Lycanthrope, Variant (5e Class)

This page is of questionable balance. Reason: This class seems to be combining the best of Barbarian, Monk and Fighter, eventually growing to an unarmed damage output and resistance that surpasses both while in hybrid form. (permanent resistance, 1d12 hit die and up to 174 bonus hp and 2 attacks for 2d12 and one for 2d10)

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A poacher in the forest runs for his life. After trapping and killing so many animals, he has incurred the wrath of the forest's guardian. He can no longer hear the beast chasing him, but knows that he is not yet safe. As if to drive the point home, a massive werebear drops out of the trees before him, claws raised to take his head off.

A caravan of merchants makes their way over the mountain terrain. Always keeping a wary eye around them, they stay on alert for bandit raids. But, they do not watch the sky. From around the bend ahead, a figure flies toward them. And with a terrible screech, it swoops down and cuts through the covered wagon. The merchants all take cover as the winged figure swoops back and snatches up the supplies, before flying of into the night.

A pack of wolves closes in on a herd of sheep. What seems like an easy meal is impeded by another wolf. A stranger to their pack, who stands between them and the sheep. The pack leader bares his teeth, threatening the stranger. The stranger is unfazed, and before the eyes of the wolves turns into a towering terror of a wolf. The pack runs away in fear, while the monster changes into a man. With the wolves gone, he returns to minding his flock of sheep.

Lycanthropes come in many different forms, and use their curse to different ends. How they do it is entirely up to them.

The Curse of Lycanthropy Controlled

Most who succumb to lycanthropy live their lives with its uncontrollable, terrible effects. For only a few, there is hope of living with the curse in a controlled state. Through complicated and difficult magical rituals, you are able to retain your humanoid mind, but lose some of the strengths of lycanthropy. Those who live this way often seek ways to fully rid themselves of their curse. Others, however, see it as a way of supplementing their own natural powers. Whether they use it for good or for evil is entirely up to them.

Creating a Lycanthrope

What strain of lycanthropy do you have? Are you a werewolf, werebat, weretiger, etc? How did you come to succumb to this curse? In what circumstances were you turned? Do you try to rid yourself of your lycanthropy, or do you embrace it? You must determine how you became a lycanthrope, how you react to it, and how it sets you on your quest.

Quick Build

You can make a Lycanthrope quickly by following these suggestions. First, constitution should be your highest ability score, followed by strength. Second, choose the outlander background. Third, choose a longsword, leather armor, a hand crossbow with 20 bolts, and an explorer's pack as your starting equipment.

Class Features

As a Lycanthrope you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d10 per Lycanthrope level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Lycanthrope level after 1st


Armor: Light
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial weapons.
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution
Skills: Choose two from arcana, athletics, nature, perception, stealth, and survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) One simple weapon of your choice or (b) A morning star or (c) A longsword
  • (a) Leather armor or (b) Padded armor
  • (a) A hand crossbow with 20 bolts or (b) A blowgun with 20 darts
  • (a) An explorer's pack or (b) A dungeoneer's pack
  • If you are using starting wealth, you have 4d4 x 10 gp in funds.

Table: The Lycanthrope

Lycanthrope BiteFeatures
1st+21d4Lycanthropy, Lycanthrope's Vigor
4th+22d4Ability Score Improvement
5th+32d4Extra Attack
6th+32d4Lycanthropy Feature
8th+32d6Ability Score Improvement
9th+42d6Beast Form
10th+42d8Lycanthropy Feature
11th+42d8Moonlight Prowler
12th+42d8Ability Score Improvement
15th+52d10Lycanthropy Feature
16th+52d10Ability Score Improvement
17th+62d12Infectious Bite
18th+62d12Blood of the Beast
19th+63d12Ability Score Improvement
20th+64d12Lycanthropy Feature


When you start, you much choose your form of lycanthropy. You must choose between werebat, werebear, wereboar, wererat, weretiger and werewolf. You gain features for your choice when you start, and again at the 6th, 10th, 15th and 20th levels.

As an action, you may choose to transform into your lycanthrope hybrid form. Upon doing so, your strength and constitution both increase by +1, but your intelligence decreases by -2. Your speed does not change, unless stated otherwise.

When you transform, your AC increases by +1. You are vulnerable to all damage types in your lycanthrope form, even if it the damage inflicted is not from a silvered weapon. You have no access to a multiattack action. You also have no access to any keen senses trait, unless stated otherwise.

When you change to your lycanthrope form, you acquire a natural unarmed weapon, such as claws or fangs. The damage you are able to deal with these lycanthrope weapons is indicated by the Lycanthrope Bite column in the lycanthrope feature chart. By the same magic that allows you to keep your intelligent mind as a lycanthrope, it prevents you from turning others into lycanthropes by biting them, unless stated otherwise.

Due to the magic that helps you retain your humanoid intelligence, you do not have access to the darkvision trait in your hybrid form, unless you are already playing as a race with the darkvision trait.

You are able to use an action to transform 3 times, and regain expended uses upon completing a short or a long rest. Reverting back to human form does not count as a use of this feature. Each transformation lasts for 1 hour, before you return to human form.

Lycanthrope's Vigor

When you start, you are already quite sturdy. You become resistant to poison and disease.

At the 2nd level,

At the 3rd level,

Ability Score Increase

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack

When you reach 5th level, you are able to attack twice when you use the attack action.

At the 7th level,

Beast Form

At the 9th level, you learn to better control the magic that retains your humanoid intelligence. Now, when you use an action to use your lycanthropy feature, you are able to choose to turn into either a hybrid form, or a beast form. When in your beast form, your ability scores all remain the same, but your intelligence still lowers by -2.

Moonlight Prowler

At the 11th level, the night becomes your hunting ground. You gain an extra 2d12 HP at night. This feature ends when your temporary HP is expended for any reason, or morning comes.

At the 13th level,

At the 14th level,

Infectious Bite

At the 17th level, you lose just a little more of your humanity. When you are in your lycanthrope form, and you successfully use your bite attack, the creature you target must make a Constitution saving throw of DC 8 + Constitution modifier. On a successful save, they take the normal damage of your bite attack. On a failed save, they contract a minor form of your lycanthropy. The targeted creature's strength and constitution lower by -1, and their intelligence lowers by -2 for 1 hour.

Blood of a Beast

At the 18th level, you become so in tune with your beastly nature that you start to forget where humanity ends and where beastliness begins. You now have unlimited uses of your Lycanthropy feature. Additionally, your transformation does not end, until you use an action to do so.

The Curse of Lycanthropy

Everybody who contracts lycanthropy becomes the type of lycanthrope that originally bit them. And through powerful magical intervention, you manage to retain your intelligence in your transformed state. But, not all lycanthropes are the same. Listed below are the features gained from your selected lycanthropy.


Winged beasts of the night. Werebats excel in surprise and reconnaissance.

Lycanthrope Attack

At the 1st level, when you are in your werebat hybrid form, as an action you may use a bite attack against any creature within 5 feet of you. Your bite attack deals piercing damage equal to the level indicated on the Lycanthrope Bite column on the lycanthrope feature chart.

Additionally, while you are flying, you may use an action to perform a swoop attack against any creature within your flight range. Your swoop attack deals slashing damage equal to 1d8 + your lycanthrope level.


At the 1st level, when you are in your werebat form you have a flight speed of 30 feet.

Night Eyes

At 6th level, your eyes have gone from human to beast. You now have the darkvision trait, and can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

If you are already playing as a race that has the darkvision trait, then it becomes superior darkvision. With superior darkvision, you can see 120 feet in dim light as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern colors in darkness, only shades of gray.

Expedient Flight

At 10th level, your wing strength increases. Your flight speed now equals 60 feet.

Additionally, your swoop attack deals slashing damage equal to 2d8 + your lycanthrope level.

Blood Sucker

At 15th level, you learn to harness the beastly side of you to sustain yourself. When you use your bite attack on a creature, they must make a Constitution saving throw of DC10 + Constitution modifier. On a failed save, you gain temporary HP equal to half the damage you inflicted, rounded down.

At 20th level,


Werebears are the powerhouses of lycanthropes. Few tempt the fury of an enraged werebear.

Lycanthrope Attack

At the 1st level, when you are in your werebear hybrid form you may use an action to use a bite attack at any creature within 5 feet of you. Your bite attack deals piercing damage equal to the level indicated on the Lycanthrope Bite column on the lycanthrope feature chart.

Additionally, you may use an action to perform a claw attack at any creature within 5 feet of you. Your claw attack deals slashing damage equal to 1d12 + your lycanthrope level.

Superior Climb

At the 1st level, when you are in your werebear form, you have a climbing speed of 40 feet.

Grizzly Rage

At the 6th level, you start to gain the strength of a bear. When you are in your hybrid or beast form, your proficiency bonus for strength skill checks is doubled.

Wild Claw

At the 10th level, you are almost as at home on vertical surfaces as the ground. You now have a climbing speed of 50 feet, and are not slowed down by climbing during combat.

Additionally, your claw attack now deals slashing damage equal to 2d12 + your lycanthrope level.

At 15th level,

At the 20th level,


Gruff and unpredictable, wereboars charge headlong into battle with little regard to all else.

Lycanthrope Attack

At the 1st level, when you are in your wereboar lycanthrope form, as an action you are able to use a bite attack against any creature within 5 feet of you. Your bite attack deals piercing damage equal to the level indicated on the Lycanthrope Bite column on the lycanthrope feature chart.

Additionally, you are able use an action to perform a charge attack, which deals bludgeoning damage equal to 1d10 + your lycanthrope level. The range at which you can charge is equal to half your movement speed.

Mad Dash

At the 1st level, when you are in your lycanthrope form, when you use the Dash action, you are able to move an additional 10 feet.

At the 6th level,

Bull Rush

At the 10th level, your capacity for damage knows no bounds. When you use your charge attack, you now have a range equal to your movement speed.

Additionally, your charge attack now deals bludgeoning damage equal to 2d10 + your lycanthrope level.

At the 15th level,

At the 20th level,


Sneaky and underhanded, many find it unwise to trust a wererat. However, there are those who are willing to ply their trade to slightly less dishonest means.

Lycanthrope Attack

At the 1st level, when you are in your wererat lycanthrope form, as an action you are able to use a bite attack against any creature within 5 feet of you. Your bite attack deals piercing damage equal to the level indicated on the Lycanthrope Bite column on the lycanthrope feature chart.

Additionally, you are able to use an action to perform a gnaw attack, which deals 4d4 piercing damage + your lycanthrope level.


At the 1st level, you know how to get around without being seen. You become proficient in the stealth skill. If you are already proficient in this skill, double your proficiency bonus.

At the 6th level,

Black Death

At the 10th level, when you use your gnaw attack, the targeted creature must make a constitution saving throw of DC 8 + Constitution. On a successful save, the creature contracts the poisoned condition. On a failed save, the creature suffers the poisoned condition and gains 1 level of exhaustion.

Additionally, your gnaw attack now deals piercing damage equal to 5d4 + your lycanthrope level.

At th 15th level,

At the 20th level,


The sages of the werebeasts. Gifted in magical powers, a weretiger may easily pass as another humanoid under an enchantment.

Lycanthrope Attack

At the 1st level, when you are in your weretiger lycanthrope form, as an action you are able to use a bite attack against any creature within 5 feet of you. Your bite attack deals piercing damage equal to the level indicated on the Lycanthrope Bite column on the lycanthrope feature chart.

Additionally, you are able to use an action to perform a pounce attack, which deals 1d10 slashing damage. The range of your pounce attack is 10 feet.

Magical Mind

At the 1st level, you are already inclined toward magic. You become proficient in the arcana skill. If you are already proficient in this skill, double your proficiency bonus.

At the 6th level,

Crouching Tiger

At the 10th level, you become more in tune with your predatory side. When you successfully attack a creature with your pounce attack, they must make a dexterity save of DC8 + dexterity. On a failed save they are knocked prone and are grappled by you. On a successful save, they are only knocked prone.

Additionally, your pounce attack now deals slashing damage equal to 2d10 + your lycanthrope level, and has a range equal to your movement speed.

At the 15th level,

At the 20th level,


The most widely recognized of the werebeasts. A werewolf is a bloodthirsty beast who will track down prey and never relent until it is caught.

Lycanthrope Attack

At the 1st level, when you are in your werewolf lycanthrope form, as an action you are able to use a bite attack against any creature within 5 feet of you. Your bite attack deals piercing damage equal to the level indicated on the Lycanthrope Bite column on the lycanthrope feature chart.

Additionally, you are able to use an action to perform a claw attack, which deals claw attack at any creature within 5 feet of you. Your claw attack deals slashing damage equal to 1d8 + your lycanthrope level.

Hunter's Senses

At the 1st level, you have the senses of a tracker. You have advantage on all perception checks related to hearing and smell.

Pack Mentality

At the 6th level, as it is with a true wolf, you are strongest when you are with your pack. When you are within 10 feet of a friendly creature, your AC increases by +1.

At the 10th level,

At the 15th level,

At the 20th level,


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Lycanthrope class, you must meet these prerequisites: You must reach the final stage of the Lycanthropy curse or have access to the Wild Shape class feature. Levels in this class count as druid levels for the purpose of the Wild Shape class features.

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the <!-class name-> class, you gain the following proficiencies: Survival and Perception.

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gollark: Right, I forgot about that.
gollark: That is only about three of them, though.
gollark: Generally less.
gollark: Do cloud providers start stuff that much faster than generic VPS ones? All the VPS providers I've used can manage initialisation in a few minutes.
gollark: But it still seems like a big price delta given that, like you said, they have ridiculous economies of scale.
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