Mechanic (3.5e Prestige Class)
Becoming a Mechanic
As a master of anything mechanical and stealth the mechanic is a useful supporter inside and outside of the battlefield. They can use thier knowlege and powers to more effentialy fight or strengthen constructs.
Alignment: | any neutral |
Skills: | Disable Device 8 ranks ,Open Lock 8 ranks,Search 8 ranks,
Spot 5 ranks |
Feats: | Trapfinding |
Special: | Mechanic cannot train sozial skills exept Bluff as soon as they have one level as a mechanic. |
Level | Base Attack Bonus |
Saving Throws | Special | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fort | Ref | Will | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1st | +0 | +0 | +2 | +0 | Spatial Camouflage, Repair Construct, Skill Focus:(Disable Device,Open Lock),Disguise Self | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2nd | +1 | +0 | +2 | +0 | Trapsafe +1, Featherfall | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3rd | +1 | +1 | +3 | +1 | Sneak Attack (+1d6), Strengthen Construct, Invisibility, Shield | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4th | +2 | +1 | +4 | +1 | Trapsafe +2, Skill Focus:(Search, Spot) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5th | +3 | +2 | +4 | +2 | Sneak Attack (+2d6), Resist Energy, Uncanny Dogde, Skill Focus:(Use Magical Devise) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6th | +3 | +2 | +5 | +3 | Trapsafe +3, Smite Construct, Dimension Door | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7th | +4 | +3 | +5 | +3 | Sneak Attack (+3d6), Weapon of Energy, Hidden Strikes, Combat Evasion | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8th | +4 | +3 | +6 | +4 | Trapsafe +4, Disintergrate, Greater Invisibility | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
9th | +5 | +4 | +7 | +4 | Teleport | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10th | +5 | +4 | +8 | +5 | Trapsafe +5, Sneak Attack (+4d6), Blade Barrier | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Class Skills (10 + Int modifier per level) |
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Mechanic.
Proficiencies: The mechanic is profidend with light armor and one-handed martial-weapons.
Spells: All spells in the table are Spelllike abilties and can be used 1/day once gained. For every 2. level after gaining it, it gains 1-use/day and one more at level 20.
Disguise Self: It lasts 10 min./level and can target only yourself. You make yourself—including clothing, armor, weapons, and equipment—look different. You can seem 1 foot shorter or taller, thin, fat, or in between. You cannot change your body type. Otherwise, the extent of the apparent change is up to you. You could add or obscure a minor feature or look like an entirely different person.
The spell does not provide the abilities or mannerisms of the chosen form, nor does it alter the perceived tactile (touch) or audible (sound) properties of you or your equipment.
If you use this spell to create a disguise, you get a +10 bonus on the Disguise check.
A creature that interacts with the glamer gets a Will save to recognize it as an illusion.
Repair Construct: Instantaneously repair 1d6 + 1d6/4 lvl of the character.
Skill Focus: +3 bonus on checks with selected skill.
Spatial Camouflage: The mechanic can use the Hide skill even while being observed. And move at normal speed while hiding and moving silently.
Trapsafe: Bonus to checks against traps.
Featherfall: The affected creatures or objects fall slowly. Feather fall instantly changes the rate at which the targets fall to a mere 60 feet per round (equivalent to the end of a fall from a few feet), and the subjects take no damage upon landing while the spell is in effect. However, when the spell duration expires, a normal rate of falling resumes. Featherfall lasts until landing or 1 round/level.
The spell affects one or more Medium or smaller creatures (including gear and carried objects up to each creature’s maximum load) or objects, or the equivalent in larger creatures: A Large creature or object counts as two Medium creatures or objects, a Huge creature or object counts as two Large creatures or objects, and so forth.
You can cast this spell with an instant utterance, quickly enough to save yourself if you unexpectedly fall. Casting the spell is a immediate action, allowing you to cast this spell even when it isn’t your turn.
This spell has no special effect on ranged weapons unless they are falling quite a distance. If the spell is cast on a falling item the object does half normal damage based on its weight, with no bonus for the height of the drop.
Feather fall works only upon free-falling objects. It does not affect a sword blow or a charging or flying creature.
Invisibility: Invisibility lasts 1 min/lvl. The creature or object touched becomes invisible, vanishing from sight, even from darkvision. If the recipient is a creature carrying gear, that vanishes, too. If you cast the spell on someone else, neither you nor your allies can see the subject, unless you can normally see invisible things or you employ magic to do so.
Items dropped or put down by an invisible creature become visible; items picked up disappear if tucked into the clothing or pouches worn by the creature. Light, however, never becomes invisible, although a source of light can become so (thus, the effect is that of a light with no visible source). Any part of an item that the subject carries but that extends more than 10 feet from it becomes visible.
Of course, the subject is not magically silenced, and certain other conditions can render the recipient detectable (such as stepping in a puddle). The spell ends if the subject attacks any creature. For purposes of this spell, an attack includes any spell targeting a foe or whose area or effect includes a foe. (Exactly who is a foe depends on the invisible character’s perceptions.) Actions directed at unattended objects do not break the spell. Causing harm indirectly is not an attack. Thus, an invisible being can open doors, talk, eat, climb stairs, summon monsters and have them attack, cut the ropes holding a rope bridge while enemies are on the bridge, remotely trigger traps, open a portcullis to release attack dogs, and so forth. If the subject attacks directly, however, it immediately becomes visible along with all its gear. Spells such as bless that specifically affect allies but not foes are not attacks for this purpose, even when they include foes in their area.
Shield: Shield creates an invisible, tower shield-sized mobile disk of force that hovers in front of you and lasts 1 min/lvl. It negates magic missile attacks directed at you. The disk also provides a +4 shield bonus to AC. This bonus applies against incorporeal touch attacks, since it is a force effect. The shield has no armor check penalty or arcane spell failure chance. Unlike with a normal tower shield, you can’t use the shield spell for cover.
Strengthen Construct: Strengthen Construct can only have one target at a time and lasts until the caster or the target is dead or unconscious. It cannot be despelled. The taget gains +1 deflectionbonus to AC and +1 to ATK( additional +1 AC/4 Casterlevel, +1 ATK/4 casterlevel), +2 to all safes, 1 DR/- for casterlevel 3,6,9,12,15 and darkvision. Darkvision gets replaced by true seeing at casterlevel 10.
Resist Energy: This abjuration grants a creature limited protection from damage of whichever one of five energy types you select: acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic for 10 min/lvl. The subject gains energy resistance 10 against the energy type chosen, meaning that each time the creature is subjected to such damage (whether from a natural or magical source), that damage is reduced by 10 points before being applied to the creature’s hit points. The value of the energy resistance granted increases to 20 points at 7th level and to a maximum of 30 points at 11th level. The spell protects the recipient’s equipment as well.
Resist energy absorbs only damage. The subject could still suffer unfortunate side effects.
Uncanny Dodge: A mechanic can react to danger before his senses would normally allow him to do so. He retains his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if he is caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, he still loses his Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized.
If an mechanic already has uncanny dodge from a different class she automatically gains improved uncanny dodge (see below) instead.
An mechanic with improved uncanny dodge and can no longer be flanked.
This defense denies another rogue the ability to sneak attack the character by flanking her, unless the attacker has at least four more rogue levels than the target does.
If a character already has uncanny dodge (see above) from a second class, the character automatically gains improved uncanny dodge instead, and the levels from the classes that grant uncanny dodge stack to determine the minimum rogue level required to flank the character.
Dimension Door: You instantly transfer yourself from your current location to any other spot within range. You always arrive at exactly the spot desired—whether by simply visualizing the area or by stating direction. After using this spell, you can’t take any other actions until your next turn. You can bring along objects as long as their weight doesn’t exceed your maximum load. You may also bring one additional willing Medium or smaller creature (carrying gear or objects up to its maximum load) or its equivalent per three caster levels. A Large creature counts as two Medium creatures, a Huge creature counts as two Large creatures, and so forth. All creatures to be transported must be in contact with one another, and at least one of those creatures must be in contact with you. Dimension Door has a range of 400 ft + 40 ft/lvl and has a casting time of one standard action.
If you arrive in a place that is already occupied by a solid body, you and each creature traveling with you take 1d6 points of damage and are shunted to a random open space on a suitable surface within 100 feet of the intended location.
If there is no free space within 100 feet, you and each creature traveling with you take an additional 2d6 points of damage and are shunted to a free space within 1,000 feet. If there is no free space within 1,000 feet, you and each creature travelling with you take an additional 4d6 points of damage and the spell simply fails.
Smite Construct: When attacking an construct the mechanic can add his Int to his attackthrow and 4d6 damage. This bonus applies automaticly.
Combat Evasion: When attacked by a larger opponent you get the chance to evade the attack, using the evasion feat, by making a reflex throw against the attack roll of the opponent. If it fails the attack continous as normal.
Hidden Strikes: While using Daggers the mechanic can remain hidden when attaking. He needs to succeed an hide check after the attack with a penalty of -5( instead of the usual -20).
Weapon of Energy: You cause a weapon to gain the ability to deal energy damage in addition to its other abilities, for 1 round/lvl, similar to how a flaming burst weapon deals extra fire damage on a hit or critical hit. The weapon can deal acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic damage, chosen by you at the time of casting. The weapon deals +1d6 damage of that energy type on a successful hit. On a critical hit, the weapon deals an additional +1d10 points of energy damage. If the weapon's critical multiplier is x3, add +2d10 points of energy damage instead, and if the multiplier is x4, add +3d10 points of bonus energy damage. This spell can be cast on a weapon that already deals energy damage, but if the weapon already creates the same type of damage as the spell, the effects do not stack. For example, if cast on a +1 flaming longsword to give it additional fire damage, the spell has no effect, but it can give the weapon any of the other types of energy damage. This spell has a subtype that is the same as the energy created by the target weapon. For example, weapon of energy is a fire spell when used to give a weapon bonus fire damage.
Disintergrate: A thin, green ray springs from your pointing finger. You must make a successful ranged(100 ft + 10 ft/lvl) touch attack to hit. Any creature struck by the ray takes 2d6 points of damage per caster level (to a maximum of 40d6). Any creature reduced to 0 or fewer hit points by this spell is entirely disintegrated, leaving behind only a trace of fine dust. A disintegrated creature’s equipment is unaffected.
Greater Invisibility: Greater Invisibility lasts 1 round/lvl and takes a standard action to cast. The creature or object touched becomes invisible, vanishing from sight, even from darkvision. If the recipient is a creature carrying gear, that vanishes, too. If you cast the spell on someone else, neither you nor your allies can see the subject, unless you can normally see invisible things or you employ magic to do so.
Items dropped or put down by an invisible creature become visible; items picked up disappear if tucked into the clothing or pouches worn by the creature. Light, however, never becomes invisible, although a source of light can become so (thus, the effect is that of a light with no visible source). Any part of an item that the subject carries but that extends more than 10 feet from it becomes visible.
Of course, the subject is not magically silenced, and certain other conditions can render the recipient detectable (such as stepping in a puddle).
When used against an object, the ray simply disintegrates as much as one 10-foot cube of nonliving matter. Thus, the spell disintegrates only part of any very large object or structure targeted. The ray affects even objects constructed entirely of force, such as forceful hand or a wall of force, but not magical effects such as a globe of invulnerability or an antimagic field.
A creature or object that makes a successful Fortitude save is partially affected, taking only 5d6 points of damage. If this damage reduces the creature or object to 0 or fewer hit points, it is entirely disintegrated.
Only the first creature or object struck can be affected; that is, the ray affects only one target per casting.
Teleport: This spell instantly transports you to a designated destination, which may be as distant as 100 miles per caster level. Interplanar travel is not possible. You can bring along objects as long as their weight doesn’t exceed your maximum load. You may also bring one additional willing Medium or smaller creature (carrying gear or objects up to its maximum load) or its equivalent (see below) per three caster levels. A Large creature counts as two Medium creatures, a Huge creature counts as two Large creatures, and so forth. All creatures to be transported must be in contact with one another, and at least one of those creatures must be in contact with you. As with all spells where the range is personal and the target is you, you need not make a saving throw, nor is spell resistance applicable to you. Only objects held or in use (attended) by another person receive saving throws and spell resistance.
You must have some clear idea of the location and layout of the destination. The clearer your mental image, the more likely the teleportation works. Areas of strong physical or magical energy may make teleportation more hazardous or even impossible.
To see how well the teleportation works, roll d% and consult the Teleport table. Refer to the following information for definitions of the terms on the table.
“Very familiar”(On Target 01-97 Off Target 98-99 Similar Area 100) is a place where you have been very often and where you feel at home. “Studied carefully” (On Target 01-94 Off Target 95-97 Similar Area 98-99 Mishap 100 ) is a place you know well, either because you can currently see it, you’ve been there often, or you have used other means (such as scrying) to study the place for at least one hour. “Seen casually” (On Target 01-88 Off Target 89-94 Similar 95-98 Area Mishap 99-100) is a place that you have seen more than once but with which you are not very familiar. “Viewed once” (On Target 01-76 Off Target 77-88 Similar Area 89-96 Mishap 97-100) is a place that you have seen once, possibly using magic.
“False destination” (Similar 81-92 Area Mishap 93-100) is a place that does not truly exist or if you are teleporting to an otherwise familiar location that no longer exists as such or has been so completely altered as to no longer be familiar to you. When traveling to a false destination, roll 1d20+80 to obtain results on the table, rather than rolling d%, since there is no real destination for you to hope to arrive at or even be off target from. On Target
You appear where you want to be. Off Target
You appear safely a random distance away from the destination in a random direction. Distance off target is 1d10×1d10% of the distance that was to be traveled. The direction off target is determined randomly Similar Area
You wind up in an area that’s visually or thematically similar to the target area.
Generally, you appear in the closest similar place within range. If no such area exists within the spell’s range, the spell simply fails instead. Mishap
You and anyone else teleporting with you have gotten “scrambled.” You each take 1d10 points of damage, and you reroll on the chart to see where you wind up. For these rerolls, roll 1d20+80. Each time “Mishap” comes up, the characters take more damage and must reroll.
Blade Barrier: Within 100 ft + 10 ft/lvl an immobile, vertical curtain of whirling blades shaped of pure force springs into existence for 1 min/lvl. Any creature passing through the wall takes 1d6 points of damage per caster level (maximum 15d6), with a Reflex save for half damage.
If you evoke the barrier so that it appears where creatures are, each creature takes damage as if passing through the wall. Each such creature can avoid the wall (ending up on the side of its choice) and thus take no damage by making a successful Reflex save.
A blade barrier provides cover (+4 bonus to AC, +2 bonus on Reflex saves) against attacks made through it.
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