Mindswitch (3.5e Variant Rule)

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Mindswitch (Cha)

You can exchange minds with another creature.

Requirements: Mindswitch feat

Check: Make a Mindswitch check with a DC of 10 plus the creature’s Will save bonus. The creature makes a Will saving throw. If the skill check fails or the Will save succeeds, there is no effect. If the skill check succeeds and the target’s Will save fails, you and the target switch minds: your mind occupies the target’s physical body and the target’s mind occupies yours.

You each retain your mental ability scores, skills, and class abilities but acquire the other’s physical abilities. These include natural size, Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores, armor, attack routines, and similar gross physical abilities. You also acquire the natural movement capabilities and natural sensory abilities of the new form. See the polymorph spell for details. The switch is permanent until you or another creature uses Mindswitch to reverse it. At the GM’s option the switch can also be reversed by break enchantment, remove curse, limited wish, wish, or miracle.

Retry: Once you have failed to Mindswitch with a particular creature, you cannot try against for at least 24 hours.

Special: You cannot take 10 or take 20 on Mindswitch checks. You must be in mental contact with the subject.

Time: Mindswitch is a full-round action.

Strain: 12.

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gollark: Oh, they hacked into all bots to track you across servers.
gollark: I suspect they were affected by a metacognitohazard causing nonbelief in cognitohazards.
gollark: Yes. These facts are uncited and not deifically verified.
gollark: ++magic reload_ext irc_link
gollark: ++tel link apionet `#w`
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