Meroria Mountains (Existence Supplement)

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The Basics

The Meroria Mountains form the largest mountain range in the known world, stretching nearly the entire length of the southern continent. The inhabitants of the mountains are as diverse as anywhere else in the world, and there is no single, ruling nation here. Instead, there are many different groups living in the mountains, most no larger than a tribe or single city. Because of their close proximity, war is a common issue, though rarely does this spill from the mountains to the lower lands nearby as more than a small raiding party. The mountains are split by the Silver River, a nice valley forming between the two sections, which has caused some scholars to declare that the Meroria Mountain Range is, in fact, two separate ranges.

To the north of the Silver River reside the remains of a dwarven nation. Most of the cities have been destroyed over long years of war, and the few remaining no longer have a central government. Above ground, many different monsters can be found, but few as dangerous as the Cloud Giants, almost exclusively evil here. The main two cultures of the southern portion of the range include the Drow beneath the ground in large, spiraling cities that few outsiders will ever survive seeing; and the Cloud Giants who dwell above ground - unlike their cousins to the north, these are almost always good. The city of Zolorandiana, the closest thing that might be considered a capital of this land, is a good Cloud Giant city filled with many of the other intelligent species that roam the mountains, though with strict law enforcement for any that try to bring crime of any sort into the walls.


There is no singular belief system within the mountains; the diversity is far too great. What remains of the dwarves typically worship the same as their northern brethren in the Kryann mountains, though there are rumors of lost dwarven cities that have turned to a much darker pantheon of gods.

Race & Gender

Nearly any intelligent race may be found, in some variety, within the mountains, and many non-intelligent ones as well. This diversity of races, cultures, clans and minor nations means that there are no strict limits on what can be found where, nor how they view other races and genders.

Current Affairs

The Meroria Mountains are in a constant state of upheaval, ensuring that little progress will ever be made towards final unification of the region. There seem to only be two matters of note: First, a great increase in attacks by the evil Cloud Giants against their southern cousins, exhibiting greater desperation than ever before - as though something is driving them from their own lands. A few of these attacks have come close to Zolorandiana, though none have reached within sight of the city itself. Second, in the far south, near the Forsaken Pass, there has been nothing but silence - as though something is going to a great lengths to ensure that no creature is able to escape and bring word of whatever is coming further north.


Diversity: Thanks to the massive diversity of cultures and races, any class may be found somewhere. There are no Common nor Rare class choices.

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