Other Nations (Existence Supplement)

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The Basics

The following is a brief list of the other major areas in the world, a little about them, and any current events occurring within them. Unless directed by the GM, players cannot start from any of these nations.

Lost North

The Lost North is aptly named - it is located farther north than any other land, and has not been scouted since the fall of the three empires. No one has any idea what it looks like more than a mile or two inland from the coast, aside from the outdated details given by a few ancient maps that have been preserved by a few major cities. No current events are currently known.


Affected by the magic of Zora during the great purge, it was far enough to the north that everything did not simply die. Instead, a great mutation occurred and many people became the wild beasts now found there. Though a few brave adventurers may dare to venture into the Deadlands, none have settled there, leaving only small, local, roaming bands of monsters to call it home.

Recently, there has been a large surge of raids and attacks coming from the Deadlands. The monsters attack with a great ferocity normally not seen, and take a far more serious beating before being pushed back. In addition to the typical monsters such as minotaur, giant insects, giants, medusas, and large herd animals, new creatures have been seen; creatures unknown and simply called demons by the locals.

Dead Pass

The Dead Pass is actually two separate regions, located on the east and west coasts of the Inner Sea, and are commonly referred to as the East Dead Pass and West Dead Pass, respectively. These regions are mostly treacherous swamplands that deter all but the most hardy (or foolhardy) merchants from choosing the overland route between the northern and southern continents. The Dead Pass is infested by typical swamp monsters - and even the occasional few black dragon sighting.

There seems to be nothing amiss within either Dead Pass.

Piked Mountain

The Piked Mountains are so named due to the very large infestation of orcs and other goblinoids found within. A place of constant warfare, the Mountains are also filled with vast veins of precious metals that many a miner from Urganto has given his life in an attempt to harvest. The orcs will often lead raids into Bissel, the Wastelands, and Urganto, leaving behind burnt-down villages, wasted farmland, and pregnant women. These women are often shunned by the people that survive, although in Urganto their children are given proper respect, thanks to the strength of their Orc fathers. After a massive invasion of the Wasteland, led by an overzealous chieftain, was destroyed in 602 C.E., no other large-scale tribal unification has occurred. Single tribes of goblinoids are occasionally led to war by a giant or a particularly large and daring orc warlord.

Elemental Isle

To the west of the mainland lies a large island, believed to be almost as big as the southern continent, though few ships have dared circumnavigate the island to know for sure. Named the Elemental Isle, its only known intelligent inhabitants are Ifrits, Oreads, Sylphs and Undines - all humans touched by the different planar elements. For hundreds, if not thousands, of years, traders from this island have come to the mainland, bringing all sorts of exotic goods and services. Traders who dared venture to the island where only allowed to dock in a single port city; a massive place where people from around the world gathered. Only natives were allowed to leave the city and head inland - violation of this rule carried the death penalty. Over two hundred years ago, trade suddenly ceased and all contact with the island was lost. The cause of this sudden silence is unknown. Recently a fleet sailed from the Isle towards the mainland and captured the port city of Aballa, cutting off all communications in and out. The one being has left Aballa since: known as a Prophet of the One, it has just recently arrived in Mira with only a small escort of guards.

Inner Sea

The Inner Sea is not a nation, but rather a great body of water that, except for the narrow Dead Passes, divides the northern and southern continents. This sea is not nearly as deep as the ocean, and is believed to have been dry land prior to the great purge by Zora in ages lost. When the purge flooded the land, all cities and people were lost - though sightings of merfolk suggest that some may have survived and changed over the course of the centuries. There are also reports, though many believe them to be tall tales, of a kraken that haunts the waters of the Inner Sea. The Inner Sea is fed directly from the oceans, though it is not apparent from a map how this occurs. The truth is that there are massive tunnels that can be found deep beneath the Dead Passes that have filled with water, allowing the Inner Sea to fill to where it is today. These tunnels also allow many sea creatures that would not normally be found in an inland sea to make their way there, adding to the diversity of wildlife that may be found, depending on when and where one looks.

Triporia Mountains

Like the Piked Mountains to the north, the Triporia Mountains are infested with goblinoids, but they also are home to Drow and many other creatures - including giants, dragons, oozes, stalkers and even a city of Duergar. Thanks to the large diversity of races, there has been no solid unification attempt made, and the constant warfare has led to a vast wealth of riches available to any adventurer who dares to brave the cold.

Forsaken Pass

Far to the south, at the very end of the southern continent, exists a large expanse of tundra known only as the Forsaken Pass. Few dare to brave the dangers of this land, for there is nothing beyond but the ocean and a trail of islands leading to the Cursed Lands. What lives here is a question most will never have answered, and any treasure contained is likely lost beneath ancient castles, towers and cities from a time before memory. The few who dare more than a day's travel into this land are never heard from again. It seems that very little changes in this cold, dreary land - recent sightings of harpy flocks have caused worry to grow in the populace of the lands nearby. Harpies are not normally seen this far to the south, but are now appearing in flocks large enough to cause isolated villages to be completely wiped out in a very short time.

Cursed Lands

It is not the land itself, but rather the inhabitants that give the Cursed Lands its name. It is inhabited by the Tengu - creatures that look part man, part crow - and people of any other race found within their lands is hunted down and slaughtered. While these Tengu periodically raid into Tilia, using small ships to get close enough that they can fly in, little is known of the Cursed Lands itself, nor of its people, nor its history. To the south of the Cursed Lands are a number of islands, all of which are claimed by the Tengu. The largest islands are known to have independent tribes of Tengu scattered over them. In recent times, the raids have increased drastically, and instead of simply killing people and stealing their resources, the raiders have been capturing all the women of the villages, no matter their age. What they want with them is unknown, but it is commonly accepted that one does not wish to become their prisoner.

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