Misspell (3.5e Spell)

"I... I don't understand what happened. I swore I cast Meteor Swarm, why is there MEAT everywhere!?"

Enchantment (Compulsion)
Level: Bard 5, Sor/Wiz 5
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: One Target
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

A terrible curse is afflicted on the enemy. Whenever they go to cast a spell, they must make an Intelligence check, DC 20 (+1 to the DC every 5 caster levels), or the spell they cast goes awry. The spell comes off in corrupt form, either a play on words or slightly misspelled, and never what one expects. Occasionally it is still beneficial, usually less so.

The new effect might target a new subject if required to specified in description, and may choose a new target randomly. If no conditions are met the spell simple fizzles with no clue of what error it may have been.

Below is a suggested list of corrupt spells from the SRD. While it is a joke spell, it had real, and useful applications... especially against non-intelligent spellcasters.

Material Component

1 Booklet filled with random words

Warped Spells A-D

Table: Warped Spells (A)
Original SpellWarped SpellBasic Effect
Acid ArrowAcid Arrow (Warped)The struck target takes no damage, but hallucinates and acts confused for the duration.
Acid FogAcid FrogA frog made of acid hops at the enemy repeatedly.
Acid SplashAcid SlashEnchants the nearest source of slashing damage to deal an extra 1d4 acid damage until next round.
AidAideSummons a level 1 commoner who serves you for the duration of the spell.
Air WalkErr WalkWhenever the subject attempts to move, it instead moves in a random direction.
AlarmAlarm (Warped)As normal, but the alarm sounds the next day at dawn, instead of when an enemy approaches.
Align WeaponAlign Weapon (Warped)Aligns weapon vertically or horizontally, making attacking difficult.
Alter SelfAltar SelfYou are suddenly bound to a sacrificial altar and helpless. Hope there are no willing enemies about to make the sacrifice...
Analyze DweomerAnalyze D'WormerDetects and gives a detailed biological analysis of all worms in 1 mile of you. The spell does not give positions - only number, type, and special abilities if any.
Animal GrowthAnimal Growth (Warped)You develop a gross, animal shaped tumor on your body.
Animal MessengerCannibal MessengerA cannibal barbarian appears to take your message.
Animal ShapesAnimal Shapes (Warped)All animals within range become simple geometric shapes of the same size - cubes, spheres, cylinders, and so forth.
Animal TranceAnimal DanceThe affected animals start to dance.
Animate DeadAnimate RedAll red colored items within range are affected by Animate Objects.
Animate ObjectsAnime ObjectsThe target objects become cartoonish, as if drawn.
Animate PlantsAnimate PantsYour pants are affected by Animate Objects.
Animate RopeAnimate RoadThe path on which you are standing starts moving.
Antilife ShellAntilaugh ShellPrevents any laughter in range, even Hideous Laughter.
Antimagic FieldAnimagic FieldAll magical weapons and shields are dancing, other magical items are intelligent.
AntipathyAntipathy (Warped)You absolutely hate everything.
Antiplant ShellAnti-Pant ShellAll pants wink out of existence while in the area of effect.
Arcane EyeAre CanineYou polymorph randomly into a riding dog, wolf, worg, or dire version of the same.
Arcane LockArcane RockConjures up a rock which glows with strong magic, but does nothing.
Arcane MarkArcane Mark (Warped)Summons a confused level 1 wizard named Mark.
Arcane SightArcane ScytheConjures up a scythe which glows with strong magic, but does nothing. Its size is appropriate for the caster.
Arcane Sight, GreaterArcane Scythe, GreaterSame as Arcane Scythe, only one category larger.
Astral ProjectionAstro ProjectionAs Astral Projection, but you end up in outer space. Your astral copy may not survive here, but you will just return to your body as per Astral Projection. Unlike Astral Projection, you may still be on the same plane.
AtonementAtone MintConjures a tasty mint which acts as the Atonement spell as normal when swallowed.
AuguryArguingAs Augury but instead of a reply, you get in an argument with a non-dismissable cranky voice for 1 round/level.
AwakenAwaken (Warped)All sleeping creatures within range wake up.
Table: Warped Spells (B)
Original SpellWarped SpellBasic Effect
Baleful PolymorphBale Full PolymorphTransforms the target into a Hay Golem.
BaneBangA loud bang goes off, like a Thunderstone.
BanishmentVanishmentYou are affected by Greater Invisibility.
BarkskinBarkskin (Warped)Magic mouths appear on your skin, barking constantly.
Bear’s EnduranceBare EnduranceAs Bear's Endurance, but all subjects appear naked during duration.
Bear’s Endurance, MassBare Endurance, MassAs Bare Endurance, but affects multiple creatures.
Bestow CurseBestow PurseTarget gains an sparkling hot pink purse on their body (treat as an empty mundane sack). Purse is cursed not to leave the target, but it is functional, just embarrassing.
BindingBlindingAs Blindness/Deafness, but only the blinding effect.
Black TentaclesLack TentaclesAny target in area with tentacles loses those tentacles for the duration of the spell.
Blade BarrierBraid BarrierWall of braided hair entangles and provides cover.
BlasphemyBlast PhlegmSneeze, releasing a cone of sticky evil mucus.
BlessBlissThe caster feels like he just took a hallucinogenic drug, and starts hallucinating.
Bless WaterLess WaterEvaporates half of the water instantly.
Bless WeaponLess WeaponWeapon size shrinks by one.
BlightBrightTarget gains a snazzy lens flare effect and glows.
Blindness/DeafnessBlandness/DaftnessThe target either has their Cha reduced to 10, or their Wis reduced to 10. If it is lower than that normally there is no change.
BlinkBlink (Warped)Subject of spell blinks.
BlurBurrThe subject is covered in spiky burrs. Creatures attacking it in melee take 1d6 damage.
Break EnchantmentBrake EnchantmentThe subject cannot move for 1 round/level.
Bull’s StrengthBill's StrengthGain the strength of the commoner, Bill, turning your score to 10.
Bull’s Strength, MassBill's Strength, MassAs Bill's Strength, but affects multiple creatures
Burning HandsBurning Hands (Warped)Caster's hands become swollen, itchy, red, with a burning sensation.
Table: Warped Spells (C)
Original SpellWarped SpellBasic Effect
Call LightningCall Lightning (Warped)Communicate with distant lightning bolt, and learn where it struck or is striking.
Call Lightning StormCall Lightning Storm (Warped)As Call Lightning (Warped) but with many bolts.
Calm AnimalsClam AnimalsThe animals cannot make any noise for the duration of the spell.
Calm EmotionsClam EmotionsSilence subject when speaking of their feelings.
Cat’s GraceCat's FaceYou get the face of a cat.
Cat’s Grace, MassCat's Face, MassAs Cat's Face.
Cause FearCause FairAt the nearest opportunity, a country fair will attempt to set up shop at this location.
Chain LightningChain LightingAll sources of light within range become covered in chains and bonds.
ChangestaffChange StaffNearest business suddenly fires all management and hires new ones, you are aware of this change.
Chaos HammerChaos Hammer (Warped)Summons a random dancing hammer-like weapon, which attacks everyone for a duration, then disappears. The summoned weapon is treated as Chaotic for purpose of bypassing DR.
Charm AnimalFarm AnimalThe animal acts domesticated for the duration of the spell.
Charm MonsterFarm MonsterAs Farm Animal, but affects any creature.
Charm Monster, MassFarm Monster, MassAs Harm Monster, but affects multiple creatures.
Charm PersonFarm PersonAs Farm Animal, but affects humanoids.
Chill MetalChill Metal (Warped)A strange music (a sub-genre of metal) starts playing (source - the caster's hands).
Chill TouchChill TorchAll flames in 30 ft. burn blue and now deal cold damage instead of fire.
Circle of DeathCircle of MethMass save vs euphoric helplessness.
Clairaudience/ClairvoyanceClear And Dense/Clear BuoyanceBoth forms of the spell make you partially transparent. The first grants the caster DR 5/adamantium, the second allows you to float on water as if it were land. Both last for 1 round/caster level.
Clenched FistQuenched FistAs the spell Quench, as a touch attack, that lasts 1 round/caster level.
Cloak of ChaosClock of ChaosAll nearby time-pointing devices go wild.
CloneCroneAs Clone, but Clone is an ugly hooknosed woman, the spell still works however.
CloudkillCloudkill (Warped)Slays a nearby cloud, no save, cloud drifts to ground and dissipates.
Color SprayColor SpayCone causes animals to save vs become infertile.
CommandCompendSubject must give a brief summery of one bit of knowledge about itself within its abilities to answer.
Command, GreaterCompend, GreaterAs Compend, but for 1 round/level.
Command PlantsCommand PantsGive orders to a pair of pants as the Command spell. Strangely enough they animate long enough to obey.
Command UndeadCompend UndeadAs Compend, but affects undead.
CommuneCommonAs spell, but contacts a commoner, who probably will not know what you seek.
Commune with NatureCommon with NatureAs Commune, but contacts a common animal like a badger, who probably will not know what you seek, and translation of the badger may be needed.
Comprehend LanguagesComprehend SlangugesAs spell, but applies to strange dialects of languages, such as slang.
Cone of ColdClone of ColdForms a perfect duplicate of the caster carved out of ice in front of them.
ConfusionCoin FusionAll your smaller change (such as copper pieces) fuses into the largest coins it can, typically platinum pieces, until it cannot fuse the value into smaller coins.
Confusion, LesserCoin Fusion, LesserAs Coin Fusion, but only up to 5000g value.
ConsecrateCoinsy CrateAll your money animates and arranges into a large crate made of coins. Coins cannot be removed until dispelled.
Contact Other PlaneContact Other PlainSpeak to someone in the next nearest plains.
ContagionOctagonA symbol of a glowing octagon appear on the target, treat as Arcane Mark.
ContingencyContingent SeaSeems to work until activated, then fills the area in 30 ft. deep with seawater instead.
Continual FlameContinual BlameEnchanted item does not glow, instead it talks, berating you constantly.
Control PlantsControl PantsTake over control of another's pants.
Control UndeadControl UncladAs Control Undead, but against naked creatures.
Control WaterControl WaiterWaiter follows your commands as if under Suggestion.
Control WeatherControl FeatherManipulate feathers up to 1 cu. ft./caster level as if by Telekinesis.
Control WindsControl WandsAttempt to set off a wand not currently in your possession by succeeding on a caster level check.
Create Food and WaterAte Food and WaterYou feel as if you just ate a full meal, even though you actually haven't.
Create Greater UndeadCrate Greater UndeadSame as Crate Undead, only twice HD.
Create UndeadCrate UndeadWooden crates trap (caster-level) HD of undead, starting with weakest first. Treat as Forcecage, only wooden.
Create WaterCreate DaughterGenerates a small girl to annoy and pester the caster for her every want and need. She stays for 1d4 hours. Vanishes if slain.
Creeping DoomCreeping BoomAs Creeping Doom, but after 5 rounds any swarms you have suddenly explode without warning! Treat as a Fireball spell.
Crushing DespairCrushing Dis PearNearest pear is crushed to pulp, no save.
Crushing HandCrushing Hand (Warped)Force hand gives painfully strong handshake to any free hand available, injures said hand.
Cure Critical WoundsCure Critical Wounds (Warped)Cure any wounds from critical hits, no others.
Cure Critical Wounds, MassCure Critical Wounds, Mass (Warped)As Cure Critical Wounds (Warped).
Cure Light WoundsCure Light Wounds (Warped)Cure any wounds from light-based attacks.
Cure Light Wounds, MassCure Light Wounds, Mass (Warped)As Cure Light Wounds (Warped).
Cure Minor WoundsCure Minor Wounds (Warped)As normal, but only affects creatures too young to be considered adults.
Cure Moderate WoundsCure, Oderate WoundsWorks as normal but the cured wound smells terrible, imposing a -6 on all social skill checks.
Cure Moderate Wounds, MassCure, Oderate Wounds, MassAs Cure, Oderate Wounds.
Cure Serious WoundsCure Serrous WoundsCures only wounds caused by ripping or tearing such as from Rend, claws, jagged knifes, or any weapon which does not give a clean cut.
Cure Serious Wounds, MassCure Serrous Wounds, MassAs Cure Serrous Wounds.
Curse WaterPurse WaterFills all personal containers (such as bags of holding and sacks) with water.
Table: Warped Spells (D)
Original SpellWarped SpellBasic Effect
Dancing LightsDancing Lights (Warped)All light sources animate and dance to the tune of music.
DarknessDorknessCaster receives a -10 on all social skill checks & fumbles on a 1 or 2 from now on until curse is removed.
DarkvisionDark VisionCaster sees only darkness (and not because hood is down ;) )
DaylightDaylateAs Daylight, but appears 24 hours after casting.
DazeDaisyA flower grows on the head of the target.
Daze MonsterDaisy MonsterAs Daisy, but to non-humanoids as well.
Death KnellDeath KneelAll subjects dying (-1 to -9) sit up and kneel. They stabilize automatically, but are still comatose.)
Death WardMeth WardProtects you from Meth-related dangers. Don't do drugs kids.
DeathwatchDeath WatchConjures a nice bone and undead flesh crafted watch on your wrist to tell time.
Deep SlumberDeep LumberA pile of trees and logs fall down, target is injured and movement hampered.
Deeper DarknessDuper DarknessMake a Bluff check to convince all targets in the area there is a Darkness spell, when there is not. The effect is non-magical if you succeed.
Delay PoisonDeli PoisonSummon a tasty, but poisoned, sandwich. Poison is random.
Delayed Blast FireballDelayed Blast Fireball (Warped)As normal, but delayed for 1d4 hours instead.
DemandDe-mannedA cruel spell which causes pain to male subjects, and may deal critical damage.
DesecrateDesu CrateA strange crate appears filled with cheap glasses with one red lens and one green lens.
DestructionDestractionHey, what's that over there?!
Detect Animals or PlantsDetect Animates or PantsDivines out animated objects and pants.
Detect ChaosDetect KioskDetect nearest Kiosk and what it is about.
Detect EvilDetect DevilDetects Devils in the area.
Detect GoodDetect GodDetects nearest deity.
Detect LawDetect LawlDetect nearest laughter or source of humor.
Detect MagicDetest MagicFor 1 round/level the caster becomes offended by magic and will refuse to cast spells or use magic items if possible.
Detect PoisonDefect PoisonAll poisons within 30' of the caster turn into broken versions of themselves, dealing minimum damage and lasting only an minute. There is no second save.
Detect ScryingDetect CryingDivine when somebody is crying.
Detect Secret DoorsDetect Secret CoresIlluminates weak spots on constructs and undead as 'flashing red points', permitting critical hits for 1 round/level. Shoot the core!
Detect Snares and PitsDetect Hairy ArmpitsLocates armpit hair and how much of it on targets in sight.
Detect ThoughtsEject ThoughtsThought bubbles of what the caster is thinking are constantly ejected out of their head for 1 minute/level. This can lead to embarrassment.
Detect UndeadDetect UncladDetects existence of naked creatures.
DictumVictimThe next attack, regardless of origin, ends up affecting the caster or the target instead with a 50% chance.
Dimension DoorDetention DoorAs dimension door, but the caster is delayed for 1d4 rounds, caster complains they were sent to a school detention in some unknown plane.
Dimensional AnchorDimensional News AnchorSummon an outsider from a random plane, who proceeds to tell you the current events and news of the outsider's home plane.
Dimensional LockDimensional SockSummons a Ghost Touch Sap +(1d4) to attack with. It lasts for 24 hours before vanishing.
Diminish PlantsDiminish PantsCause target pants to shrink.
Discern LiesDiscern EyesEven in complete darkness, you can always see the eyes of others.
Discern LocationDiscern RotationAble to tell what angle you're pointing relative to north.
Disguise SelfDisguise ElfDisguises you as an elf, if you are not one. If you are, you are disguised as a Keebler Elf instead.
DisintegrateDissin' GreatMake an Intimidation check +20. The shaken effect lasts for 1 round/level.
DismissalMissileConjures a magic rocket which shoots at the target, dealing 1d6 fire and 1d6 sonic damage per caster level, up to 10d6 for each.
Dispel ChaosExpel ChaosAll chaotic beings are pushed back 60'.
Dispel EvilExpel EvilAll evil beings are pushed back 60'.
Dispel GoodExpel GoodAll good beings are pushed back 60'.
Dispel LawExpel LawAll lawful beings are pushed back 60'.
Dispel MagicExcel MagicFor 1 round, all magic cast in 60' emanation from caster is at +1 caster level.
Dispel Magic, GreaterExcel Magic, GreaterFor 1d4+1 rounds, all magic cast in 60' emanation from caster is at +1 caster level.
DisplacementDisplacement (Warped)Moves the caster to a random nearby location.
Disrupt UndeadDisrupt UncladAs Disrupt Undead, but against naked creatures.
Disrupting WeaponDisruptive WeaponWeapon can now speak and often interrupts conversations with banal commentary.
DivinationDivvy NationA map appears with the local land divided between two factions marked on the map, such as conservative vs liberal areas or male and female population. The groups may or may not be related to your question.
Divine FavorDivine FlavorApply an irresistible seasoning to something edible, causing the subject to want more.
Divine PowerDivine FlourConjures Divine Flour, used for making Divine Bread.
Dominate AnimalDenominate AnimalA title is given to the target animal. Whenever being spoken about it is addressed with title. "We must strike down the wild Mr. Owlbear!"
Dominate MonsterDenominate MonsterAs Donominate Animal, but with any creature.
Dominate PersonDenominate PersonAs with Denominate Animal, but only with humanoids.
DoomBoomThe target is subject to an explosion on their head.
DreamDream (Warped)You fall asleep and have a vivid, if useless, dream.

Warped Spells E-H

Table: Warped Spells (E)
Original SpellWarped SpellBasic Effect
Eagle’s SplendorEagle SpenderAn eagle appears, takes 10% of your gold, leaves and returns with a bought random item worth 1000g or less.
Eagle’s Splendor, MassEagle Spender, MassSame as Eagle Spender, but buys items for everyone targeted.
EarthquakeEarthcakeThe ground becomes soft and moist, fall damage reduced by 10 ft. The ground is chocolate flavor.
Elemental SwarmMental SwarmA swarm of tiny flying brains is summoned, treat as a Locust Swarm with the additional effect of stripping away the lowest level spell available on contact (and gaining 5 hp from it each time).
Endure ElementsEnduring ElementsThe environment you cast this in persists effecting you for 24 hours, even if you move elsewhere, such as from a hot desert to a cold snowfield.
Energy DrainEnergy RainIt rains down force energy in a cylinder shaped area.
EnervationNervousin'Target becomes paranoid, taking a -2 on all rolls, but gaining a +2 dodge bonus.
Enlarge PersonEngorge PersonTarget grows grotesquely fat, -4 Dex, -2 to attack, speed dropped in half, but +2 natural armor.
Enlarge Person, MassEngorge Person, MassAs Engorge Person, but 5x current weight, -6 dex, +8 to attack, +5 natural armor.
EntangleEnt AngleAll trents, ents, and other plant creatures are given a new angle. Prone of standing, standing if prone, no save.
EnthrallEnt ThrallAs Dominate Monster on trents, ents, and other plant creatures, no save.
Entropic ShieldTropic ShieldThe temperature within 10 ft. of you is always 80 degrees and humid. It makes you resist cold effects by 50%, but you take double damage from Swarms and poison saves are at a -2 penalty.
EraseErase (Warped)The spell erases itself from the caster's spell book if possible.
Ethereal JauntEthereal JointAll your joints go ethereal, giving you a disturbing 'Rayman' set of floating limbs with no connection to your torso.
EtherealnessEther RealnessRather than go ethereal, any ethereal creatures in a 90 ft. area become corporeal.
Expeditious RetreatExpeditious DefeatYou lose the will to fight, all attacks do minimum damage.
Explosive RunesExplosive RunsTarget which reads the rune must make a Fort save or be nauseated for 1d4 rounds. A second Fort save is made to see if they also (ahem) embarrassed themselves right there.
EyebiteI BiteGain a bite attack.
Table: Warped Spells (F)
Original SpellWarped SpellBasic Effect
FabricateFabricate (Warped)Able to make up a lie on the spot with a +30 to Bluff.
Faerie FireFaerie Fire (Warped)Launches an angry pixie like an arrow at the enemy.
False LifeFalse WifeConjures a woman who claims to be your wife, but isn't.
False VisionFalse Vision (Warped)The colors seen by the caster go very wonky, becoming all sorts of different shades... red to blue, green to yellow, purple to green... you are stunned for one round as your mind tries to adjust. Lasts 24 hours.
FearHearGain +10 to Listen checks for 5 rounds.
Feather FallFeather Fall (Warped)Conjures feathers in mid-air which fall down slowly.
FeeblemindBeaglemindAs Feeblemind, but also with uncontrollable barking. Prevents spellcasting with vocal components.
Find the PathFind the BathLocate the nearest bathing area.
Find TrapsFind TarpsLocate the nearest tarp.
Finger of DeathFinger of MethSave vs euphoric helplessness.
Fire SeedsFire Seeds (Warped)Launches seeds at the enemy, dealing 1 point of damage.
Fire ShieldFire HealedThe next fire attack which hits the target heals them instead of damaging them.
Fire StormFire WarmLooks like Fire Storm but deals no damage, actually quite comfortable. Melts ice and negates cold effects.
Fire TrapFire StrapSummons a burning strip of leather, acting as a Flaming Sap +1. It lasts for 1 minute/level.
FireballFire BaleInstead of a ball of burning hell, appears a ball of burning hay.
Flame ArrowLame ArrowFires a tiny carrot shaped Flame Arrow which does 1 point of fire damage and pops with a cute noise.
Flame BladeFlame BraidAs normal, but composed of flaming braided hair.
Flame StrikeFlame Strike (Warped)For 24 hours no fire spells work for you, a fire elemental appears to inform you they're on strike.
Flaming SphereFlaming FearFor 1 round/level cast must make a Will save every time he sees fire, DC 20, or be shaken out of fear for as long as the fire exists and 1 round later.
FlareFlairYour actions are breathtaking, giving +2 to Cha based skill checks.
Flesh to StoneFlesh to BoneTurns the subject into a skeleton powered by positive energy. They are considered a construct in this state until fixed and cannot be healed when damaged.
FlyFly (Warped)Summons a housefly to annoy you for the spell duration.
Floating DiskFloating DeskAs Floating Disk, but in desk format, solid, material, mundane (save levitating), and wooden.
Fog CloudFrog CloudA swarm of floating frogs obscures vision.
ForbiddanceForbid DanceAll allies in area are prevented from dancing, immune to dancing spells.
ForcecageForce CakeThe spell forces cake into the target's mouth, reducing his action tally to single move actions and making him lose his Dex bonus to AC.
Forceful HandForce Full HandTarget's free hands are filled with random useless items, which are unable to be dropped.
ForesightFour SightGain 360 degree vision. Cannot be flanked.
Fox’s CunningRock's CunningGain -4 Int penalty.
Fox’s Cunning, MassRock's Cunning, MassAs Rock's Cunning
FreedomFree DumbThe spell works, but frees the body and soul, but not their mind, leaving them in a coma with an Int of 0.
Freedom of MovementFreedom of Movement (Warped)Nearest jailed political rabblerousers in 1 mile/caster level are freed.
Freezing SphereFreezing FearFor 1 round/level cast must make a Will save every time he sees ice or extreme coldness, DC 20, or be shaken out of fear for as long as the source of cold exists and 1 round later.
Table: Warped Spells (G)
Original SpellWarped SpellBasic Effect
Gaseous FormGassy FormThe caster is host of unpleasant, embarrassing, and uncontrollable gas for the rest of the day.
GateGate (Warped)Creates non-magical wooden gate. Could actually be used on a wall.
Geas/QuestGeese QuestThe Geas/Quest is always "gather 100 geese and bring them here".
Geas, LesserGeese Quest, LesserAs Geese Quest, but only 50 geese.
Gentle ReposeGentle Repose (Warped)Gently poses the corpse into a new position.
Ghost SoundGhost HoundSummons a noisy but harmless ghost dog, which besides bark, is invisible and leaves no mark of its existence.
Ghoul TouchGhoul TorchIgnites an undead creature, causing 3d6 fire damage and a Reflex save to continue burning for 1d6 damage each round not saved. Does not work on the living.
Giant VerminGiant Vermin (Warped)The spell works as normal, but the creatures continue to grow a size category a round, until they run out of space, or they grow past colossal. In either case, the creature collapses under its own weight and dies.
GlibnessGripnessGrants you +30 to Climb checks, and you may take 10 in stressful situations.
GlitterdustLitterdustThe ground is covered with various litter and trash, but no major effect beyond a messy floor.
Globe of InvulnerabilityGlobe of Invulnerability (Warped)Conjures an globe of the world which is immune to level 4 spells or lesser.
Globe of Invulnerability, LesserGlobe of Invulnerability, Lesser (Warped)As Globe of Invulnerability (Warped), but only 3rd level or lower.
Glyph of WardingGlyph of WaddingThe glyph, when triggered, fires a spitball at the target's face, with a BAB equal to caster level + spell level. No damage, just gross.
Glyph of Warding, GreaterGlyph of Wadding, GreaterAs Glyph of Wadding, but this time it is a person-sized spitball from the heavens, which deals 20d6 nonlethal damage.
GoodberryGodberryBerry is treated as Awakened and given Divine rank 0, immediately vanished for Outer Planes and lost.
Good HopeGood HopYou suddenly jump straight up as if you rolled a 20 on a Jump check while running.
Grasping HandGasping HandA mouth grows on the caster's hand. It has a random personality and gasps and wheezes a lot. It lasts for 24 hours.
GreaseCreaseCreases the clothing of all party members. No actual damage.
Guards and WardsGuards Are WardSummons 2d4 guards who are Warriors, level 1d4. All, oddly, are named Ward.
GuidanceGuide DanceControl the flow of a dance or, in balls, the next music played.
Gust of WindGust of WineA torrent of wine of your choice comes barreling out, with the same effect as Gust of Wind, plus soaking the targets and they must make a Reflex save, DC 10, or ingest enough to become mildly intoxicated. -1 to all abilities.
Table: Warped Spells (H)
Original SpellWarped SpellBasic Effect
HallowHollowEmpty the contents of a full container.
Hallucinatory TerrainHallucinogenic TerrainAll those who can see the landscape must save or be confused each round.
Halt UndeadHat UndeadAll undead in an area gain random and stylish hats, even incorporeal undead (as a Ghost Touch hat).
HarmHamAs Harm, but leaves the smell of meat and if slained by Ham, turns the target into a ham.
HasteTasteThe subject becomes tastier. Creatures which bite the subject now favor that target for further biting.
HealTealSubject and subject's items turns teal-colored.
Heal, MassTeal, MassAs Teal, but to several targets.
Heal MountHeat MountNot really useful, unless your mount is freezing to death...
Heat MetalHeal MetalAct as a healing spell which works on metal objects and constructs, repairing them.
Helping HandHelping Hand (Warped)Force hand aids in mundane boring tasks, like chores, cleaning, or homework.
Heroes’ FeastHeroes' FastAs Heroes' Feast, but intensified. All get hungry and bonuses last until they eat or 24 hours, whatever is less.
HeroismAneurysmCaster gets an aneurysm, making them dazed for one round. A Fort save is needed to avoid being sickened for 1d4 days in addition to the dazing.
Heroism, GreaterAneurysm, GreaterAs Aneurysm, but the Fort save is vs death. Even on a successful save you are sickened for 1d4 days.
Hide from AnimalsHide from Animals (Warped)Conjure the prepared skin of a random animal.
Hide from UndeadHide from Undead (Warped)Conjure the prepared skin of a random undead (eww).
Hideous LaughterHideous SlaughterSave vs laugh yourself to death, 3d6 on a save from sides splitting open.
Hold AnimalHold Animal (Warped)Teleports target animal into your arms.
Hold MonsterHold Monster (Warped)Teleports target monster into your arms.
Hold Monster, MassHold Monster, Mass (Warped)Teleports all target monsters into your arms. You're likely crushed and pinned.
Hold PersonHold Person (Warped)Teleports target person into your arms.
Hold Person, MassHold Person, Mass (Warped)Teleports all target people into your arms. You're likely crushed and pinned.
Holy AuraHolly AuraFestive illusionary holly leaves and sparkles orbit around the target, which look real pretty but don't do anything.
Holy SmiteHoly SmileTarget struck cannot stop smiling for 1 round/level. They have difficulty casting spells with vocal components from smiling and suffer 20% spell failure.
Holy SwordHoley SwordGains Holy Sword but holes open in it, halving the weapon's hp for the duration.
Holy WordHoly Word (Warped)A holy word such as "Amen" appears as printed text over your head for a round, complete with AIM 'ding' noise. No other effect.
Horrid WiltingHorrid KiltingAll targets are wearing kilts, save vs humiliation (as fear). If the save fails another save vs die from embarrassment.
Hypnotic PatternHypnotic PatinaAs normal, but the creatures are fascinated by watching one of your metal objects slowly rust. At the end of the spell said metal item in your possession halves its hp and gains a -2 to attack and damage if a weapon, or a -1 Dex and +1 AC penalty if armor. Other item damages may vary.
HypnotismDipnoidismMakes caster dipnoid (possessing both lungs and gills).

Warped Spells I-L

Table: Warped Spells (I)
Original SpellWarped SpellBasic Effect
Ice StormEyes StormA gruesome rain of eyes, dealing 3d6 negative and save vs nausea.
IdentifyDentifyDamages the target item by half its hp, causing dents to cover its surface and chunks deformed and chipped.
Illusory ScriptIllusory RippedIllusion makes the page look shredded and worn, barely held together. The text is largely unreadable, adding +20 to the DC to decipher it.
Illusory WallIllusory HallJust like ACME, forms a hall or passage on a wall which isn't really there.
Imbue with Spell-Like AbilityImbue With Spelling AbilityTarget immune to Misspell, +5 bonus to Truename Magic.
ImplosionWimplosionAs Implosion but a weaksauce version, with a save vs mild discomfort instead of death, causing you to be dazed for 1 round.
ImprisonmentImprison MenActs as imprisonment, but only works on male targets.
Incendiary CloudIncendiary Clown'dSummons a burning clown who runs around a 20 ft. area laughing and screaming, forcing Reflex saves or be set on fire.
Inflict Critical WoundsPredict Critical WoundsRoll 4d8 +1 point per caster level (maximum +20) as normal, but the character may choose to avoid another source of damage equal or lesser to the result of this spell. This spell does not deal damage, it actually ends up protecting against it.
Inflict Critical Wounds, MassPredict Critical Wounds, MassAs Predict Critical Wounds.
Inflict Light WoundsPredict Light WoundsAs Predict Critical Wounds, but 1d8 +1 (maximum +5).
Inflict Light Wounds, MassPredict Light Wounds, MassAs Predict Light Wounds.
Inflict Minor WoundsPredict Minor WoundsAs Predict Critical Wounds, but only 1 point of damage protected against.
Inflict Moderate WoundsPredict Moderate WoundsAs Predict Critical Wounds, but 2d8 +1 (maximum +10).
Inflict Moderate Wounds, MassPredict Moderate Wounds, MassAs Predict Moderate Wounds.
Inflict Serious WoundsPredict Serious WoundsAs Predict Critical Wounds, but 3d8 +1 (maximum +15).
Inflict Serious Wounds, MassPredict Serious Wounds, MassAs Predict Serious Wounds.
InsanitySanityTarget becomes immune to confusion and insanity, dispels confusion and insanity (and vice versa).
Insect PlagueInsect VagueAs normal, but the spell is an Illusion (Shadow) spell which allows a Will save (which negates). If not negated the bugs are treated as having Blur cast on them.
Instant SummonsInstant SimmonsSummons a health instructor, if you work out with him for 1 hour you gain +4 Str, Dex, and Con for 24 hours.
Interposing HandPosing HandHand attempts to grapple target, forcing them into odd poses. Target is considered pinned, but caster must use a move action to maintain the pin (directing them into a new pose).
InvisibilityIndivisibilityTarget and target's items cannot be vorpaled or sundered until you attack.
Invisibility, GreaterIndivisibility, GreaterAs Indivisibility, but regardless if you attack.
Invisibility, MassIndivisibility, MassAs Indivisibility, but to several.
Invisibility PurgeIndivisibility PurgeAnything immune to sundering or vorpal now are vulnerable.
Invisibility SphereIndivisibility SphereAs Indivisibility, but in a spherical zone.
Iron BodyIron Body (Warped)Take 2d6 damage from steam, but all clothes are clean and pressed.
IronwoodIron WoodRemoves wrinkles from wood with steaming magic iron.
Irresistible DanceIrresistible DenseTarget gains DR 10/adamantine, weight increases by x4, and they are limited to 5 ft. movements, and are considered Slowed.
Table: Warped Spells (J)
Original SpellWarped SpellBasic Effect
JumpJump (Warped)Pass a Will save or be shaken for one round.
Table: Warped Spells (K)
Original SpellWarped SpellBasic Effect
Keen EdgeClean EdgeYour weapon is never dirty.
KnockKnock (Warped)All doors in 100 ft. of the caster are knocked upon.
Know DirectionNo DirectionYou immediately forget which way is north, curse lasts for 24 hours. Countered by Know Direction.
Table: Warped Spells (L)
Original SpellWarped SpellBasic Effect
Legend LoreLegend LureStart up a false local legend as gossip in the area.
LevitateLevel EightYou rise or fall to level 8, adding positive levels or negative levels as needed.
LightLight (Warped)Enchanted item or subject weights half as much for the duration.
Lightning BoltLightening BoltThose struck by the bolt are a shade lighter in color.
Limited WishLimited FishAs Limited Wish, but all wishes are fish related and corrupt.
LiveoakLivecloakGives sentience and animation to any cloak you are wearing. It continues to give any benefits, but is free willed. DM's, have fun choosing the personality of the new intelligent item.
Locate CreatureLocate Creature (Warped)Locates the next nearest living creature.
Locate ObjectLocate RejectLocate the nearest failure of a person, from the town fool to the drunken bum outside the tavern.
LongstriderLongsliderAs Longstrider, but all movement is done by sliding around unnaturally.
LullabyLure A BuyTarget succumbs to a temptation to go shopping right now, as per a Suggestion spell.

Warped Spells M-P

Table: Warped Spells (M)
Original SpellWarped SpellBasic Effect
Mage ArmorMage's AmorSpellcasters of the opposite sex find you attractive, acts as Charm Monster for any interacting with you.
Mage HandMage Hand (Warped)Summons the hand of another mage for the duration of the spell. (then it is safely returned to its owner)
Mage’s DisjunctionMage's ConjunctionThose in area effected as if hit by quick-setting sovereign glue.
Mage’s Faithful HoundMage's Faithless HoundAs Faithful Hound, until it gets within 5 ft., at which point it whimpers, turns, and flees as far as it can.
Mage’s LucubrationMage's LubricationBody is Greased and unable to be grappled, but it's hard to walk, DC 10 Balance check when moving.
Mage’s Magnificent MansionMage's Magnificent ManSummons "the perfect man". Woman will adore him, men will be envious. Lasts for 1 hour.
Mage’s Private SanctumMage's Private Snack'umSummons some delicious snacks, which mysteriously no one spots you eating them.
Mage’s SwordMage's WordAssign a word. For the 1 min./level anyone who speaks that word takes 3d6 nonlethal, no save.
Magic AuraMagic AuroraAt nighttime the Northern Lights will appear.
Magic Circle against ChaosMagic Circle Condensed ChaosSpell has opposite effect, applying bonuses to enemies and penalties to you where applicable.
Magic Circle against EvilMagic Circle Condensed EvilSpell has opposite effect, applying bonuses to enemies and penalties to you where applicable.
Magic Circle against GoodMagic Circle Condensed GoodSpell has opposite effect, applying bonuses to enemies and penalties to you where applicable.
Magic Circle against LawMagic Circle Condensed LawSpell has opposite effect, applying bonuses to enemies and penalties to you where applicable.
Magic FangMagic FanGenerate a Moderate Wind (11-20 mph) in a 60 ft cone from you for the spell duration.
Magic Fang, GreaterMagic Fan, GreaterAs Magic Fan, but Severe Wind (31-50 mph).
Magic JarMagic Jar (Warped)Enchants a jar as if it were target for Greater Magic Weapon, jar gains 100 hp.
Magic MissileMaggot MissileAs magic missile, but 1d3+1 damage and save vs sickened.
Magic MouthMagic MothSummons a moth with a taste for magical clothes, otherwise harmless.
Magic StoneMagic StonedCaster is in a drugged stupor, -2 Str, Dex, Con, Int but +4 Wis.
Magic VestmentMagic InvestmentSacrifice between 100 to 1000 gold, then roll d%. 1-40 is up to 40% percent loss, 41-100 is up to 60% percent gained. You may wait and roll every day to see if it grows.
Magic WeaponMagic ApronSummons a magic apron which grants the spell bonus on Craft (Cooking) checks.
Magic Weapon, GreaterMagic Apron, GreaterAs Magic Apron, with greater bonuses as Greater Magic Weapon usually has.
Major CreationMajor CremationYour item appears and immediately bursts into flames, even if it can't burn, dealing 3d6 fire to those who touch it. It burns to ash in 1 round.
Major ImageMajor AgeSubject appears to age 2d10 years. Will save or take the appropriate penalties and bonuses.
Make WholeMake HolePunches a round hole in the target.
Mark of JusticeMark of Just IceGlyph made of mundane ice appears on target, no other effect.
MazeMaizeTarget is beaten with ears of corn, 1d6 per caster level (max 20d6).
Meld into StoneMold into StoneTurn into a surface covering fungus when attempting to enter stone.
MendingEndingActs as Dispel Magic against effects with durations.
MessageMassageUseless but very comfortable for you.
Meteor SwarmMeatier SwarmAs Meteor Swarm, but with meat. Damage die is one less but Grease effect is applied.
Mind BlankMind Blank (Warped)As normal, but you constantly forget what you were doing for the duration.
Mind FogMind FrogConstant ribbit noises in the heads of those in the area force concentration checks.
Minor CreationMiner CreationSummons a dwarven miner who will dig for you.
Minor ImageMiner ImageAn illusionary dwarven miner appears, hard at work.
MiracleMiracle (Warped)The next time someone says 'we'd need a miracle' or similar phrase, an invincible white horse, with invincible chariot if required, named Miracle appears to help you escape or move to a more favorable position. Treat as a Phantom Steed, maximum power.
Mirage ArcanaRage ArcanaAll arcane casters, ally or enemy, in 100 ft. go into a barbarian rage, no save.
Mirror ImageMirror Image (Warped)Conjures an illusionary mirror.
MisdirectionMiss DirectionRandomly roll to see which direction you head when you try to move.
MisleadMisreadCharacter must succeed on a DC 30 Int check whenever they attempt to read, otherwise they misread it. Treat as a curse.
Mnemonic EnhancerMnemonic EnchanterAs Mnemonic Enhancer, but only with Enchantment spells.
Modify MemoryMoldify MemoryCertain memories targeted become difficult to remember, requiring a DC 20 Wisdom check to recall. You cannot take 20.
Moment of PrescienceMoment of ScienceYou may gain a +25 bonus on the next task which requires a knowledge check or operating a device like a trap. Does not work with other rolls.
MountMoundThe earth rises under the caster, making a mound.
Move EarthMauve EarthTargeted earth turns mauve colored.
MummifyMommifyThe target becomes pregnant. This is identical to usual impregnation and lasts for the duration of their races gestation period. When cast on a male it has no effect.
Table: Warped Spells (N)
Original SpellWarped SpellBasic Effect
Neutralize PoisonNeutrality PoisonAs the spell Poison, but only works on neutral alignments (TN, NG, NE, CN, and LN).
NightmareNightmare (Warped)Caster falls asleep and has a nightmare
NondetectionNundetectionDetect any female clerics or nuns within 1 mile.
Table: Warped Spells (O)
Original SpellWarped SpellBasic Effect
Obscure ObjectObscure Object (Warped)Creates a 1-pound item of indiscernible purpose.
Obscuring MistCuring MistThose inside the mist heal 1d8 points of damage a round.
Open/CloseOpen, CloseWorks as normal, but reverts 1 second later.
Order’s WrathOder's WrathRelease a terrible smell like Stinking Cloud.
Overland FlightOverland LightThe sky for 1 mile around the caster is illuminated and glowing neon bright, as a Daylight spell.
Owl’s WisdomOwlbear's WisdomYour Wisdom score changes to 12, as an Owlbear's.
Owl’s Wisdom, MassOwlbear's Wisdom, MassAs Owlbear's Wisdom.
Table: Warped Spells (P)
Original SpellWarped SpellBasic Effect
PasswallGlasswallTurns the target wall into a glass version, in the area where the spell would normally go off.
Pass without TracePass Without FaceA transparent barrier is set up. Those passing through it lose their face, which does not prevent seeing or eating but is deeply unsettling, and must be removed as a curse.
PermanencyTerminancyA construct (treat as a random Inevitable) comes hunting down one of your party members in an attempt to kill them. It constantly refers to the unlucky target as "Sarah Conner".
Permanent ImagePermanent MageMakes a mage which has been summoned or created, such as through Arcane Mark (Warped) to be permanent.
Persistent ImagePersistent MageCalls an annoying mage cohort, whose competence and abilities are called into question. He tries to 'help' constantly with his magic, but usually does more damage. If killed another takes his place at the next nearest opportunity. Considered a curse and can be treated as such.
Phantasmal KillerPhantasmal KilterTarget gains a kilt if they fail both saves, and they are under the effects of Confusion, as well as taking 3d6 sonic damage from the spontaneous sound of bagpipes. Those making the Fort save only incur the bagpipe damage.
Phantom SteedPhantom SteelSummon an illusory item made of steel. It can be used as normal if the target interacting with it fails their Will save.
Phantom TrapPhantom TarpForms an illusory tarp used to cover ot protect things with.
Phase DoorHaze DoorA hazy ghostly door appears, but leads nowhere.
Planar AllyPlainer AllyOne allied character of no more than 12 Hit Dice takes -4 Charisma as they become less good-looking.
Planar Ally, GreaterPlainer Ally, GreaterAs Plainer Ally, but up to 18 HD.
Planar Ally, LesserPlainer Ally, LesserAs Plainer Ally, but up to 6 HD.
Planar BindingPlanar BiddingAs Planar Bidding, Lesser, but up to 88,000g value.
Planar Binding, GreaterPlanar Bidding, GreaterAs Planar Bidding, but up to 440,000g value.
Planar Binding, LesserPlanar Bidding, LesserThe called being and an extraplanar auctioneer appears. You may engage in a bidding war with the outsider to obtain the item. Item value up to 13,000g value.
Plane ShiftPlain ShiftCaster is send to the nearest plain.
Plant GrowthPant GrowthTarget pants enlarge for someone of the next size category, likely fall down.
PoisonPosin'The target must strike a flashy pose as a standard or full round action, doing nothing but poses for 1d10 rounds. They may still move, but that is all.
Polar RaySolar RayA ray of light comes out of the caster's finger. Affects like daylight.
PolymorphPolemorphTransform into a pole which cannot move or act, hardness 20 with hp and size the same as target.
Polymorph Any ObjectPolemorph Any ObjectAs Polemorph, but can be applied to anything Polymorph Any Object allows. Variations on material and hardness can also be applied.
Power Word BlindPower Word BlandAll actions by the target take the average, taking 10 on attack rolls and skill checks and doing average damage.
Power Word KillPower Word KiltTarget under 100 hp gains a kilt, causing them to cower in embarrassment, no save.
Power Word StunPower Word SunTarget gets a suntan, those weak to light are effected as if exposed to bright daylight. Tan lasts for 2d4 days.
PrayerPlayerSummons a confused avatar of the PC's player, which vanishes 1d4 rounds later.
PrestidigitationPresto! Digitation!Applies a ditigal readout of the current time on the target.
Prismatic SpherePrismatic Sphere (Warped)Creates a useless floating sphere, glowing in all the colors of the rainbow.
Prismatic SprayPrism SprayA cone of prisms is fired, dealing 1d6 slashing/bludgeoning damage per caster level, max 20d6. Leaves prism caltrops in the area afterwards.
Prismatic WallPrism WallA wall of glittering rainbow prisms glued together appears, treat as Wall of Stone. When broken, it releases prism caltrops in the area afterward.
Produce FlameProduce FlameAll edible plant matter catches on fire in 90 ft. area around caster.
Programmed ImageProgrammed MageA robot mage appears who will perform one specific task for you taking no longer than 24 hours to complete. Your instructions must be exact and to the letter. The mage has the general appearance and spells of the caster, including any spells they have memorized, and has identical stats, but half the hp, Construct type, and no Con score.
Project ImageProject MageAll spellcasters must make Will saves or be thrust away from the caster 1d8x10 feet.
Protection from ArrowsProjection of ArrowsCreates a longbow +1 which fires every round at your direction, but is an Illusion (Shadow) spell, Will negates.
Protection from ChaosReflection of ChaosAny spells with the chaos subtype are reflected back at the caster.
Protection from EnergyReflection of EnergyAny spells with the appropriate elemental subtype chosen are reflected back at the caster.
Protection from EvilReflection of EvilAny spells with the evil subtype are reflected back at the caster.
Protection from GoodReflection of GoodAny spells with the good subtype are reflected back at the caster.
Protection from LawReflection of LawAny spells with the law subtype are reflected back at the caster.
Protection from SpellsProtection from SpillsThe next time you spill something it will prevent it, keeping the contents in. Permanent until discharged.
Prying EyesCrying EyesYour eyes water for 1 round/level. -2 on attack rolls.
Prying Eyes, GreaterCrying Eyes, GreaterAs Crying Eyes, but to everyone in a 60 ft. emanation to the caster.
Purify Food and DrinkPureefy Food and DrinkFood and drink are abruptly placed inside a magical container and blended into a smoothie. Drink up!
PyrotechnicsGyrotechnicsYou can cause a person or object in motion to change motion in their next round, a Balance check vs spell DC is needed to avoid moving as desired.

Warped Spells Q-T

Table: Warped Spells (Q)
Original SpellWarped SpellBasic Effect
QuenchQuench (Warped)You are no longer thirsty.
Table: Warped Spells (R)
Original SpellWarped SpellBasic Effect
RageWageMake a Profession check and gain your score x10 in gold.
Rainbow PatternRainbow Pattern (Warped)Clothing becomes rainbow colored, stayed until dispelled.
Raise DeadRaise Dead (Warped)Levitates corpse 5 ft. over the ground.
Ray of EnfeeblementRay of WeeblementTarget automatically succeeds on Balance checks and can never fall prone, even standing after death. However they rock constantly, requiring a Dex check DC 20 or not act that round. After all, weebles wobble but they don't fall down.
Ray of ExhaustionRay of ExhaustAttack causes choking and suffocation, as if in thick smoke.
Ray of FrostRay of 'FrosTarget gains an afro, no save.
Read MagicRed MagicFor the next 24 hours, all magical effects are red colored.
Reduce AnimalRe-Deuce AnimalMakes a duplicate of the target animal which stays around for 1d4+1 rounds.
Reduce PersonRe-Deuce PersonAs Re-Deuce Animal, but applies to humanoids only.
Reduce Person, MassRe-Deuce Person, MassAs Re-Deuce Person.
RefugeRefuseGenerates trash and litter, 1 inch high in area.
RegenerateDegenerateTarget is inflicted with wounds opposite of regenerate, with fatigue (or exhaustion if already fatigued) being applied. If used to reattach limbs, instead one random other limb falls off.
ReincarnateRe-IncinerateThe next fire spell which effects the target occurs to them again one round later.
Remove Blindness/DeafnessMove Blindness/DeafnessTarget is cured but the Blindness/Deafness moves to the next nearest person, likely the caster, with no save.
Remove CurseRemove CuresNegate the healing obtained by the last healing spell.
Remove DiseaseMove DiseaseTarget is cured but the Disease moves to the next nearest person, likely the caster, with no save.
Remove FearRemove FairCauses any fair to disperse as nearest available opportunity.
Remove ParalysisMove ParalysisTarget is cured but the Paralysis moves to the next nearest person, likely the caster, with no save.
Repel Metal or StonePastel Metal or StoneTurns all target stone or metal into colorful easter pastel color tones.
Repel VerminPastel VerminTurns all target vermin into colorful easter pastel color tones.
Repel WoodPastel WoodTurns all target wood into colorful easter pastel color tones.
RepulsionRepulsiveCha score drops to one, target is so ugly those who see it must save vs Fear, DC 20.
Resilient SphereResilient EarYour ears become as indestructible as a Wall of Force.
ResistanceInsistenceTarget becomes unusually bold. At next nearest opportunity they try to take the spotlight in an activity no matter how frightened or incompetent they may be at it.
Resist EnergyAssist EnergyYou take +10 more elemental damage when stuck with the chosen elemental type for Resist Energy.
RestorationRest RationThe next time you eat a meal you are treated as having rested for 8 hours.
Restoration, GreaterRest Ration, GreaterAs Rest Ration, plus you are able to refresh any spells as if you meditated/studied/prayed for the day.
Restoration, LesserRest Ration, LesserAs Rest Ration, but does not restore hp, only removing exhaustion and fatigue.
ResurrectionRisurrectionSubject revived as a common squirrel. Racial traits are Fine size with -10 Str, +8 Dex. Former weapons will not fit, and this form can only be removed by Limited Wish, Wish, Miracle, or killing the subject and reincarnating them. However, you may Speak With Animals (Rodents) at will.
Reverse GravityReverse CavityAny depressions or bowls in the spell range become temporary mountains and bumps of inverted size. Also fixes tooth decay.
Righteous MightWrite Us MightWritten in glowing letters appears the words "Us Might", treat as an Arcane Mark.
Rope TrickRope TrackDivine where this rope has been.
Rusting GraspRoasting GraspAll meat touched by the caster is roasted and flavored to perfection.
Table: Warped Spells (S)
Original SpellWarped SpellBasic Effect
SanctuaryScant AiryThe air pressure drops in a 60' area around caster for 1d4 minutes. Treat as suffocating, although death is not possible, only passing out from nonlethal damage.
ScareCareTarget becomes concerned of your well being, treat as charmed.
Scintillating PatternChinchillating PatternAs normal but all those effected appear to be giant chinchillas. No other effect.
Scorching RayScorched RayA smoking burned manta ray appears. It's gross, but harmless.
ScreenScreen (Warped)Summons a changing room screen for 1 hour.
ScryingCryingCaster begins to cry for no reason.
Scrying, GreaterCrying, GreaterAs Crying, but harder to control and lasts until curse is removed.
Sculpt SoundScalped SoundThe painful noise of a scalping is heard.
Searing LightSearing BlightOnly works against plants, which take 1d8 per caster level, max 10d8.
Secret ChestSecret ChessSummon and dismiss a chess board to and from the Astral Plane.
Secret PageSecret AgeA commonly used female spell, you look a different age than what people assume you are.
Secure ShelterCure ShelterAs normal, but everyone benefits from a Cure Light Wounds spell once when entering.
See InvisibilitySeam InvisibilityTarget can no longer see seams of any kind.
SeemingSteamingAll targets begin to harmlessly steam off their bodies for the spell duration.
SendingEndingThe target receives a vision of a random 'ending' to the campaign story. "And so the hero saved the princess and all was well until a meteor came and eeeeveryone died. The End."
Sepia Snake SigilSepia Snake SiggyWhenever signing your name, it always appears with a stamp of a brown snake underneath as your signature. Permanent until dispelled.
SequesterSee QuesterIdentify anybody in range under the effect of Geas/Quest.
ShadesShades (Warped)Conjure a pair of shades, immune to gaze attacks, blinding from light, and gain +4 Cha.
Shadow ConjurationShallow ConjurationSummons a blonde. :D
Shadow Conjuration, GreaterShallow Conjuration, GreaterSummons 2d4 blondes. :D
Shadow EvocationShadow VocationYou get an illusionary job, make a Will save. If you fail make a profession check as normal.
Shadow Evocation, GreaterShadow Vocation, GreaterAs Shadow Vocation, but the gold received if you fail your Will save is x10.
Shadow WalkShadow TalkSpeak to Shadows. They'll understand but can't speak back.
ShamblerShambleCaster walks around shuffling their feet. Move at half speed for 1 round/level.
ShapechangeApe ChangeYou transform but only into the shapes of primates.
ShatterHatterCreate a mundane hat of your choosing on your head.
ShieldShedConjures a small hut around you, providing concealment and blocking line of sight. There is a door, but it is only 1 inch thick, 10 hp, with hardness 5.
Shield of FaithShield of FateGain 1 luck re-roll as per the Luck Domain power.
Shield of LawShield of LawlCreatures who strike you must make a save as if they were struck by a casting of Tasha's Hideous Laughter. Can only be effected once every 24 hours.
Shield OtherShield MotherYour mother, if alive, is effected by Shield Other, regardless of distance or plane.
ShillelaghSilly LaughCaster effected as if Hideous Laughter cast upon them.
Shocking GraspShocking GaspGASP! Those who hear you may be startled and lose their actions for that round.
ShoutShout (Warped)Summons a bottle of detergent. It's very good at cleaning clothes, enough for 1d4 cleanings.
Shout, GreaterShout, Greater (Warped)As Shout, but the Jumbo Family size lasts you for a long time, lasting for 2d4 cleanings.
Shrink ItemShrink Item (Warped)The item becomes sentient with the spirit of a shrink, who immediately tries to psychoanalysis you. Permanent until dispelled.
SilenceSai LanceSummons a bizarre lance that gives +2 on disarm checks for 1 minute/caster level.
Silent ImageSilent MageThe caster is afflicted with a Silence spell centered only on him and no others, at his caster level.
SimulacrumSimilarcrumbAs normal, but made of bread crumbs. Birds can sense the bread crumbs and may eat your copy.
Slay LivingSay LivingTarget says the word "Living" if able.
SleepSheepSummons a Sleep Sheep.
Sleet Storm1337 StormAs normal but snow is replaced by weird magic glyphs like 'lol' and '1 r teh h@x0rz'.
SlowSowTransforms the target into a pig, as per Baleful Polymorph.
SnareNairRemoves all of caster's hair permanently. Regeneration, Lesser Wish, Miracle, or Wish may restore the lost hair.
Soften Earth and StoneSofa Earth and StoneTurns target earth and stone into a sofa.
Solid FogSolid FrogSummons a Large frog made of adamantine, treat as Animated Object.
Song of DiscordSong of DiscoDisco music plays, all are effected by Irresistible Dance, even the caster.
Soul BindSole BindCaster's feet are stuck to the ground, movement of 0 ft for 1 round/every 2 levels.
Sound BurstSound WurstSummons a bratwurst which is constantly making noise. If used as a weapon, it acts as a Sonic Thundering Club +1, dealing 1d6 bludgeoning + 1d6 sonic damage (with Thundering effect on criticals). It only deals all nonlethal damage though.
Speak with AnimalsSpeak with Animals (Warped)As per the spell, but they cannot speak back, they can only understand you.
Speak with DeadSpeak with DadTelepathically speak with your father, if living, anywhere on the same plane.
Speak with PlantsSpeak with PantsAs Speak with Plants, but with Pants.
Spectral HandSpectrum HandRainbow flashing ghost hand, which acts as casting of Prismatic Spray on touch. Lasts for 1d4 rounds.
Spell ImmunitySmell ImmunityUnable to smell, or be effected by oder or smoke.
Spell Immunity, GreaterSmell Immunity, GreaterAs Smell Immunity, but to all allies in 90 ft.
Spell ResistanceSmell ResistanceGain a +10 enchantment bonus to resist smell-based effects and smoke.
SpellstaffSellstaffA ghostly merchant appears, who tries to convince you to sell any staffs you own to him.
Spell TurningSpell TuningAll musical instruments in 30 ft. emanation from you are tuned or out of tune at your desire.
Spider ClimbSpider LimbGrow 4 spider legs from your back, giving +8 to Climb and Grapple checks. Immune to Web.
Spike GrowthPike GrowthAny polearms in caster's possession grows one size category. Can be used without penalty, lasts for 1 hour/level.
Spike StonesSpike BonesUndead targets in the spell area gain the equivalent of Armor Spikes. Living targets must make a Fortitude save or be wracked with pain as their bones become spiked, taking 3d6 damage and leaving them stunned for 1d4 rounds.
Spiritual WeaponSpiritual ApronSummons a ghostly apron which provides a +3 to Craft (cooking) checks and treats the caster's current armor, if any, as Ghost Touch armor.
StatueStatue (Warped)Conjures a life-size statue of caster made of stone.
StatusStat UsStrange papers appear to all allies, with their names and weird numbers. What is a 'character sheet' and why are we on it?
Stinking CloudStinking LoudAs normal but the spell manifest from the caster with a very loud noise from the caster's bottom, and the cloud focused with them at the center.
Stone ShapeTone ShapeYour body is physically fit, gain the Endurance feat and never grow exhausted for 1 week.
StoneskinStoneskin (Warped)As Stoneskin, but effectively petrified as rocky skin is solid and immobile.
Stone TellStone TillTurn target stone into freshly turned, farm-worthy soil.
Stone to FleshBone to FleshAgainst skeletal undead, turns them into zombies. Against the living, their body loses form and they collapse, with a Dex of 0, and helpless until cured.
Storm of VengeanceStore of VengeanceSummons a store kiosk, who is willing to sell you a variety of revenge-worthy weapons, poisons, and other items.
SuggestionSuggest ShunSubject becomes immune to Suggestion spells for 24 hours.
Suggestion, MassSuggest Shun, MassAs Suggest Shun.
Summon InstrumentSomeone's InstrumentAs normal but the instrument belongs to someone. It has a 20% chance that the angry owner has the means to track you down to take it back.
Summon Monster ISummon Mobster ISummons a level 2 Warrior human with a 'tommygun' which does 1d6 damage, 20/x3 crit, and acts as a heavy crossbow otherwise.
Summon Monster IISummon Mobster IISummons a level 4 Warrior human with a 'tommygun' which does 2d6 damage, 20/x3 crit, and acts as a heavy crossbow otherwise.
Summon Monster IIISummon Mobster IIISummons a level 6 Warrior human with a 'tommygun' which does 3d6 damage, 20/x3 crit, and acts as a heavy crossbow otherwise.
Summon Monster IVSummon Mobster IVSummons a level 8 Warrior human with a 'tommygun' which does 4d6 damage, 20/x3 crit, and acts as a heavy crossbow otherwise.
Summon Monster VSummon Mobster VSummons a level 10 Warrior human with a 'tommygun' which does 5d6 damage, 20/x3 crit, and acts as a heavy crossbow otherwise.
Summon Monster VISummon Mobster VISummons a level 12 Warrior human with a 'tommygun' which does 6d6 damage, 20/x3 crit, and acts as a heavy crossbow otherwise.
Summon Monster VIISummon Mobster VIISummons a level 14 Warrior human with a 'tommygun' which does 7d6 damage, 20/x3 crit, and acts as a heavy crossbow otherwise.
Summon Monster VIIISummon Mobster VIIISummons a level 16 Warrior human with a 'tommygun' which does 8d6 damage, 20/x3 crit, and acts as a heavy crossbow otherwise.
Summon Monster IXSummon Mobster IXSummons a level 18 Warrior human with a 'tommygun' which does 9d6 damage, 20/x3 crit, and acts as a heavy crossbow otherwise.
Summon Nature’s Ally ISummon Natural INo summon appears, instead your next roll is guaranteed to be a 1.
Summon Nature’s Ally IISummon Natural IINo summon appears, instead your next roll is guaranteed to be a 2.
Summon Nature’s Ally IIISummon Natural IIINo summon appears, instead your next roll is guaranteed to be a 3.
Summon Nature’s Ally IVSummon Natural IVNo summon appears, instead your next roll is guaranteed to be a 4.
Summon Nature’s Ally VSummon Natural VNo summon appears, instead your next roll is guaranteed to be a 5.
Summon Nature’s Ally VISummon Natural VINo summon appears, instead your next roll is guaranteed to be a 6.
Summon Nature’s Ally VIISummon Natural VIINo summon appears, instead your next roll is guaranteed to be a 7.
Summon Nature’s Ally VIIISummon Natural VIIINo summon appears, instead your next roll is guaranteed to be a 8.
Summon Nature’s Ally IXSummon Natural IXNo summon appears, instead your next roll is guaranteed to be a 9.
Summon SwarmSummon WarmSummons a 'Warm Elemental' who is not very useful for offense.
SunbeamSome BeanConjures some beans which are delicious, and can feed you for 1 day. May cause gas later.
SunburstSunburst (Warped)Everyone in Long Range to the caster makes a Will save, or believes the sun abruptly goes POP and vanishes, plunging the land into darkness and cold. And illusion spell.
Symbol of DeathSymbol of MethAs normal, but save vs euphoric helplessness instead of save vs die.
Symbol of FearSymbol of EarLooks like a glyph of an ear. Everyone gets +10 to Listen checks in the area.
Symbol of InsanitySymbol of SanityAs Symbol of Insanity with opposite effect, clearing up Confusion and Insanity.
Symbol of PainSymbol of PaneSubject trapped as by Forcecage, but the cage is glass and can be shattered as normal.
Symbol of PersuasionSymbol of DissuasionA symbol that dissuades viewers from approaching it, completely counteracting its intended purpose.
Symbol of SleepSymbol of SlopeChanges the ground orientation of the plane by 20 degrees, making him have to walk upwards no matter what side the caster faces.
Symbol of StunningSymbol of SunningTargets act as if effected by Sunburst, and gain a great tan.
Symbol of WeaknessSymbol of WeekendsTargets are convinced it is the weekend, regardless of the day.
Sympathetic VibrationSome Pathetic VibrationAs normal, but minimum damage.
SympathySymphonyCaster can discern the location of and distance to the nearest symphony. Caster also discerns the number of people in attendance and what is currently being played.
Table: Warped Spells (T)
Original SpellWarped SpellBasic Effect
TelekinesisTelephone SisA strange device called a 'telephone' appears in your hands. It rings, allowing you to speak with your sister, or someone claiming to be her if you lack one. Conversation is as normal, though your actual sister will never recall this 'telephone' or your conversation.
Telekinetic SphereTelekinetic FearFor 1 round/level cast must make a Will save every time he sees things moving about magically, DC 20, or be shaken out of fear for as long as the animation exists and 1 round later.
Telepathic BondTelepathic BlondeAs Telepathic Bond, but all those effected become blonde, or grow blonde hair.
TeleportTelepotAs teleport, but you only appear in large kettles, jars, and other such items.
Teleport ObjectTeleport ObjectionCaster cannot be teleported by any means, and prevents teleporting within 30 ft. of caster.
Teleport, GreaterTelepotAs Telepot with less error.
Teleportation CircleTeleportation Sure-KillThe teleport pad leads somewhere undeniably dangerous like into a volcano.
Temporal StasisTemporary StasisAs normal, but only 1 round/level instead.
Time StopTime SpotAble to identify any warps in time. Time Stop still stops you but you are aware of the stopped time.
Tiny HutTiny MuttSummons a Tiny sized friendly dog for the spell duration.
TonguesTongsConjure magical tongs made of force.
Touch of FatigueTouch of FattyThe target bloats, granting them +1 natural armor but cutting their speed in half and giving -4 to their Dex score.
Touch of IdiocyTorch of IdiocyIf the target has a lower Int score than you, they burst into flames and take 1d6 damage (and an additional 1d6 per round if failing a Reflex save). If you are the lesser Int you burst into flames instead.
TransformationTransportationSummons a random form of transportation, such as a carriage, complete with driver willing to take you to a location. For some reason it is yellow and says "Taxi", with a metal plate in back that says "FRESH".
Transmute Metal to WoodTransmute Mental to FoodThink of food. It's there! :D
Transmute Mud to RockTransmute Mud to RocTurns the target mud into a Roc, who may not be friendly.
Transmute Rock to MudTransmute Rock to CudTarget rock turns into sticky, gross, chewed plant matter. It smells like cow.
Transport via PlantsTransport Via PantsAs normal, but through pants. You can use your own, but will appear without pants on the other side.
Trap the SoulTrap the SoleTarget is unable to move and becomes flatfooted instead of the intended effect, as their feet are glued to the floor. Permanent until dispelled.
Tree ShapeTree Shape (Warped)Forms the shape of a tree but does not turn into one. Instead your body simply distorts appropriately. It looks very grotesque but does not harm the caster.
Tree StrideTree RideSummons a Trent who cannot attack, but can carry you and be ridden.
True ResurrectionTwo ResurrectionAs normal but also revives an 'evil clone' of the target, and they immediately fight it out.
True SeeingTrucingThe caster makes a Diplomacy check at a +30 bonus to stop the fighting.
True StrikeTwo StrikeYou can make an additional strike at your full attack bonus, but no bonus to hit.

Warped Spells U-Z

Table: Warped Spells (U)
Original SpellWarped SpellBasic Effect
Undeath to DeathUndeaf to DeafAs the spell, but it works on the living and deafens them instead of slays them.
Undetectable AlignmentUndetectable EloignmentTransports the caster 100 ft. away in any direction, makes them invisible as per the spell, and leaves an illusion of the caster in his place. Treat as Mislead, crossed with Dimension Door.
UnhallowUnhollowReverse of Hollow, filled up an empty container with dust.
Unholy AuraUnholy FloraAll plants and plant creatures in 60 ft. burst around caster gain the Evil subtype.
Unholy BlightUnholy LightAs the Daylight spell, but good aligned creatures act as if light-sensitive and are dazzled.
Unseen ServantInsane ServantAs normal, but the Servant acts as if Confused, and does random activities.
Table: Warped Spells (V)
Original SpellWarped SpellBasic Effect
Vampiric TouchVampiric TorchTouch attack sets vampires on fire.
VeilVealAs Veil, but illusion displays party members as floating trays of cooked veal.
VentriloquismVent CriticismFor the next 24 hours you must make a Will save against this spell or criticize anything you encounter, which can get you in trouble.
VirtueInvert'chuTarget is flipped upsidedown onto their head.
VisionRevisionThe spell works as normal but the data you receive has been edited noticeably for political correctness, language, and creative license.
Table: Warped Spells (W)
Original SpellWarped SpellBasic Effect
Wail of the BansheeMail of the BansheeIn 2d4 days a letter arrives to the target which says 'Whaaaa' and slays them.
Wall of FireWall of FliersA wall of paper advertisements for various places appears. It provides cover but is useless, with a break DC of 1, 1 hp, and no hardness.
Wall of ForceWall of FarceIt seems to be a Wall of Force but it can be broken with a DC 20 Str check.
Wall of IceWall of MiceBarrier of levitating mice deal piercing damage via bites, treat as Wall of Thorns.
Wall of IronWall of IronsA metal steaming wall deals damage as if a Wall of Fire, but as solid and unpassable as a Wall of Iron.
Wall of StoneWall of TonerA black powdery wall which provides concealment, but can be passed through. Doing so however randomly changes your colors as a Prestidigitation effect.
Wall of ThornsWall of CornsWall is composed of ears of corn, slowing movement to 5 ft. and providing concealment. If struck with over 10 points of fire damage they pop, dealing 1d4 nonlethal damage and covering the ground in a 20 ft. radius, giving -20 to Move Silently checks.
Warp WoodWarp Wood (Warped)Target wood goes into hyperspeed, shifting to another planet or plane.
Water BreathingWater BathingThe water around you gets sudsy, and all your items are cleaned.
Water WalkWater TalkAs Stone Tell, but to a body of water.
Waves of ExhaustionWaves of ExhaustWaves of smoke emanate, choking and suffocating its victims.
Waves of FatigueWaves of FattyAll targets bloat, gaining +1 natural armor but moving at half speed and -4 to Dex.
WebWeb (Warped)A magic window appears with curious words to something called 'Google'. You may acquire information equivalent to the casting of Divination, before it vanishes.
WeirdWeird (Warped)Something downright weird happens, but no fatal effects. Instead everyone, caster included, must save or be stunned for 3 rounds just boggled by the weird thing they see.
WhirlwindHurl WindTreat as Gust of Wind but filled with the caster's vomit. Those effected must make an additional Fort save or be nauseated for 1d4+1 rounds.
Whispering WindWhispering Wind (Warped)The air around you keeps whispering you odd things. The faster the wind, the more often and stranger it gets, but no other effect. Treat as a curse that is permanent until removed.
Wind WalkWin WalkMake a move action to take a victory lap! You deserve it! :D
Wind WallWindow WallA Wall of Stone appears but it has a nice big window in it, so it's kind of useless.
WishFishAs Wish, but somehow Fish themed or corrupt.
Wood ShapeWood ApeConjures a well made but curious wooden statue of your favorite primate.
Word of ChaosWood of ChaosAny wooden weapons carried by the caster become Anarchic for 1 hour/level.
Word of RecallWood of RecallThe next wooden item you purchase from a store is immediately recalled due to some defect.
Table: Warped Spells (Z)
Original SpellWarped SpellBasic Effect
Zone of SilenceZone of SylarsThe area is filled with 1d4 psychotic telekinetics with a level equal to the caster's Caster Level who want to eat your brain.
Zone of TruthZone of ToothAll creatures within the area have their teeth repaired to perfection.

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gollark: Bot swarms swarming botishly.
gollark: Also good against trees, the real enemy.
gollark: What are "grands"?
gollark: I found a post about the losses on r/factorio and I think the sizing should work.,
gollark: > aren't heat pipes guilty of losing heat with distance thoYes, which is why I have a two-wide one in the middle.
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