Psychic Static (3.5e Variant Rule)
Psychic Static (Cha)
You can create interference with other psychic abilities.
Requirements: Telepathy feat
Check: As a move action, you can create an area of psychic “white noise” around you with a radius equal to your skill rank times 5 feet. Alternatively, you can choose to focus your psychic static against a single creature in your line of sight. Any creature affected by your Psychic Static that attempts to use a psychic skill must make an opposed check against the result of your Psychic Static skill check. Psychic skill checks with results less than your check result fail, although the user still suffers the skill’s strain.
Psychics can attempt to overcome your Psychic Static by expending additional strain and you can reinforce it at the same time. For each point of strain that the attacker suffers, your Psychic Static bonus is reduced by 1 against them (but not to less than 0). For each point of strain you take, your Psychic Static bonus is restored by 1 (but not greater than its normal value). This continues until both sides choose to stop expending effort, then psychic skill checks are made to determine whether the skill attempt is successful. This process takes no actual time, it happens as part of the check to overcome the Psychic Static.
Special: You can take 10 on Psychic Static checks, but you can’t take 20.
Time: Psychic Static is a move action. It lasts for as long as you concentrate.
Strain: 4.
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