Pack Leader (3.5e Class)

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Pack Leader

Outcast from most societies, these adventurers formed life-bonds with animals. From there they create packs of theirs own and are virtually a family. Fighting together, eating together, and protecting each other as a whole. Usually human or elven, but this is not always the case. Most Pack Leaders do not have a deity or religion because they trust in nature and each other, though if any do believe it would be in a nature deity. (Obad-Hai or Ehlonna) Nature and woodlands respectfully.

Making a Pack Leader

Abilities: Dexterity and Strength for fighting. Wisdom for spells and abilities

Languages: Common and the language of your chosen animal.

Table: The Pack Leader

Hit Die: d8

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Spells per Day
FortRefWill 01st2nd3rd4th5th
1+1+2+2+1 Simple Weapon Proficiency, Chosen Animal, Animal Companion, Light Armor Proficiency(Natural Only), Animal Skill, Physical Skill, Wild Empathy, Favored Enemy XXXXXX
2+2+3+2+1 Nature Sense, Track XXXXXX
3+3+3+2+1 Mental Skill, Wildshape (1 per day), Natural Poison Sense 0XXXXX
4+4+4+2+1 Woodland Stride, Unnatural Sense, Wild Feat I, Resist Nature's Lure 0XXXXX
5+5+4+3+2 Social Skill, Wildshape (2 per day), Favored Enemy II 10XXXX
6+6/+1+5+3+2 Trackless Step, Natural Trap Sense, Animal Compannion II 10XXXX
7+7/+2+5+3+3 Wildshape (3 per day), Natural Spell 210XXX
8+8/+3+6+3+3 Wild Feat 2, Swift Tracker 210XXX
9+9/+4+6+4+3 Wildshape (4 per day), Evasion 3210XX
10+10/+5+7+4+4 Skill Focus, Favored Enemy III 3210XX
11+11/+6/+1+7+4+4 Wildshape (5 per day) 43210X
12+12/+7/+2+8+4+4 Pack Leader, Wild Feat III, Animal Companion III 43210X
13+13/+8/+3+8+5+5 Wildshape (6 per day) 543210
14+14/+9/+4+9+5+5 Unnatural Sense II 543210
15+15/+10/+5+9+5+5 Wildshape (7 per day), Favored Enemy IV 654321
16+16/+11/+6/+1+10+5+5 Wild Feat 4 654321
17+17/+12/+7/+2+10+6+6 Wildshape (8 per day), Hide in Plain Sight 765432
18+18/+13/+8/+3+11+6+6 Skill Focus 765432
19+19/+14/+9/+4+11+6+6 Wildshape (At Will) 876543
20+20/+15/+10/+5+12+6+6 Skill Focus, Beast Form, Animal Companion IV 876543

Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Handle Animal(Cha), Hide(Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge "Nature"(Int), Knowledge "Geography"(Int), Knowledge "Chosen Animal"(Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently(Dex), and Spot(Wis).

Companion Chart
Class Lvl+ACStr/DexSpecials
1-2+00Link, Share Spells
15-17+105Improved Evasion

Spells: Pack leaders choose their spells from the following list:

0 Detect Poison- Detects poison in one creature or object. Know Direction- You discern north.

1st Detect Animals or Plants- Detects kinds of animals or plants. Detect Snares and Pits- Reveals natural or primitive traps. Endure Elements- Exist comfortably in hot or cold environments. Hide From Animals- Animals can't perceive one subject per level. Magic Fang- One natural weapon of subject creature gets +1 on attack and damage rolls. Pass Without Trace- One subject per level leaves no tracks. Speak With Animals- You can communicate with animals.

2nd Animal Messenger- Sends a tiny animal to a specific place. Animal Trance- Fascinates 2d6 HD of animals. Barkskin- Grants +2(or higher) enhancement to natural armor. Hold Animal- Paralyze one animal for 1 round per level. Reduce Animal- Shrinks one willing animal.

3rd Dominate Animal- Subject animal obeys mental commands. Greater Magic Fang- One natural weapon gets +1 per three levels on attacks and damage rolls(max +5)

4th Animal Scrying- See through familiar or companion's eyes.

5th Animal Growth- One animal per two levels doubles in size. Commune With Nature- Learn about terrain for 1 mile per level. Tree Stride- Step from one tree to another far away.

6th Grants +1 to Strength of one animal per level. Bird Brain- Grants +1 to Intelligence of one animal per level. Sexy Beast- Grants +1 to Charisma of one animal per level. Lemur Legs- Grants +1 to Dexterity of one animal per level. Tortoise Shell- Grants +1 to AC of one animal per level. Wise Owl- Grants +1 to Wisdom of one animal per level. Lizard Life- Grants +1 to Constitution of one animal per level.

Simple Weapon Proficiency: (Natural) Take no minuses for using a natural simple weapon.

Chosen Animal:- Take one signature animal as yours. Determines companions and wildshape form. (Wolf, Dire Rat, Black Bear, Boar)

Animal Companion: Trained animal friend to help and protect you.

Light Armor Proficiency: (Natural) No minuses for using natural light armor.

Animal Skill: Gain the skills of your chosen animal and its ranks.

Physical Skill: Gain a free skill based on Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution.

Wild Empathy: 1d20 + lvl + Charisma to improve animal mood.

Favored Enemy: Choose one specific race. +2 to all checks, attacks, and damages against the chosen enemy.

Nature Sense: +2 Knowledge (Nature, Chosen Animal) and Survival Checks.

Track: Use survival skill to track.

Mental Skill: Gain a free skill based on Intelligence or Wisdom.

Wildshape: (1 per day) Turn into your chosen animal once a day for one hour per level.

Natural Poison Sense: Sense plant or animal based poisons.

Woodland Stride: Move at normal speed through natural undergrowth without damage or other impairment.

Unnatural Sense: Use search plus spellcraft to detect magic.

Wild Feat 1: Gain physical attribute of your chosen animal. (1 Clawed Hand, Top Fangs.)

Resist Nature's Lure: +4 on saving throws against Fey creatures' spells or abilities.

Social Skill: Gain a free skill based on Charisma.

Wildshape: (2 per day) Use Wilshape twice a day.

Animal Companion II: Magically create a second companion the same as the first.

Favored Enemy: +4 to first favored enemy. +2 to second favored enemy.

Trackless Step: Leave no footprints unless by choice.

Natural Trap Sense: Sense pitfalls, spkes, and other natural "traps".

Wildshape: (3 per day)-Use Wildshape three times a day.

Natural Spell: Cast spells while in Wildshape.

Wild Feat 2: Gain the second half of the trait picked the first time. (Second Clawed Hand, Bottom Fangs,etc.)

Swift Tracker: Track at full speed instead or half speed.

Wildshape: (4 per day) Use Wildshape four times a day.

Evasion: Successful dodge negates damage. Unnsuccessful takes only half damage.

Skill Focus: +4 on skill you share from your companion.

Favored Enemy III: +6, +2, +2 or +4, +4, +2.

Wildshape: (5 per day) Use Wildshape five times a day.

Pack Leader: All animals of your Chosen Animal are considered friendly to you and your pack unless attacked or by magical force. +2 to flanking.

Wild Feat 3: Gain the next half of traits that have yet to be picked.

Animal Companion III: Make a third companion of the same race as the first.

Wildshape: (6 per day) Use Wildshape six times a day.

Natural Sense II: Detects undead revealing their presence.

Wildshape(7 per day): Use Wildshape seven times per day.

Favored Enemy IV: +8, +2, +2, +2 or +6, +4, +2, +2 or +4, +4, +4, +2, etc.

Wild Feat 4: Gain the final animal trait of your chosen animal.

Wildshape(8 per day): Use Wildshape eight times a day.

Hide in Plain Sight: Can hide while being watched or without cover.

Skill Focus: Another +4 on a companion shared skill of yours.

Wildshape(At Will): Use Wildshape as many times as preferred daily.

Skill Focus: Another +4 on a companion shared skill of yours.

Beast Form: Turn into the form of a were-creature of your chosen animal minus the curse. Not actually lycanthropy. Animagus is the classification. Willing transformation. Turn at will daily.

Animal Companion IV: Take a second companion of the same race as the first.



Starting Package

Weapons: .

Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to 4 + Int modifier.


Feat: .

Bonus Feats: .

Gear: .

Gold: .

Playing a Pack Leader

Religion: .

Other Classes: .

Combat: .

Advancement: .

Pack Leaders in the World


Daily Life: .

Notables: .

Organizations: .

NPC Reactions: .

Pack Leader Lore

Characters with ranks in can research to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.


Pack Leaders in the Game

Adaptation: .

Sample Encounter: .

EL : .

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gollark: Almost certainly.
gollark: Er, Investigatory Powers *Act*.
gollark: And finally (not finally, but I can't think of more right now) the Investigatory Powers Bill.
gollark: Also, the (postponed until the end of time right now, IIRC) adult content age verification thing.
gollark: They're also at the forefront of the "eNcRyPtIoN bAd" insanity.
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