Proxy (3.5e Race)

This content deviates from 3.5e standards. Its use could dramatically alter campaigns, take extreme care.
Caution - Here there be monsters!
This content intends to provide a different experience, or goes beyond the scope of the anticipated subjects and situations, than the 3.5e rules were intended to handle. Some portions of the content below may not be what you expect from traditional game content. When implementing this content, DMs and Players should read over all the information carefully, and consider the following specific notes of interest:
This race isn't intended to be played by player characters in a regular game. See User:Maiovez for more details.


The Proxies are superbeings created by highly advanced science in order to protect earth from invasions, but some of them went rogue and now they are terrorizing earth. The others are trying either to stop them, or to live their life and to avoid being discovered. Despite being originally lab creations, they are an actual race and can reproduce with each other, although they rarely do so. Proxies that were created in the same lab often consider themselves as siblings, and take care of each other.


Good ones are happy to help to everyone needed help. Neutral ones usually care only about themselves and their friends, however won't hurt others unless it is necessary. Evil ones, however, are malevolent tyrants that take whatever they want whenever they want. Their basic personality traits are very human-like. If they remain lonely for too long, for whatever reason, they can easily develop some form of insanity.

Physical Description

Proxies look a lot like humans, except their skin is dark blue and their eyes are pure white. Anyway, they can disguise themselves as other beings (see Disguise).


Good and neutral ones can get along with any non-evil being, usually while in Disguise, while evil ones rarely hide their true identity and rule over some region as virtually indisputable tyrants, and tend to enslave weaker beings. Regardless to their alignment, proxies sometimes associate with other proxies from similar alignments.


Any, however there are more good and neutral ones than evil ones. Originally, they all were good, so even the most evil proxy still have some good in it. However, they are far from being innately good; newborn or newly created proxy can be nurtured to any alignment.


Any, however they prefer inhabited areas, especially big cities where one can easily blend in (or, in the case of evil proxies, they can rule over many subjects).


Most of them, especially evil ones, don't worship deities at all, however ones who do aren't inconceivable. The exact deity/deities depend on their alignment.


Proxies are proficient in all languages thanks to their innate Omnilingualism ability. Anyway, they typically begin conversations with Common, as an attempt to blend in, coexist and pose as mortals. Evil proxies may choose to speak in ancient languages in an attempt to emphasize their significance or to elevate themselves above their subordinates and other creatures they find inferior.


While in disguise, any. Their true names tend to be archaic and (respectively) simple, without surnames, while "proxy" functions as their collective middle name (such as Kenix Proxy, Lune Proxy, Mare Proxy, Pearl Proxy, Will Proxy, Swan Proxy and etc.).

Racial Traits

  • Abilities: +30 Strength, +26 Dexterity, +30 Constitution, +12 Intelligence, +16 Wisdom, +12 Charisma
  • Medium Monstrous Humanoid
  • Proxy base land speed is 1200 feet. It also has swimming speed 1200 feet per round and climbing speed with non-magical version of spider climb (can't climb on smooth surfaces) 1200 feet per round.
  • Invulnerability: Proxies ignore most sustained damage, unless said damage was inflicted by weapons specifically enchanted to harm proxies. They have damage reduction 60/magic, epic (+6), anti-proxy.* Regenerative Healing Factor: Proxies possess near-absolute healing factor; should the circumstances require so able to regrow their entire body from but a single cell (though ultimately, only the largest portion of their body regenerates). They have regeneration 30/magic, epic (+6), anti-proxy and fast healing 5, and restore 5 points of ability damage and 1 point of drained ability per round.
  • Armor Class: The base creature's natural armor bonus improves by +10.
  • Heightened Senses: Proxies possess extremely heightened senses. Blindsight out to 120 feet, Blindsense out to 600 feet, Advanced Scent within 1200 feet, Perfect Darkvision, micro vision and telescopic vision up to distance of 2 miles.
  • Natural Attacks: Proxies have a secondary slam attack that deals 4d6 damage and overcomes any DR.
  • Disguise: Proxies can assume at will the form of any kind of humanoid or monstrous humanoid. They can use this ability to look like an individual, as long as they have seen them before.
  • Advanced Immortality: Proxies don’t age beyond their physical prime, have unlimited lifespan, and any injury they sustain, unless was caused by something that overcomes their DR, immediately heal. Proxies require no sleep and cannot get tired. They require no oxygen or nutrition, but are capable of breathing normally and are also capable of consuming and completely digesting almost any organic substance, as well as some non-organic substances (it gives them no nutrition though).
  • Advanced Immunity: Proxies are completely immune to all diseases, mental effects, transmutation and all elements, and have spell immunity/epic.
  • Transference: Proxies can use dimension door at will.
  • Omnilingualism: Proxies can understand, speak, read and write in all languages without training in them, as soon as they hear or see them. However, this does not allow them to automatically understand codes etc.
  • Clinging: Proxies can climb on surfaces at any angle, even in ways that generally defy gravity, without making a Climb check. However, they cannot climb on perfectly smooth surfaces; they must have some gripping points (although, even a gripping point as small as a square inch is enough for them).
  • Disastrous Charge: When a proxy charges, it creates a destructive shockwave that hits anything in and around the charge's path, dealing them 6d6 hit points damage and stuns them for one round. Proxies are resilient to the shockwave effect, aren't getting stunned and gain only 2d6 hit points damage.
  • Crusher: Due to their superlative strength, proxies deal double damage when attacking object, structure or construct, and succeed automatically and deal quadruple damage when trying to break items.
  • Enhanced Brain Capability: Proxies possess enhanced brain capability, and can process information much quicker and more efficiently than humans. They gain 20 times skill points per level than they should by their class, and can act twice per round. They have perfect photographic memory.
  • Special Talents: Each proxy has at least one special talent beside the usual ones. It can be anything, from telepathy to shapeshifting to flight (through wings). The older the proxy the more special talents it have.
  • Unusual Improvements: Since proxies are, in fact, lab creations, some of them were created with improved basic traits, like unusual high strength/speed (even for proxies), improved Transference ability, enhanced natural armor etc.
  • +20 racial bonus on Athletics, Bluff, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, and Spot checks and a +10 racial bonus on Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Nature), and Knowledge (Religion) checks.
  • Proxies automatically gain the following feats, even if they do not meet their prerequisites: Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Deflect Arrows, Deft Hands, Diehard, Distant Shot, Dodge, Endurance, Exceptional Deflection, Far Shot, Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative, Improved Precise Shot, Improved Toughness, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Unarmed Strike, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Reflect Arrows, Snatch Arrows, Superior Initiative, Supreme Strength, and Two-Weapon Fighting.
  • Proxies receive a +20 racial bonus on Athletics, Bluff, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, and Spot checks and a +10 racial bonus on Knowledge (Arcana) and Knowledge (Nature) checks.
  • Native Language: Common. Bonus Languages: Any
  • Level Adjustment: +20

Vital Statistics

Table: Proxy Random Starting Ages

Proxies Lore

Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can research the proxies to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

Knowledge (arcana)
5The proxies are superbeings created by advanced science. This is almost impossible for weaker beings to kill them, because they can heal instantly from basically any harm, and can only be killed by other proxies (and, obviously, by equal or higher being) or by special powerful weapons.
10The proxies were originally created for the purpose of protecting earth from invasions. Over time, some of them were corrupted and went rogue, while some still serve their original purpose of protecting others. There are also some that choose to play mortals in intend to live their life in peace.
15Evil proxies are usually the malevolent tyrant type, and tend to enslave weaker beings, which they see as inferior. Regardless of their alignment, proxies tend to keep a close connection with other proxies that were created in the same lab they were created in, as they consider them as their siblings.
20Proxies are able to assume the form of any kind of humanoids or monstrous humanoids, however are unable to mimic other's appearance. Each of them also possesses some other, unique abilities other than the basic ones. They are also inherently proficient in all languages and in various combat styles.

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gollark: Why do they need that? No idea. Can anyone get rid of that power? Probably not.
gollark: UK surveillance law gives some random government food regulation agency power to look at internet history data or something like that.
gollark: Fortunately, that doesn't matter because they don't mean anything and can just be ignored arbitrarily by judges.
gollark: Contracts for some things say "we can arbitrarily rewrite this and you can't do anything about it muahahaha", and despite those being really apious you have to agree to those too.
gollark: It sort of holds together, but not in an elegant, consistent or comprehensible way.
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