Knights of the Zodiac (5e Class)
Knights of the Zodiac
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A Sagitarius Knight, art credit, () |
Legend has it that since mythological times a group of skillful young men protected their god in their arduous battles against the evil forces that try to dominate the Earth. These brave young men were called Knights. Provided from all parts of the world and endowed with true strength and courage, they arise whenever peace on Earth is threatened.
This class is based in Masami Kurumada's Saint Seiya and is a Fan Class.
=== Creating a Knight of the Zodiac (
being remade) ===
- Quick Build
You can make a Knight of the Zodiac quickly by following these suggestions. First Dexterity score should be your highest ability score and the rest with you choice.
Class Features
As a Knight of the Zodiac you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d8 per Knight of the Zodiac level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Knight of the Zodiac level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: heavy armor, Light Armors and Shields
Weapons: Simple weapons
Tools: Herbalism kit or Disguise kit
Saving Throws: Dexterity and Constitution
Skills: Choose 3 from: Acrobatics, Arcanism, Athetics, Religion, Perception, Persuasion, Survival.
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- (a) Light puppil armor or (b) Studded leather armor
- (a) Ring of your guardian constellation or (b) Talisman of your guardian constellation
- (a) explorer pack or (b) disguise kit or (c) herbalist kit
Level | Proficiency Bonus | Features | Pegasus Armor Skill (example) |
1st | +2 | Special Atack | |
2nd | +2 | Sign Attribute,Power Surge | |
3rd | +2 | Never Twice, This Is Not The End | |
4th | +2 | Ability Score Improvement, , Cosmic Recovery | |
5th | +3 | Extra Atack, Sacred Wind | |
6th | +3 | Sacred Armor increase(1), Ability Score Improvement | |
7th | +3 | Seventh Sense | |
8th | +3 | Ability Score Improvement | |
9th | +4 | Never Twice(2) | |
10th | +4 | Increased Damage | |
11th | +4 | Extra Atack(2) | |
12th | +4 | Ability Score Improvement | |
13th | +5 | Eighth Sense | |
14th | +5 | Sacred Armor increse(2)Sign attack | |
15th | +5 | Never Twice(3) | |
16th | +5 | Ability Score Improvement | |
17th | +6 | Vital Points | |
18th | +6 | Sacred Armor increse(3) | |
19th | +6 | Ability Score Improvement | |
20th | +6 | Extra Attack (3), Cosmic Recognition |
Sacred Armor
The Sacred Armores are armors that were created by the gods using stardust and blood. They are divided in the subclasses.
-Bronze: The inicial one
-Silver: For high levels
-Gold: For higher levels
The armors are connected with a guardian constellation. Specially, the gold ones are connected with the 12 zodiac signs. Your constellation will give you the Sacred Armor, and nothing can unequip it of you. To unequip the Sacred Armor, you have to dispel it with an Action.
The Divine Armor: When a Knight its in the limit of his power he create a Great Armor called Kamui. This armor has wings with 50ft deslocation. Some actions can only be used whith the armor an exemple is the Special Atack(4).
In the System a knight can use this action 3d4 rounds at the 18th level
With an action you can summon your Sacred Armor, which appears in several parts at your side, automatically connecting to your body. With an action, too, you can dispel your Sacred Armor, which disappears by going to a demiplane, where it will wait for you to call it again. Your Sacred Armor can't break, even with the Wish spell. The power of the cosmos within your constellation is beyond Wish spell power.
Evolution of Armor:
The Sacred Armor of a knight evolves as his power increases. And so your Sacred Armor can evolve from armor level after a specific ritual. The knight must raise his entire cosmos (spend all Cosmo Energy points) to the maximum and bathe the armor with some of his blood (1/3 of life). This ritual requires full care of the knight because his cosmos and vitality are compromised during the process. To evolve the Armor the requirements are:
Bronze to Silver: lvl 6
Silver to Gold: lvl 14
This evolution does not define that the Sacred Armor is composed of a material different from the initial one, but that its power and AC are at the same level of others.
Some of your Cosmo features requires your target to make a saving throw to resist the feature's effects. the saving throw DC is calculated as follows:
- Cosmo-Energy save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier.
Special Attack
Whenever a Knight uses his Cosmo-Energy to deliver an attack, to deal damage with this vital energy he is availing himself of a Special Attack. Due to training, or any other form the Storyteller allows, the character learned to use his or her combined energy to combat technique to hurt the opponent. Each point spent on Special Attack allows you a different technique, however, the Storyteller must know that it is extremely difficult to learn new techniques, so be aware of how many of them the Knight possesses. All damage you do with Special Attack is considered magical bludgeoning, except if the attack says the opposite.
System: Special Attack rolls are based on Dexterity + Special Attack.
The Special Attack is linked to your Armor as Exemple Pegasi Knights: Pegasus Meteor (1), Pegasus Kite(2),Pegasus Tourbillon(3), Big Bang Kite(4).
The Special attack 4 is only used once per long rest.
You add your Dexterity + Proeficiency for all Special Attacks attack rolls, except if the attack says the opposite.
Unarmed Strike
As a knight your Cosmo-Energy guides your blows, allowing powerful energy to destroy your foes. At 1st level you deal 1d4 + Dex for unarmed strikes. At 5th level this increases to 1d6 + dex, 11th into 1d8 + dex and at 17th level into a 1d10 + dex.
Never Twice
The same attack does not work twice; Upon reaching 3rd level, When another creature damages you with a attack after it's first strike, you can use your reaction to roll 1d8 + Dex mod. If the number you roll is greater than the damage inflicted the attack is deflected by your blade or armor and you take no damage. At level 9, it can reduce 1d12 + Dexterity + Constitution. At level 15, it can reduce 2d12 + Constitution + Dexterity.
This Is Not The End
As you are about to lose consciousness in battle, you focus intensely on what you are fighting for. at level 3 Once per Long rest, when you reach 0 hit points, you can roll 1d20. On a result of 17 or higher, your Cosmo invigorates you explosively. You regain 1d10 hit points. For the next 3 turns, your armor gains the attributes of Divine class Armor and you double up all your rolled damage dice.
At the end of your third turn, you fall unconscious regardless of remaining hit points. Once you fall unconscious by any means after using this ability, you take 1d4-1 Exhaustion Points.
Power Surge
You can once per long rest force yourself to do one more action, your constellation guide youself.
Ability Score Increase
When you reach 4th level, and again at 6th, 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Cosmic Recovery
You have learned to regain some of your cosmos energy by relaxing your mind and entering in a state of trance. Once per day when you finish a Short Rest, you can choose expended uses of Special Attacks to recover. The Special Attacks uses that you can recover must be of a Special Attack that you gained between 1st and 10th level. You can recover a number of Special Attacks uses equal to your "Knight of the Zodiac" level.
Extra Atack
In the 5th, 11th and in the 20th level you gain the ability to do an extra atack when you use the Attack action on your turn. The Special Attack action also counts as an attack action.
Sacred Wind
Also at 5th level, the cosmos inside you claim the power of your constellation. On your turn, you can use a bonus action to regain hit points equal to 1d12 + your level. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Seventh Sense
At the 7th level you can use this feature The seventh Sense is a stage of maximum power of the cosmos. as a player you throll 5d4 to know the number of rounds that you can use this feature. When a knight is in this stage your speed increases in 10 ft, you add one more dice to the damage roll (the higher damage dice) and you can sense every move (Passive Perception double). Every proficiency test is add in double.
Vital Points
At the 17th level you learned how to cause critical attacks on your enemies vital points. now when you roll a 19 or 20 damage is considered critical.
Increased Damage
When you reach 10th level, you trained enough of your special attacks so you add your proficiency and 1d4 to the attack roll and damage.
Eighth Sense
At the 13th level, as an evolution of your Seventh Sense you have awakened the eighth path of the cosmos. It now add two dice to the damage and your speed of movement increases in 15ft.
Cosmic Recognition
When you hit the 20th level, your constellation will recognize your power. A shimmering aura humanoid will appear to you and bless you, this aura is the physical representation of the cosmos of your constellation. Now, whenever you make a death saving throw, you can add your proficiency bonus to the test.
Sign Atribute
As a Player you need to define the Birthday of your character. So that now the Knight has a Sign that respond his nature, personality and power.
• Aries: +2 Defense
• Taurus: Combat with Large Weapons
• Gemini: Combat with Two Weapons
• Cancer: Combat With Large Weapons
• Leo: Protection
• Virgo: Protection
• Libra: Dual Wielder Feat
• Scorpion: +2 for piercing weapons (scorpion nails)
• Sagittarius: Archery
• Capricorn: Duelism
• Aquarium: +2 Defense
• Pisces: +2 to ranged attacks with darts and FLOWERS
Sign Attack
The Sign Attack is based in the myth of astrology, all have the same damage(5d12+Wis)but it has the own way to perform;
• Aries: Starlight Extinction
• Taurus: Great Horn
• Gemini: Galaxian Explosion
• Cancer: Praesepe Underworld Wave
• Leo: Lightning Plasma Roar
• Virgo: Six Samsāras - You can choose from the list above wich hell the enemy fell
Gakikai (The Realm of the Preta)
Jinkai (The Realm of Humans)
Jigokukai (The Realm of Hell)
Chikushōkai (The Realm of Beasts)
Shurakai (The Realm of the Warring Asura)
Tenkai (The Realm of Heaven)
• Libra: Rozan Hyakuryu Ha
• Scorpion: Scarlet Needle Antares
• Sagittarius: Sacred Lightining Arrow of Justice
• Capricorn: Sacred Sword Excalibur
• Aquarium: Aurora Execution
• Pisces: Bloody Rose (ranged rose in the enemy chest)
With an action, you can use the Sign Attack (it also counts as a Attack action). The target within the range of 60ft must make a Dexterity saving throw. A target takes 5d12+Wis magical bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. You can use this feature a number of times equal to 1/3 of your Knight of the Zodiac level rounded up.
Pegasus Armor
When you were born the constellation Pegasus was designated as your constellation guardian. You were destined to inherit this Sacred Armor. When you choose this armor Pegasus becomes your identity and along with you the legacy of the other Pegasus Knights live in you
You inherit the sacred attacks your sagacity and courage, like the mythological Pegasus;
The Armor
The Pegasus Armor is a heavy type. At the Bronze level the Armor Class is 14+dexterity, At the silver increases in 18+dexterity (MAX +4), At gold level increases in 21+dexterity (MAX +3), And In the divine level increases in 22+dexterity (MAX +4) and you gain the fly ability at will.
The Pegasus Attack
The legacy of all Pegasus Knights made you inherit the Powerfull Pegasus Attack.
Pegasus Meteor: Multiple meteor-like punches come out of your fist at sound velocity. The attack is cone-shaped. You make an attack roll against a creature within the range.
Galope do Pegasus: A blue aura representing the Pegasus constellation appears in you. An illusionary pegasus can be seen just above you, flapping its wings. Pouncing the air, the pegasus flies toward his enemy, using the force of his fist and hitting the enemy with all his might. You make an attack roll against a creature within range.
Pegasus Kick: Multiple kicks in the enemy makes him fall stunned. You make an attack roll against a creature within the range. If the attack hits, the creature must make a Strength saving throw against your Special Attack DC. On a failed save, a creature takes 2d8 force damage, it's pushed 15ft away from you and the target fall stunned until the end of his next turn. On a successful save, the creature isn't pushed, don't fall stunned and takes 1d8 force damage.
Pegasus Thundering Punch: You perform a thundering punch against the ground and in a radius of 30 fts all creatures must be successful in a saving throw of Strength. A target takes 6d6+Dexterity magical bludgeoning damage and it's thrown 15ft away from you on a failed save, or half as much damage and isn't thrown on a successful one. The square that your character are isn't affected.
Pegasus Kite: A great mighty force comes out of your fist like a blue comet. You make an attack roll against a creature within the range.
Pegasus Tourbillon: You grab your enemy and use your Cosmo-Energy as a flying pegasus, you become impassioned to the sky and return to the ground to a tremendous fall force. As a result of this attack, you receive 1d4 fall damage. You make an attack roll against a creature within the range.
Big Bang Kite: As a major attack all your Cosmo-Energy rises to the maximum and a major attack added between meteors and comets is performed like a great Big-Bang. You can only perform this attack using the Divine Armor. You choose 4 targets that you can see within the range, all the targets must make a Dexterity saving throw. A target takes 10d6+10+Dex+Wis magical bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Final Exclamation: This is the supreme attack of a knight of Pegasus Armor. You ascend to the heavens. The skies blackout for a moment, a bright aura of a pegasus can be noticed shining on the top of the sky for miles away. You then, with all your faith and determination, descend with all speed, clenching your fist and striking a fatal attack on your opponent. A deafening sound of an explosion can be heard up to 10 miles away. The target must make a Dexterity saving throw. A target takes 30d12+30+All attributes magical bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. This damage ignores any type of resistance or immunity that the creature has.
At 1nd Level- Pegasus Meteor: 1 action // 2d8 + Dexterity // Range: 5ft] Melee Attack (5/5)
At 4th level - Galope do Pegasus : 1 action //5d4 + Dexterity // range 15 fts] Melee Attack (4/4)
At 6th Level- Pegasus Kick: 1 action // 3d10 + Dexterity // Range: 5fts] Melee Atack (4/4)
At 7th Level- Pegasus Thundering Punch: 1 action // 6d6 + Dexterity // Range: 10 fts] Melee Attack (3/3)
At 8th Level- Pegasus Kite: 1 action // 5d10 + Dexterity // Range: 30ft] Ranged Attack (3/3)
At 9th Level - Pegasus Tourbillon: 1 action // 8d8 + 3d4 + Strength // Range: 5ft] Fall Attack (2/2)
At 18th Level- Big Bang Kite: 1 action // 12d8 + 10 + Dexterity + Wisdom // Range 60ft] Mlee and Ranged Combo Attack (1/1)
At 20th Level- Final Exclamation: 1 action // 30d12 + 30 + All atributes // Range 120 fts] Explosion Attack (1/1)
Dragon Armor (working in progress)
When you were born the constellation Dragon was designated as your constellation guardian. You were destined to inherit this Sacred Armor. When you choose this armor Dragon becomes your identity and along with you the legacy of the other Dragon Knights live in you.
You inherit the sacred attacks your sagacity and courage, like the mythological Dragon.
The Armor
The Dragon Armor is a heavy armor. At the 1st level the Armor Class is 15+dexterity, At the 6th increases in 18+dexterity (MAX +4), At 14th level increases in 20+dexterity (MAX +4), And In the 18th level increases in 24+dexterity (MAX +2) and you gain the fly ability at will.
The Dragon Attack
The legacy of all Dragon Knights made you inherit the Powerfull Dragon Attack.
Dragon Wrath: In a powerful punch a dragon of energy comes out of his fists raising the enemy. You make an attack roll against a creature within the range. If the attack hits, the creature must make a Strength saving throw against your Special Attack DC. On a failed save, a creature takes 2d8 force damage and is pushed 15 feet away from you. On a successful save, the creature isn't pushed.
Flying Dragon: As a powerful dash you strike a grand chute accompanied by an energy dragon that envelops your body. You make an attack roll against a creature within the range.
Wrath of the Hundred Dragons: As a ranged attack you create around you a hundred energy dragons who advance in fury at the enemy. You make an attack roll against a creature within the range.
Big Bang Wrath of the Dragons: As a fury attack in stasis the Cosmo of your body explodes creating energy dragoons that advance in the enemy and in sum a great dragon goes out of your hand overcoming all the previous attacks in the enemy. The creature target must make a Dexterity saving throw. A target takes 12d12+Dexterity+Wisdom magical bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. This damage ignores any tipe of resistance or immunity that the creature has.
At 1st Level- Dragon Wrath: 1 action // 4d8 + Wisdom // Range: 5ft] Melee Attack (5/5)
At 6th Level- Flying Dragon: 1 action // 5d10 + Dexterity // Range: 5ft] Melee Attack (4/4)
At 10th Level- Wrath of the hundred Dragons: 1 action // 12d8 + 2d4 + Wisdom // Range: 30ft] Ranged Attack (3/3)
At 18th Level- Big Bang Wrath of the Dragons: 1 action //20d12 + 10 + Dexterity + Wisdom// Range 60ft] Melee and Ranged Attack (1/1)
Phoenix Armor (working in progress)
When you were born the constellation Phoenix was designated as your constellation guardian. You were destined to inherit this Sacred Armor. When you choose this armor Phoenix becomes your identity and along with you the legacy of the Phoenix live in you
You inherit the sacred attacks your sagacity and courage, like the mythological Phoenix;
The Armor
The Phoenix Armor is an Medium type armor. At the 1st level the Armor Class is 13+dexterity, At the 6th increases in 16+dexterity (MAX +4), At 14th level increases in 18+dexterity (MAX +4), And In the 18th level increases in 22+dexterity (MAX +2) and you gain the fly ability at will.
The Phoenix Attack
The legacy of the mitological Phoenix made you inherit the Powerful Phoenix Attack.
Phoenix's Wings Rise: In a powerful flying Phoenix of energy comes out of his fists raising the enemy. You make an attack roll against a creature within the range. The damage for this attack is fire.
Phoenix Illusion Demoniac Fist: illusions directly created by the opponent's brain destroy his opponent's mind. You make an attack roll against a creature within the range.
Fenix Dance: As a ranged attack you create around you 5 energy Phoenix's who advance in fury and style at the enemy. The target must make a Dexterity saving throw. A target takes 12d8+2d4+Wisdom magical bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Phoenix's Wings Demoniac Dance: As a fury attack in stasis the Cosmo of your body explodes creating energy Phoenixes that advance in the enemy and in sum a great Phoenix goes out of your hand overcoming all the previous attacks in the enemy. The creature target must make a Dexterity saving throw. A target takes 14d12+Dexterity+Wisdom magical bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. This damage ignores any tipe of resistance or immunity that the creature has.
At 1st Level-Phoenix's Wings Rise: 1 action // 6d8 + Wisdom // Range: 30ft] Melee ranged Attack (5/5)
At 6th Level- Phoenix Illusion Demoniac Fist: 1 action // 7d10 + Dexterity // Range: 5ft] Psycho Attack (4/4)
At 10th Level- Fenix Dance: 1 action // 12d8 +2d4 + Wisdom // Range: 30ft] Ranged Attack (3/3)
At 18th Level- Phoenix's Wings Demoniac Dance: 1 action // 14d12 + Dexterity + Wisdom// Range 60ft] Melee and Ranged Combo Attack (1/1)
Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Knights of The Zoadiac class, you must meet these prerequisites: 14 Wisdom, 15 Dexterity
Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Knights of The Zoadiac class, you gain the following proficiencies: All weapons, All shields and armors
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