Ravenwood Student (5e Class)

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Ravenwood Student

"Well hello! if it isn't our newest student! My name is Merle Ambrose. I am the headmaster of the Ravenwood School of Magical Arts. We are expecting great things of you, young wizard!" -Merle Ambrose

The Ravenwood School of Magical Arts is a special school located in Wizard City, a popular starting place for most young wizards. Although there are other schools of magic, Ravenwood is considered the best among them. Its time to enroll, and see which school of magic is right for you, young wizard!

Creating a Ravenwood Student

Quick Build

You can make a Ravenwood quickly by following these suggestions. First, Intelligence should be your highest ability score, followed by Charisma or Constitution. Second, choose either the Hermit or Folk Hero background.

Class Features

As a Ravenwood Student you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d6 per Ravenwood Student level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 1d6 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + Constitution modifier per Ravenwood Student level after 1st


Armor: None
Weapons: Wands, Quarterstaffs, Daggers
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Charisma
Skills: Choose two from Arcana, History, Insight, Investigation, Medicine, Perception, and Religion


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) A Quarterstaff or (b) A Wand
  • (a) An Explorer's Pack or (b) A Scholar's Pack
  • An Arcane Focus
  • A deck of Spell Cards
  • If you are using starting wealth, you have 2d4x100 in funds.

Table: The Ravenwood Student

FeaturesCard Level Max
1st+2Spellcasting, Starter Deck1
2nd+2School of Magic, True Deck, Pips1
3rd+2School of Magic Feature2
4th+2Ability Score Improvement2
5th+3Continued Studies, Extended Spellcasting Focus3
7th+3School of Magic Feature4
8th+3Ability Score Improvement, Astral Schools4
9th+4School of Magic Feature5
10th+4Continued Studies5
11th+4School of Magic Feature6
12th+4Ability Score Improvement6
13th+5School of Magic Feature7
14th+5Extra School7
15th+5Shadow Pips, Shadow School8
16th+5Ability Score Improvement8
17th+6School of Magic Feature9
18th+6Helping Hand9
19th+6Ability Score Improvement9
20th+6Scion of Magic9


As a student of magic in the school of Ravenwood, you cast spells from special Spell Cards, which are contained in your spell deck.

Spellcasting Ability

Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for Ravenwood Student spells, since you learn through being taught by teachers of the school as well as independent study. You use your Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a Ravenwood Student spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.

[Spell save DC = 8 + your proficency bonus + your Intelligence modifier]

[Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier]

Spellcasting Focus

You can use an arcane focus as a spellcasting focus for your Ravenwood Student spells. This focus can be attached to the end of your Quarterstaff or Wand.

Starter Deck

As a beginner in the School of Ravenwood, you have been supplied a Starter deck. This deck is temporary and will be replaced by your class deck, or your True Deck at 2nd level. your starter deck contains the level 0 spell cards for all the schools of magic Ravenwood Students can select from, but without any of the added school effects. these cards are treated as cantrips. to cast a spell card, it costs one action. Simply declare which school's spell card you wish to cast, then make a ranged spell attack. The spell cards and their damage, as well as future cards you'll obtain, can be found at the end of the Class Description.

School of Magic

At 2nd level, you chose a School of Magic. Choose between Fire, Ice, Storm, Life, Death, Myth, or Balance all detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at 3rd level, and again at 7th, 9th, 11th, 13th, and 17th level.


When you reach 2nd level, as per your training, you've learned how to utilize the magic essence known as Pips. Pips are unique in that they are used to cast your spell cards. The level of the spell card dictates how many Pips you need to cast the spell. The number of Pips you have is equal to your Intelligence modifier + your Ravenwood Student level + your proficiency bonus. For example, a 4th level Ravenwood Student with an intelligence of 16 has 9 total Pips at their disposal. Pips are replenished after a short or long rest.

True Deck

After choosing a school of magic at 2nd level, your temporary deck is replaced with your school's True Deck, this is the deck you will use for the remainder of your time as a Ravenwood Student. the cards contained in your true deck are as follows: any spell card with a spell level equal to the Card Level Max column and lower are available for you to cast. You have these cards on your person at all times and are contained in a deck box on your belt/person. To use a spell card, simply declare the level of the spell you wish to cast, and so long as you have the Pips, you can cast the spell. That amount of Pips is consumed, for instance casting a 4th-level spell card costs four pips from your total. example: "I cast my 6th-level fire spell card Pheonix, using 6 Pips!"

Card Level Increase

When you reach 3rd level, your studies have been paying off uniquely. As your knowledge of your spell deck grows, your Card Level Maximum increases. This allows you to cast stronger spells of your school.

Ability Score Increase

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Continued Studies

Upon Reaching 5th level, and again once reaching 10th level, due to your studies in the art of your school's magic, you've learned how to cast new spell cards. These spell cards are added to your list of castable spell cards. Their effects and which ones you learn are detailed in the spell list for each school, at the end of the class description.


You found out a way to restore your Health, Pips, and Stamina in a single potion. At 6th level, you gain access to Potions, a glass bottle containing a blue liquid inside. Once drunken from by either you or a willing creature of your choosing as a bonus action, that creature gains HP equal to 8 + your Proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier, regians all their spent Pips (if they have access to them), and loses all levels of exhaustion. You regain use of your Potion once you complete a long rest. The number of Potions you can use increases to 2 at 9th level, 3 at 12th, and 4 at 16th.

Extended Spellcasting Focus

You've found and been able to use many types of weapons other than the simple wand or staff. At 5th level, you are able to use swords, spears, whips, guitars, flutes, shields, maces, glaives, and bows in addition to wands and quarterstaves as an arcane focus. Also, you gain proficiency with the weapons and tools previously mentioned.

Astral Schools

At 8th level, you've come far on your magical journeys and thus, have learned a new school entirely different from the original 7 schools. Choose 1 school to study in and learn their spells, detailed at the end of the class description.

Sun School: You learn the ways of the Sun School, a school that specializes in enhancing and buffing your spell cards, making them deal more damage than intended.

Moon School: You learn the ways of the Moon School, a school that specializes in Polymorphs, temporary transformations that give the user new stats, and a new deck all in a single card.

Star School: You learn the ways of the Star School, a school that specializes in Auras, temporary auras that grant the user certain buffs over the course of many turns.

Extra School

At 14th level, you've learned enough that now you can have a bit of diversity within your deck, with that being a new school. Choose a school other than the one you are currently in (except Sun, Moon, Star, and Shadow), you gain all the spells that school has up until they cost 4 Pips.

Shadow Pips

At 15th level, you've delved far beyond what's normal and uncovered an art long sealed away due to its overwhelming power, Shadow Pips. Once you reach 15th level, you gain 1 Shadow Pip in addition to your regular pips and gain another one once you reach 20th level. You regain use of your Shadow Pips at the end of a long rest. Also, Shadow Pips are affected by the recovery granted by the Potions feature. Furthermore, some spells require Shadow Pips in order to be cast and thus, are usually more powerful than their pip cost leads them to be. These spells are detailed at the end of the class description.

Shadow School

At 15th level, you've begun to study a new school, a school that very well shape reality if put in the right (or wrong) hands. The Shadow School is a school that has spells that only require Shadow Pips to cast, and thus, have very unique effects, although most of these spells have a cost for such unique effects, that being backlash. These spells and how backlash works are detailed at the end of the class description.

Helping Hand

At 18th level, your adventures have gotten more or less difficult over time, but the monsters you encounter only get stronger and stronger, as such, you need a helping hand to help you and your allies fight that one monster that seems impossible, for a small fee of course. Once you reach 18th level, you can summon an ally that helps you fight the battles going on as an action. These allies, or henchmen as others call it, can only be summoned during an encounter and nowhere else, cost a certain amount of money as an offering, disappear after an encounter is over or they reach 0 HP, and you can only one of these henchmen summoned at a time. Also, you can summon allies of varying skills levels, the higher the skill level, the higher the cost. The allies you can summon are listed below, as well as their school:

3rd Level (4 copper pieces): August Rainforge (Storm), August SleetSword (Ice)

5th Level (6 copper pieces): Alyse Dawnstar (Myth), Blain Seastrider (Storm

6th Level (8 copper pieces): Adria WillowBlade (Life)

9th Level (1 silver pieces and 5 copper pieces): Borasco (Storm)

11th Level (2 silver pieces): Aejej Stonetusk Musuth (Balance)

14th Level (5 silver pieces): Au Puck Dartwing (Myth), Awilix Nightwing (Life)

17th Level (7 silver pieces): Blerg (Myth)

18th Level (7 silver pieces and 5 copper pieces): Ahnsar (Myth), Bluto (Ice)

19th and 20th Level (8 silver pieces): Acolyte J'on (Life), Aengus Sellsword (Fire), Beulah (Balance)

Scion of Magic

You have done it, your studies have finally paid off, and you've learned all that your school of magic has to offer you. When you reach 20th level, you learn a special "Scion" Spell card for your class. this spell is highly powerful, and as such can only be used twice per long rest. Congratulations, young wizard!


As a student of Fire, you're proficient in casting spell cards with effects that linger, dealing damage to your foes again and again. Damage output for spell card is Average. When you choose this school, you learn the 1st-level spell "Heroism" and can cast it as a 1st-level spell a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier, after which you must finish a long rest before you can cast it again. The list of learned spell cards is detailed at the end of the class description.

Flashfire (3rd Level)

when casting a fire spell, you can use two extra pips for that spell to be cast as a bonus action. you can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier before you must take a long rest.

Blinding Light (7th Level)

when you are targeted for a melee attack, you can use your reaction to attempt to blind the attacker. the creature must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the creature is blinded and attacks with disadvantage. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier, after which you must finish a long rest.

Warm Blooded (9th Level)

having been tempered by the flames you command, you've noticed fire itself doesn't bother you as much as it did before. you gain resistance to Fire damage.


As a student of Ice, you're more resilient to damage, but deal less damage yourself in turn. When you choose this school, you learn the 1st-level spell "Mage armor" and can cast it as a 1st-level spell a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier, after which you must finish a long rest before you can cast it again. The List of learned spell cards is detailed at the end of the class description.

Snow Shield (3rd Level)

When you take damage from an attack, you can use your reaction to gain resistance to the damage type for that attack only. you can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier before you must take a long rest.

Curse of Frost (7th Level)

when you cast an ice school spell with a pip cost of 4 or lower, you may use two extra pips to freeze the target creature in place. this ice can be broken out of with a successful strength check equal to your spell save dc. While frozen, the target cannot move but can still take actions. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier, after which you must finish a long rest.

Fur Coated (9th Level)

having been around freezing temperatures, you've noticed the cold never bothered you anyway. You gain resistance to Cold damage.


As a student of Storm, your spell cards do much more damage than those of your fellow students. As a trade-off, however, they are less accurate. Lightning doesn't strike the same place twice often! When you choose this school, you learn the 1st-level spell "Absorb Elements", however, you may only select "Lightning", and can cast it as a 1st-level spell a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier, after which you must finish a long rest before you can cast it again. The list of learned spell cards is detailed at the end of the class description.

Zap (3rd Level)

When you successfully cast a storm spell that hits a target creature that has a cost of 3 or lower, that creature must make a Constitution save equal to your save DC. On a failure, the creature is paralyzed until their next turn. you can use this feature a number of times equal to your intelligence modifier before you must take a long rest.

Conductable (7th Level)

When you successfully attack a creature with a storm spell, that creature becomes conductable, giving you advantage on your next attack made against that creature. you may use this feature twice before you must finish a long rest

Insulated (9th Level)

After being zapped one too many times by your own lightning, you've grown accustomed to it. You gain resistance to Lightning damage.


As a student of Life, you are the emissary of nature itself, bestowing healing spells to your allies as well as those in need. Damage output is Average. When you choose this school, you learn the 1st-level spell "Unearthly Chorus" and can cast it as a 1st-level spell a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier, after which you must finish a long rest before you can cast it again. The list of learned spell cards is detailed at the end of the class description.

Emergency Support (3rd Level)

When a friendly creature that you can see drops to 0 hp, you can use your reaction to cast one spell that can heal. You must pay the Pip cost as normal. you can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier before you must take a long rest.

Potions expert (7th Level)

As a student in life, your healing potions are more potent than those of other schools. Your potions now heal for 8 + your Proficency Bonus + your Intelligence modifier, where you use your Intelligence modifier twice.

Healthy (9th Level) you've noticed your healing spells have been getting more potent as you use them, also benefiting you as well. Anytime you cast a Healing spell, you gain temporary hit points equal to half the amount healed. This does not stack with other temporary health effects, including itself.


As a student of Death, you are the un-life of the party, using you spell cards to deal damage to foes, which heal you for half the damage dealt as a result. Damage output is Average. When you choose this school, you learn the 1st-level spell "Cause Fear" and can cast it as a 1st-level spell a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier, after which you must finish a long rest before you can cast it again. The list of learned spells is detailed at the end of the class description.

Unlife of the party (3rd Level)

When you cast a death spell that can heal you, choose one friendly creature within 5ft of you, that target is healed for the same amount you are. you can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier before you must take a long rest.

For whom the bell tolls (7th Level)

If you are successful in kiling a creature with one of your spells, you may use your reaction to attack another target creature. they must be within range of any spell you decide to cast. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier, afer which you must finish a long rest.

Anti-Necrosis (9th Level)

having studied the effects of death and decay, you notice its effects on you are somewhat lacking. You gain resistance to Necrotic damage.


As a student of Myth, you typically work alone, and as such you know how to conjure allies to aid you in battle Damage output is Above-Average. When you choose this school, you learn the Cantrip "Mage Hand". The list of learned spell cards is detailed at the end of the class description.

Empower Minion (3rd Level)

While a minion is summoned, you can choose to forgo an action and give it to your minion. Choose either your Action, Bonus Action, Reaction, or Movement. you give the chosen action to your minion, and you lose that action for this turn. you can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier before you must take a long rest.

Sacrifice Minion (7th Level)

While you have a Minion summoned, you may choose to sacrifice that minion. Doing so Heals you for 4d4+4 Health, as well as restores 2d6 Pips. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier, after which you must finish a long rest.

Minion Link (9th Level)

While within 15ft of a minion you summoned, both you and the minion gain temporary health equal to your Intelligence modifier, plus your proficency bonus. These temporary health points fade when you exit this range.


As a student of Balance, you aim to turn the tide of battle using spells to buff your allies' attacks or spells. Damage output is Average. When you choose this school, you learn the 1st-level spell "Hush" and can cast it a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier, after which you must finish a long rest before you can cast it again. The list of learned spell cards is detailed at the end of the class description.

Ponder (3rd Level)

You take a moment and ponder what a creature may be like. As an action, you may target one creature that you can see, then you must make a DC 14 Intelligence check. On a successful throw, you learn one weakness that creature has, if any.

Transmute Magic (7th Level)

As a balance wizard, your strength lies in borrowing the abilities of the other schools. Before you cast an offensive balance spell, you may choose to make that spell deal Fire,Cold,Lightning, or the normal Force damage. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier, after which you must finish a long rest.

Unshakable (9th Level)

Having taken a step forward towards true balance, your resolve has become unshakable. You gain resistance to Force damage.

Ravenwood Student Spell List

Spellcasting for Ravenwood Students is unique in a way, and as such, the spell cards for each school will be listed here for ease of access (hopefully). Also, the spells themselves are sorted by their pip cost, starting from 0. With that said, let's begin:

Fire -


Cost: 0 Pips

Casting Time: 1 bonus action

Range: Self

You add your proficiency bonus twice to damage rolls involving Fire School spells. This can only activate once before the spell ends.

Minor Fire Scorch

Cost: 0 Pips

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 30ft

You target one creature within range of this spell, they take 1d6 Fire damage.


Cost: 1 Pip

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 25ft

You summon a flaming leopard to ram into your opponent, dealing 1d6 Fire damage.

Smoke Screen (Requires Continued Studies, 5th level)

Cost: 1 Pip

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 30ft

A cloud of thick smoke bursts from the target area. All creatures inside the smoke must make a Constitution saving throw or take 2d10 poison damage at the start of each of their turns. The smoke is thick and hard to see through, as such, creatures inside the smoke have disadvantage on attack rolls.

Fire Elf

Cost: 2 Pips

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 30ft

You summon an elf to shoot an arrow at your opponent, dealing 2d6 fire damage. On hit, the target creature makes a Constitution saving throw against your spell DC. On a failed throw, the target takes 1d6 fire damage for each round for 3 rounds.

Fuel (Requires Continued Studies, 5th level)

Cost: 2 Pips

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 30ft

You target one creature within the range of this spell. The next 3 Fire School spells you cast against that creature gain an extra damage die equal to half your proficiency bonus rounded down. After the 3rd time you cast a Fire School spell against a creature, this spell ends.


Cost: 3 Pips

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 20ft

You summon a bird that slightly resembles a phoenix to swoop in on your opponent, dealing 2d8 fire damage.

Meteor Strike

Cost: 4 Pips

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 50ft radius

You summon meteors to rain down on all opponents within this spell's range, dealing 3d8 fire damage to each enemy creature.


Cost: 5 Pips

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 40ft

You summon a large phoenix from the ground to breathe fire onto your opponent, dealing 2d10 fire damage.


Cost: 6 Pips

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 40ft

You summon a large bi-pedal elephant to attack your opponent. This spell deals 3d10 Fire damage.

Fire Dragon

Cost: 7 Pips

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 45ft

You summon one of the most powerful creatures of the fire school, a Fire Dragon, to deal damage to your opponent. this attack deals 2d12 Fire damage, after which the target must make a Constitution save. On a failed throw, they take 2d8 fire damage for 3 rounds.


Cost: 8 Pips

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 45ft

You summon an Efreet, a genie-like being to attack your opponent. This attack deals 3d12 Fire damage.

King Artorious

Cost: 9 Pips

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 40ft

You summon the aid of King Artorious, an adventurer from distant lands, to deal damage to your opponent. This attack deals 4d12 Fire damage, and the target must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed throw, they take 2d12 fire damage for 3 Rounds.

Scion of Fire (Requires Scion of Magic)

Cost: 9

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 40ft

You summon the Scion of Fire, the most powerful being in your deck, to attack your opponent. The target then makes a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take 3d12 damage over 4 rounds. On a success, they take half damage and only for 2 rounds. You can only use this spell twice and you regain all uses of this spell once you complete a long rest.

Heck Hound (Requires Continued Studies, 10th Level)

Cost: X Pips

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 40ft

You summon the Heck Hound, a powerful wolf of fire, to deal damage to your opponent. this attack deals XD12 Fire damage, where X is the current amount of pips you have remaining, to a maximum of 6 pips and to a minimum of 1 pip.

Ice -

Minor Ice Shard

Cost: 0 Pips

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 30ft

You conjure an ice shard to throw at your opponent, dealing 1d4 cold damage.


Cost: 0 Pips

Casting Time: 1 bonus action

Range: 20ft

You target 1 creature within this spell's range, that target must make a Constitution saving throw against your Spell Save DC. On a failed throw, the target is stunned until their next turn. Repeated uses on the same target increases targets roll by +1.

Frost Beetle

Cost: 1 Pip

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 20ft

You summon a variant of a large beetle to ram into your opponent, dealing 1d6 cold damage.

Snow Serpent

Cost: 2 Pips

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 20ft

You summon a serpent to spit a snowball on your opponent, dealing 1d8 cold damage.

Taunt (Requires Continued Studies, 5th Level)

Cost: 2 Pips

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 30ft

You target a creature and make various rude gestures towards it, that target makes a Charisma saving throw. On a failed throw, the target is taunted and focuses their aggression on you until the end of your next turn.

Evil Snowman

Cost: 3 Pips

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 25ft

You summon a snowman to throw a sheet of ice with their knife on your opponent, dealing 2d6 cold damage.

Ice Wyvern

Cost: 4 Pips

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 25ft

you summon an icy wyvern, which fires a breath of cold onto your opponent, dealing 2d6 Cold Damage

Reindeer Knight

Cost: 5 Pips

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 30ft

you summon a Reindeer Knight to aid you and harm your opponent, dealing 2d8 Cold Damage


Cost: 6 Pips

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 30ft

you summon a Colossus, a golem made from nevermelt ice. Swinging his sword, he deals 3d8 Cold Damage

Frost Giant

Cost: 7 Pips

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 35ft

you summon a Frost Giant, an entity which has walked the world in ancient times. Using his hammer, he deals 2d10 Cold Damage

8- Snow Angel - casting time 1 action. range 40ft. school conjuration. 2d12/Cold damage

9- Wolly Mammoth - casting time 1 action. range 40ft. school conjuration. 3d12/Cold damage. on a natrual roll of 18-20, stuns for 1d4 rounds.

(Scion of Magic) 9 - Scion of Ice - casting time 1 acion. range 40ft. school evocation. 3d12/Cold damage. target makes con save. failure means target is stunned for 1d6 rounds. success is half the stun time.

(Continued studies, 10th Level) X - Snowball Barrage - casting time 1 action. range 40ft. school evocation. XD10 Snowballs are summoned to pelt targets in a 40ft by 20ft cone. X equals number of snowballs summoned. (maximum 15) damage is 2d8 per snowball

(Continued studies, 5th Level) X - Ice Armor - casting time 1 action. range self. school evocation XD8 Health for armor. X Equals total pips (max 8). armor must be reduced to 0 before you can damage the caster.

Storm -

0 - Minor Spark - casting time 1 action. ranges 30ft. 2d6/Lightning damage Lightning strike - casting time 1 bonus action. range self. school conjuration(?). duration: until used. used when a storm spell is attempted; adds +3 to the roll.

1 - Thundersnake - casting time 1 action. range 20ft. school conjuration. 1d8/Lightning damage. -3 penalty to attack (calculated after roll)

(Continued Studies, 5th Level)

Disarm - casting time 1 action. range 30ft. target makes str save. failure means target's weapon flies out of its hand up to 20ft away. success does nothing 2 - Lightning Bats - casting time 1 action. range 20ft. school conjuration. 2d6/Lightning damage. -3 penalty to attack (calculated after roll)

(Continued Studies, 5th Level)

Soothe - casting time 1 action. range 30ft. target makes wis save. on failure, hostile creature loses is reasoning for fighting you, and calms down, except for specific circumstances (DM's discression). 3 - Storm shark - casting time 1 action. range 20ft. school conjuration. 2d8/Lightning damage. -4 penalty to attack (calculated after roll)

4 - Kraken - casting time 1 action. range 25ft. school conjuration. 3d8/lightning damage. -4 penalty to attack (calculated after roll)

5 - Stormzilla - casting time 1 action. range 25ft. school conjuration. 2d10/Lightning damage. -4 penalty to attack (calculated after roll)

6 - Triton - casting time 1 action. range 30ft. school conjuration. 3d10/Lightning damage. -4 penalty to attack (calculated after roll)

7 - Stormlord - casting time 1 action. range 30ft. school conjuration. 2d12/Lightning damage. -4 penalty to attack (calculated after roll)

8 - Leviathan - casting time 1 action. range 35ft. school conjuration. 3d12/Lightning damage. -4 penalty to attack (calculated after roll)

9 - Sirens - casting time 1 action. range 40ft. school conjuration. 4d12/Lightning damage. -4 penalty to attack (calculated after roll)

(Scion of Magic) 9 - Scion of Storm - casting time 1 action. range 40ft. 5d12/Lightning damage. target makes con save. on failure is stunned for 1d4 rounds.

(Continued Studies, 10th Level)

X - Supercharge - casting time 1 action. range self. school evocation. next storm spell cast with this active is made with advantage, and deals an additional damage dice of damage equal to pips spent, where x is pips spent (maximum 6)

(Scion of Magic)

Scion of storm - casting time 1 action. range 40ft. 5d12/Lightning damage. target creature makes con save equal to your spell DC. on failure, target creature is stunned for 1d4 rounds.

Life -

0 - Minor blessing - casting time 1 action. range 30ft. school conjuration(?). 2d4 healing. Minor Life Fury - casting time 1 bonus action. range 30ft. school conjuration (?). 1d6/Blugeoning (treated as magical)

(Continued Studies, 5th Level)

Lifeblade - casting time 1 bonus action. range self. next damage dealing life spell does an additional damage dice. next healing spell gains an additional dice. duration 1 round or until used. 1 - imp - casting time 1 action. range 20ft. school conjuration. 1d8/Blungeoning (treated as magical)

(Continued Studies, 5th Level)

Guidence - casting time 1 action. range 30ft. choose up to 4 friendly creatures. those creatures' next attack roll is made with advantage (does not stack) 2- Leprechaun - casting time 1 action. range 20ft. school conjuration. 2d6/Blugeoning (treated as magical)

(Continued Studies, 10th Level)

Brilliant Light - casting time 1 action. range 40ft. if target friendly creature heals itself (using magic or an item) they roll with advantage 3- Sprite - casting time 1 action. range 25ft. school conjuration. 2d6 Healing + 1d6 healing for 3 rounds

4- Seraph - casting time 1 action. range 25ft. school conjuration. 2d8/Blugeoning (treated as magical)

5- Goat Monk - casting time 1 action. range 30ft. shcool conjuration. 3d8/Blugeoning (treated as magical)

6- Centaur - casting time 1 action. range 30ft. school conjuration. 2d10/Blugeoning (treated as magical)

7- Rebirth - casting time 1 action. range 40ft. school evocation(?). 3d10 Healing.

8- Forest Lord - casting time 1 action. range 40ft. school conjuration. 2d12/Blugeoning (treated as magical)

9- Gnomes! - casting time 1 action. range 40ft. school conjuration. 3d12/Blugeoning (treated as magical)

(Scion of Magic)

9 - Scion of Life - casting time 1 action. range 45ft. school conjuration. 3d12 Healing.

Death -

0 - Minor dark blow - casting time 1 bonus action. range 30ft. school necromancy. 1d6/Necrotic

Infection - casting time 1 action. range 20ft. school necromancy. target makes con save equal to spell DC. on fail, next magical healing the target recives, half heals the caster of Infection.

(Continued Studies, 5th Level)

Curse - casting time 1 action. range 30ft. school necromancy. target creature makes con save equal to casters spell save dc. failure, duration 1 round. next necromancy spell deals additional damage equal to caster's spellcasting ability. success is half that.

(Continued Studies, 5th Level)

Deathblade - casting time 1 bonus action. range self. next necromancy spell gains an additional damage dice. 1 - Death Sprite - casting time 1 action. range 20ft. school necromancy. 1d8/Necrotic.

2- Ghoul - casting time 1 action. range 20ft. school necromancy. 2d6/Necrotic. caster heals for half damage dealt, rounded down.

3- Banshee - casting time 1 action. range 25ft. school necromancy. 1d8/Necrotic.

(Continued Studies, 10th Level)

Beguile - casting time 1 action. range 20ft. target makes cha save. on failure, target is charmed by you.

4- Vampire - casting time 1 action. range 25ft. school necromancy. 2d8/Necrotic. caster heals for half damage dealt, rounded down.

5- Skeletal Pirate - casting time 1 action. range 30ft. school necromancy. 3d8/Necrotic.

6- Wraith - casting time 1 action. range 30ft. school necromancy. 2d10/Necrotic. caster heals for half damage dealt, rounded down.

7- Scarecrow - casting time 1 action. range 30ft. school necromancy. 3d10/Necrotic. caster heals for half damage dealt, rounded down.

8- Skeletal Dragon - casting time 1 action. range 30ft. school necromancy. 2d12/Necrotic

9- Dr. Von's Monster - casting time 1 action. range 30ft. school necromancy. 3d12/Necrotic. caster heals for half damage dealt, rounded down.

(Scion of Magic)

9 - Scion of Death - casting time 1 action. school necromancy. 4d12/Necrotic. caster heals for half damage, rounded down.

Myth -

0 - Minor myth blitz - casting time 1 action. range 30ft. school conjuration. 1d6/Piercing/Slashing (your choice) (treated as magical) Golem Minion - casting time 1 action. range 10ft from caster. school conjuration. summons Golem minion. Stat block listed very bottom.

(Continued Studies, 5th Level)

Buff Minion - casting time 1 action. duration 1 round. target Minion. minion's next attack deals an extra damage dice

(Continued Studies, 10th Level)

Pierce - casting time 1 action. target self. next spell cast does an additional damage dice of damage, as well as ignoring spells like shield and mana shield. 1 - Bloodbat - casting time 1 action. range 20ft. school conjuration. 2d6/Slashing/Piercing (your choice) (treated as magical)

(Continued Studies, 10th Level)

Draw Power - casting time 1 action. target Minion. minion's hp is reduced to 0, and caster recives pips equal to their proficency bonus (minimum 1 pip) 2 - Troll - casting time 1 action. range 20ft. school conjuration. 1d8/Slashing/Blugeoning (your choice) (treated as magical)

3 - Cyclops - casting time 1 action. range 25ft. school conjuration. 2d8/Blugeoning/Piercing (your choice) (treated as magical) Troll Minion - casting time 1 action. range 10ft from caster. school conjuration. summons Troll minion. Stat block listed very bottom.

4- Humongofrog - casting time 1 action. range 25ft. school conjuration. 3d8/Blugeoning/Slashing (your choice, treated as magical)

5- Minotaur - casting time 1 action. range 30ft. school conjuration. 2d10/Slashing/Piercing (your choice, treated as magical) Cyclops Minion - casting time 1 action. range 10ft from caster. school conjuration. summons Cyclops minion. stat block listed very bottom.

6- Earthquake - casting time 1 action. range 40ft from self. school conjuration. creatures within the radius makes dex save. on fail, they take 3d10/Blugeoning damage. success takes half that.

7- Orthus - casting time 1 action. school conjuration. range 40ft. 2d12/Slashing/Piercing (your choice, treated as magical)

8- Medusa - casting time 1 action. school conjuration. range 45ft. 3d12/Slashing (treated as magical) target makes con save, on fail target is stunned for 1d4 rounds. success, nothing happens

9- Basalisk - casting time 1 action. shcool conjuration. range 50ft. 4d12/Slashing/Piercing/Blugeoning (your choice, treated as magical) target makes con save. on failure, target takes additional 2d12/Chosen type damage over 1d4 rounds.

(Scion of Magic)

9 - Scion of Myth - casting time 1 action. school conjuration. range 45ft. 4d12/Blugeoning. target makes con save. on fail they are stunned for 1d4 rounds. if target of spell is already stunned (not by this effect) damage is doubled after calculating.

Balance -

0 - Minor Clash - casting time 1 action. range 30ft. school conjuration(?). 1d6/Force damage. Balanceblade - casting time 1 bonus action. range 30ft. school conjuration(?). useable on yourself or any other creature in play. duration 1 round, unless used. when used, adds 1 damage dice to next attack.

(Continued Studies, 5th Level)

Weakness - casting time 1 action. range 30ft. target makes Int-save (dc spellcasting ability) failure means -5 penalty to next attack

(Continued Studies, 5th Level)

Precision - casting time 1 bonus action. range 30ft. target creature gets advantage on next attack roll or damage roll (your choice) (Continued Studies 5th level)

1 - Scarab - casting time 1 action. range 20ft. school conjuration. 2d6/Force damage.

2 - Scorpion - casting time 1 action. range 20ft. school conjuration. 1d8/Force damage.

3 - Locust swarm - casting time 1 action. range 25ft. school conjuration. 2d6/Force damage.

4 - Sandstorm - casting time 1 action. range 50ft. school conjuration. 2d8/Force damage

5 - Spectral Blast - casting time 1 action. range 30ft. school conjuration. 2d10/(Roll a d4 3 times and consult chart below. if same number rolled, re-roll)

(Continued Studies, 10th Level)

Chimera - casting time 1 action. range 40ft. school conjuration. 2d10/(Roll a d4 3 times, if same number rolled, re-roll) damage. chart located at bottom

6 - Hydra - casting time 1 action. range 40ft. school conjuration. 3d10/(Roll a d4 3 times and consult chart below. if same number rolled, re-roll)

7 - Power Nova - casting time 1 action. range 60ft. school conjuration. The target makes a dex save equal to spell DC failure - 2d12/Force damage. half as much on success. explosion range 30ft.

8 - Ra - casting time 1 action. range 35ft. school conjuration. 3d12/Force damage.

9 - Judgement - casting time 1 action. range 40ft. school conjuration XD12/Force damage. X = number of total pips remaining (maximum 6)

(Scion of Magic)

9 - Scion of balance - casting time 1 action. school conjuration.


---8th level---


Cost - 0 Pips

School - Sun

Casting time - 1 Bonus Action

Target - Self

Duration - next offensive spell used

this spell increases the damage die of the next spell cast by 1 dice tier, meaning 1d6 will become 1d8, and so on.

Keen eyes

Cost - 0 Pips

School - Sun

Casting time - 1 Bonus Action

Target - Self

Duration - next offensive spell used

this spell gives the next offensive spell cast a +1 bonus to hit on the next offensive spell used.

---10th Level---


Cost - 0 Pips

Casting time - 1 Bonus Action

Target - Self

Duration - next offensive spell used

this spell increases the amount of damage dice used by one, meaning 1d8 will become 2d8, and so on.


Cost - 0 Pips

School - Sun

Casting time - 1 Bonus Action

Target - Self

Duration - next offensive spell used

this spell gives the next offensive spell cast a bonus +2 to hit on the next offensive spell used.

---13th Level---


Cost - 0 Pips

School - Sun

Casting time - 1 Bonus Action

Target - Self

Duration - next offensive spell used

this spell increases the dice tier of your next offensive spell by 1 tier, as well as the amount of damage dice used by one, for example 1d6 will become 2d8.


Cost - 0 Pips

School - Sun

Casting time - 1 Bonus Action

Target - Self

Duration - Next offensive spell used

this spell gives the caster a +3 bonus to hit on the next offensive spell used.

---16th Level---


Cost - 0 Pips

School - Sun

Casting time - 1 Bonus Action

Target - Self

Duration - Next offensive spell used

this spell increases the damage dice by 1 tier, as well as increases the amount of damage dice by 2. For instance, 1d6 will become 3d8.


Cost - 0 Pips

School - Sun

Casting time - 1 Bonus Action

Target - Self

Duration - Next offensive spell used

this spell gives the caster a +3 bonus to hit, as well as a crit chance of 18-20.


8th Level


Cost - 0 Pips

School - Star

Casting time - 1 bonus action

Target - One willing creature within 30ft that you can see, or on yourself.

Duration - 4 Rounds.

this aura grants the creature affected by it resistance to magical damage from spells, but not magical damage from weapons.


Cost - 0 Pips

School - Star

Casting time - 1 bonus action

Target - One willing creature within 30ft that you can see, or on yourself

Duration - 4 Rounds.

this aura changes the creatures damage dice, increasing it by 1 tier, for example, 1d8 would become 1d10

10th Level


Cost - 0 Pips

School - Star

Casting time - 1 bonus action

Target - One willing creature within 30ft that you can see, or on yourself

Duration - 4 Rounds.

this aura grants the affected creature a +1 to hit with all weapons or spells.


Cost - 0 Pips

School - Star

Casting time - 1 Bonus Action

Target - One willing creature within 30ft that you can see, or on yourself

Duration - 4 Rounds.

this aura grants the affected creature an increased crit chance of 18-20 on spell attacks as well as melee attacks.

13th Level


Cost - 0 Pips

School - Star

Casting time - 1 Bonus Action

Target - One willing creature within 30ft that you can see that can use Pips, or on yourself.

Duration - 4 Rounds.

while this aura is active, when a spell is cast against you that is 4th level or higher, you gain +1 pip (cannot exeed maximum pip count)


Cost - 0 Pips

School - Star

Casting time - 1 Bonus Action

Target - One willing creature within 30ft that you can see, or on yourself

Duration - 4 Rounds.

while this aura is active, the affected creature gains a bonus +3 to hit and damage rolls for spells, but you take and additional +4 damage in return.


Cost - 0 Pips

School - Star

Casting time - 1 Bonus Action

Target - One willing creature within 30ft that you can see that knows at least one healing spell, or on yourself.

Duration - 4 Rounds.

While this aura is active, the dice tier for healing spells is increased by 1, as well as gaining another healing dice.

16th Level

these spells are specific to each school, as shown next to the spell's name.

Galvanic Field (Storm)

Cost - 0 Pips

School - Star

Casting time - 1 Bonus Action

Target - One willing creature within 30ft that you can see that can cast a least one spell that does lighting damage, or on yourself

Duration - 4 Rounds.

while this aura is active, increases lightning damage dice by 1 tier (doesnt work on d12s) +3 to hit for storm spells

Furnace (Fire)

Cost - 0 Pips

School - Star

Casting time - 1 Bonus Action

Target - One willing creature within 30ft that you can see that can cast at least one spell that deals fire damage, or on yourself

Duration - 4 Rounds .

while this aura is active, increases fire damage dice by 1 tier (doesnt work on d12s) +3 to hit for fire spells

Sleet Storm (Ice)

Cost - 0 Pips

School - Star

Casting time - 1 Bonus Action

Target - One willing creature within 30ft that you can see tha can cast at least one spell that deals cold damage, or on yourself

Duration - 4 Rounds.

while this aura is active, increases cold damage dice by 1 tier (doesnt work on d12s) +3 to hit for Ice spells

Cycle of Life (Life)

Cost - 0 Pips

School - Star

Casting time - 1 Bonus Action

Target - One willing creature within 30ft that you can see that can cast at least one healing spell, or on yourself

Duration - 4 Rounds.

while this aura is active, increases healing dice tier by 1 and heals the caster for half the amount healed

Virvulence (Death)

Cost - 0 Pips

School - Star

Casting time - 1 Bonus Action

Target - One willing creature within 30ft that you can see that can cast at least one spell that deals necrotic damage, or on yourself

Duration - 4 Rounds.

while this aura is active, increases necroic damage dice by 1 tier (doesnt work on d12s) +3 to hit for death spells

Reliquary (Myth)

Cost - 0 Pips

School - Star

Casting time - 1 Bonus Action

Target - One willing creature within 30ft that you can see, or on yourself

Duration - 4 Rounds.

while this aura is active gives +3 to damage rolls for attacks that deal piercing or slashing damage

Chastisement (Balance)

Cost - 0 Pips

School - Star

Casting time - 1 Bonus Action

Target - One willing creature within 30ft that you can see that can cast at least one spell that deals Force damage, or on yourself

Duration - 4 Rounds.

while this aura is active, spells that deal Force damage gain a bonus of +3 damage

Moon -

Polymorph Gobbler

Cost: 0 Pips

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self

Duration: 6 rounds

You transform, or polymorph, into a Gobbler of the Ice School. While polymorphed as a Gobbler, your HP is set to 100, your immune to being stunned, and your spell deck is replaced with the following cards for the duration: Tower Sheild, Gobble, Steal Ward, Provoke, Taco Toss, and Stinky Salute. These benefits last until the spell ends. This polymorph ends once either the duration ends, you reach 0 HP, you fall unconscious, or you die.

Polymorph Mander

Cost: 0 Pips

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self

Duration: 6 rounds

You transform, or polymorph, into a Mander of the Balance School. While polymorphed as a Mander, your HP is set to 38 and your spell deck is replaced with the following cards for the duration: Elemental Shield, Spirit Shield, Black Mantle, Balanceblade, Elemental Blade, Spirit Blade, Elemental Trap, Spirit Trap, Power Play, Donate Power, and Mander Blast. These benefits last until the spell ends. This polymorph ends once either the duration ends, you reach 0 HP, you fall unconscious, or you die.

Polymorph Cat Bandit

Cost: 0 Pips

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self

Duration: 6 rounds

You transform, or polymorph, into a Cat Bandit of the Storm School. While polymorphed as a Cat Bandit, your HP is set to 46, you deal an extra 1d4 thunder damage on your Storm School spells, and your spell deck is replaced with the following cards for the duration: Stormblade, Storm Trap, Storm Shark, Storm Sweep, Cat Scratch, Stormzilla, and Tempest. Also, whenever you cast a spell that does damage, roll a 1d100, if the results are 1-15, then the damage that spell would do is doubled. These benefits last until the spell ends. This polymorph ends once either the duration ends, you reach 0 HP, you fall unconscious, or you die.

Polymorph Ninja Pig

Cost: 0 Pips

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self

Duration: 6 rounds

You transform, or polymorph, into a Ninja Pig of the Death School. While polymorphed as a Ninja Pig, your HP is set to 36 and your spell deck is replaced with the following cards for the duration: Plague, Smoke Screen, Feint, Beguile, Steal Charm, Steal Ward, Ninja Slice, Ninja Slam, and Death Ninja Pig. These benefits last until the spell ends. This polymorph ends once either the duration ends, you reach 0 HP, you fall unconscious, or you die.

Polymorph Draconian

Cost: 0 Pips

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self

Duration: 6 rounds

You transform, or polymorph, into a Draconian of the Fire School. While polymorphed as a Draconian, your HP is set to 43, you deal an extra 1d4 damage on your Fire School spells, and your spell deck is replaced with the following cards for the duration: Fireblade, Fire Trap, Cursed Flame, Firezilla, Ignite, and Helephant. These benefits last until the spell ends. Also, whenever you cast a spell that does damage, roll a 1d100, if the results are 1-11, then the damage that spell would do is doubled. This polymorph ends once either the duration ends, you reach 0 HP, you fall unconscious, or you die.

Polymorph Treant

Cost: 0 Pips

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self

Duration: 6 rounds

You transform, or polymorph, into a Treant of the Life School. While polymorphed as a Treant, your HP is set to 55, you take an extra 1d6 damage from Death School spells, you take 1d6 less damage from Life School spells, you add an extra 1d6 to spells that heal, and your spell deck is replaced with the following cards for the duration: Spirit Armor, Guiding Light, Guidance, Satyr, Regenerate, Dryad, Swipe, and Stomp. These benefits last until the spell ends. This polymorph ends once either the duration ends, you reach 0 HP, you fall unconscious, or you die.

Polymorph Colossus

Cost: 0 Pips

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self

Duration: 6 rounds

You transform, or polymorph, into a Colossus of the Ice School. While polymorphed as a Colossus, your HP is set to 57, you take 1d8 more damage from Myth and Fire School spells, you take 1d8 less damage from Ice School spells as well as 1d4 less damage from Balance, Life, Death, and Storm School spells, and your spell deck is replaced with the following cards for the duration: Iceblade, Ice Trap, Balefrost, Colossus Uppercut, Evil Snowman, Blizzard, Ice Wyvern, Colossus Crush. These benefits last until the spell ends. Also, whenever you cast a spell that does damage, roll a 1d100, if the results are 1-7, then the damage that spell would do is doubled. This polymorph ends once either the duration ends, you reach 0 HP, you fall unconscious, or you die.

Polymorph Elemental (Fire)

Cost: 0 Pips

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self

Duration: 6 rounds

You transform, or polymorph, into a Fire Elemental of the Fire School. While polymorphed as a Fire Elemental, your HP is set to 44, you're immune to fire damage, you take 1d6 more damage from Ice and Storm school spells, you deal 1d6 more damage from Fire School spells, and your spell deck is replaced with the following cards for the duration: Fireblade, Fire Trap, Flame Strike, Meteor Strike, Firestorm, Phoenix, and Heck Hound. These benefits last until the spell ends. Also, whenever you cast a spell that does damage, roll a 1d100, if the results are 1-9, then the damage that spell would do is doubled. This polymorph ends once either the duration ends, you reach 0 HP, you fall unconscious, or you die.

Polymorph Elemental (Storm)

Cost: 0 Pips

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self

Duration: 6 rounds

You transform, or polymorph, into a Storm Elemental of the Storm School. While polymorphed as a Storm Elemental, your HP is set to 43, you're immune to lightning damage, you take 1d6 more damage from Myth and Life school spells, you deal 1d6 more damage from Storm School spells, and your spell deck is replaced with the following cards for the duration: Stormblade, Storm Trap, Storm Strike, Wild Bolt, Storm Shark, Kraken, Maelstrom. These benefits last until the spell ends. Also, whenever you cast a spell that does damage, roll a 1d100, if the results are 1-5, then the damage that spell would do is doubled. This polymorph ends once either the duration ends, you reach 0 HP, you fall unconscious, or you die.

Polymorph Icehorn (Requires 14th Level)

Cost: 0 Pips

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self

Duration: 6 rounds

You transform, or polymorph, into an Icehorn of the Ice School. While polymorphed as an Icehorn, your HP is set to 45 and your spell deck is replaced with the following cards for the duration: Stun Block, Tower Shield, Legion Shield, Frozen Armor, Elemental Shield, Spirit Sheild, Elemental Blade, Bladestorm, Hex, Ice Breaker, Handsome Fomori, and Frostbite. These benefits last until the spell ends. This polymorph ends once either the duration ends, you reach 0 HP, you fall unconscious, or you die.

Polymorph Jaguar (Requires 14th Level)

Cost: 0 Pips

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self

Duration: 6 rounds

You transform, or polymorph, into a Jaguar of the Life School. While polymorphed as a Jaguar, your HP is set to 40 and your spell deck is replaced with the following cards for the duration: Spirit Armor, Brilliant Light, Satyr, Regenerate, Rebirth, Dryad, Sanctuary, Ritual Blade, and Goat Monk. These benefits last until the spell ends. This polymorph ends once either the duration ends, you reach 0 HP, you fall unconscious, or you die.

Polymorph Pteranodon (Requires 14th Level)

Cost: 0 Pips

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self

Duration: 6 rounds

You transform, or polymorph, into a Pteranodon of the Storm School. While polymorphed as a Pteranodon, your HP is set to 28, you take half damage from Storm School spells, and your spell deck is replaced with the following cards for the duration: Stormblade, Storm Trap, Windstorm, Feint, Wild Bolt, Thunder Spike, Catalan, Leviathan, and Tempest. These benefits last until the spell ends. This polymorph ends once either the duration ends, you reach 0 HP, you fall unconscious, or you die.


Upon reaching 15th level, you have learned your first spell in Shadow magic. This is a unique polymorph, transforming you into your shadow self. You gain one shadow spell depending on which school of magic you have chosen, as detailed below;

Shadow Shrike




Shadow Sentinel



Shadow Seraph



Shadow magic is dangerous and unstable, and your new shadow self is more than happy to critique your spellcasing. As such, when you cast your shadow spell in combat, you'll see a small black orb start circling your head, this is known as Backlash. you start with 3 points of backlash. When the shadow spell ends, each point of Backlash is used to damage the caster for Xd6, where X is the points of Backlash you had. This damage cannot be stopped, blocked, or countered in any way. However, there is a way to manipulate it. If you cast spells your shadow self approves of, your points will go down by one. If you cast spells your shadow self dislikes, your points will rise. each shadow self has different tastes, so be careful.

Each shadow spell lasts for 3 rounds, and unlike other polymorph spells this allows you to keep your currently equipped spell deck. these are all cast using a bonus action. however, while a shadow spell is active, you'll gain powerful buffs and effects, as detailed below;

Shadow Shrike

after an offensive spell is cast, you gain the following;

+4 to hit and damage rolls

offensive spells ignore resistances of monsters

incoming healing is reduced by half

likes - offensive spells, spells that increase how much damage you do

dislikes - healing spells, defensive spells

neutral - everything else

Shadow Sentinel

when shadow sentinel is cast, all friendly creatures gain a defensive buff, intercepting damage from them and redirecting it to you. All allies now take half damage from spells and magic attacks, and you take the other half.

damaging spells and magic attacks delt directly to you (meaning you are the designated target) deal half damage.

likes - defensive spells

dislikes - offensive spells

neutral - everything else

Shadow Seraph

while shadow seraph is cast, you gain the following;

+4 to healing spells when healing allies or yourself.

+4 to damage rolls made against you

when you cast a healing spell, choose a friendly target within 30ft, that ally gains a special shield that absorbs damage. they gain 3d12 + your intelligence mod Temporary health (doesnt stack with itself, or other temporary health effects)

likes - Healing spells, spells that increase how much you can heal for. spells that buff your allies.

dislikes - Offensive spells

neutral - everything else

Living Puppet (Golem Minion)

Medium construct, unaligned

Armor Class 12
Hit Points 45
Speed 30 ft

14 (+2) 8 (-1) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)

Senses passive Perception 10
Challenge 2 (450 XP)

Spellcasting The Living Puppet's spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell saving throw DC 9). It can cast the following spells from the Ravenwood Student spell list: Blood Bat, Frost Beetle, Imp, Firecat, and Thunder Snake.

These spells function exactly like the Ravenwood Student's spells.

Pips The Living Puppet has 3 pips in total, following the same rules as the Ravenwood Student's Pips feature.

Summon Exclusive The Living Puppet can only be summoned by Ravenwood Student's Golem Minion spell, and is considered non-existent before her summon and after her summon ends.


Quarterstaff Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d6 bludgeoning damage.

Troll minion

ac - 16

hp - 20








unarmed strike - 1d8/Blugeoning

weapon-club - 2d6/Blugeoning

Cyclops Minion

ac - 18

hp - 60








unarmed strike - 2d6/Blugeoning Hammer swing - 2d8/Blugeoning.

Chart for balance (Hydra)

---1d4--- 1 - Fire

2 - Cold

3 - Thunder

4 - Force

Chart for balance 2 (Chimera)

---1d4--- 1 - Necrotic

2 - Bludgeoning

3 - Slashing/Piercing (your choice)

4 - Force


Due to the complex nature of this class, Multiclassing isn't permitted until further notice.

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gollark: To some extent, perhaps.
gollark: This is just weird and mobile games are bad.
gollark: ... no.
gollark: <:snek:738125634236317726>
gollark: It's very stupid.
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