creature for death. On a hit, you do not deal damage but apply ‘Echoing Blade’ and concentrate on this effect. At the end of each of your turns, roll a d6. On a DC 1 or when you drop concentration the Echoing Blade strikes, dealing your Leviathan's Blade damage and an additional 1d6 points of Force Damage for each turn this effect has been active and you made a roll. This ends your Concentration on this effect. The DC increases by 1 for each subsequent turn. Only one creature can be affected by Echoing Blade at one time.
Echoing Blade Echoing FlamesWhile under the effect of ‘Flame Sigil’ the Force damage becomes 1d8 Fire Damage Additionally, when the Echoing Blade triggers, all creatures within 20ft of the marked creature must make a Dexterity Saving Throw or take half of the total damage dealt by Echoing Blade.
Echoing Blade Echoing FrostWhile under the effect of ‘Frost Sigil’ the Force damage becomes 1d6 Cold Damage. The Marked creature must make a Constitution Saving Throw or must reduce their To Hit bonus by half.
Echoing Blade Echoing StormWhile under the effect of ‘Storm Sigil’ the Force damage becomes 1d6 Lightning Damage. Additionally, if the creature willfully moves before the end of your next turn, the damage becomes 6d6 Lightning damage and you no longer roll a d6 at the end of your turn.
Impact ImpactYour blade resonates with destructive energy, thrust it groundward to release it. When you make a weapon attack with your Leviathan’s Blade, you can expend 1 Runic Energy to instead thrust your blade into the ground and create a shockwave. All creatures within 10ft, including aerial creatures, must make a Dexterity saving throw or be blasted back 10ft and take 1d6 Points of bludgeoning damage per relative Trance level. On a successful save, they take half damage and are not moved instead.
Impact Burning ImpactWhile under the effect of ‘Flame Sigil’ the Bludgeoning damage is replaced by 1d10 Points of Fire damage per relative Trance Level. Additionally, you create a towering flame pillar that lasts until the start of your next turn which deals 1d6 points of damage when a creature makes a weapon attack against you.
Impact Freezing ImpactWhile under the effect of ‘Frost Sigil’ the Bludgeoning damage is replaced by 1d6 Points of Cold damage per relative Trance Level. Additionally the shockwave creates an icy mist until the start of your next turn. Creatures within 10ft of the Icy Mist can use either an action or a bonus action, not both on its turn.
Impact Surging ImpactWhile under the effect of ‘Storm Sigil’ the Bludgeoning damage is replaced by 1d8 Points of Lighting damage per relative Trance Level. Additionally it spawns a 30ft cloud which you are immune to the effects of. Until your next turn gusts and freezing rain assail the area under the cloud. the area becomes heavily obscured and ranged weapon attacks in the area are at disadvantage.
Blade Chasm Blade ChasmAs an action, you can spend 1 Runic Energy to place down runes during your movement. At the end of your next turn, the runes erupt in a 5ft radius and deal your Leviathan’s Blade Weapon damage and an additional 1d6 Points of force damage per relative Trance Level to all creatures in the radius.
Blade Chasm Flame ChasmWhile under the effect of ‘Flame Sigil’ The runes burn with lingering fire. Creatures that pass through the fire runes take 2d6 Points of fire damage. The force damage is replaced by 1d10 Points of fire damage per relative Trance Level.
Blade Chasm Frost ChasmWhile under the effect of ‘Frost Sigil’ the force damage is replaced by 1d6 Points of Cold damage per relative Trance Level. Additionally, the explosions spread ice shards. Creatures within 20ft of the runes must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d4 Cold damage.
Blade Chasm Storm ChasmWhile under the effect of ‘Storm Sigil’ the force damage is replaced by 1d8 Points of Lighting damage per relative Trance Level. Additionally, the explosions cause lightning bolts to shoot from it. Select creatures up to your proficiency bonus within 30ft. They must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 2d6 Lightning damage.
Last Arcanum Last ArcanumWhen you make a weapon attack with your Leviathan’s Blade, you can spend 1 Runic Energy to instead move half of your movement, without provoking opportunity attacks, in a straight line and make a weapon attack against all hostile creatures within range of the line. You only make one attack roll for all creatures. On a hit, you deal your weapon damage and an additional 1d6 Force Damage per relative Trance Level.
Last Arcanum Last SolumWhile under the effect of ‘Frost Sigil’ the force damage becomes 1d10 Fire damage per relative Trance Level. Additionally, if a creature is above half of their Max Hit Points, the attack is classed as a Critical Attack in terms of damage and takes double your base weapon damage.
Last Arcanum Last CongeloWhile under the effect of ‘Storm Sigil’ the force damage becomes 1d6 Points of Cold damage per relative Trance Level. Additionally, the line forms a 20ft high glacial wall that lasts until the beginning of your next turn. If the wall cuts through a creature's space when it appears, the creature is pushed to one side of the wall (your choice which side. Nothing can physically pass through the wall and it is immune to all damage.
Last Arcanum Last JudiciumWhile under the effect of ‘Flame Sigil’ You can move your full movement and the force damage becomes 1d8 Points of Lighting damage per relative Trance Level. Additionally, you deal an extra 1 point of Lightning Damage for each creature hit by this effect.
Whirling Blades Whirling BladesYou summon ethereal chakrams and blast them towards your foes. When you make a weapon attack with your Leviathan’s Blade; you can spend 1 Runic Energy to instead summon the chakrams and blast them at a creature within 30ft. You make a weapon attack using your Leviathan’s Blade’s to hit bonus. On a hit you deal your Leviathan’s Blade damage and an additional 1d6 Points of force damage per relative Trance Level.
Whirling Blades Whirling FlamesWhile under the effect of ‘Flame Sigil’ the force damage is replaced by 1d10 Points of fire damage per relative Trance Level. Additionally, they must make a Constitution Saving Throw or be Immolated, taking 3d6 Points of fire damage at the end of their turn. They can repeat the saving throw at the beginning of their turns.
Whirling Blades Whirling IciclesWhile under the effect of ‘Frost Sigil’ the force damage is replaced by 1d6 Points of Cold damage per relative Trance Level. Additionally, hit or miss, the chakram explodes. The target and each creature within 5 feet must pass a Dexterity save or take 2d6 cold damage
Whirling Blades Whirling SparksWhile under the effect of ‘Storm Sigil’ the force damage is replaced by 1d8 Points of Lighting damage per relative Trance Level. On a hit, three bolts of lightning that target to as many as three other Targets, each of which must be within 30 feet of the first target. A target can be a creature or an object and can be targeted by only one of the bolts. A target must make a Dexterity saving throw. The target takes 3d4 lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.
Warding Spirits Warding SpiritsYou inscribe defensive runes around you to protect you and your allies against both blade and bolt. As a bonus action, you can spend 1 Runic Energy to create a 5ft circle of runes around you. While you and your allies are standing in this circle, your AC and Saving throws increase by 2. You can concentrate on this Blade Style for up to 1 minute.
Warding Spirits Warding FlamesWhile under the effects of ‘Flame Sigil’, you gain resistance to Fire damage for the duration. Additionally, you create a ring of fire that threatens 5ft around you for the duration. Creatures that start or end their turn within 5ft of you take 2d8 Of Fire damage.
Warding Spirits Warding FrostWhile under the effects of ‘Frost Sigil’, you gain resistance to Cold damage for the duration. Additionally, you negate damage lower than your class level for the duration.
Warding Spirits Warding StormWhile under the effects of ‘Storm Sigil’, you gain resistance to Lightning damage for the duration. Additionally, when you make a successful attack creatures within 5ft of the target take the Lightning damage granted by your Trance.
Illusionary Blades Illusionary BladesYou summon 5 illusionary copies of your Leviathan’s Blade to cast at foes. As an action, you can spend 1 Runic Energy to summon 5 Illusionary Blades. As a bonus action, you can select a creature within 60ft and cast one of the illusions at them. Make a weapon attack using your Leviathan’s Blade’s to hit bonus. On a hit, the blade lodges in them, the creature takes your Leviathan’s Blade weapon damage and an additional 1d6 Points of force damage per relative Trance Level. You do not expend Runic Energy to cast the blades. This effect ends and the blades disappear when you do not use this effect on your turn.
Illusionary Blades Illusionary FlamesWhile under the effect of ‘Flame Sigil’ the illusion blades set alight. The force damage is replaced by 1d10 Points of fire damage per relative Trance Level. Creatures take 1d4 points of Fire damage at the end of your turn for each Illusionary Blade embedded in the creature.
Illusionary Blades Illusionary FrostWhile under the effect of ‘Frost Sigil’ the illusion blades are heavy with thick frost. The force damage is replaced by 1d6 Points of Cold damage per relative Trance Level. Creatures reduce their movement speed by 5 for each Illusionary Blade embedded in the creature.
Illusionary Blades Illusionary BoltsWhile under the effect of ‘Storm Sigil’ the illusion blades crackle with shocking energy. The force damage is replaced by 1d8 Points of Lighting damage per relative Trance Level. When a creature with a creature with a blade in it is subjected to a spell effect, they must reduce their AC and Saving Throws against it for each Illusionary Blade embedded in the creature.
Honing Runes Honing RunesWhile others may not understand the teachings of the legendary Leviathan, it does not mean they cannot benefit from it. As a bonus action, you can spend 1 Runic Energy to place a 10ft rune beneath you. All friendly creatures within the rune’s area increase their weapons’ Critical Hit boundary by 1. You can concentrate on this Blade Style for 1 minute.
Honing Runes Tempering RunesWhile under the effect of ‘Flame Sigil’ friendly creatures in the rune’s area add the fire damage provided through your trance to their weapon attacks. Additionally, they add an additional damage dice to their base weapon attacks.
Honing Runes Glacial RunesWhile under the effect of Frost Sigil’ friendly creatures in the rune’s area add the Cold damage provided through your trance to their weapon attacks. Additionally, they add 1 to their Armour Class.
Honing Runes Surging RunesWhile under the effect of ‘Storm Sigil’ friendly creatures in the rune’s area add the Lightning damage provided through your trance to their weapon attacks. Additionally, when they are subjected to an effect that allows them to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, they instead take no damage if they succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if they fail.
Gravity Runes Gravity RunesAs an action, you can spend 1 Runic Energy to place a 30ft rune on the ground. All creatures in the rune’s area must make a Strength saving throw or be dragged 15ft to the centre and take additional 1d6 Points of Bludgeoning damage per relative Trance Level. On a successful save, they take half damage and are not dragged. The rune persists until the beginning of your next turn.
Gravity Runes Gravity FireballWhile under the effect of ‘Flame Sigil’ the bludgeoning damage is replaced by 1d10 Points of fire damage per relative Trance Level. At the beginning of your next turn, the rune explodes instead of fades. Creatures within the runes area must make a dexterity saving throw or take another 3d6 Points of Fire damage and be blasted back 20ft.
Gravity Runes Gravity FrostballWhile under the effect of ‘Frost Sigil’ the bludgeoning damage is replaced by 1d6 Points of Cold damage per relative Trance Level. Creatures that fail the saving throw are Cryo Shocked; halving their movement and preventing them from regaining Hit Points; until the end of their next turn.
Gravity Runes Gravity ThunderballWhile under the effect of ‘Storm Sigil’ the bludgeoning damage is replaced by 1d8 Points of Lighting damage per relative Trance Level. Creatures hit by this effect are staticed until the end of their next turn. Staticizeded creatures deal 2d4 Lightning damage to hostile creatures they move within 10ft of them.
Elemental Potency Elemental PotencyUtilising Master Ishura’s secret techniques, you can empower your elemental energy. As a bonus action, you can expend 1 Runic energy to place a rune seal upon your Leviathan’s Blade. For the duration, evolve the damage dice of your Fire, Cold and Lightning damage by one stage. You can concentrate on this Blade Style for up to 1 minute. This Blade Style has no Runic Sigil variations.
Blink BlinkAt times, Runeblades can move in an instant in or out of danger. As a bonus action, you can spend 1 Runic Energy to move 30ft. You are classed as being on the Ethereal Plane and do not provoke opportunity attacks or suffer from terrain restrictions. Alternatively, you can instead move up to 60ft if you end this movement within 5ft of a hostile creature. At the end of this movement, you are no longer classed as being on the ethereal plane.
Blink Blazing BlinkWhile under the effects of ‘Fire Sigil’ you leave a trail of fire when you move with this ability. Until the beginning of your next turn, creatures that cross the trail of fire take 2d6 Points of fire damage.
Blink Chilling BlinkWhile under the effects of ‘Frost Sigil’ you leave a frozen path when you move with this ability. Until the beginning of your next turn, the ground classes as Difficult Terrain for all other creatures.
Blink Shocking BlinkWhile under the effects of ‘Storm Sigil’ you move like a bolt of lighting and dart about. Creatures cannot use their reactions when you move with this ability and you can move up to 60ft without stopping within 5ft of a hostile creature.

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gollark: Because I am eternal.
gollark: So about 282 blocks to a side.
gollark: The best you can manage is `sqrt(80000)` m^2.
gollark: ChorOS would create an increase in productivity of 66.6%!
gollark: ChorOS is a fork running on chorus city infrastructure.
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